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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-15-2016, 07:11 PM)djam Wrote: Fred I've been watching you display how ignorant you are about the world around you online for about 10 or 12 years or more now. If you think I believe that you even have a quarter ounce of a hint of a clue, I would get into a good long debate with you. But you dont even get the basics. You are what is called a useful idiot, and the powers that be rely on folks like you. Good boy now go worship your Hillary poster lol. 

You are acfraid to debate me because you know you nwould lose.

Lets start with your claim that companies were voluntarilty paying for environmental protection before the government forced them to.

Post a link to something to back that up.  I have already pointed out the examples of strip mining and toxic waste dumped in the Cuyahoga River during the pre-regualtion days.  

I post facts while you post silly claims with nothing to back them up.

BTW how much disbility insurance do you carry on  your self and what are your premium costs?  Would you consider it a rip off if you never became disbaled and never got any of those premiums back? 
(08-15-2016, 07:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: If businesses suddenly didn't have to pay any taxes or health insurance, all these companies sending jobs overseas or moving their corporate headquarters overseas to increase profits aren't suddenly going to become altruistic and voluntarily start distributing all the money saved to their employees. It would be a god damn scene from the Industrial Revolution from a Dickens novel. Men like your grandfather would be Oliver Twist asking for, "more."  Let's not kid ourselves.

I honestly cant even get what you are saying here or how it applies to my orignal BLM post in the first place? Lets see, after 60 years of social programs being poured into the black communities, do you think they are better off now, or worse? Jyst answer that honestly. Keep in mind before the civil rights movement, the black divorce rate was lower than whites. It was absurd low, like 2% or something. They had very strong families. Do they have strong families now? Have these social programs really helped them out of poverty? 

If the government lowered taxes, especially corporate taxes, we would get more business moving back here and more jobs would open up hands down. America has one of the corporate highest rates in the world, and companies moved factories to where they can have low taxes and less union so they can stay in business and make money. Its the bottom line fact, why dont you just do the actual homework yourself? All the info is out there? I was a liberal once too ya know, but I quit lying to myself and believing the lies I had been fed. I got busy and did my homework. You can too. 
(08-15-2016, 04:17 PM)djam Wrote:  liberal/communist-like ideals that have divided people into class and race categories instead of uniting people under a freedom based live and let live banner like America was founded to be. 

You realize that the founding fathers agreed that a whole group of people could be treated like property because of their "Race", right?

Also, classes have been around since the dawn of civilization.
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(08-15-2016, 07:41 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You realize that the founding fathers agreed that a whole group of people could be treated like property because of their "Race", right?

Also, classes have been around since the dawn of civilization.

Did you know that Africa still has slavery to this day, and buys and sells their own people just like they did to a bunch of europeans back in the day, who eventually became American Democrats? Slavery still --their own people? Did you know that we were one of the very first countries to abolish slavery and it was the first republican president who did it? 

Did you know, that all those people have moved on in life, blacks can vote and even become president now. Are you suggesting we are still slave drivers? Because I actually agree with you. Democrats took them from the cotton fields and put them on the vote plantation. They give them "just enough" to keep getting their votes dont they? But they definitely make sure plenty of abortion clinics are setup in those neighborhoods, you know, of course. They have it all set up. The black communities are definitely living under chains right now. But you idiots want more of what has already destroyed them lol. Some friends of black people you guys are....
(08-15-2016, 03:10 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: A key component to a winning strategy for both parties. 

There. Fixed it for you. Always funny those who love to scream racism do as mich or more generalizing than anyone else. Want to end racism? Stop generalizing entire groups of people based of their skin color.
[Image: 85d8232ebbf088d606250ddec1641e7b.jpg]
(08-15-2016, 03:05 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: What do you call stereotypes or generalizations based race?

A group of people who call themselves Black Lives Matter, and get mad when anyone even suggests that "all lives matter". There's your generalization, idiot. 
(08-15-2016, 07:32 PM)djam Wrote: If the government lowered taxes, especially corporate taxes, we would get more business moving back here and more jobs would open up hands down

No it would not.  Companies would still go overseas for lower wages.

