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Trump's First 100 Days
(03-19-2017, 05:01 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: 1) You didn't question my wisdom

2) In your opinion, what makes me a liberal?

3) I didn't make any decisions for you.

4) Who said you were stupid?

He has very set definitions of "liberals" and of himself, Oncemore.

He "feels" a liberal doubting his ability as he reads your post, regardless of what is written.

He responds to that feeling, not what you actually wrote.

Simply put, if "liberals" respond to his posts, he leaves them with only two choices--either they agree with his unsupported claims or, if they question or contest them, they are are accused of making decisions for him and positioning themselves as "superior."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Comey confirms an FBI probe into connections between the Trump campaign and Russia and says the investigations began in July.

Obvious criticism now is that he felt it necessary to comment on a Clinton investigation days before the election in an uncharacteristic public announcement while not commenting on the Trump campaign investigation. He certainly is protected in the fact that the FBI almost never comments on open investigations, but that won't shed allegations that his move was meant to hurt the Clinton campaign, and for good reason.

Republicans spent the bulk of the testimony focusing on the need to prosecute the individuals who leaked information about Trump campaign links to Russia while Democrats spent the bulk of the testimony focusing on the links.

Comey also says that there is no information at this time to support what can only be described as a made up conspiracy theory by Trump regarding being wire tapped by Obama.
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-20-2017, 04:53 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Comey confirms an FBI probe into connections between the Trump campaign and Russia and says the investigations began in July.

Obvious criticism now is that he felt it necessary to comment on a Clinton investigation days before the election in an uncharacteristic public announcement while not commenting on the Trump campaign investigation. He certainly is protected in the fact that the FBI almost never comments on open investigations, but that won't shed allegations that his move was meant to hurt the Clinton campaign, and for good reason.

Republicans spent the bulk of the testimony focusing on the need to prosecute the individuals who leaked information about Trump campaign links to Russia while Democrats spent the bulk of the testimony focusing on the links.

Comey also says that there is no information at this time to support what can only be described as a made up conspiracy theory by Trump regarding being wire tapped by Obama.

Meanwhile, how much money has been wasted on the investigation of a tweet?
(03-20-2017, 04:53 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Comey confirms an FBI probe into connections between the Trump campaign and Russia and says the investigations began in July.

Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious

And this guy still has a job. the bat-s**t-crazy-cave:

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-20-2017, 11:28 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious

And this guy still has a job. 

Comedy or Trump?
(03-21-2017, 09:17 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Comedy or Trump?


Quote:President Trump’s mendacity is legendary at this point. While we’re well aware that lying to the public and casually breaking his promises comes as easily as breathing to him, it is really astonishing to see the utter lack of shame he has when it comes to getting what he wants.

One of his most recent acts was to install his beloved First Lady Daughter Ivanka Trump in a cushy West Wing office and to begin the process of getting her a top-secret security clearance, even though candidate Trump once promised that he wouldn’t do that exact thing.
Quote:[/url][url=] Follow
[Image: DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg]Donald J. Trump 

I am not trying to get "top level security clearance" for my children. This was a typically false news story.
6:28 AM - 16 Nov 2016

Of course, Trump has also promised that he would divest himself of his businesses and place them in a blind trust that would be managed by his children, who he promised not to talk business with, among the other dozens of promises he made to the American people and broke almost immediately.

The Trump administration’s flagrant disregard for anything even resembling ethical behavior is proof that our President is a liar and a con man down to his very bones.

It’s hard to understand why anyone can take anything that the President of the United States says seriously when he can’t be trusted to follow through on the most pedestrian of promises. The installation of his daughter in the West Wing is just another step in our slow slide from the world’s most prominent democracy to a banana republic run by an unhinged lunatic.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Democrats introduce the 'MAR-A-LAGO Act'

[Image: 29906170001_5372083829001_5372083659001-vs.jpg]
One of the latest bills introduced by Democratic members of Congress is named after Trump's estate in Palm Beach, Florida. USA TODAY

A group of Democratic members of Congress are playing the clever acronym game again.

One of the latest to be introduced and to target the Trump administration: the "Making Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness Act."

Yes, the "MAR-A-LAGO Act."

The legislation would require the publication of White House visitor logs, something that was done regularly by the Obama administration but has since ended since President Trump took office. It would also mandate the release of visitor logs at other locations where the president conducts business -- for example, Mar-a-Lago, Trump's Florida resort that he has recently called the Southern White House.

Introduced by Sens. Tom Udall of New Mexico, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Tom Carper of Delaware and Rep. Mike Quigley of Illinois, it comes after the president spent five weekends in Mar-a-Lago since his inauguration.

