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War with Iran?
(06-18-2019, 02:03 PM)GMDino Wrote: I was reading a nice, light comedy article on and learned something I wish I didn't know.

And it made me think about people who think a good old war is good for us even if we have to make up the reasons to garner support.

Like I said earlier in this thread: No one who sends these people to war cares about the people they send to war...or hen/if they come back.  That's the bigger problem.

Same thing has already happened for the same reasons. They lowered the standards for education, criminal offenses, drug use, even medical conditions to include mental health problems. Then send them to "resiliency" training as if it's their fault for getting PTSD. Everybody knows you don't get PTSD if you're more resilient.
(06-18-2019, 02:04 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I heard that about you ^

You did? So much for keeping that a secret... who told you? Was it Roto?

(06-18-2019, 02:04 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: BTW - I heard the "Hollodero" song for the first time the other day. Have you ever been to this place: [/url][url=]

Hilarious yeah well, of course pretty much every Austrian is aware of that one. It is in the vicinity I grew up in, but I never was there. Because honestly, why would I go there. It's only embarrrassing with the parents and there's little to see except for the signs that get stolen permanently. Some anecdotes around that place, but the article already lists them, so no need for me to tell them - sadly.

And what "hollodero" song are you referring to? It's usually more of a filler song passage, kind of like yodeling, loosely used in the sense of "yippie-yey-yeah". A bit of a fatalistic one, a phrase describing it would be "Hooray the chamois is loose", but that probably doesn't make much sense in English. My particular name stems from the song "Des Flugzeig brennt, mia stiarzen o, hollodero!!" (This is austrian slang), meaning "The plane's on fire we're going down, yippie-yey-yeah!"

...well that was an exhausting response, wasn't it.
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(06-18-2019, 02:18 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Yeah, but I'm the one you called out.

That's true, and I get why you would say that. You sure might take that as pejorative, but you could also see it as a sign for quite the opposite... and that would be a better assumption. Some words might have sense, others certainly don't. I won't expand further. Just one thing, sorry if I implied you were the worst of all. That much should be clear that I do not think that.

(06-18-2019, 02:18 PM)bfine32 Wrote: After i addressed your Op in good faith You need look no further than post #6 followed up by post #9 to see where your thread started trending south. I get your desire to police your thread, I appreciate it, and apologize for my part in any actions that degraded it.

Yeah I don't really care much about that. A bit, maybe.
The way I see it you have plenty reason to reflect on other's behaviour and conduct, but maybe sport a little bit of a blind spot regarding your own. But enough said about that one, I sure don't want to call you out permanently. Why I did is hopefully explained above a bit.

(06-18-2019, 02:18 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I don't think there will be a war
If there is a war it should be a coalition
The Iranian Army is no more threat to us than the Iraqi Army was when we engaged them.

@topic I respectfully disagree with the third stance (I mean, maybe, but I just see it differently and stated why), and I hope you're right on the first one. I seriously doubt there could be a coalition. The Saudis sure would be game, but good luck trusting these guys or with hoping their increased influence makes things better. Europe would not aid you, maybe not even the Brexiteers. Russia won't, China won't, and I doubt Australia would send anyone. Perhaps 5 guys. I might be wrong. But I think you'd be pretty much alone.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2019, 05:33 PM)hollodero Wrote: You did? So much for keeping that a secret... who told you? Was it Roto?

Hilarious yeah well, of course pretty much every Austrian is aware of that one. It is in the vicinity I grew up in, but I never was there. Because honestly, why would I go there. It's only embarrrassing with the parents and there's little to see except for the signs that get stolen permanently. Some anecdotes around that place, but the article already lists them, so no need for me to tell them - sadly.

And what "hollodero" song are you referring to? It's usually more of a filler song passage, kind of like yodeling, loosely used in the sense of "yippie-yey-yeah". A bit of a fatalistic one, a phrase describing it would be "Hooray the chamois is loose", but that probably doesn't make much sense in English. My particular name stems from the song "Des Flugzeig brennt, mia stiarzen o, hollodero!!" (This is austrian slang), meaning "The plane's on fire we're going down, yippie-yey-yeah!"

...well that was an exhausting response, wasn't it.

