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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
One man's profiling is another man's data mining.
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(07-22-2016, 10:28 AM)bfine32 Wrote: One man's profiling is another man's data mining.

But don't keep track of gun violence....that's bad data that might profile gun owners.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-21-2016, 11:56 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Am I out in the streets protesting something?  If this is a jab at my public speaking, I make it very clear what I'm attempting to change in the audience, because that's what people who are trying to change something do.

How many BLM related protests have you seen?  Where were they?  Were they peaceful like the people that peacefully stood with their arms locked and blocked an ambulance from getting by on a road?

No jab at your public speaking. I am asking you what real changes you are making since you are criticizing people who are trying to make changes? As far as I know, your public speaking has nothing to do with racial inequality in the criminal justice system, so I am not sure why you are bringing that up. 

I've seen numerous on the news and I have witnessed two in the Baltimore area. Both were very peaceful. 
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(07-22-2016, 01:41 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: No jab at your public speaking. I am asking you what real changes you are making since you are criticizing people who are trying to make changes? As far as I know, your public speaking has nothing to do with racial inequality in the criminal justice system, so I am not sure why you are bringing that up. 

I've seen numerous on the news and I have witnessed two in the Baltimore area. Both were very peaceful. 

I am trying to change people's lives about making good decisions, not taking risks, facing life's struggles, having faith in God, etc, and the audience can take in any or all of them.

What I'm not doing is standing outside of their schools with a bullhorn and screaming just to scream with no idea what I want changed or how to do it and I'm also not organizing a bunch of cripples to sit in a row and block ambulances from saving lives/helping people, or blocking busses from letting kids get to school.
(07-22-2016, 02:26 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I am trying to change people's lives about making good decisions, not taking risks, facing life's struggles, having faith in God, etc, and the audience can take in any or all of them.

What I'm not doing is standing outside of their schools with a bullhorn and screaming just to scream with no idea what I want changed or how to do it and I'm also not organizing a bunch of cripples to sit in a row and block ambulances from saving lives/helping people, or blocking busses from letting kids get to school.

So you're not working to end racial inequality in the criminal justice system? Just checking. 
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(07-22-2016, 02:42 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: So you're not working to end racial inequality in the criminal justice system? Just checking. 

Now you're just babbling, throwing out crap, and going in circles because you have nothing of any worth to debate.

I'm not trying to end racial inequality in the criminal justice system and I never claimed to be.
(07-22-2016, 04:20 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Now you're just babbling, throwing out crap, and going in circles because you have nothing of any worth to debate.

I'm not trying to end racial inequality in the criminal justice system and I never claimed to be.

You called BLM protestors out for not doing anything to make a real change. I asked what you were doing to make a real change in the area they are focusing on. I was curious and the answer is "nothing". 

Babbling would be bringing up things not relevant to their cause, but whatever, man. You immediately took my first post as an attack on your profession, so I should have just stopped a while ago since there's really no use in talking to you. Have a good day.
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(07-22-2016, 04:32 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You called BLM protestors out for not doing anything to make a real change. I asked what you were doing to make a real change in the area they are focusing on. I was curious and the answer is "nothing". 

Babbling would be bringing up things not relevant to their cause, but whatever, man. You immediately took my first post as an attack on your profession, so I should have just stopped a while ago since there's really no use in talking to you. Have a good day.

Why would I be trying to make a change in the area they are focusing on?  When have I ever claimed to be trying to make a change in that area?  I AM, however, trying to make a change with my profession, so how can you even try to say that your comment wasn't directed at my profession?

See, you throw out these insults and garbage thinking I won't call you out on them, but you always leave an "out" like "I was honestly wondering what change you were trying to make" so you can avoid your word and then leave the conversation when I do respond, just like you're doing now.

Have a good day.
Why do I even bother?
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(07-22-2016, 04:45 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Why do I even bother?

I'm asking myself the same question about myself.

You continue to throw out garbage that you can't back-up and just resort to insults instead of engaging in any type of debate.
(07-21-2016, 09:23 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Rep.

They do not know what they are talking about, and they refuse to look at the facts.

(07-21-2016, 09:26 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The only way you could have NOT sdeen this addressed is if you never looked at the research.  Most of the studies clearly say that they control for local crime rate.

You just don't see it because you do not want to see it.

Kind of like how you're refusing to look at the point yellow brought up? About how all of the recent police shootings of blacks are portrayed as someone "innocent" being gunned down for no reason? You dismissed it as strawman because you felt he claimed it was something you directly implied.

It doesn't help the BLM movement to lump everyone together and claim them all unjustified shootings. They're denying there's a problem with some criminals in the same way others deny there's a problem with LEOs covering for other LEOs.

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"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
(07-22-2016, 04:20 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Now you're just babbling, throwing out crap, and going in circles because you have nothing of any worth to debate.

I'm not trying to end racial inequality in the criminal justice system and I never claimed to be.

You could have just as easily posted the second sentence without including the first and this part of the discussion will/would not have gone off on some tangent (it may still not, haven't read further yet) or made it seem like you are think-skinned and incapable of letting go of past "slights". 

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"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
(07-22-2016, 04:32 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You called BLM protestors out for not doing anything to make a real change. I asked what you were doing to make a real change in the area they are focusing on. I was curious and the answer is "nothing". 

Babbling would be bringing up things not relevant to their cause, but whatever, man. You immediately took my first post as an attack on your profession, so I should have just stopped a while ago since there's really no use in talking to you. Have a good day.