"By refusing to release the White House visitor logs, President Trump is only validating the rampant concerns about who may be pulling the levers in his administration," Udall said in a statement. "The president should end his administration's disturbing pattern of stonewalling information and immediately reinstate the previous administration's policy of publishing White House visitor logs. And given President Trump's unprecedented decision to conduct official business at his private business properties, the Trump administration has an obligation to make public the visitor lists at places like Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower."

Given that the legislation would have to make it through a Republican-controlled Congress and be signed by Trump himself, it's unlikely that the bill will go anywhere.

Read more:


Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer introduces the 'No TRUMP Act'

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
"It's that last point that stuck out to us. They'll release all the records unless the record is "particularly sensitive." That seems like a standard that can encompass an awful lot."
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-25-2017, 11:38 PM)GMDino Wrote:

That's nice.  How does that faux transparency disprove my two links above?

(03-25-2017, 11:54 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: That's nice.  How does that faux transparency disprove my two links above?

It doesn't "disprove" anything.

It shows that the logs have been/are being released.  

Your links even say that they released them (albeit after being "requested").

The current Trump admin is not releasing them at all...yet.

But I know, I know: "Obama bad!"
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Good news!

President Trump did NOT fly to Florida this weekend!

He did, however play golf again.

And it was on his own course...again.

I wonder if he has to pay himself, excuse me, I wonder if our tax dollars are going to pay him for him playing on his own course?  Mellow

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
This one is kinda sweet - Trump wants to collect German debts.

Here's the link, or just use this recap. So in 2002, Germany committed to raise defence spending to 2% of the GOP in the following years. This agreement was newly regulated in 2014, when NATO partners committed to said raise until 2024.
Enter Trump. Obviously he ignored the 2014 contract, went back to the 2002 one and calculated how much less than 2% GOP Germany actually spent on defence from there on. He then added interest, because of course. And then flat-out handed Angela Merkel an invoice about a total of 370 billion dollars. She was polite enough to ignore it completely.

Would someone mind telling him that that's not how it works? 
Additionally, we still love you and are quite loyal, but that whole hugging Putin, smearing GB intelligence and threatening Germany with vouchers gets a bit troubling. And in fact, we could need some help and strong partnership to fend off Russian influence right now. So could you gradually stop whatever that is and get a bit serious? Please? In return, we won't make fun of Rex Tillerson's name.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-26-2017, 05:16 PM)hollodero Wrote: This one is kinda sweet - Trump wants to collect German debts.

Here's the link, or just use this recap. So in 2002, Germany committed to raise defence spending to 2% of the GOP in the following years. This agreement was newly regulated in 2014, when NATO partners committed to said raise until 2024.
Enter Trump. Obviously he ignored the 2014 contract, went back to the 2002 one and calculated how much less than 2% GOP Germany actually spent on defence from there on. He then added interest, because of course. And then flat-out handed Angela Merkel an invoice about a total of 370 billion dollars. She was polite enough to ignore it completely.

Would someone mind telling him that that's not how it works? 
Additionally, we still love you and are quite loyal, but that whole hugging Putin, smearing GB intelligence and threatening Germany with vouchers gets a bit troubling. And in fact, we could need some help and strong partnership to fend off Russian influence right now. So could you gradually stop whatever that is and get a bit serious? Please? In return, we won't make fun of Rex Tillerson's name.

Tell Trump how anything works is useless.  He "knows" how it works.  He's right, everyone else is wrong.  And to prove it he will hold a rally where his supporters will cheer when he says it.

Its the same way some posters work around here.  They "know" exactly what the other person is going to say/they meant and then they wait for their followers to cheer them on and justify their opinion.

Trump is a snake-oil salesman who isn't use to so many people watching him.  The more eyes the more people who catch on he's just talking out his rear.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Funny he used to complain about the use of teleprompters. He can't talk to the public without one now.

We are so advanced now thanks to Trump. Our new energy revolution based on Oil and Coal.... Wow. who would have ever thought. Maybe we can have an industrial revolution now.
(03-28-2017, 04:01 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: We are so advanced now thanks to Trump. Our new energy revolution based on Oil and Coal.... Wow. who would have ever thought. Maybe we can have an industrial revolution now.

I'm going to hate myself for this, but.....

To be fair, Obama stifled clean coal research.
According to some "friends of friends" there was some decent stuff coming along for coal.
That is why AEP had put money into some older plants.
After the Obama hammer, AEP put many up for sale, sometimes only partial ownership (as I'm told that reduces liability in litigation).
I'm guessing Trump is opening those avenues back up.
Sad thing is that a lot of money was going to a Canadian company, who was working on scrubbers for the emissions.
Meh, as long as they can minimize the ecological impact.

