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Trump supporters don't want to talk about Trump
(05-14-2018, 11:17 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: If Hillary paid off a porn star and lied about it and had our national security adviser and other members of her campaign indicted and had a bunch of people in the white house who couldnt get security clearance and then paraded out Chelsea Clinton for an ill advised embassy move with shitloads of people getting killed. Plenty of democrats would be giving her hell and on board for impeachment. Republicans heads would have already exploded in nuclear fashion.

The intention was not to besmirch the good name of Hillary Clinton, It was to illustrate that she was the other candidate; not Obama. 

We know Hills ran a tight ship during her time in the White House. 
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(05-14-2018, 11:27 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The intention was not to besmirch the good name of Hillary Clinton, It was to illustrate that she was the other candidate; not Obama. 

We know Hills ran a tight ship during her time in the White House. 

You asked if lies would be condemned. I did you one better and said if she did like trump and acted like an assclown at a shitbag party Democrats would be on board for impeachment. 

A lot of us knew we were already trying to polish a turd. If it was filled with corn and bursting with maggots we would have given up on it. Unlike republicans who have tried to wrap it in gold foil and pretend to like the smell.
(05-14-2018, 11:39 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: You asked if lies would be condemned. I did you one better and said if she did like trump and acted like an assclown at a shitbag party Democrats would be on board for impeachment. 

A lot of us knew we were already trying to polish a turd. If it was filled with corn and bursting with maggots we would have given up on it. Unlike republicans who have tried to wrap it in gold foil and pretend to like the smell.

[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-14-2018, 11:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If I were to guess I'd say the last lie misconception Obama shared with the American Public was less than 5 years ago. WTS. Trump was not running against Obama (at least not legally); he was running against Hills. Now you don't have to answer, but ask yourself: would you or others be equally condemning of her lies. Remember this is a woman that had to run from sniper fire upon landing in Bosnia and knew nothing about the DNC's attempts to sway the nomination her way.

No doubt Mother Teresa is more honest than Trump, but to make an omelette sometimes you have to break a few eggs. 

Oh I'll answer, don't you worry about that. I'll do so in a sec, I need a preamble though.
First. I didn't mean to be snarky. That whole "lieing" debate just goes to the very core of what scares the shit out of me about Trump.
Which isn't any domestic stuff or something minor. Build a wall, untax your rich, what would I care. It's also not about agenda, nothing to do with that, I choose the decent rightwinger over the stupid leftist any time.

It's that. People admit it, openly, by going after Obama or Hillary in defense of Trump, without seeing a problem. Truth mattered under Obama. Truth doesn't matter under Trump. So Obama lieing is a breach of an important principle. Trump is the abandonment of that principle. Nothing left to breach. And somehow people come around to be just fine with that. Untruths are no longer unpopular, that principle is gone. I can start there, and the ending of that thought is grim.

That's the omelette.

So, to answer your question: You're talking with the wrong guy here. I'm totally not fine with Hillary lieing about sniper fire (albeit thinking it's not super-important and one lie doesn't equal out 2.000). And I would have hoped that every lie of hers would be deeply unpopular and would not resonate well with the public. In the same sense, I'm glad guys didn't let Obama get away with his remarks, because of course. That's the whole point I'm making. 
I sure hoped she'd win, of course, but that had little to do with support and everything to do with her opponent. Because she might have been her own kind of awful, but Trump is outright scary. She might have lied about lots of stuff, sure, and if justified all power to FOX in these instances then. I'm afraid of lies no longer being unpopular, not hoping for a lie-free world. Everybody lies, but amount still matters too.

(I however do not care much about her swaying the DNC, in all honesty. And in all honesty, neither do you. That's not lieing, that's just internally playing the game of thrones, and they all do that.)

(Oh PS I chose "misconception" because I'm not totally sure it was an intentional lie. Doesn't mean he should have gotten no blowback.)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
If CNN, Kimmel, MSNBC, Trevor Noah, John Oliver, SNL, Twitter, Seth Meyers, etc. etc. etc. would stop reporting their outrage on how many diet cokes the guy has others might be inclined to talk about him. Heels are just quietly getting dug in, even more so than before the election. The “oh yeah? We’ll show you.” crowd is just a flame getting fanned.
(05-14-2018, 08:22 PM)hollodero Wrote: . . . , it also paints a dire picture of muslims as a whole. Hard to believe this doesn't have consequences for all muslims in the US and elsewhere. Creating hatred is not trivial and unimportant.