I heard the old bar song from the 30's. Something about getting the farmer's daughter pregnant and blaming it on Hollodero. It made me think of you. ThumbsUp
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(06-18-2019, 05:50 PM)hollodero Wrote: 1. @topic I respectfully disagree with the third stance (I mean, maybe, but I just see it differently and stated why), and I hope you're right on the first one.

2.I seriously doubt there could be a coalition. The Saudis sure would be game, but good luck trusting these guys or with hoping their increased influence makes things better. Europe would not aid you, maybe not even the Brexiteers. Russia won't, China won't, and I doubt Australia would send anyone. Perhaps 5 guys. I might be wrong. But I think you'd be pretty much alone.

1. Everybody has their opinion and I've made mine known. I see the Iranian Army just above 0 on the threat level.

2. Depends on how many more Japanese Tankers get blown up. If attacks continue in the Straight then that's a game changer. 
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(06-18-2019, 05:56 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I heard the old bar song from the 30's. Something about getting the farmer's daughter pregnant and blaming it on Hollodero. It made me think of you. ThumbsUp

Yeah that always happens. So many farmers think I impregnated their daughter. Which is foolish, since most farmer's daughters would never fall for my special intellectually insecure charm. Which is a shame, for pretty much all farmer's daughters are gorgeous. Especially when they're called "Vroni". I get quite a remarkable erection just thinking about the name "Vroni". And saying that out loud is totally not too much information given.
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(06-18-2019, 05:57 PM)bfine32 Wrote: 2. Depends on how many more Japanese Tankers get blown up. If attacks continue in the Straight then that's a game changer. 

That is fair for sure. If this becomes a pattern, they might be inclined to join. I doubt that they would go to war over one damaged tanker though. Right now, I am not so sure about that incident and what to make of it, and if it's really the Iranians being foolish enough to be behind it. I learned my lesson from the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that totally existed, which was totally information that needs to be trusted. I made quite a fool of myself for some weeks back here by believing what was just a scam to create a casus belli - while all the sceptical conspiracy nuts were actually right. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but I'm saying if I were the Japanese I would, as of now, be cautious.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2019, 03:14 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: No one has claimed only the Iranian Army is capable of change, Mr. Intellectual Honesty. The point being some recognize why ground combat lasted 100 hours during Desert Storm and why enemy forces weren't defeated in 8 years during Iraqi Freedom. And some obviously don't.

Just the military's pathetic attempt to re=define "victory".

"Yeah!  Hey everybody let's have a victory celebration!!  We can't drive down the street without getting blown up or shot, but let's still chalk this up as another victory." 
(06-17-2019, 06:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I know plenty parents proud of their kids that died in combat. Matter of fact I'd love for you to tell some what a failure it was. 

Meet me at Cindy Sheehan's house.  She will invite over a whole bunch of parents who lost their sons and daughters.  Then you can tell them what a huge victory it was.

They are proud of their children, but that does not mean they can't see the truth.
Son, we live in a world that has conflicts, and those conflicts have to be fought by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Fred Toast, you Dino? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for the calls to action, and you curse the Military. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That these actions, while often tragic, probably saved lives. And the Military's existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want Soldiers on that battlefield you need Soldiers on that battlefield. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom those Soldiers provide, and then questions the manner in which they provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think is a failure.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2019, 07:33 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Son, we live in a world that has conflicts, and those conflicts have to be fought by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Fred Toast, you Dino? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for the calls to action, and you curse the Military. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That these actions, while often tragic, probably saved lives. And the Military's existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want Soldiers on that battlefield you need Soldiers on that battlefield. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom those Soldiers provide, and then questions the manner in which they provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think is a failure.


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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-17-2019, 11:40 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I would use diplomacy and try not to put troops on the ground. Outside of the deserts in the east, the whole country is pock full of natural ambush sites. The American public won't tolerate casualty lists two to three times larger than those from Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

Barring that, I would try to find some other country to persuade to invade them instead of us. This tactic worked really well for us in the Cold War. Unfortunately, we have already invaded two of Iran's seven neighbors.

Turkmenistan is sort of a write off. I wouldn't expect them to have much of a military. Likewise, I don't think the Armenians or Azerbijanis would be much help. What have we ever done for them, eh?

