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Trump to become first president to speak at anti-LGBT hate group's summit
(10-18-2017, 02:14 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: Why is it that whenever someone points out the intolerance of pretty much any minority group by the right, the people on the right feel like pointing to the intolerance of people with intolerant views by the left somehow puts them on even moral ground?

If your argument is that I should be tolerant of groups with views that are damaging to entire groups of people, your argument is weak, and normal people can see it as a desperate grasp.

I suppose the question begs: Who made you judge of what is and is not allowed to be tolerated?

I pretty much let folks have their views and go about my business. I have no problem with folks expressing their views; my problem has always come with a counter group trying to silence them. Why are we so scared to let folks that have views opposed to ours (left read as "views that are damaging to entire groups of people") talk? Allow them to express their views and then expose them for the idiots they are and hopefully no one will try to silence you when you do so.

No one is telling you that you should tolerate  anything; however, when you do not tolerate speech; you are intolerant. Of course that's my view and perhaps not that of "normal people".
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(10-18-2017, 02:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I suppose the question begs: Who made you judge of what is and is not allowed to be tolerated?

Well, personally, I think most people agree that people who want to kill or who hate entire groups of people based on race or who they choose to love or what religion the follow should not be tolerated in a civil society.

Maybe that's why some people are still defending Nazis?

(10-18-2017, 02:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I pretty much let folks have their views and go about my business. I have no problem with folks expressing their views; my problem has always come with a counter group trying to silence them. Why are we so scared to let folks that have views opposed to ours (left read as "views that are damaging to entire groups of people") talk? Allow them to express their views and then expose them for the idiots they are and hopefully no one will try to silence you when you do so.

I always feel like we should the hate-filled/stupid/evil people speak so everyone can hear how dumb they really are. But I also have little problem with them being totally outnumbered and shouted down from the rooftops for being hate-filled/stupid/evil.

(10-18-2017, 02:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: No one is telling you that you should tolerate  anything; however, when you do not tolerate speech; you are intolerant. Of course that's my view and perhaps not that of "normal people".

I see the disconnect. I don't think it's the "speech" not being tolerated. I think its message of hate not being tolerated.
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(10-18-2017, 03:04 PM)GMDino Wrote: Well, personally, I think most people agree that people who want to kill or who hate entire groups of people  based on race or who they choose to love or what religion the follow should not be tolerated in a civil society.

Maybe that's why some people are still defending Nazis?

I always feel like we should the hate-filled/stupid/evil people speak so everyone can hear how dumb they really are.  But I also have little problem with them being totally outnumbered and shouted down from the rooftops for being hate-filled/stupid/evil.

I see the disconnect.  I don't think it's the "speech" not being tolerated.  I think its message of hate not being tolerated.

My opinion remains unchanged regardless of the message:

Let them say what they want unless they start calling for violence.

That is why during the BLM movement I had issues with the chant: "Pigs in a blanket, fry like bacon". I'm sure those here "intolerant of violence" also condemned the chant. now when they have rallies and talk about what they are owed; I just take it for what it is worth. Not unlike I do a bunch of idiots chanting White power.
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(10-18-2017, 02:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I suppose the question begs: Who made you judge of what is and is not allowed to be tolerated?

I pretty much let folks have their views and go about my business. I have no problem with folks expressing their views; my problem has always come with a counter group trying to silence them. Why are we so scared to let folks that have views opposed to ours (left read as "views that are damaging to entire groups of people") talk? Allow them to express their views and then expose them for the idiots they are and hopefully no one will try to silence you when you do so.

No one is telling you that you should tolerate  anything; however, when you do not tolerate speech; you are intolerant. Of course that's my view and perhaps not that of "normal people".

I made me judge of what is allowed to be tolerated.  I'm certainly not going to let someone else tell me what I need to tolerate.  When it comes to what YOU tolerate, I suggest that you make that decision for yourself as well.

I value my right to offend anyone that I want if I choose to, as well as the right for others to do the same.  I'm not sure if you think otherwise about me, but the only time I think I would step in and stop speech is if it's advocating violence against groups of people or single individuals.  

