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Webb Possibly Going Independant
Webb is possibly going to tell the Dems to take a hike and go it alone.

I'm calling it now..... This will be Trump's VP candidate.
Who cares about Jim Webb? Polling at ~1%, the guy is dillusional.
Makes sense, he is a traditional democrat and it seems there is no longer room in the democrat party for his kind.

Just shows how extreme the dems have gotten.

Both parties need to reshuffle and figure out where they wanna go and stand for ....
(10-20-2015, 01:12 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Makes sense, he is a traditional democrat and it seems there is no longer room in the democrat party for his kind.  

Just shows how extreme the dems have gotten.  

Both parties need to reshuffle and figure out where they wanna go and stand for ....

There is no room for him anywhere. He isn't intelligent enough to appeal to the left and he isn't psychotic enough to appeal to the right.
(10-20-2015, 01:11 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: There is no room for him anywhere. He isn't intelligent enough to appeal to the left and he isn't psychotic enough to appeal to the right.

So funny that you guys consider a socialist the intelligent one. Lol comrade
(10-20-2015, 04:11 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So funny that you guys consider a socialist the intelligent one.   Lol comrade

Go ahead and let me know which of his policies demonstrate a lack of intelligence.

Prediction: you're going to ask about cost, I will explain it to you, you will fall back on "he's a socialist so he's unintelligent"; repeat cycle endlessly.
(10-20-2015, 05:05 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Go ahead and let me know which of his policies demonstrate a lack of intelligence.

Prediction: you're going to ask about cost, I will explain it to you, you will fall back on "he's a socialist so he's unintelligent";  repeat cycle endlessly.

I heard him on bill maher. Even maher doesn't think he can't pay for this without raising taxes across the board. Not just the 1%
(10-20-2015, 05:51 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I heard him on bill maher.  Even maher doesn't think he can't pay for this without raising taxes across the board.   Not just the 1%

You mean you saw the clip of Maher they posted on the Blaze? Cool. So now that Maher said something you like, he's a genuine authority? Not that it matters since appeal to authority is a fallacy anyway.
(10-20-2015, 06:14 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: You mean you saw the clip of Maher they posted on the Blaze? Cool. So now that Maher said something you like, he's a genuine authority? Not that it matters since appeal to authority is a fallacy anyway.

No.  We watched the show.   Some things I agree with maher on, I do respect his consistency.  Of course there are loads that we do not agree but that does not mean that I ignore the other side of an issue.

I also watch john Oliver. Safe to say we don't agree on much but I love the topics he chooses and it's just funny.
This thread is about Webb. He is a dinosaur democrat. Too bad because this was the democrat party that I grew up with.
(10-21-2015, 12:17 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: No.  We watched the show.   Some things I agree with maher on, I do respect his consistency.  Of course there are loads that we do not agree but that does not mean that I ignore the other side of an issue.

I also watch john Oliver.   Safe to say we don't agree on much but I love the topics he chooses and it's just funny.

Who is 'we'?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2015, 05:05 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Go ahead and let me know which of his policies demonstrate a lack of intelligence.

Prediction: you're going to ask about cost, I will explain it to you, you will fall back on "he's a socialist so he's unintelligent";  repeat cycle endlessly.

"It makes no sense that students and their parents pay higher interest rates for college than they pay for car loans or housing mortgages."

That was pretty unintelligent. Student loans have no collateral and a higher default rate than mortgages and car loans...
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-21-2015, 09:16 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

"It makes no sense that students and their parents pay higher interest rates for college than they pay for car loans or housing mortgages."

That was pretty unintelligent. Student loans have no collateral and a higher default rate than mortgages and car loans...

His only real mistake there was using Twitter to discuss a complicated issue; in the overall picture, he is absolutely correct.

The thing forgotten by all of the self-proclaimed economic geniuses at The Weekly Standard and the Washington Times who railed him for that statement is that student loans are pretty much the safest loan a lender can give. For one thing, they're subsidized by the government. True, they have a higher default rate; but the lender gets the advantage that there is no court order required for them to garnish the borrower's wages. Also, let's not forget: student loans can't be discharged by filing bankruptcy.

In other words, while there's no material collateral, the lender is going to get every penny owed, including interest, almost without fail.  Given the extremely low risk vs. virtually guaranteed reward, he is right: it makes no sense for the interest rates on student loans to be higher than car loans.

Sadly, you can't fit all of that into a Twitter post. To me, it all proves two things: 1. Twitter is the worst thing man has ever shat onto the planet, and 2. always be wary about right wing news outlets comprised of believers in supply-side voodoo calling anybody economically illiterate.
(10-20-2015, 04:11 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So funny that you guys consider a socialist the intelligent one.   Lol comrade

Have you ever heard of the NFL?  The owners are socialists.
(10-21-2015, 01:09 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Have you ever heard of the NFL?  The owners are socialists.

How is this even relevant?

Who cares?

The NFL isn't taking away my income by force. Or forcing me to pay for someone else's ticket.
(10-21-2015, 10:11 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: His only real mistake there was using Twitter to discuss a complicated issue; in the overall picture, he is absolutely correct.

The thing forgotten by all of the self-proclaimed economic geniuses at The Weekly Standard and the Washington Times who railed him for that statement is that student loans are pretty much the safest loan a lender can give. For one thing, they're subsidized by the government. True, they have a higher default rate; but the lender gets the advantage that there is no court order required for them to garnish the borrower's wages. Also, let's not forget: student loans can't be discharged by filing bankruptcy.

In other words, while there's no material collateral, the lender is going to get every penny owed, including interest, almost without fail.  Given the extremely low risk vs. virtually guaranteed reward, he is right: it makes no sense for the interest rates on student loans to be higher than car loans.

Sadly, you can't fit all of that into a Twitter post. To me, it all proves two things: 1. Twitter is the worst thing man has ever shat onto the planet, and 2. always be wary about right wing news outlets comprised of believers in supply-side voodoo calling anybody economically illiterate.

So when they are defaulted on, which as you say it's high, the gov subsidizes the banks and they still smash the borrowers credit rating.

School loans are crushing people. The amount of debt racked up by graduation is obscene. We would be better off if loans were not subsidized by the gov. Tuition rates would drop. schools would allow more creative payment plans. They should also drop the general Ed requirements for a degree. Those are in there to just add cost to the students anyway.
(10-21-2015, 03:39 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: How is this even relevant?

Who cares?  

The NFL isn't taking away my income by force.   Or forcing me to pay for someone else's ticket.

You fail to understand the connection between a socialist and socialism?  Figures.
(10-21-2015, 03:45 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So when they are defaulted on, which as you say it's high,  the gov subsidizes the banks and they still smash the borrowers credit rating.    

School loans are crushing people.   The amount of debt racked up by graduation is obscene.   We would be better off if loans were not subsidized by the gov.    Tuition rates would drop.   schools would allow more creative payment plans.    They should also drop the general Ed requirements for a degree.   Those are in there to just add cost to the students anyway.

What is your degree?
(10-21-2015, 05:23 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You fail to understand the connection between a socialist and socialism?  Figures.

Why is the nfl's set up even relevant here in a Jim Webb thread? I get that your trying to make some long connection. you are trying too hard to be clever.

When has Jim Webb discussed how the NFL is set up?
(10-21-2015, 05:32 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Why is the nfl's set up even relevant here in a Jim Webb thread?  I get that your trying to make some long connection.  you are trying too hard to be clever.    

When has Jim Webb discussed how the NFL is set up?

Who brought up socialism?  You.

I just showed you an example of socialism at work.

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