Turkey is like seriously mad at us now. They are like a rebellious child: flaunting Islamism and dating Putin on the side. I wouldn't expect much help from "our allies" at this point. Heck, I doubt if they would allow us to even fly through their airspace to support the mission.

Maybe we could persuade the Pakis to invade (we'd probably have to stop calling them "Pakis" first, though) and pay them with Saudi money. This would quite seriously be my second option. But, the Pakis aren't dumb. So they probably wouldn't do it. Besides, they are too busy worrying about India.

Russia no longer shares a land border, but they are just across the Caspian Sea. Putin wouldn't do it. He has trimmed down the Russian military into primarily a defense force. Besides, he is too busy trying to get us bogged down into it (using my own strategy against me.... that turd!!!).

So, removing the diplomacy option from the table because that's "not something real 'Mericans do anymore" and being unable to persuade the Pakis and Russians to do it for us, I guess we have to look at how it could be done with troops on the ground.

Diplomacy is different now, post the broken Iran Deal.  Big pay offs would be required for minimal cooperation. The US allies would have to be SA, UAE and Israel--the latter being as much a liability as an asset. Or there would be no allies. Britain would finally draw the line. I think there would be world wide protests greater than before the invasion of Iraq, perhaps a movement to sanction or divest or otherwise discourage US behavior.

(06-17-2019, 11:40 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I doubt if the Iraqis would be cooperative with our efforts, seeing as such a large number of Shi'ites live there. In fact, they could really cause a great deal of problems if the border turn porous and/or if a nasty civil war breaks out between the Iraqi Sunnis and Shi'ites (which absolutely will happen if we move against Iran). I think you probably would need to jump off from Kuwait (if they would allow) and have Marines and Special Ops land to seize Bandar Mahshhr and Bandar Imam Khomeini so that you have port facilities and airports to support the invasion independently while the Navy blockades the Iranian coast. I think you would then need to drive north to seal off the border with Iraq. Bear in mind, this is mountainous terrain. Outside of the initial landing, tanks won't be a big help. It will be a slow-go. Once the border is secured, you then would need to hook east and move on Tehran. Acheiving that could be a good stopping point, if they were willing to talk and we were willing to listen. Barring that, you maybe start a campaing from Afghanistan (if they are willing) and roll up the open areas on the east side and the northeast. At this point, the country's borders would be secured and what remains of any resistance would be in the mountains. Outside of the fact that it would probably be costing billions of dollars and scores of lives every day, you would not have to move fast to root out the resistance. Just sit and wait them out. It would probably only take a couple of decades.

My number one concern with the kinetic aspect of an invasion is their rocketry. It's not clear we could gain control of the air. And even if we do, both launch sites and production are under yards of rock. VERY hard to take out.  It is possible that the US would lose major assets like ships. And in a short time. Could a massive airlift get troops over the mountains with minimal loss to take, not just Teheran, but Qom and Isfahan? Seems VERY risky to me.  And then, as you know, the fighting would just continue in the mountains, against a foe better organized and better armed and more numerous than the Taliban.

The Iranians would not have to defeat our military, only stall it and drain blood and treasure.

Also, I would expect problems in Iraq. The government there would perhaps pay lip service to the US, but certainly it would face resistance, perhaps an insurgency that returns the country to chaos.  I really don't see why a war against Iran would only be fought in Iran, given their allies and assets in the region.

Our military would have to know this. And Trump might understand this could stall his great economy.  That is why I think he might reach for crazier options, like tactical nukes. I am pretty sure that would produce an anti-US coalition, including many European countries plus China and Russia. Perhaps many of their clients as well.  Not good.

I guess a final question is what happens AFTER the win?  How many troops would be required to "nation build"?  
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(06-18-2019, 06:16 PM)hollodero Wrote: That is fair for sure. If this becomes a pattern, they might be inclined to join. I doubt that they would go to war over one damaged tanker though. Right now, I am not so sure about that incident and what to make of it, and if it's really the Iranians being foolish enough to be behind it. I learned my lesson from the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that totally existed, which was totally information that needs to be trusted. I made quite a fool of myself for some weeks back here by believing what was just a scam to create a casus belli - while all the sceptical conspiracy nuts were actually right. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but I'm saying if I were the Japanese I would, as of now, be cautious.