Corporate tax rates don't matter to many large companies because they get so many deductions they have zero taxable incpome.

Here, educate yourself
(08-15-2016, 07:32 PM)djam Wrote: Have these social programs really helped them out of poverty? 


The black poverty rate has dropped from more than 40% in the 1960s to about 27% today;

The fraction of black families with middle-class incomes rose almost 40 percentage points between 1940 and 1970,

The number of black college and university professors more than doubled between 1970 and 1990; the number of physicians tripled; the number of engineers almost quadrupled; and the number of attorneys increased more than sixfold.

Educate yourself djam.
(08-15-2016, 07:29 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You are acfraid to debate me because you know you nwould lose.

I know that's always  been my fear. 
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(08-15-2016, 07:47 PM)djam Wrote:  But they definitely make sure plenty of abortion clinics are setup in those neighborhoods, you know, of course. They have it all set up. The black communities are definitely living under chains right now. But you idiots want more of what has already destroyed them lol. Some friends of black people you guys are....

What do you claim the government has done to "destroy" the black communities and keep them in chains?

I don't understand what you are saying.  How do abortion clinics damage black communities?  Do you think they would be more economically successful with even MORE children living in poverty?  I don't see any logic in your argument.
(08-15-2016, 08:35 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I know that's always  been my fear. 

Thanks for admitting that.

Now lets see if djam will be as honest as you are.
(08-15-2016, 08:40 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Thanks for admitting that.

Now lets see if djam will be as honest as you are.

I can only assume his fear is similar to mine. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-15-2016, 08:40 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Thanks for admitting that.

Now lets see if djam will be as honest as you are.

I'll be 100% honest. I havent even read any of your posts beyond the first 2 or 3. I've heard all your talking points too many times, and they are all, or well, mostly false. I noticed you made a couple statements that were "almost" correct, but thats it. 

Like I say I used to buy into the same crap you did, so the typical talking points dont work on me, at all. 

But staying on topic, if blacks are better off now, why do they kill each other all the time? If black lives really matter, why do they not talk about the black on black crime, which is the worst of the worst in terms of #'s? Why do they only single out these stupid little cases, burn down buildings and cars and hurt and kill people, because, a kid pointed a gun a police and got shot for it, doh!? If I pointed a gun at police I dont suspect I would live through it either. 
(08-15-2016, 08:53 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I can only assume his fear is similar to mine. 

Yeah I worry about fred destroying me with wisdom, definitely lol. 
(08-15-2016, 06:59 PM)djam Wrote: You are completely misguided if you think the car companies just up and left so they could have cheaper workers. That is one of the liberal fantasy stories that seems easy to believe but once you really look into it you see its a total lie. 

I never claimed they up and left. I understand it was a multi factorial situation, but ultimately it was capitalism that caused the decline of the Detroit auto industry.

Quote:Did you know that GM was paying high wages and expensive benefits to employee's who hadnt produce a single product or dollar for them in 15 years? How does that work? The government implemented a lot of socialist experimental programs in Detroit back in the 60's, and they all failed and the extremely high taxes and unions asking for too absurd amounts of everything forced the companies to move away to countries that have way lower tax rates and wages. It killed not just car companies but everything. I spent a lot of my life in China and I can tell you now, they have big issues, but the sweat shop thing that Americans buy into is NOTHING like you've been told it is. 

Wow, I didn't realize the companies had no hand in running their own companies.

Quote:We can NOT make a perfect world where everyone succeeds and no one fails, through government policy and force. I mean you could try, its exactly what Stalin wanted and every other horrible dictator. But the bottom line is that in the end, most people want to live free and in the end most people would be willing to even die to fight for thevreedom they want to protect or gain. You cant have both freedom and government control. 

I already stated there will be winners and losers.

