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What exactly is Joe Biden supposed to have done wrong in business dealings
(10-30-2020, 10:34 AM)bfine32 Wrote:  I was simply going by stuff he'd done in the last decade and feel he might have had some help.

Because no one who used cocaine or had an extra-marital affaire could ever succeed at business?

C'mon, man, you know better than that.

The fact is you think he is crooked just because Joe Biden is his father.  You have no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong.  Which means you should agree with me that the mainstream media should not be reporting on anything when there is no evidence to back it up

The right-wing echo chamber is blowing up over the mainstream media refusing to report on this, yet there is nothing to report.
(10-30-2020, 10:34 AM)bfine32 Wrote: You're not the only one with access to Wikipedia, we can all read about Hunter

Then why did you claim he had no qualifications for the business he was in?

Was that an intentional misrepresentation, or did you not go to Wikipedia until I educated you on all of his prior experience and what his job was with Burisma?
(10-30-2020, 10:45 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Because no one who used cocaine or had an extra-marital affaire could ever succeed at business?

C'mon, man, you know better than that.

The fact is you think he is crooked just because Joe Biden is his father.  You have no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong.  Which means you should agree with me that the mainstream media should not be reporting on anything when there is no evidence to back it up

The right-wing echo chamber is blowing up over the mainstream media refusing to report on this, yet there is nothing to report.

As I said: Nobody can stop you from thinking he was selected based solely on merit.

I'll take your word on the Right Wing Echo Chamber blowing up as aparently they have your ear more so than mine.

As I said I find it unusual that Joe got out in front of the sexual assault accusation; yet, avoids this one like the matrix. But somehow folks will assert both COAs are proof of him doing no wrong.

For the 1000th time; I've accused Joe of no wrong doing
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(10-30-2020, 10:57 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I'll take your word on the Right Wing Echo Chamber blowing up as aparently they have your ear more so than mine.

Apparently not since you were the one echoing the claim that Hunter Biden had no qualifications to be hired by Burisma.

I knew better because I educate myself on both sides of these stories.
Seriously, does anyone believe Hunter Biden was picked for the Burisma and other boards based on merit?
He was picked for his name and the respectability it lends. As is the case with many children of famous parents. Who often exploit that. That's not controversial. That's also not news.

News would be if Joe were participating in any of that, scandal would be if he did so as VP, but the outlets that gave such bombshells as release the memo or caravans of caravans or Seth Rich murder plots need to put up or shut up a this point. And it appears they chose the latter.

Hunter Biden is murky. Got it. Now as for the question in the thread title, seems there comes nothing but a guy named Tony and Biden not denying every aspect on a 24/7 basis.
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(10-29-2020, 08:41 PM)Benton Wrote: Maybe msm isn't hiding news stories critical of the Biden family because the stories are just fabricated by fake people being paid by far right people?

Would be a more significant point if every single negative Trump story was run with even if it turned out to be fabricated.
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(10-30-2020, 11:50 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Would be a more significant point if every single negative Trump story was run with even if it turned out to be fabricated.

Look out Phil.  Bfine is going to jump your ass for bringing up Trump in a Biden thread.

But here is the thing.  Even though some of the salacious details of the Steele Dossier were reported turned out to be unconfirmed, at least the media could point to an actual allegation of misconduct.  So far you have not been able to point out what misconduct Joe is supposed to have been involved with.  All I have heard so far is that he might have been involved in legal business transactions when he was not even Vice-president.

So what is the "mainstream media" supposed to be reporting that is critical of Biden?
(10-30-2020, 11:50 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Would be a more significant point if every single negative Trump story was run with even if it turned out to be fabricated.

Don't know if that happened that often, but that's still different from additionally slamming every media outlet that doesn't run the same story just as prominently.
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(10-30-2020, 12:10 PM)hollodero Wrote: Don't know if that happened that often, but that's still different from additionally slamming every media outlet that doesn't run the same story just as prominently.

I'm more concerned about Twitter fully and Facebook to a degree, flat out censoring a link to a story in a newspaper.

I don't care what side you are on, that is a very bad thing.