Disclaimer: The preceding was in no way an endorsement of Trump, or his policies.
It was just a relay of facts that I've been privy to.
(There's a coal burning power plant, just outside my city. My Grandfather was a supervisor and I know many that work there.)
(03-28-2017, 11:39 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: I'm going to hate myself for this, but.....

To be fair, Obama stifled clean coal research.
According to some "friends of friends" there was some decent stuff coming along for coal.
That is why AEP had put money into some older plants.
After the Obama hammer, AEP put many up for sale, sometimes only partial ownership  (as I'm told that reduces liability in litigation).
I'm guessing Trump is opening those avenues back up.
Sad thing is that a lot of money was going to a Canadian company, who was working on scrubbers for the emissions.
Meh, as long as they can minimize the ecological impact.

Disclaimer: The preceding was in no way an endorsement of Trump, or his policies.
It was just a relay of facts that I've been privy to.
(There's a coal burning power plant, just outside my city. My Grandfather was a supervisor and I know many that work there.)

I am firmly in the clean coal is a load of shit camp. It is 2017 we have better ways of producing energy. 

Tell me this doesn't sound like a Donald Trump rip off the tax payer deal...

From the Wilbur Ross that bailed out Trump from a Taj Mahal bankruptcy and moved on to a leading position at the bank of Cyprus where the Russians enjoy doing business..... I give you one of my thoughts about why Trump cares about coal. 

Wilbur Ross sold the coal business he owned, International Coal Group (ICG) for 3.4 BILLION dollars in 2011. When he was known as the "king of bankruptcy". He bought failing things and flipped them. The company Ross sold ICG too (Arch Coal) filed bankruptcy in 2016. And erased 5 billion in debt including environmental clean up costs. 

Talk about a sweet deal. Ross pockets 3.4 billion. Tax payers get the 5 billion dollar bill?

Someone good enough to launder the Russians money. Who was known as the king of bankruptcy. Probably in some way got back in to the coal industry after he made billions and put tax payers on the hook for a multi billion dollar bankruptcy bill. 

Clean coal is like saying i shit air freshener turds. The con man Trump and his boys will sell you air freshener turds. Nothing better to freshen the room you display your Trump U diploma in.
(03-29-2017, 12:56 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: I am firmly in the clean coal is a load of shit camp. It is 2017 we have better ways of producing energy. 

Tell me this doesn't sound like a Donald Trump rip off the tax payer deal...

From the Wilbur Ross that bailed out Trump from a Taj Mahal bankruptcy and moved on to a leading position at the bank of Cyprus where the Russians enjoy doing business..... I give you one of my thoughts about why Trump cares about coal. 

Wilbur Ross sold the coal business he owned, International Coal Group (ICG) for 3.4 BILLION dollars in 2011. When he was known as the "king of bankruptcy". He bought failing things and flipped them. The company Ross sold ICG too (Arch Coal) filed bankruptcy in 2016. And erased 5 billion in debt including environmental clean up costs. 

Talk about a sweet deal. Ross pockets 3.4 billion. Tax payers get the 5 billion dollar bill?

Someone good enough to launder the Russians money. Who was known as the king of bankruptcy. Probably in some way got back in to the coal industry after he made billions and put tax payers on the hook for a multi billion dollar bankruptcy bill. 

Clean coal is like saying i shit air freshener turds. The con man Trump and his boys will sell you air freshener turds. Nothing better to freshen the room you display your Trump U diploma in.
I agree with your assessment of the business dealings.

But, on clean coal, Ohio State was getting somewhere with their research on clean coal.
I'm sure there's some boondoggling, like pumping Co2 down into the earth, but I do think there is a way.

Also...Warren Buffett and George Soros were buying coal 2-4 years back.
I'm not seeing where they bankrupted their holdings, nor even sold.
Something is afoot.
(03-29-2017, 11:17 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: I agree with your assessment of the business dealings.

But, on clean coal, Ohio State was getting somewhere with their research on clean coal.
I'm sure there's some boondoggling, like pumping Co2 down into the earth, but I do think there is a way.

Also...Warren Buffett and George Soros were buying coal 2-4 years back.
I'm not seeing where they bankrupted their holdings, nor even sold.
Something is afoot.

There have been improvements as to the pollutants that are the end result of coal's use. That being said, the "clean coal" situation doesn't address the environmental impact of the extraction of the coal. The is why the non-PR, non-fluff term is coal pollution mitigation. Coal use continues to have a wide range of negative environmental impacts and those aren't being focused on, just cleaning or storing the very last byproduct. Some of the methods, there is still uncertainty about. Pumping the emissions underground could result in impacts we have yet to discover.

Proceeding with this route often takes attention away from investment in alternative sources. It's easier to look at mitigating the pollutants from something you already use instead of coming up with newer methods. But make no mistake, there is no such thing as clean coal if you don't ignore the entire process.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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