Quote:As far as you bringing up capitalism and Jim Baker, I cant even see the point? Jim Baker's criminal activity had nothing to do with capitalism. We "havent" had real capitalism here in a very, very long time. Every year for decades, more capitalism-killing policy comes out and the government gets in bed with their pocket-lining buddies and create more cronyism, and they sell it as capitalism to a bunch of people who dont even understand basic economics. But that is not capitalism at all. The governments roles in the economy, if there is any, is protecting people against fraud, corruption and cronyism, but instead they breed all of those things and make them worse. Unless you've really researched history, you dont even know what a free market is because we havent had anything that even resembles that since our grandparents were kids. 

Jim Bakker was greedy. He was every bit a business man as he was a clergyman who specialized in selling false hope to his customers. If you don't understand his association with capatism let me explain. Several years ago a study was conducted in Canada testing OTC supplements and how accurately they were labeled. Ten percent had 100% of the ingredients listed on the label in 100% of the amounts listed. Ten percent had zero percent of the ingredients listed. Eighty percent had some of the listed ingredients, but not in the amounts listed and contained mostly cheaper fillers like rice. That, in a nutshell, is capitalism. Ten percent of capitalist have ethics and give their customers exactly what they pay for. Ten percent of capitalists are complete crooks. Eighty percent fall somewhere in between on that spectrum, but they are still ripping you off by lying to you about what you're paying for.

Quote:Sadly I dont think most people understand basic economics. 

Including economist who make economic predictions. 
(08-15-2016, 09:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I never claimed they up and left. I understand it was a multi factorial situation, but ultimately it was capitalism that caused the decline of the Detroit auto industry.

Wow, I didn't realize the companies had no hand in running their own companies.

I already stated there will be winners and losers.

Jim Bakker was greedy. He was every bit a business man as he was a clergyman who specialized in selling false hope to his customers. If you don't understand his association with capatism let me explain. Several years ago a study was conducted in Canada testing OTC supplements and how accurately they were labeled. Ten percent had 100% of the ingredients listed on the label in 100% of the amounts listed. Ten percent had zero percent of the ingredients listed. Eighty percent had some of the listed ingredients, but not in the amounts listed and contained mostly cheaper fillers like rice. That, in a nutshell, is capitalism. Ten percent of capitalist have ethics and give their customers exactly what they pay for. Ten percent of capitalists are complete crooks. Eighty percent fall somewhere in between on that spectrum, but they are still ripping you off by lying to you about what you're paying for.

Including economist who make economic predictions. 

When government steps in, its become less and less like capitalism and more like cronyism. Thats what you dont understand I think. The difference. A lot of those companies made bad business decisions, but they moved for more than any reason, to escape a very oppressive government towards business in that area at the time. This great idea of having government force the rich to pay for the poor is a fairy tail, period. It has never worked ever and it never will. People will eventually take their money and leave, that happens 100% of the time, and to "force" them to stay is simply fascist. No matter what you liberals believe, and what you try to get the government to do on your behalf, there will always, always be poor people in this world. But capitalism, even the washed down cronyism crap we have now, has pulled more of them out of poverty than anything. The quality of life of poor people always goes up when things around them can thrive. But if things around them dont, then everyone is more poor and quality of life goes down. 

Where in the heck do you get your little 10% facts about business owners? That is an absurd fantasy myth that people have planted in your head so you would buy into their garbage that capitalists are greedy and need controlled and stolen from some how lol. Bernie fans are a confused bunch. i feel sad for them --so much frustration, so little idea on what to do in life except promote government handouts lol. 
(08-15-2016, 09:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I never claimed they up and left. I understand it was a multi factorial situation, but ultimately it was capitalism that caused the decline of the Detroit auto industry.

Wow, I didn't realize the companies had no hand in running their own companies.

I already stated there will be winners and losers.

