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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-15-2016, 09:45 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: So far I haven't used my VA health benefits because I've been paying for private health insurance.   The medical benefits my family and I received while I was in the military were excellent. Despite complaints I have heard by many active duty members to the contrary. Based upon my military experience with military medicine, I expect to find a similar situation with the VA. Until then I am reserving judgment.

To hear you tell it, capitalism isn't at fault for anything. Even the big companies paying off the politicians. Or the health insurance or medical industry making tons of money. Yeah, capitalism isn't at fault. Those are all accidents. 

Socialism isn't our Saviour and capitalism isn't Satan and vice versa. I previously stated we need both capitalism and socialism. More precisely we need capitalism and social programs funded by capitalism so we aren't the haves and haves not, but the haves and the haves the basics. For that you have labeled me a liberal socialist, claimed socialism is a universal failure, and denied capitalism is responsible for any ill effects upon the world. Which is exactly why people like me shouldn't believe anything people like you try to sell.  Because 80% of the time business owners and there companies are lying to us like the supplement manufacturers I referenced before. 
 To hear me tell it, you would understand that big businesses, and the real bad guys who really do exist, like the vampires in the pharm industry? When they collude with government, that is NOT free market capitalism. But again that is what happens when you give the government more control over the ecomony, and socialism would give them total control. Who wants that? Dude you need to read up bad. Research what capitalism really is, read some Adam Smith. Learn what "cronyism" really is, because it IS what you are upset about. I dont think you and I disagree that things are not how they should be, but our definitions and solutions are way off for sure. I used to think just like you tho man, so i kind of know your talking points a little. The more I dug and learned, the more I realized i had been duped.
(08-15-2016, 07:32 PM)djam Wrote: I honestly cant even get what you are saying here or how it applies to my orignal BLM post in the first place? Lets see, after 60 years of social programs being poured into the black communities, do you think they are better off now, or worse? Jyst answer that honestly. Keep in mind before the civil rights movement, the black divorce rate was lower than whites. It was absurd low, like 2% or something. They had very strong families. Do they have strong families now? Have these social programs really helped them out of poverty? 

Honestly, I don't know. You're the self professed expert who knows "all they" want is more free stuff. My feet used to kill me after a 25 mile road march. I can't imagine how much your feet must hurt walking door to door during your exhaustive survey to determine what all of them want.

Quote:If the government lowered taxes, especially corporate taxes, we would get more business moving back here and more jobs would open up hands down. America has one of the corporate highest rates in the world, and companies moved factories to where they can have low taxes and less union so they can stay in business and make money. Its the bottom line fact, why dont you just do the actual homework yourself? All the info is out there? I was a liberal once too ya know, but I quit lying to myself and believing the lies I had been fed. I got busy and did my homework. You can too. 

That's what I wrote before; companies are sending jobs overseas for cheap third world labor in countries with weak labor laws protecting the workers from exploitation. Companies are relocating overseas to increase their profits. All because of capitalism. You agree whether you realize it or not. The corporate tax rate is high because of the loopholes. The loopholes are there because of the corporation's influence. The loopholes cause the tax revenues to go down which in turn causes the rate to increase. Then the cycle repeats itself.
(08-15-2016, 09:43 PM)djam Wrote:  You dont need a government to regulate when the consumer has all the power and those consumers can communicate instantly from all over the world.

Yes you do.

It doesn't matter how many people can communicate when they are denied the inside knowledge needed to regulate businesses.

People have no idea if insurance companies or banks have funds on reserve to play claims.

People have no idea what chemicals are in their medicine or their drinking water.

People have no idea what the octane rating is of their fuel or if it has any dangerous impurities.

People have no idea if the wiring in a house is safe.