Or, you could have tried to see his point of a focused attempt to make a change (as he tries to do with his presentations) instead of just blocking traffic to make a point. 

I'm sure we both could come up with more effective ways of getting a point across if we took a second or two. That seems to be a problem...and this is going to sound racist...with the black community, protesting and rioting in retaliation to an injustice, instead of something more focused and to the point. 

DISCLAIMER--there have no doubt been focused and to the point movements, but there have been more, well publicized, instances of the previously stated road blockages and riots.

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"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
(07-22-2016, 04:20 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Now you're just babbling, throwing out crap, and going in circles because you have nothing of any worth to debate.

Understand that....BMore got very agitated when I said more whites are shot by cops than blacks.  And got even more agitated when I suggested that race wasn't a factor (which FACTS, as opposed to opinions and perception support).  He even went so far as to question if I hadn't lived in a bubble.. and then STFU when he realized my experiences might be more worldly and diverse than his.

And said nothing when I said data shows that blacks are more likely to kill cops than whites.

(07-22-2016, 08:14 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Or maybe you didn't actually read my post or understand basic English. I'm not talking about crime rates. I'm talking about police conduct/misconduct towards specific demographics on a local level.

But, hey, changing the subject and strawmen arguments are your forte.

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I didn't chnge any subject.  I carefully read both your post and the post you replied to.  Both of them specifically addressed the crime rate of certain areas in respose to racial profiling numbers.

When you claimed that you had never seen any study address this issue I had to point out that almost every study takes this into account.

So I have no idea what you are trying to say.
(07-22-2016, 02:26 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: What I'm not doing is standing outside of their schools with a bullhorn and screaming just to scream with no idea what I want changed or how to do it and I'm also not organizing a bunch of cripples to sit in a row and block ambulances from saving lives/helping people, or blocking busses from letting kids get to school.

Here is what people like you fail to understand.  Blacks are resorting to desperate measure becaus the standard way of complaining has netted zero results for years.

they feel the system is stacked against them so they can not proceed through standard channels to have their complainst adrresses.  When police lie to protect each other and District Attorneys also take their side then who can you camplain to?

As i have said many times I don't agree with all of their tactics, but the way FOX News presented this story is perceft proof of why blacks feel they can not trust the media to get bthier mesage out.  You watch Fox News and you seemed to have no idea what happened in the Laquan McDonald case.  I wonder why that is?  You claim the BLM protestors don't know what they are talking about, but people like you who depend on conmseravtive news sources are also ignortant of what is going on out there.
(07-23-2016, 05:06 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Understand that....BMore got very agitated when I said more whites are shot by cops than blacks.  And got even more agitated when I suggested that race wasn't a factor (which FACTS, as opposed to opinions and perception support).  He even went so far as to question if I hadn't lived in a bubble.. and then STFU when he realized my experiences might be more worldly and diverse than his.

And said nothing when I said data shows that blacks are more likely to kill cops than whites.

Lol.....reading is fundamental. Brad was responding to Pat not me Blitz. Get out of the bubble sometime.  Tongue
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(07-23-2016, 10:44 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I didn't chnge any subject.  I carefully read both your post and the post you replied to.  Both of them specifically addressed the crime rate of certain areas in respose to racial profiling numbers.

When you claimed that you had never seen any study address this issue I had to point out that almost every study takes this into account.

So I have no idea what you are trying to say.

If you tried READING my posts - the actual words that I used - then you would have an idea what I'm trying to say. Because I wasn't talking about crime rates. I was quite clear in what I was looking for.

Here, I'll restate what I said and I'll type slower this time: I would like to see the  numbers of people that were arrested, that were convicted, that were beaten by police, that were shot by police, and the number of each that were justified; then sort the results based on various demographics - race, income, gender, etc - and I would like to see them on a per community basis, basically per township or per police district. 

Now, as I said, I'm not aware of any studies that have done this, but apparently you have, so instead of saying "there have been" like no one on the internet is capable of lying, maybe post links to a couple. Either that or you have a reading comprehension problem OR you knew what I was saying and tried to change the subject to knock down yet another strawman. You know which way I'm leaning, but on the off-chance that you really do struggle with comprehension, then I will await your links to the studies or research that has the data I was looking for.
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(07-23-2016, 04:40 AM)rfaulk34 Wrote: Or, you could have tried to see his point of a focused attempt to make a change (as he tries to do with his presentations) instead of just blocking traffic to make a point. 

I'm sure we both could come up with more effective ways of getting a point across if we took a second or two. That seems to be a problem...and this is going to sound racist...with the black community, protesting and rioting in retaliation to an injustice, instead of something more focused and to the point. 

DISCLAIMER--there have no doubt been focused and to the point movements, but there have been more, well publicized, instances of the previously stated road blockages and riots.

You're making the same error in suggesting that disrupting traffic is all they do. 

(07-23-2016, 05:06 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Understand that....BMore got very agitated when I said more whites are shot by cops than blacks.  And got even more agitated when I suggested that race wasn't a factor (which FACTS, as opposed to opinions and perception support).  He even went so far as to question if I hadn't lived in a bubble.. and then STFU when he realized my experiences might be more worldly and diverse than his.

And said nothing when I said data shows that blacks are more likely to kill cops than whites.

Huh? I think you're confusing me with blitz...
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(07-23-2016, 01:06 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You're making the same error in suggesting that disrupting traffic is all they do. 

Huh? I think you're confusing me with blitz...

Or just confused. 
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