He lies about the FBI and their intentions, painting them as part of a "deep state" and repeating every lie about that. Which corrodes trust and is a major issue, isn't it?

Those two are pretty bad. But so many Trump supporters do not regard them as "lies."  Lies to us are "truth" to Trumpsters.  That is one reason why it is so hard to discuss these issues--Obama is a "liar," but not Trump, or if he is only about "small stuff," the kind of behavior some guys frequently lie to their wives about. Howz that so bad?  Wink  

And to keep such "truths" in play, he and his surrogates fog the public sphere with alternative facts. Remember Hannity's BS list of 80 things Trump accomplished in his first year? So who can tell who is really lying? The FBI, the CIA--or the Grifter known for stiffing contractors, bankruptcies, the Trump University scam, who said who knew nothing about payments to a pornstar?  

Authoritative, traditionally reliable news sources have to be "fake news" now as the president exchanges talking points every day with a right wing talk show host from the network which "speaks" to him every morning, and the character of decent people who have served their country honorably for decades--the McCains and the Muellers--has to be tarred. 

Trump's behavior is cut loose from accountability as supporters and deflectors attack his critics, painting them the source of national dysfunction.  It's just "over the top" to worry about a president with many secrets who lies every day.  Who does it really hurt if he lies about who he is, first to Melania, then to his staff, and finally to the US public? "No one, really," answer people who think he is "shaking things up" and "draining the swamp" and "getting it done" and "keeping his promises." Better than Hillary, who lied about that sniper.
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(05-14-2018, 11:46 PM)hollodero Wrote: It's that. People admit it, openly, by going after Obama or Hillary in defense of Trump, without seeing a problem. Truth mattered under Obama. Truth doesn't matter under Trump. So Obama lieing is a breach of an important principle. Trump is the abandonment of that principle. Nothing left to breach. And somehow people come around to be just fine with that. Untruths are no longer unpopular, that principle is gone. I can start there, and the ending of that thought is grim.

That's the omelette.

No. That's it in a nutshell. Good Post 

When truth doesn't matter, then all lies are pretty much equal, whether about foreign policy or the fish that got away, and pointing them out is irritating, tedious, pointless. It's ALL a tempest in a teapot now.
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(05-15-2018, 12:08 AM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: If CNN, Kimmel, MSNBC, Trevor Noah, John Oliver, SNL, Twitter, Seth Meyers, etc. etc. etc. would stop reporting their outrage on how many diet cokes the guy has others might be inclined to talk about him. Heels are just quietly getting dug in, even more so than before the election. The “oh yeah? We’ll show you.” crowd is just a flame getting fanned.

You mentioned four comedians and a comedy twitter which is not a news agency.  All of which have made fun of the quirks of every sitting president was as long as I can remember.

But I get that the rubes will refuse to admit they made a mistake.  If they could be open to such thoughts they wouldn't have fallen for the snakeoil Trump was selling before they voted.  

And I have no problem making fun of that...or mentioning that they do NOT defend his lies or mistakes.  They just ignore them.

It's like the old joke about nothing being more awkward than reaching that moment in the argument when you have been loudly defending your side and realize you are wrong...but you keep arguing anyway.

As an aside, things like how many diet cokes and his weight get joked about because HE has placed such an emphasis on OTHER people's appearances.  Over and over.  So he gets a shot back across the bow from time to time.  That's the "stupid shit" Matt mentioned earlier.  That's fluff.  

The other 98% of the things talked about are actual lies that either lead to or are used to defend his policy decisions and actions.

Throw in that he makes decisions based on what he saw on television that morning and we have a real problem that goes beyond late night comedians.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
This was in the comments section of an article that I shared in the hostage thread:

[Image: canthavenicethings.jpg]

The fact that there are still people out there that believe these these ideas and sue them to support Trump (and they probably vote) is why we can't have nice things.

But these are the kind of people who will never change their minds...hopefully a few are willing to see how they got hoodwinked.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-14-2018, 08:08 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Unless they entered the country illegally, then US citizens would have to be at 100% to be equal. 

And this is the kind of silly resonses Trump supporters think make sense.

Trump was clearly talking about crimes against persons or property.  He was trying to stoke fear.  That is why he used claims of rape and murder.

But the Trumpies just keep doing mental gymnastics to support their guy.

"OMG.  If we let these people into our neighborhoods they will be crossing borders illegally all over town."
(05-14-2018, 08:00 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: This never happened, stop lying.