People have no idea if a doctor, or a lawyer, or an investment adviser has the proper training to do his job.
(08-15-2016, 04:17 PM)djam Wrote: Misguided and jaded? Yeah I was misguided back when my thinking was just like yours. I'm jaded from the failures of social programs that have wrecked our economy, and liberal/communist-like ideals that have divided people into class and race categories instead of uniting people under a freedom based live and let live banner like America was founded to be. One day a long time ago I stopped listening to what the bought and paid for, agenda-driven journalist and professors were saying and started researching for myself --history of policy and results thereof. It was not very hard to really get a look into the rest of the world either, considering I lived part of my life in China when I was younger, and my parents work took them all over the world most of my life. Socialism is a failure on almost every level. Doesnt matter how much you try to church it up, stealing from people to pay for others diminishes motivation, and hinders greatness, creativity and individualism. It has never worked out for anyone, and the countries Bernie and his band of clueless supporters try to use as a examples have struggled very badly, so they make excuses that ' oh what we need is "more" socialism and then it will be ok' lol. Its hilarious. How about this. Live and let live. Make your own way and let others do the same, If they volunteer to help others then thats great, if not, its their own business and you should have no say it in whatsoever. Anything socialism related would only work in a homesteading community type environment. Trying to force it on people in a modern society is utter stupidity. Folks want to be productive and make money for their work, and they want to keep that money and decide what to do with it for themselves. If you keep stealing from people they will leave. If you force them not to, then you've essentially created a prison lifestyle for people who produce things that others want. That kind of thing starts wars. 

You seem to not understand differences between social democracy, socialism, and other items important to a discussion regarding the actual merits and flaws to these sorts of policies. You also seem to not understand the actual positions espoused by some or the nuances of the policies in effect in various places in various points in time. There is no point in continuing this conversation.

(08-15-2016, 04:35 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Unregulated capitalism was also a complete failure.  History proved this.

I don't know of anyone here who is arguing for true socialism where the government controls all services and means of production.  I think everyone agrees that the competition of capitalism is needed to drive innovation.  NOt even Bernie's followers were in favor of the government controlling all industry.

But unregulated capitalism leads to oppression, death, and destruction of the environment.

So instead of arguing about which is better we have to look at what level of regulation and government involvement is needed.  Because it can't be either zero or 100%. 

Anyone who claims that either extreme is good just does not understand history.

No nation in this world, with the exception of possibly RNK, is 100% socialist. And no nation is 100% capitalist, well, maybe Somalia. Anyway, any country with economic policies in place has a mix of capitalism and socialism. The USSR was that way, China, Cuba, all of these places that we think of as socialist had a mixture. Socialism is not a dirty word, and it is not the same as social welfare programs. But some people just don't understand this.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-15-2016, 09:56 PM)djam Wrote:   Research what capitalism really is, read some Adam Smith.

Yeah, I'll read Adam Smith when we return to a world wher corporations did not exist and the debate was about the real worth of the feudal system in an agrarian economy.

Do you also think that bloodletting is a good cure for many common ailments because it re-balances the humors in your body?
(08-15-2016, 09:56 PM)djam Wrote:  The more I dug and learned, the more I realized i had been duped.

If you dug and learned so much then why is it impossible for you to cite anything to back up your points.

I post facts and you post your random opinions with nothing to back them up.
(08-15-2016, 07:47 PM)djam Wrote: Did you know that Africa still has slavery to this day, and buys and sells their own people just like they did to a bunch of europeans back in the day, who eventually became American Democrats? Slavery still --their own people? Did you know that we were one of the very first countries to abolish slavery and it was the first republican president who did it? 

Did you know, that all those people have moved on in life, blacks can vote and even become president now. Are you suggesting we are still slave drivers? Because I actually agree with you. Democrats took them from the cotton fields and put them on the vote plantation. They give them "just enough" to keep getting their votes dont they? But they definitely make sure plenty of abortion clinics are setup in those neighborhoods, you know, of course. They have it all set up. The black communities are definitely living under chains right now. But you idiots want more of what has already destroyed them lol. Some friends of black people you guys are....

You're sounding more and more like a nationalist. But what kind of nationalist peddles this sort of rhetoric?  
(08-15-2016, 09:46 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No they did not.  They opened plants over seas and in Mexico because of the lower wages.

You don't understand economics.

fred I'd love to hear your version of the history of the unions. Did you know that in the very early coal days, the workers were actually paid fairly well? This is the part your liberal professors want to leave out of history. But you see most of the workers were German and Italian, who were all very skilled workers. Heck they barely even needed to be miners because they were such capable workers. But yes the coal companies, they did get greedy. They didnt want to pay these skilled workers who really knew what they were doing such high wages. So what did they do? They reached into communist eastern europe, and imported tons and tons of workers, totally unskilled but starving to get out of the oppression they were in. Well thats when all the bad stories of the mining towns and horrible working conditions and such started. Well eventually the mines grew and so did their problems, when those workers got together and decided to make a workers union and fight for their rights as workers --funny thing under a lot of communist ideals, which we still see today. We all know what happened after that, but my point is, these people were in backwoods appalachia, cut off from most of society in a time when the industrial revolution was moving fast. Times have changed, and despite the downfalls of the industrial revolution and the boom of large industrial corporations, we've all benefited from the wealth that was created because of capitalism ten fold. We would be screwed without it actually. 