Jim Bakker was greedy. He was every bit a business man as he was a clergyman who specialized in selling false hope to his customers. If you don't understand his association with capatism let me explain. Several years ago a study was conducted in Canada testing OTC supplements and how accurately they were labeled. Ten percent had 100% of the ingredients listed on the label in 100% of the amounts listed. Ten percent had zero percent of the ingredients listed. Eighty percent had some of the listed ingredients, but not in the amounts listed and contained mostly cheaper fillers like rice. That, in a nutshell, is capitalism. Ten percent of capitalist have ethics and give their customers exactly what they pay for. Ten percent of capitalists are complete crooks. Eighty percent fall somewhere in between on that spectrum, but they are still ripping you off by lying to you about what you're paying for.

Including economist who make economic predictions. 

Now let me add that a lot of people are going to try to scam people and sell a false product --snake oil salesmen types --alot like Obama, and Hillary and fredtoast lol. I happens all the time, and yes it happens in a free market, but the beauty of a free market is that you have choices, and when gov steps in, you have less or no choices. In this age right now, it is the "most" primed for real free markets than we ever have been, yet so many people are scared of it! With facebook and twitter and text, if a business was scamming people and the journalists were doing their jobs instead of taking payoffs to twist truth and not report fact, bad businesses would either have to step up, or go under really fast. You dont need a government to regulate when the consumer has all the power and those consumers can communicate instantly from all over the world. That means, people like me? I have to compete for your business. I have to step it up and try my best to offer the very best service and product and value, or else I wont do well because within a day there will be bad facebook reviews and all kinds of stuff and I will be losing my business to joe schmo down the road. But y'all are scared of that kind of thing because of the rich boogieman that barely exists lol.  
(08-15-2016, 07:06 PM)djam Wrote: Guess what? I'm not the one whining for more government benefits and handouts, and neither is my grandfather. We have too much dignity for that. Do your homework on the VA and see how well vets get their promised benefits. The only thing really working out for my grandfather right now are the programs he did pay into himself. SS and VA? Not much there, nowhere near what people have been promised. So dont act shocked that I dont want to continue to fund programs that have already failed millions of people 20 times over, and made the politicians rich lol. 

So far I haven't used my VA health benefits because I've been paying for private health insurance.   The medical benefits my family and I received while I was in the military were excellent. Despite complaints I have heard by many active duty members to the contrary. Based upon my military experience with military medicine, I expect to find a similar situation with the VA. Until then I am reserving judgment.

Quote:Again the things you are talking about have NOTHING to do with capitalism lol. Its hilarious how brainwashed people really are. Real actual free markets getting back into health care even a little bit, would drop the prices exponentially. You people just want more of what has already been failing us lol. And you think its capitalism, but its nowhere near it. You dont even understand what capitalism actually is. 

To hear you tell it, capitalism isn't at fault for anything. Even the big companies paying off the politicians. Or the health insurance or medical industry making tons of money. Yeah, capitalism isn't at fault. Those are all accidents. 

Socialism isn't our Saviour and capitalism isn't Satan and vice versa. I previously stated we need both capitalism and socialism. More precisely we need capitalism and social programs funded by capitalism so we aren't the haves and haves not, but the haves and the haves the basics. For that you have labeled me a liberal socialist, claimed socialism is a universal failure, and denied capitalism is responsible for any ill effects upon the world. Which is exactly why people like me shouldn't believe anything people like you try to sell.  Because 80% of the time business owners and there companies are lying to us like the supplement manufacturers I referenced before. 
(08-15-2016, 09:34 PM)djam Wrote:  A lot of those companies made bad business decisions, but they moved for more than any reason, to escape a very oppressive government towards business in that area at the time.

No they did not.  They opened plants over seas and in Mexico because of the lower wages.

You don't understand economics.
(08-15-2016, 09:46 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No they did not.  They opened plants over seas and in Mexico because of the lower wages.

You don't understand economics.

Lower wages AND way lower taxes. Fred our corporate tax rate is like 4 or 5 times what most of the Asian countries are. Do you understand how much money that means for some of these businesses? Do you not understand that unions, which were needed 100 years ago but not so much now, had workers being paid way more than they produce? How can a business operate if they are forced to pay people more than they produce? 

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