Confused. Is this irony?
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(06-18-2019, 11:37 PM)Dill Wrote: Confused. Is this irony?

Noo... these weapons totally existed and were totally all over the place. Troops got hurt by tripping over them all the time is what they say.

Nah, my point was I trusted american intelligence once for too long and now I'm extra sceptical.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2019, 11:04 AM)bfine32 Wrote: We made a concerted commitment to be ingrained in the Community by establishing Military bases and deploying a permanent substantial force instead of dabbling. Like I've constantly said: If it does happen I've hope we learn from previous mistakes and successes. But from the tone of this thread the Iranian Army is the only one capable of evolving.

Bottom line when we fought Iraq they had the 4th largest Army in the world and every Keyboard General stated how the vaulted Republican Guard would be a real challenge; they were not.

Wait--you're saying there was no  post-war insurgency in Germany because we "ingrained in the community" and deployed a substantial force? It's as if culture and politics were invisible to you.

Iraq certainly did not have the 4th BEST army in the world either of the times the US fought it, deployed on a flat desertscape with no air cover. Jeezus.  This is like comparing economies solely on the basis of GDP. 

I don't remember "keyboard generals" worrying about the Republican Guard. I was not part of any online forums in 1991. I do remember Bush touting how US Patriot batteries were protecting Israel. Even primitive scuds are hard to neutralize; how will the US do against thousands of state of the art SAMS and anti-ship missiles?

In any case, it is baffling that you speak so much of national militaries "evolving" while imagining a toe-to-toe slug out in which Iran has "no chance" against our big Army and Navy. Once Teheran falls there will be no reason to fight--like the fall of Berlin?

Iran is NOT an existential threat to the US. They know very well all they have to do is stalemate the US and drain lives. I remember when the US committed a Marine Division to Vietnam, and how our bombers would pulverize them. We had evolved far past the French. I still occasionally meet people who affirm "we never lost a battle."  So Iraq was deja vu in 2003. Another cake walk. Two weeks and the weak army with no missiles or effective air defense was beaten.  Three years later, no one cared that our military was so much better than theirs. The problem was the US had just fought an unnecessary war and people were still dying.  Bolton tried, in 2006, to drum up support for a war against Iran next, but neither the public or Congress were interested.

Bolton still wants that war. But I am pretty sure the Joint chiefs and their staff are not thinking "Hey, the Iranians are no tougher than Iraq's Army."

They do "evolve," and that is why they would not agree with your assessment.
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(06-18-2019, 11:40 PM)hollodero Wrote: Noo... these weapons totally existed and were totally all over the place. Troops got hurt by tripping over them all the time is what they say.

Nah, my point was I trusted american intelligence once for too long and now I'm extra sceptical.

Actually, I still trust them somewhat. Afterall, they mostly produce estimates with accompanying degrees of confidence.
I'm just more careful to look political pressure which may distort their work.  

The intel on Iraq seems to have been fairly accurate in 2002; it was just skewed by Cheney and Tenet, or the intel community was bypassed altogether, as when Cheney is feeding debunked claims to the NYT and then quoting them in public speeches. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2019, 11:47 PM)Dill Wrote: Wait--you're saying there was no  post-war insurgency in Germany because we "ingrained in the community" and deployed a substantial force? It's as if culture and politics were invisible to you.

Iraq certainly did not have the 4th BEST army in the world either of the times the US fought it, deployed on a flat desertscape with no air cover. Jeezus.  This is like comparing economies solely on the basis of GDP. 

I don't remember "keyboard generals" worrying about the Republican Guard. I was not part of any online forums in 1991. I do remember Bush touting how US Patriot batteries were protecting Israel. Even primitive scuds are hard to neutralize; how will the US do against thousands of state of the art SAMS and anti-ship missiles?

In any case, it is baffling that you speak so much of national militaries "evolving" while imagining a toe-to-toe slug out in which Iran has "no chance" against our big Army and Navy. Once Teheran falls there will be no reason to fight--like the fall of Berlin?

