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Trump to become first president to speak at anti-LGBT hate group's summit
(10-19-2017, 10:19 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I'm sure we all know the reason you would say something like that.

(10-19-2017, 10:36 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Who cares about Iceland?

If it ain't a white European nation with recent brown immigrants, we shouldn't care about it. The rest are "savages" as we have been told. 

But we're just intolerant for not tolerating labeling all brown people "savages". 
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(10-19-2017, 10:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Maybe no one cares about Uganda.

Unfortunately this is true and holds true for the vast majority of the African Continent. For instance their stances on civil liberties is vastly different than ours. Some folks will use them as nothing more than a tool to prove their point.

I am currently following public After Action Reviews of our Service Members getting killed in Niger due to an ambush of over 50 ISIS Soldiers and the lack of reporting/investigating it received.
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(10-19-2017, 08:47 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I find it interesting that as soon as I mentioned their support for Uganda's life imprisonment and death penalty for gay people, no one continued to challenge my hate group label.

I know you enjoy your judgmental labels. Is there a link that addresses this, as I would be curious to see the method and the reasoning of their support. 
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(10-19-2017, 11:44 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Unfortunately this is true and holds true for the vast majority of the African Continent. For instance their stances on civil liberties is vastly different than ours. Some folks will use them as nothing more than a tool to prove their point.

I am currently following public After Action Reviews of our Service Members getting killed in Niger due to an ambush of over 50 ISIS Soldiers and the lack of reporting/investigating it received.

In all sincerity, where could one find those? That's not a data source I am familiar with.
(10-19-2017, 11:49 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: In all sincerity, where could one find those? That's not a data source I am familiar with.

Didn't mean to insinuate a specific source as the latest I am reading is from CNN and also current discussing PNR.

With that said you may want to google "Center for Army Lessons Learned" to find more that is on main stream media. A totally open source.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-18-2017, 11:27 PM)GMDino Wrote: I think the "left wing posters" tend to be less tolerant of people who post racist/sexist things who then play victim when those things are discussed in context.

Again, it seems that being for treating everyone with respect and pointing out those who do not for racist/sexist/small minded reason is more being a decent human being that being intolerant.

Just because you define everything that you don’t agree with as racist/sexist doesn’t make it actually racist or sexist.

The problem is that the leftists want to virtue signal and to do so they need to redefine racist/sexist/etc.
(10-19-2017, 01:00 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You are definitely more tolerant of white nationalist. Congratulations?

People can say what they wish. I have no interest in silencing people.
(10-19-2017, 11:55 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Didn't mean to insinuate a specific source as the latest I am reading is from CNN and also current discussing PNR.

With that said you may want to google "Center for Army Lessons Learned" to find more that is on main stream media. A totally open source.

Ah, okay. I like to actually read source documents when available because, as we all know, when the media gets their hands on them there are biases inserted into the reporting on them. It is only natural, even the most neutral news agencies do it, so it's why I like to look for primary sources as much as possible.
(10-19-2017, 10:19 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I'm sure we all know the reason you would say something like that.

Please continue.

Unless all your interested in doing is hurling some veiled insult while you VS
(10-19-2017, 11:48 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I know you enjoy your judgmental labels. Is there a link that addresses this, as I would be curious to see the method and the reasoning of their support. 

Here's the archived page from their site that they took down in which Perkins defends Uganda's actions

Perkins attempts to portray it as if they are only using the death penalty on people who spread AIDS or have sex with minors, but the bill would also allow for the death penalty for repeat offenders of their law against same sex relations, anyone who has gay sex that has AIDS/HIV (even if they tell the other person), or anyone in a position of power having gay sex with a subordinate. 

To quote Perkins "Mr. President as long as you characterize efforts to uphold moral conduct that protects others and in particular the most vulnerable, as attacking people, civility will continue to evade us."

This bill upholds moral conduct and the one in the wrong is Obama for attacking Uganda. He is the one causing civility to "evade us" according to Perkins. 

Here's the lobbying report
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(10-19-2017, 11:44 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Unfortunately this is true and holds true for the vast majority of the African Continent. For instance their stances on civil liberties is vastly different than ours. Some folks will use them as nothing more than a tool to prove their point.

I am currently following public After Action Reviews of our Service Members getting killed in Niger due to an ambush of over 50 ISIS Soldiers and the lack of reporting/investigating it received.

There is a lot going on in Africa and I actually don’t follow it closely enough to comment one way or another.
(10-19-2017, 11:57 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Just because you define everything that you don’t agree with as racist/sexist doesn’t make it actually racist or sexist.  