Sure it did.  I gave you a chance to address the lies he told to stir up hatred against Mexicans and you said you have no problem with it.

Basically you aid Mexico is a shitty country that you would not visit therefore it is fine to call the immigrants a bunch of rapist sent by the Mexican government.

Why not just come out and say that you don't like Trump lying to stir up hatred aaginst mexican immigrants?
(05-14-2018, 07:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The ACA has been such a great success that the Republicans have not been able to come up with anything better in 10 years now.  

Millions of people have coverage that could not afford it before, and to everyone else costs are not rising any more than they were before the ACA.

The impact has been overwhelmingly POSITIVE.  That is why the Republicans have never been able to repeal it.

 No, the reason they have had trouble with dismantling a failed law was just as I said the guy who created it said, once it is passed the morons we fooled will not allow the government to take it back. They banked on HRC being president and thought it would be around  forever, but now as rates spike, no individual mandate and long term no way to pay for the subsidies will end it over time.The freebies it created for the poor weer paid for by young Americans without health issues mandated to buy insurance they did not need, adding insurance to those in a household up to 26 years old was being paid for by the middle class spike in premiums. Those get huge subsidies again paid for by the middle class.

It is typical socialist philosophy, have others pay for things others can't afford. The problem is the middle class could not afford and as result a new president who said he would dismantle Obama Care over time was elected. The American people have rejected Obama Care, the middle class have rejected Obama Care and why blue states turned red.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(05-15-2018, 08:25 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote:  No, the reason they have had trouble with dismantling a failed law was just as I said the guy who created it said, once it is passed the morons we fooled will not allow the government to take it back.

That makes no sense.  The GOP controls congress and Trump is POTUS.  He ran on a promise of repealing and replacing the ACA with a better, cheaper plan.

All you are doing is creating a false excuse and blaming Obama for their lack of action or a plan.

(05-15-2018, 08:25 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: They banked on HRC being president and thought it would be around  forever, but now as rates spike, no individual mandate and long term no way to pay for the subsidies will end it over time.The freebies it created for the poor weer paid for by young Americans without health issues mandated to buy insurance they did not need, adding insurance to those in a household up to 26 years old was being paid for by the middle class spike in premiums. Those get huge subsidies again paid for by the middle class.

Again, a lot of this is because the GOP led congress and Trump dismantled parts with nothing to replace it.  So they caused even further increases by taking away the working parts and did nothing to help.

That's not Clinton's fault nor the fault of people who voted for her.   I mean are you ACTUALLY saying it's her fault for not winning that the ACA got pulled apart by Republicans?!?!

(05-15-2018, 08:25 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: It is typical socialist philosophy, have others pay for things others can't afford. The problem is the middle class could not afford and as result a new president who said he would dismantle Obama Care over time was elected. The American people have rejected Obama Care, the middle class have rejected Obama Care and why blue states turned red.

Ywah!  Like roads and schools!  Screw those poor people.


All seriousness aside you are STILL paying for things that others can't afford when it comes to healthcare...but now you can't blame Obama, Clinton and socialists for it. just did that.   Hilarious
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-15-2018, 08:24 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Sure it did.  I gave you a chance to address the lies he told to stir up hatred against Mexicans and you said you have no problem with it.

Utter bullshit.  How anyone on this board affords you even a shred of credibility is beyond me.

Quote:Basically you aid Mexico is a shitty country that you would not visit therefore it is fine to call the immigrants a bunch of rapist sent by the Mexican government.

Basically you're lying your ass off in a pathetic attempt to win an internet argument.  

Quote:Why not just come out and say that you don't like Trump lying to stir up hatred aaginst mexican immigrants?

I don't like the way he stated the case. 
(05-14-2018, 08:22 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well, define "major". Draining a swamp and throwing the lobbyists out of Washington is a major policy issue, right? He totally lied about his intentions there. There was no swamp drained. And lobbying became internationalized. See dimplomats in hotels, or Japan buying Kushner properties, and such. I think that's an important lie.

Apologies for the delayed reply, I wanted to give this answer some actual attention.  First off, such an ambiguous statement as "drain the swamp" could be considered fulfilled or not based on your perception of the swamp.  Trump has certainly shaken things up in DC as far as how things are done.  Whether this is a good or bad thing depends on your perspective.  As for Kushner etc., you'd have to prove things are related to have a point in this regard.  If this could be done the Dems would have been all over it so I don't think you can cite that.