Iran is NOT an existential threat to the US. They know very well all they have to do is stalemate the US and drain lives. I remember when the US committed a Marine Division to Vietnam, and how our bombers would pulverize them. We had evolved far past the French. I still occasionally meet people who affirm "we never lost a battle."  So Iraq was deja vu in 2003. Another cake walk. Two weeks and the weak army with no missiles or effective air defense was beaten.  Three years later, no one cared that our military was so much better than theirs. The problem was the US had just fought an unnecessary war and people were still dying.  Bolton tried, in 2006, to drum up support for a war against Iran next, but neither the public or Congress were interested.

Bolton still wants that war. But I am pretty sure the Joint chiefs and their staff are not thinking "Hey, the Iranians are no tougher than Iraq's Army."

They do "evolve," and that is why they would not agree with your assessment.

Why did you change my assertion of 4th largest to 4th BEST? I can only assume because you could not argue the assertion as stated. What's baffling to me is you and others think their Military would pose any threat to us. I get you guys want to ignore the results of Army versus Army and introduce something I've never stated, but see my above summation on your inability to argue the 4th largest Army to explain why you're doing that.

I remember plenty of publicity about the Republican Guard I was there. 

Iran is definite threat to the US  if indeed they are responsible for the recent attacks on ships in the straight. Folks will argue Iran didn't do it, but the damn sure didn't attack themselves. 

We have also evolved since facing Iraq, what makes you think Iran has evolved at a quicker rate than us? 

But you're most likely right. It'd probably be a toss up:
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(06-18-2019, 11:47 PM)Dill Wrote: Iraq certainly did not have the 4th BEST army in the world either of the times the US fought it, deployed on a flat desertscape with no air cover. Jeezus.  This is like comparing economies solely on the basis of GDP. 

I don't remember "keyboard generals" worrying about the Republican Guard. I was not part of any online forums in 1991. I do remember Bush touting how US Patriot batteries were protecting Israel. Even primitive scuds are hard to neutralize; how will the US do against thousands of state of the art SAMS and anti-ship missiles?

There were plenty of people stating we would have a tough go of it.  I suppose with the benefit of hindsight you now know they were all completely wrong.

Quote:In any case, it is baffling that you speak so much of national militaries "evolving" while imagining a toe-to-toe slug out in which Iran has "no chance" against our big Army and Navy. Once Teheran falls there will be no reason to fight--like the fall of Berlin?

Here's a very simple fact.  if we actually unleashed our military there isn't a single nation on Earth we wouldn't steamroll.  This would take the political will to go completely gloves off, which doesn't seem to exist much anymore, but it is a fact.  I'm talking conventional arms only btw.

Quote:Iran is NOT an existential threat to the US. They know very well all they have to do is stalemate the US and drain lives.

Iran has no ability to "stalemate" us.  The same Iraqi army you laughingly disdained above fought them to a standstill for eight years.  Oh wait, they've evolved, but Iraq did not.

Quote:I remember when the US committed a Marine Division to Vietnam, and how our bombers would pulverize them. We had evolved far past the French. I still occasionally meet people who affirm "we never lost a battle." 

Name a battle of consequence that we lost?  Pro tip, you can't.  The French got raped at Dien Bien Phu, name even a slightly similar US defeat.  We lost Vietnam for the same reason we "stalemated" Korea, we never took the fight to the enemy's territory, either North Vietnam or China respectively.  You can't fight a purely defensive war and hope to prevail.  The fact that we fought China to a standstill on their home turf (or close enough to it not to matter), while doing nothing to actually attack their homeland, is an impressive feat on its own.  Imagine a country fighting the US, but the war was fought entirely in Canada with absolutely no attacks being allowed against US territory.  Recipe for success?

Quote:So Iraq was deja vu in 2003. Another cake walk. Two weeks and the weak army with no missiles or effective air defense was beaten.  Three years later, no one cared that our military was so much better than theirs. The problem was the US had just fought an unnecessary war and people were still dying.  Bolton tried, in 2006, to drum up support for a war against Iran next, but neither the public or Congress were interested.

The second Iraq war was a mistake, I've said so since it was proposed.  I don't see how this disproves the fact that US forces are infinitely superior than those arrayed against us.

Quote:Bolton still wants that war. But I am pretty sure the Joint chiefs and their staff are not thinking "Hey, the Iranians are no tougher than Iraq's Army."