I am a business owner. When I opened my first company I was a liberal democrat. I own a few businesses now actually, and it has just kind of grown that way. But anyway, one of my hobbies eventually turned into a demand from others and it was something that to be legal, I had to go get a contractors license. So, ok, I made some calls, figured out what I had to do and set out to do it. So the first thing was to buy like $1000 worth of books that I had to have just to even be able to take the test, because you see its an open book test because there is so much useless crap in it, there is no way any human could pass it without the books lol. So anyway, I started seeing that this whole thing was just a total joke --extortion at its finest. When I started studying and practicing for the test, and realized that there really werent but a few questions that related to the work I actually did on that stupid thing lol. The rest of them were questions that not many people would even have to know! But anyways, I did the whole thing and was later down at one of the city building applying for another construction related license to be able to work in city limits and conversation came up about the test I had just paid $1050 to study and take, and it turns out, that whole thing is just a collusion between the unions and government to help keep companies from opening business and competing with the unions for work. I'm like, wow, seriously? I am not sure but that may have been the moment I started looking into things for mysel and stopped listening to the narrative. 
(08-15-2016, 07:06 PM)djam Wrote:  I'm not the one whining for more government benefits and handouts, and neither is my grandfather.

You just said that your grandfather blew all his money because he was dependent on getting government benefits.

You said he is losing everything he worked for because he depended on governemtn benefits,

But now you claim that he does not want government benefits?

So basically he is crying about losing everything because he is not getting government benefits, but at the same time he is not whining for government benefits.

Hilarious LMAO
(08-15-2016, 10:21 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You're sounding more and more like a nationalist. But what kind of nationalist peddles this sort of rhetoric?  

What is wrong with a nationalist? I honestly havent even heard that term very much in life until Trump came out. Funny how that works. 
(08-15-2016, 10:21 PM)djam Wrote:  Did you know that in the very early coal days, the workers were actually paid fairly well? This is the part your liberal professors want to leave out of history. But you see most of the workers were German and Italian, who were all very skilled workers. Heck they barely even needed to be miners because they were such capable workers. But yes the coal companies, they did get greedy. They didnt want to pay these skilled workers who really knew what they were doing such high wages. So what did they do? They reached into communist eastern europe, and imported tons and tons of workers, totally unskilled but starving to get out of the oppression they were in. Well thats when all the bad stories of the mining towns and horrible working conditions and such started. Well eventually the mines grew and so did their problems, when those workers got together and decided to make a workers union and fight for their rights as workers --funny thing under a lot of communist ideals, which we still see today. We all know what happened after that, but my point is, these people were in backwoods appalachia, cut off from most of society in a time when the industrial revolution was moving fast. Times have changed, and despite the downfalls of the industrial revolution and the boom of large industrial corporations, we've all benefited from the wealth that was created because of capitalism ten fold. We would be screwed without it actually. 

So you admit that coal companies refused to pay a living wage and that forced labor to organize in order to get what they want?

And you admit that the only way the workers got what they needed was for them to organize and even fight to the death?

And this somehow proves how great and pure capitalism is?

Seems to me you have just posted a perfect example of how teh welathy would rather oppress the weak than pay a decent fair wage.
(08-15-2016, 10:21 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You just said that your grandfather blew all his money because he was dependent on getting government benefits.

You said he is losing everything he worked for because he depended on governemtn benefits,

But now you claim that he does not want government benefits?

So basically he is crying about losing everything because he is not getting government benefits, but at the same time he is not whining for government benefits.

Hilarious LMAO

What I'm saying it the VA didnt come through with their benefits, as they havent for many others, and SS is nothing basically. So yeah he had to sell of some stuff because his medical bills were more than everything would cover. Sadly its like this for a lot of people. The VA and SS have been the least help of all honestly. Without the investments he made himself he would be completely screwed. What part of that do you not understand? 
(08-15-2016, 08:12 PM)djam Wrote: A group of people who call themselves Black Lives Matter, and get mad when anyone even suggests that "all lives matter". There's your generalization, idiot. 