Quote:Then he totally lied about the tax cuts and how they are bad for himself. The lie is not just about himself, it's a major lie about the tax cuts not helping the super-rich like him. Which is a major lie about a major policy issue. Regarding these cuts, another lie concerned the deficit, and how growth will totally balance the deficit out. What a major lie that is.

Neither of us are economists, so definitively stating how the cuts will affect the deficit isn't really feasible.  I do recall him saying the tax cuts wouldn't help the rich, which is obviously untrue.  I know I get a nice amount of extra money per check and I'm certainly not rich by US standards.

Quote:He lied about his tax returns, how he would totally show them after no longer being under audit. That's not a major policy issue, but this was one of those that really showed, he considers all of his voters and all of the country suckers. He broke a promise, how could one not care at all about that.

Is he still under audit?  Not being facetious, I don't know.

Quote:He constantly lies about Eurpoe and especially London. Maybe you do not care, but the US' closest ally sure does. A hospital full of blood because of constant muslim knife attacks? This, of course, not only is offensive to others, it also paints a dire picture of muslims as a whole. Hard to believe this doesn't have consequences for all muslims in the US and elsewhere. Creating hatred is not trivial and unimportant.

I don't recall the "warzone" comments being specifically about muslims.  You yourself commented on the large surge in violent crime and agreed it was at least partially due to immigration to the UK.

Quote:He lies about the FBI and their intentions, painting them as part of a "deep state" and repeating every lie about that. Which corrodes trust and is a major issue, isn't it?

Not getting into tin foil hat areas, but there has been some questionable conduct at the FBI.  McCabe wasn't fired for no reason, nor was he fired by Trump.

Quote:Oh, he also lied about milions of dead and/or illegal people voting for Hillary. This is nefarious. Regarding immigration, he lied about the lottery system and how it works. He lied about muslims cheering 9/11 in New York. He lied about terror attacks not being reported any longer. What do lies like that do with people who believe them?

First off, I appreciate your use of "nefarious", it was well used.  I'll give you these.

Quote:- Doing research, I probably could go on for miles, and still no porn stars, birtherism or other petty stuff. I do understand that one comes to accept the lies as part of his personality. I do not get how one could be so casual about that.

Stormy Daniels is a fugging joke.  He banged her, she accepted hush money and now her and her shyster lawyer are playing on the political climate to self promote.  You do make a decent point though, this is all accepted as Trump being Trump, which is essentially what I've been pointing out about people responding to his every tweet.  I said upon his election that there will be drawbacks to his style of presidency but there will be upsides as well.  His unorthodox approach has nations such as China and N. Korea on their heels.  He doesn't respond they way they've grown to expect the US to respond.  If he can address the trade imbalance with China and bring a resolution to N. Korea then all of his negative qualities will be worth dealing with.  We shall see.
(05-15-2018, 01:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: ...this is all accepted as Trump being Trump, which is essentially what I've been pointing out about people responding to his every tweet.  I said upon his election that there will be drawbacks to his style of presidency but there will be upsides as well.  His unorthodox approach has nations such as China and N. Korea on their heels.  He doesn't respond they way they've grown to expect the US to respond.  If he can address the trade imbalance with China and bring a resolution to N. Korea then all of his negative qualities will be worth dealing with.  We shall see.

Translated:  "Eh.  I'll ignore/make excuses/question the truth about  every and all negative things and hope he does a couple things I like without crapping all over the floor in the meantime.  People who say he does bad things/lie are wrong."


Meanwhile he doesn't respond like an adult let alone how we've "grown to expect the US to respond".

If any of us worked with such a childish liar we'd beg for him to be fired.

But, eh, republican so it's ok.  Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-15-2018, 01:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: Translated:  "Eh.  I'll ignore/make excuses/question the truth about  every and all negative things and hope he does a couple things I like without crapping all over the floor in the meantime.  People who say he does bad things/lie are wrong."


Meanwhile he doesn't respond like an adult let alone how we've "grown to expect the US to respond".

If any of us worked with such a childish liar we'd beg for him to be fired.

But, eh, republican so it's ok.  Smirk

It's not OK, I just wonder what you think you're accomplishing by wetting your pants every time the man opens his mouth?  I've said it repeatedly, your type requires constant outrage or you lump people in the pro-Trump camp.  Your brand of "you're either with us or the terrorists" is a large reason Trump won.  I do hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor.
(05-15-2018, 02:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: It's not OK, I just wonder what you think you're accomplishing by wetting your pants every time the man opens his mouth? 