The problem is that the leftists want to virtue signal and to do so they need to redefine racist/sexist/etc.

No...I define racist/sexist things as racist and sexist. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-19-2017, 11:59 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Please continue.

Unless all your interested in doing is hurling some veiled insult while you VS

Other posters have brought up opinions you've made clear of people from areas in southern Asia and Africa.

Also, I'm glad you're enjoying your new dog whistle to deride people that value all human lives equally.
(10-19-2017, 12:02 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Here's the archived page from their site that they took down in which Perkins defends Uganda's actions

Perkins attempts to portray it as if they are only using the death penalty on people who spread AIDS or have sex with minors, but the bill would also allow for the death penalty for repeat offenders of their law against same sex relations, anyone who has gay sex that has AIDS/HIV (even if they tell the other person), or anyone in a position of power having gay sex with a subordinate. 

To quote Perkins "Mr. President as long as you characterize efforts to uphold moral conduct that protects others and in particular the most vulnerable, as attacking people, civility will continue to evade us."

This bill upholds moral conduct and the one in the wrong is Obama for attacking Uganda. He is the one causing civility to "evade us" according to Perkins. 

Here's the lobbying report

unfortunately neither link opens at work. I'll be curious to read later

FWIW here's the sources reply when asked to clarify the matter:

Quote:FRC does not support the Uganda bill, and does not support the death penalty for homosexuality  nor any other penalty which would have the effect of inhibiting compassionate pastoral, psychological, and medical care and treatment for those who experience same-sex attractions or who engage in homosexual conduct."
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(10-19-2017, 12:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: unfortunately neither link opens at work. I'll be curious to read later

FWIW here's the sources reply when asked to clarify the matter:

I've read their response. They wiped their support of the death penalty, their praise of Uganda's president, and the attack on Obama for publicly denouncing it from their website. Those are things they said as an organization. 

So they're being dishonest about never saying it, and they're either lying about no longer supporting it or they no longer support it and don't want to admit that they once did. 

It also doesn't explicitly say they do not approve of life imprisonment, just that they don't support punishment where they also can't receive medical and psychological help to stop them from being gay. Which leads us to this...

A month and a half after the praise for Uganda, a leader at the FRC went on TV and even stated that gay behavior should be criminalized in the US

In the FRC's defense, this same man once was forced to apologize for saying gay people should be exported... though he retained his position as a leader within the group.

But to be fair, I will amend what I said to say they initially supported it and may no longer and their lobbying may have only been for removing wording that said gay rights are human rights.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-19-2017, 11:58 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: People can say what they wish. I have no interest in silencing people.

Quote:First off what anyone posts on their social media is their business. This is an anonymous message board and unless social media accounts are attached to this board it's not anyone's call to come back here with anything.. You lot were spamming his accounts and then brought it back here in hopes to get him banned. It was petty and just low.
Honestly you should have all been banned for bringing it back here.

Just two weeks ago you suggested others should have been banned because you disagreed with what they said.
(10-19-2017, 12:16 PM)GMDino Wrote: No...I define racist/sexist things as racist and sexist. 

No you have proven time and again that you do not understand the actual definition of racist or sexist.
(10-19-2017, 02:20 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: No you have proven time and again that you do not understand the actual definition of racist or sexist.

That's very intolerant of you.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-19-2017, 12:19 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Other posters have brought up opinions you've made clear of people from areas in southern Asia and Africa.

Also, I'm glad you're enjoying your new dog whistle to deride people that value all human lives equally.

I personally do not care what those people do, I have advocated to resttict our borders. But I have also pushed to restrict borders from almost every country.

I guess I was anti Africans when I slammed Denmark for sending funds to African nations to specifically limit their populations so there would be less migrants?

But please keep up the narrative that I am somehow a racist lol. Can’t let the facts get in the way of your story.
(10-19-2017, 02:27 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I personally do not care what those people do, I have advocated to resttict our borders.   But I have also pushed to restrict borders from almost every country.  

I guess I was anti Africans when I slammed Denmark for sending funds to African nations to specifically limit their populations so there would be less migrants?  

But please keep up the narrative that I am somehow a racist lol.  Can’t let the facts get in the way of your story.

Ah, the "I have a black friend" defense.  "One time I appeared to be defending African populations!I can't be racist!"

If I post about carrots that does not make me a vegetarian.

If I say that I don't eat meat...that makes me a vegetarian.

If I say that I had a hamburger and it wasn't bad that doesn't mean I never said anything bad about eating meat.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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