If these people want to spout their gross views, let them do it.  I don't think they should be silenced.  That doesn't mean I have to like them.  They choose to dislike and advocate against the LGBT community.  I choose to automatically dislike people who do that.  I would do the same if another group advocated for the removal of the rights of Christians, or black people, or Republicans, or furry midgets or whatever other group you can think of to discriminate against.  **** 'em.  If that makes me intolerant (I don't know, does it?), then I fully embrace the term.

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(10-18-2017, 03:31 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: If these people want to spout their gross views, let them do it.  I don't think they should be silenced.  That doesn't mean I have to like them.  They choose to dislike and advocate against the LGBT community.  I choose to automatically dislike people who do that.  I would do the same if another group advocated for the removal of the rights of Christians, or black people, or Republicans, or furry midgets or whatever other group you can think of to discriminate against.  **** 'em.  If that makes me intolerant (I don't know, does it?), then I fully embrace the term.

Well, you just said the same thing I did, you just said it all maddy mad.
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(10-18-2017, 12:48 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I think the irony lies in the fact that the left tries to mask their intolerance by suggesting they are simply doing what is required to "combat hate".

The left has always prided itself on "acceptance", but that changes quicker than a blink when someone does/says something they do not accept.

In this very thread it was pointed out that the liberal protests (at times violently) free speech from conservative sources. This quickly became equal to a Presidential debate or Politicians disagreeing over policy in an attempt to mask the intolerant protests.

"The left" masks "their intolerance". First off, I do take issue with that generalization. That you are correct in many instances, for many "leftists" is you will, I can not argue. I know full well you are. That you extend it that way, however, is unfair.

Take the Breitbart internet mob. The marching white supremacists. The Arpaio worshippers. All certain groups of opinionated people that are deeply intolerant against any other view, all groups supporting Donald Trump, so for better or worse voting Republican, all undeniably part of the right spectrum. Now would I ever hold these groups, or Hannity/Limbaugh, or anything like that against you or your opinion or everyone on the right? Of course not. I But I feel by bringing up "leftist intolerance" in every other instance, you don't grant people from the proverbial other side the same courtesy. 

Also, you did not answer my question :) But that's ok.

And the counter-reaction to the "violent liberal protests"-point was, I guess, meant as a reminder that it's not quite the time to climb the higher horse just for being on the rightist side. It indeed does look a bit bizarre to do so in these times.
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(10-18-2017, 04:49 PM)hollodero Wrote: "The left" masks "their intolerance". First off, I do take issue with that generalization. That you are correct in many instances, for many "leftists" is you will, I can not argue. I know full well you are. That you extend it that way, however, is unfair.

Take the Breitbart internet mob. The marching white supremacists. The Arpaio worshippers. All certain groups of opinionated people that are deeply intolerant against any other view, all groups supporting Donald Trump, so for better or worse voting Republican, all undeniably part of the right spectrum. Now would I ever hold these groups, or Hannity/Limbaugh, or anything like that against you or your opinion or everyone on the right? Of course not. I But I feel by bringing up "leftist intolerance" in every other instance, you don't grant people from the proverbial other side the same courtesy. 

Also, you did not answer my question :) But that's ok.

And the counter-reaction to violent liberal protests was, I guess, meant as a reminder that it's not quite the time to climb the higher horse just for being on the rightist side. It indeed does look a bit bizarre to do so in these times.

I'm still not understand how being "intolerant" of hate speech is the same as being intolerant of people because of their racists/evil views.  Almost seems like a false equivalency yo hide a support for the racist/evil views.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-18-2017, 05:07 PM)GMDino Wrote: I'm still not understand how being "intolerant" of hate speech is the same as being intolerant of people because of their racists/evil views.  Almost seems like a false equivalency yo hide a support for the racist/evil views.

Yeah, I guess you're taking it a step too far here.
To oversimplify it, not wanting to agree with the other side doesn't necessarily mean expressing a hidden racist view.  The former, in my opinion, forms the responses, not the latter.
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(10-18-2017, 04:49 PM)hollodero Wrote: Also, you did not answer my question :) But that's ok.

I'm assuming you are referring to the one asking if I thought it was good, bad, or irrelevant if trump speaking at an-anti LBGT rally.