Name calling. Cool. 
In an unrelated story: Milwaukee has imposed a 10:00 curfew in an attempt to quell the violence.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-15-2016, 10:26 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So you admit that coal companies refused to pay a living wage and that forced labor to organize in order to get what they want?

And you admit that the only way the workers got what they needed was for them to organize and even fight to the death?

And this somehow proves how great and pure capitalism is?

Seems to me you have just posted a perfect example of how teh welathy would rather oppress the weak than pay a decent fair wage.

Capitalism isnt perfect, and yes I'm willing to admit that. But socialism? Its terrible, tragic and pathetic. You cant have freedom and liberty without capitalism. Period. The system ou want would fail us terribly. The coal companies and everything got worked out didnt it? The ones that havent been regulated out of business make good money now. But the unions are not needed anymore fred. They have a right to assemble, and they have a right to try to negotiate wages on behalf of their members, but in no way shape or form should they EVER, be allowed into government institutions where its the peoples hard earned money on the line. No laws twisted in their favor and nothing to do with government, period. That is the only way unions should be allowed to exist. 
(08-15-2016, 10:21 PM)djam Wrote: conversation came up about the test I had just paid $1050 to study and take, and it turns out, that whole thing is just a collusion between the unions and government to help keep companies from opening business and competing with the unions for work. I'm like, wow, seriously?

I am like wow, seriously myself.

This claim is a complete fabrication.  You have nothing to back it up other than paranoid delusions.  The fact is that the government has a duty to protect people from builders who have no idea what they are doing.
(08-15-2016, 10:34 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I am like wow, seriously myself.

This claim is a complete fabrication.  You have nothing to back it up other than paranoid delusions.  The fact is that the government has a duty to protect people from builders who have no idea what they are doing.

No its not a complete fabrication. There are people in government trying to fight against it right now! The problem with you is that you buy anything the media and their unions bosses sell you lol. Its a big problem. Like I said, I have no issue with unions existing, but not with tax dollars on the line. They have been more destructive than anything 

Only in a union state do hundreds of thousands of outdoor loving, gun owning, conservative country people vote for the likes of Obama LOL!!!! Its amazing to me and its why in my area the unions are losing members a lot more in the last few years. They are tired of being driven towards democrats and socialism. they are waking up fast. Which needs to happen. The corruption of the union needs exposed as it does for all the politicians democrat and republican alike.
(08-15-2016, 10:34 PM)djam Wrote: Capitalism isnt perfect, and yes I'm willing to admit that. But socialism? Its terrible, tragic and pathetic. You cant have freedom and liberty without capitalism. Period. 

you are sompletely wrong.  Period.  Socialism has no effect on your freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freeedom to assemble, freedom to own guns, freedom to elect a respresentative government, freedom to liuve wher you want, freedom to marry who you want, freedom to travel where you want, and in Bernie Sanders versionof socualism it does not even effect your freedom to own your own business.

All you do is spew BS with nothhing to back it up.  How is it impossible to have freedom with socialism.  Give me some details please.

(08-15-2016, 10:34 PM)djam Wrote:  The coal companies and everything got worked out didnt it?

Yes, after hundreds of innocent worker were killed in the name of greed by the wealthy owners who refused to pay a living wage or make the work conditions safe.

You basically just made my argument for me.
(08-15-2016, 10:36 PM)djam Wrote: No its not a complete fabrication. There are people in government trying to fight against it right now! The problem with you is that you buy anything the media and their unions bosses sell you lol.

Yes it is a complete fabrication.  I challenege you to posta link to anything that backs up your claim.

The problem is that you have been brainwashed and believe anything that the greedy welathy elite tell you about the evilds of socialism.

We have been arguing for several pages now and I have posted many facts and specific examples to back up my claims, biut you have not posted anything except personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you.
(08-15-2016, 10:36 PM)djam Wrote: Only in a union state do hundreds of thousands of outdoor loving, gun owning, conservative country people vote for the likes of Obama LOL!!!! Its amazing to me and its why in my area the unions are losing members a lot more in the last few years. They are tired of being driven towards democrats and socialism. they are waking up fast. Which needs to happen. The corruption of the union needs exposed as it does for all the politicians democrat and republican alike.

Unions area creation of the free market.  They have nothing to do with the government.

Labor is a resource on the free market and it negotiates for its own value.

If you like free market capitalism then you have to be a fan of unions.

The problem is that you don't really understand simple economic principles.

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