The joint chiefs don't want another war unless vital US interests are at stake.  It has nothing to do, at all, with any worries about Iranian military ability.

Quote:They do "evolve," and that is why they would not agree with your assessment.

Alright then, please explain to the class how the Iranian army has evolved to become a more substantial threat.  Do you actually buy into all those Iranian military photoshops?

In all seriousness, one can not want a war with Iran and still be realistic about the mudhole we would stomp in their ass if it actually ever erupted into armed conflict.
(06-19-2019, 12:28 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Why did you change my assertion of 4th largest to 4th BEST? I can only assume because you could not argue the assertion as stated. What's baffling to me is you and others think their Military would pose any threat to us. I get you guys want to ignore the results of Army versus Army and introduce something I've never stated, but see my above summation on your inability to argue the 4th largest Army to explain why you're doing that.

I remember plenty of publicity about the Republican Guard I was there. 

Iran is definite threat to the US  if indeed they are responsible for the recent attacks on ships in the straight. Folks will argue Iran didn't do it, but the damn sure didn't attack themselves. 

We have also evolved since facing Iraq, what makes you think Iran has evolved at a quicker rate than us? 

But you're most likely right. It'd probably be a toss up:

I didn't change your assertion. I was not disputing that Iraq had the 4th largest army (though I don't know for sure it was--after the US, India, North Korea, China, and Russia, somehow?)  I was making the point that the Iraqi army was NOT the 4th BEST, even if it were (doubtfully) the 4th largest. Virtually every European army would have been better, not to mention Turkey, China and Israel. Iraq is a DEVELOPING country. A 3rd world country was facing of against a coalition of 28 countries, including the best military in the world, and the British.  The second time around, the Iraqi army was even smaller, more poorly armed, and less motivated.

I too remember "publicity" about the Republican Guard, much of it from the US military.  No one disputes they were better than the Iraqi regular army.  No one implied they would be a match for the US.

You are "baffled" that people think the Iranian military could pose a threat. You'd get more traction here if, instead of equating a smaller poorly equipped and unmotivated force fighting in open desert to a much larger and motivated force fighting in a much larger and mountainous area with thousands of guided missiles, including cruise missiles, you explained how those missiles would be neutralized. Why could they not take out at least SOME US ships? How many planes might be lost trying to take out embedded missile sites?

When asked about this difference in size, morale terrain and capability, you keep repeating that "4th-largest" Iraq wasn't much and we must have "evolved"--as if evolution didn't entail taking into account the aforementioned differences in size, morale, terrain and capability, not to mention a history of quagmires, every one of which began with the assessment "Our Army is way better than theirs!"

If the US has evolved, then the question is not whether Iran has evolved more quickly. And it is not whether the fight would be a "toss up." It is whether-evolved or not--they could make the price of invasion too high, fighting with their backs against the wall. But you aren't worried because the US has more tanks and aircraft carriers?

And I repeat, the US would not be fighting with its back to the wall. It would be yet another unnecessary war with opposition at home and abroad. Suppose we have "evolved" to the point we can defeat a phalanx or Iranian missiles and take out their military in a week.  There is then the question of how many US soldiers would continue to die in an insurgency and a costly occupation. Does "evolution" take this into account?

Finally, you are ready to go war if some tankers are mysteriously torched in the Strait of Hormuz. After Trump trashed the Iran deal, worked to reinstall sanctions, and filled the Persian Gulf with US ships, planes and drones. Suddenly Iran is behaving badly (maybe) and a threat to the US. Or to our now expansively defined interest.

Does military "evolution" proceed separately from, culture, history and politics? No need to take that into account.  Our Army is better than theirs?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-18-2019, 11:32 PM)Dill Wrote: Diplomacy is different now, post the broken Iran Deal.  Big pay offs would be required for minimal cooperation. The US allies would have to be SA, UAE and Israel--the latter being as much a liability as an asset. Or there would be no allies. Britain would finally draw the line. I think there would be world wide protests greater than before the invasion of Iraq, perhaps a movement to sanction or divest or otherwise discourage US behavior.