You mean why do we report the latest lie?  Because we hold out hope at least a few Trump fans will open their eyes and ears.

(05-15-2018, 02:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've said it repeatedly, your type

Classic.  Smirk

(05-15-2018, 02:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: requires constant outrage or you lump people in the pro-Trump camp.

You mean actually covering what the POTUS says and does on a daily basis?  Shame on us!  We should wait until he "does something" rather than talk about what he does!  Got it.

(05-15-2018, 02:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:   Your brand of "you're either with us or the terrorists" is a large reason Trump won.  I do hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I thought it was because Clinton was a bad candidate?  Weird.

But if you mean scared angry people got more scared and angry when it was rightly pointed out they were supporting an egotistical, lying, snake oil salesman...color me stunned.  Again, not doing it for the diehards that will never admit they are wrong or made a mistake.  Its for those who were on the fence or maybe didn't vote at all.

This whole "ignore them and they'll go away" sounds strange coming from "your type."   Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-15-2018, 08:25 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote:  No, the reason they have had trouble with dismantling a failed law was just as I said the guy who created it said, once it is passed the morons we fooled will not allow the government to take it back.

The American people have rejected Obama Care, the middle class have rejected Obama Care and why blue states turned red.

So why can't they take it back if America has rejected it?

It only provided coverage assistance for a very small percentage of voters (20 million).

If blue states have turned red because of the rejection of the ACA then why haven't theses new red politicians who have a majority in all three branches of government revoked and replaced it?

Maybe, unlike some of the brainwashed masses, they remember that health care costs were rising out of control BEFORE the ACA was ever enacted.  And they know what will happen when they strip coverage from the WOORKING poor and insurance rates still continue to shoot up.
(05-15-2018, 01:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Apologies for the delayed reply, I wanted to give this answer some actual attention.  First off, such an ambiguous statement as "drain the swamp" could be considered fulfilled or not based on your perception of the swamp.  Trump has certainly shaken things up in DC as far as how things are done.  Whether this is a good or bad thing depends on your perspective.  As for Kushner etc., you'd have to prove things are related to have a point in this regard.  If this could be done the Dems would have been all over it so I don't think you can cite that.

Hm, sure, drain the swamp is vague. I would just assume it means ending corruption, or that there's no draining not addressing corruption, and what Pruitt does just doesn't fit the bill for me. Considering this behaviour acceptable is as swampy as things get, and it makes me wonder how people could not have instances like those in mind when chanting the drain the swamp line. Or how they wouldn't have something like "keep Goldman Sachs out of government" in mind. Or don't buy overexpensive furniture, don't use private jets at taxpayers expense when unnecessary, don't allow your personal lawyer to sell access, all these things he and his cabinet members do.
Kushner again, I consider nepotism to be swampy to begin with. It gets swampier when potential business partners are welcomed to the white house, or real estate gets sold to a company that has Japan's government as owner. Probably not illegal, but sure unethical, but considering the Dems, they can not really score with these issues. I don't think their silence proves much.
That being said, you're right, it was not the best example for me to choose, due to its vagueness.

(05-15-2018, 01:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Neither of us are economists, so definitively stating how the cuts will affect the deficit isn't really feasible.  I do recall him saying the tax cuts wouldn't help the rich, which is obviously untrue.  I know I get a nice amount of extra money per check and I'm certainly not rich by US standards.

Good for you, sadly those cuts aren't permanent though and paid for by an exploding deficit, which although not being an economist I've been convincingly assured many times before is something the next generation will pay for, the big cuts for the rich and the crumbs for normal folks. Besides the monstrous lie about the cuts not helping him or folks like him, the Trump admin also lied about calculations done by Mnuchin that should show growth pays for the tax cuts. They did promote a paper that never existed.
Since the question was did Trump lie about a major policy issue - yeah he did, demonstrably, by saying that "this thing doesn't help me, believe me". If he's indeed broke, he'd be vindicated on that one though :)

(05-15-2018, 01:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Is he still under audit?  Not being facetious, I don't know.

I don't know either, but it would be strange, right, an audit lasting two years? But yeah I don't know, I never bought that reason to begin with.

(05-15-2018, 01:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I don't recall the "warzone" comments being specifically about muslims.  You yourself commented on the large surge in violent crime and agreed it was at least partially due to immigration to the UK.

