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Trump's First 100 Days
(05-09-2017, 01:15 AM)tigerseye Wrote: He is attempting to repair our economy and bring manufacturing back.  (Probably to little to late for the economy)

Trying to keep terrorists out so we don't become like the disaster these other countries have become with terrorist attacks. (Bought and paid for globalist corporate owned judges and politicians fighting him every step of the way to allow them in.)

The top .0000000000001% of the richest people in the world are fighting him with everything they got. ($, paid for protestors, indoctrinated college students, paid for judges and politicians, HRC and Obamas crew, Main Stream Propaganda Outlets, etc...)

I don't agree with everything he has done but considering that the left (and some on the right) are being obstructionist to most of the things he is trying to do, he is accomplishing some positive things.

Getting a judge in the SC that doesn't make decisions based on politics and actually uses the law is an A+ just on its own merits.

He is trying to bring jobs back. If you think about it ,it is sad that the Presidency is won because the candidate says he will do what is best for the country , put us first and try to rebuild our economy.

Shouldn't it just be a given that they will all do that and that its not some new great idea.

Sadly it is not what these other Presidents have been doing ,they have sold us out to globalism and it has crushed our country.

Our country is in bad shape economicaly and there is going to be a point when we will not be able to help our own people. (not to mention people from other countries)

There is a Tsunami coming and its not going to be pretty.

God Bless America.
"He is trying to bring jobs back".  He hasn't brought shit back. Saying it and actually accomplishing it are two different things. Trump himself is a load. The person or persons who thought up all his talking points that he repeated over and over during the campaign are the ones that won the election for him.
I don't think Trump is a globalist but we will see. Time will tell.

Russian collusion ? Once there is actual evidence then it will be a topic. HRC and Podesta excuse for losing. HRC was a terrible candidate.  Clapper said no evidence. Comey no evidence. Waters no evidence. Schiff no evidence. But they follow it up by saying that they think there is evidence.  The news articles and reports doesn't say there is evidence. If you read or listen carefully they just imply ,they think, in their judgement or some other ridiculous statement.

Russia probably didn't want HRC to win. She was implying that she would nuke them and hated their guts. (War is big business for certain people)

There has already been proof that some of the protestors are paid and its been admitted. George Soros paid outrage. So when the Main Stream Propaganda Outlets run the story it looks like the population is up in arms. Manipulation of the masses. Like when 15 people would show up to HRC rallys and they would hide it.

Podesta in his e mails said that they need dumbed down and complient voters. The reason for this is they are easier to fool by statements of the politicians and backed up by the lying news outlets that they own.

As far as jobs are concerned Trump is trying to bring the big money back into the US thru corporate tax change. So yes that does help the rich which are the people who do the hiring and company building. He is also trying to simplify the tax code which will help business and reduce the ridiculous number of regulations which are smuthering out business in the US.
There needs to be a proper balance between business and regulations. Previous Presidents expanded these regs, taxes, and other burdens to the point that they had to leave which is what the globalists wanted. The strength of the US and our Constitution are in their way.

Thats why they prefer communism. So if the population starts running their mouth to much you just put a bullet between their eyes.

Problem with the US is the citizens have bullets too.

God Bless America.
(05-10-2017, 01:02 PM)tigerseye Wrote: As far as jobs are concerned Trump is trying to bring the big money back into the US thru corporate tax change. So yes that does help the rich which are the people who do the hiring and company building. He is also trying to simplify the tax code which will help business and reduce the ridiculous number of regulations which are smuthering out business in the US.
There needs to be a proper balance between business and regulations. Previous Presidents expanded these regs, taxes, and other burdens to the point that they had to leave which is what the globalists wanted. The strength of the US and our Constitution are in their way.

Thats why they prefer communism. So if the population starts running their mouth to much you just put a bullet between their eyes.

Problem with the US is the citizens have bullets too.

?????  Wait, who prefers "communism"? Who are Globalists?  I thought the corporate rich were the globalists, the people you want Trump's policies to benefit. Why would presidents want corporations and jobs to leave the US? So the regulations on business weren't put there to protect people, but to force jobs out of the country? Some one wanted THAT rather than safety?

So far, it looks like simplifying the tax code means those rich will take home more money. I don't see where that translates into more jobs for the US. 

We have lost jobs to advancing technology, which can't be "brought back" from anywhere, and we have lost jobs in industries like coal, which cannot be revived in the present world market. 

Finally, we have lost jobs because wages are cheaper in China and Indonesia and India and Mexico.  Cutting taxes on large corporations will enable them to build more factories in Indonesia and Mexico.

Will citizen guns and the Constitution stop corporations from seeking cheaper labor in other countries?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Look no further than the Trump brand to see how effectively Trump is bringing manufacturing jobs to America.

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