My number one concern with the kinetic aspect of an invasion is their rocketry. It's not clear we could gain control of the air. And even if we do, both launch sites and production are under yards of rock. VERY hard to take out.  It is possible that the US would lose major assets like ships. And in a short time. Could a massive airlift get troops over the mountains with minimal loss to take, not just Teheran, but Qom and Isfahan? Seems VERY risky to me.  And then, as you know, the fighting would just continue in the mountains, against a foe better organized and better armed and more numerous than the Taliban.

The Iranians would not have to defeat our military, only stall it and drain blood and treasure.

Also, I would expect problems in Iraq. The government there would perhaps pay lip service to the US, but certainly it would face resistance, perhaps an insurgency that returns the country to chaos.  I really don't see why a war against Iran would only be fought in Iran, given their allies and assets in the region.

Our military would have to know this. And Trump might understand this could stall his great economy.  That is why I think he might reach for crazier options, like tactical nukes. I am pretty sure that would produce an anti-US coalition, including many European countries plus China and Russia. Perhaps many of their clients as well.  Not good.

I guess a final question is what happens AFTER the win?  How many troops would be required to "nation build"?  

There are a quite a few problems with using rockets in combat.

First, they are hard to manage and have a tendency to blow up or malfunction on launch unless handled quite precisely and somewhat delicately. The Iranians use rockets that are based upon former Soviet models that they captured from Iraq or acquired from Russia or China. Based upon these models, they have branched out to create some of their own designs (primarily variations meant to increase range). The original designs of the Soviet models were fairly solid and reliable for the users. But Iran has made alterations, including changes to the rocket fuels due to their inability to obtain certain ingredients. We discovered this from some of the SCUD rockets Iran had provided to the Houthis in Yemen and which were fired towards the Saudis. While the Americans were crowing about Patriot missiles shooting down the SCUDs, it was later realized that many of the missiles malfunctioned or even prematurely exploded due to changes made by the Iranians.

The next problem with rockets is accuracy. If your target is a city or a military base and you aren't particular about where it lands so much, that isn't much of a problem. Rockets work great for that purpose. If your target is a mobile military target such as troops in the field, caravans, fleets, etc., then you have big problems. You have to have the capability to find and track the target. It is not so easy to find and track military targets. They generally don't want 'the bad guys' to be able to do that. Satellite imagery can help, if you have satellites. I'm not sure that the Iranians have any satellites. If they do, I'm pretty sure they do not possess a network that can provide 24/7 recon over their country, the ability to produce high resolution images and the ability to download those images from satellites. Barring that, the next method is aerial recon. There is a problem with that for the Iranians, however. We own the skies. Anywhere in the world- We own the skies. While the Iranians appear to have an air defense network which is superior to what we saw in Iraq, we will still own the air and will reduce most of their air defenses within a matter of days. The lifespan of any Iranian aircraft (manned or unmanned) is probably shorter than that of a fly. So, aerial reconnaissance is really not an option for them. That leaves only visual ground recon by either forward observers or agents. These observers  are somewhat reliable at providing data on a target at one place in time, less reliable with a mobile target over time. Also, they need to communicate this data. Expect that pretty much all communication networks in the country will be reduced within 48 to 72 hours (that is also something we do, and why we like to have air superiority). Additionally, all radio and telecom traffic will be jammed by EA-6B Prowlers or AWACS (or whatever the modern equivalent is - those planes are from like 40 years ago). In short, it is gonna be real problematic for them to figure out where our guys are in order to fire rockets at them. They would probably be better off just burying the rocket warheads under major roads and remote detonating them when a convoy passes over.

But, as I said before, rockets are good at targeting big things like cities. Where they could be more problematic to U.S. forces is if they were fired at a port or air base. Because they are not accurate enough and do not carry nuclear payloads, they would not be able to disable a port or air base. But they could cause confusion and delays and represent a threat that way. I'm also assuming that they do not possess gas warheads. Iran is somewhat of a bad actor in the world. But even they don't like gas or bio weapons, from what I have heard.

As far as the airlift, we have one airborne division and one air assault division. There just aren't enough assets to secure a target as large as Tehran. Not to mention the resupply issues, all of which would have to be done by air. Better just to stroll over the mountains. That way, you can cut Iran off from Iraq and reduce problems from that quarter.
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