My answer was given back toward the beginning. I would wait to hear his words. I have zero issue with him speaking, same as I would have no issue with him speaking at a KKK rally or BLM rally. I would judge him by his words. Who knows, he might speak of tolerance.

Which is better: Speaking to the tolerant about tolerance or speaking to the intolerant about it.

I know I do the latter on here often.
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(10-18-2017, 05:21 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah, I guess you're taking it a step too far here.
To oversimplify it, not wanting to agree with the other side doesn't necessarily mean expressing a hidden racist view.  The former, in my opinion, forms the responses, not the latter.

But that is what is being presented:  The "left" is intolerant because they speak out against people who are intolerant.  Which ignores the people being spoken out against are racist/evil.

That's not intolerance by the "left" in my book.  That is being decent human beings.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-18-2017, 05:43 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm assuming you are referring to the one asking if I thought it was good, bad, or irrelevant if trump speaking at an-anti LBGT rally.

My answer was given back toward the beginning. I would wait to hear his words. I have zero issue with him speaking, same as I would have no issue with him speaking at a KKK rally or BLM rally. I would judge him by his words. Who knows, he might speak of tolerance.

Which is better: Speaking to the tolerant about tolerance or speaking to the intolerant about it.

I know I do the latter on here often.

Yeah, that one. OK you're right, let's see what he has to say there. Although I do have a feeling it might not be amongst the lines of your best-case scenario. But that's just a hunch at this point not worthy of additional consideration.

Now tolerance or intolerance, be that as it may, but in any case Trump didn't exactly behave like a model for tolerance so far. The anti-LGBT-group speech will be yet another opportunity to change that perception of mine, which he usually doesn't do. Not by my fault, that is.

(10-18-2017, 05:48 PM)GMDino Wrote: But that is what is being presented:  The "left" is intolerant because they speak out against people who are intolerant.  Which ignores the people being spoken out against are racist/evil.

Yes, they do, they speak out against truely intolerant people and viewpoints. More power to them doing so. But some do not stop there. Some take it a step too far in claiming an opposing viewpoint is "intolerant". Parts of the left are no strangers to using rhetorical tricks, deliberate misunderstanding, selective perception, manipulative talking points, exaggerations and everything else in the book to prove someone with a different opinion holds ill will inside his mind. It does serve no purpose to deny these tendencies, that are as obvious to see as they are on the right side.

Although, of course, in my personal opinion leftist people really often are driven by the will to be good people with good hearts saying all the right things. The means, however, often indeed are just meant to deevaluate others with other opinions, to call them this and that and put them in an unflattering box, to stop the conversation and feel superior. To deny the existence of these patterns by just saying "they speak out against the intolerant" is, in a sense, also just selective perception.
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If we talk about the tolerant vs intolerant with political “sides” on this board.

The left wing posters are far more intolerant than the right wing/conservative posters.
(10-18-2017, 11:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If we talk about the tolerant vs intolerant with political “sides” on this board.  

The left wing posters are far more intolerant than the right wing/conservative posters.

I think the "left wing posters" tend to be less tolerant of people who post racist/sexist things who then play victim when those things are discussed in context.

Again, it seems that being for treating everyone with respect and pointing out those who do not for racist/sexist/small minded reason is more being a decent human being that being intolerant.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-18-2017, 11:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If we talk about the tolerant vs intolerant with political “sides” on this board.

The left wing posters are far more intolerant than the right wing/conservative posters.

You are definitely more tolerant of white nationalist. Congratulations?
Karl Popper's Paradox of Tolerance. Tolerating intolerance will eventually lead to intolerance preventing any tolerance.

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I find it interesting that as soon as I mentioned their support for Uganda's life imprisonment and death penalty for gay people, no one continued to challenge my hate group label.
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(10-19-2017, 08:47 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I find it interesting that as soon as I mentioned their support for Uganda's life imprisonment and death penalty for gay people, no one continued to challenge my hate group label.

Maybe no one cares about Uganda.
(10-19-2017, 10:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Maybe no one cares about Uganda.

Maybe it destroys the narrative that they're not a hate group?
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(10-19-2017, 10:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Maybe no one cares about Uganda.

I'm sure we all know the reason you would say something like that.
(10-19-2017, 10:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Maybe no one cares about Uganda.

Who cares about Iceland?

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