Well they are associated with knife attacks, right? It would be strange if he'd just slam London for their high crime rate in general without connecting it to his pet peeve muslim immigration. Cincy's crime rate is higher, and there are quite a lot of US cities beating Cincinnati. So I guess it's about muslims. He had multiple other muslim lies, including publishing extremist's fake videos, an awful tale about general Pershing, muslims cheering 9/11 in New Jersey, muslims knowing about the San Bernardino attack and being silent about it, a non-existent Swedish terror attack (ok that one could just be him being uninformed), and of course that Obama might be a muslim.
Indeed, I get that some other points can be argued, I have a hard time putting a spin on those specific muslim lies. They come peppered with remarks about muslims not assimilating, that gold star widow possibly not being allowed to talk and of course how Hillary would let 600.000 Syrian refugees in. Sure, some of those are rather speculations than lies, but they add to the picture and make the lies just worse for me.

To not leave it unaddressed, yes I said that there's a surge in violent crime and that rise possibly is connected to muslims, and also to people being spurred on hating muslims. But for sure, that whole muslim immigration in Europe comes with certain problems and addressing that is not despicable per se, even if it comes from Trump. But without the lies, please.

(05-15-2018, 01:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Not getting into tin foil hat areas, but there has been some questionable conduct at the FBI.  McCabe wasn't fired for no reason, nor was he fired by Trump.

I agree on McCabe. Kinda, I don't really know, but there might be something there. In all honesty, I didn't dive into it.
I do not agree on the implication that the FBI is a part of the deep state in cohouts with Mueller, Comey and the democrats, wanting to protect the swamp and hence going after Trump with a made up investigation. Which is what Trump insinuates. The Russia thing is an excuse for losing an election, he said that one over and over again, and that's a lie, along with many other similar ones, twitter is full of them. I'm sure you're not tin foil affine, but Trump is. Although he often sends out Nunes or Ron Johnson or Mark Meadows or some other minions to promote the spin and the lies. But he does many of them himself too.

(05-15-2018, 01:17 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Stormy Daniels is a fugging joke.  He banged her, she accepted hush money and now her and her shyster lawyer are playing on the political climate to self promote.  You do make a decent point though, this is all accepted as Trump being Trump, which is essentially what I've been pointing out about people responding to his every tweet.  I said upon his election that there will be drawbacks to his style of presidency but there will be upsides as well.  His unorthodox approach has nations such as China and N. Korea on their heels.  He doesn't respond they way they've grown to expect the US to respond.  If he can address the trade imbalance with China and bring a resolution to N. Korea then all of his negative qualities will be worth dealing with.  We shall see.

Sure, Stormy is not a noble human being, she wants to profit the hell out of that one, and I also called that Avenatti guy sleazy. So no real argument here. Except for one thing, Trump could have just admitted what is obvious - yeah I did her - and the case would have been closed. Instead he chose to lie about the affair, and about him not knowing about the hush money, or him not reimbursing Cohen.
Also, you surprised me once by agreeing here, he in all probability molested multiple women - and lied about it. But, not a major policy issue. I still don't appreciate it.

Regarding his approach to the world, I'm just not that optimistic. Being unpredictable is fine as long as nothing disastrous comes out of it, but if that goes wrong you might find yourself in a war and that risk seems noticeable. Also, I do think the US might be a bit too self-confident here. Even if Trump gets someone to be scared and buckle, in the long term there's just so much porcelain destroyed and many countries will be inclined to deal with someone more reliable. But you're right, we shall see. If there's peace in Korea, I will, after careful evaluation, give Trump credit when credit is due. But there's a long way to go still.

Some honorable mentions: Lieing about Japan throwing bowling balls on US cars, about how much legislation he's signed, how the US became an energy exporter, how he has strengthened the nuclear arsenal, how the Paris accord works, how the Iran deal works, about the deals he struck on his foreign travels, that Obama wiretapped him, how John Oliver and others have begged him to appear on their shows, or how Joe & Mika with her face-lift were turned down by him, how Hillary invented birherism, wanted to abolish the second amendment (ok you're the wrong audience for that one) and sold uranium to Russia, how unemployment rates are effectively 30 percent and more, oh and of course how Mexico would happily pay for a wall. I know, some are not big policy, but this guy has what they say 2.000 lies since in office and I can't quite get how one would not see a problem with that. And wow that list is incomplete :)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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