I could be wrong, but I do not think CNN or MSNBC covered the story at all.  A complete blackout.  Zero info.  I tried searching both their sites yesterday and came up with one article a few days old on MSNBC.  That's it.
Nobody is saying Joe Biden did anything wrong or illegal...they just want to keep talking about it because the (Trump supporters) believe it casts a shadow on Biden with voters who (they hope) aren't smart enough to understand.

There can be no other explanation for the continued repetition of a story that even the people telling it say is nothing.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-30-2020, 12:52 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I'm more concerned about Twitter fully and Facebook to a degree, flat out censoring a link to a story in a newspaper.

I don't care what side you are on, that is a very bad thing.

I could be wrong, but I do not think CNN or MSNBC covered the story at all.  A complete blackout.  Zero info.  I tried searching both their sites yesterday and came up with one article a few days old on MSNBC.  That's it.

The reason for this isn't as nefarious as people like to make it seem. News agencies will sometimes run stories from other agencies, but in order to do so without independent verification there needs to be some trust in the journalistic integrity of the story and the originating agency. The NY Post is just shy of tabloid on the reputation front, and on top of that, Giuliani had already shopped the story around and was turned away when these organizations wouldn't take it to print without fact checking. The story didn't get covered because journalistic standards, we're talking good journalism, wouldn't allow for it. Twitter and Facebook put disclaimers on the story for the same reason.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-30-2020, 12:52 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I'm more concerned about Twitter fully and Facebook to a degree, flat out censoring a link to a story in a newspaper.

I don't care what side you are on, that is a very bad thing.

Well that's a different topic, and it might very well be a bad thing. Then again, these are private companies and can decide not to be a platform for a certain story. I have little understanding of the law here. But imho, Twitter lets Trump break their rules and regulations permanently and many right to extreme right wing sites are trending on facebook (the biggest facebook sites fall into this category), so I don't feel like taking this "censorship of conservative voices" as seriously as you do.
And after all, this Joe Biden is corrupt story could turn out to consist of much fabricated slander. It's tricky to demand that links to stories have to remain under all circumstances, even if they are potentially either fake or defamatory.

(10-30-2020, 12:52 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I could be wrong, but I do not think CNN or MSNBC covered the story at all.  A complete blackout.  Zero info.  I tried searching both their sites yesterday and came up with one article a few days old on MSNBC.  That's it.

You are wrong, to a degree. There was coverage of that story, albeit way less prominently and throwing quite a different, more sceptical light on it. Recent developments from FOX world and now even from Tucker world imho indicate that, barring new developments, treating this story as unsubstantiated and not journalistically sound is the right approach. In which case they do the right thing not to make this front page news.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-30-2020, 01:18 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well that's a different topic, and it might very well be a bad thing. Then again, these are private companies and can decide not to be a platform for a certain story. I have little understanding of the law here. But imho, Twitter lets Trump break their rules and regulations permanently and many right to extreme right wing sites are trending on facebook (the biggest facebook sites fall into this category), so I don't feel like taking this "censorship of conservative voices" as seriously as you do.
And after all, this Joe Biden is corrupt story could turn out to consist of much fabricated slander. It's tricky to demand that links to stories have to remain under all circumstances, even if they are potentially either fake or defamatory.

You are wrong, to a degree. There was coverage of that story, albeit way less prominently and throwing quite a different, more sceptical light on it. Recent developments from FOX world and now even from Tucker world imho indicate that, barring new developments, treating this story as unsubstantiated and not journalistically sound is the right approach. In which case they do the right thing not to make this front page news.
I didn't mean it from a censoring conservative voices slant.  I think it is very dangerous for such a huge platform to be able to flat out block a link to a newspaper story and suspend certain accounts for sharing a link to a newspaper story.  Liberal or conservative.

And then the reasons they used for blocking it was completely unfounded.  Again, either side, doesn't matter.

Twitter dude didn't help himself by showing up to the hearing looking like a stoned homeless guy.  His pupils were about the size of pin.  I caught that immediately.  Either that or he was looking directly into the sun.  lol.
(10-29-2020, 01:23 PM)bfine32 Wrote: We don't know. Seems there's a movement to not share the data or dismiss it as fake.

Just one example of the so called Democrats saying no evidence.

Tony Bobulinski had meeting with Joe Biden (twice) according to the testimony he just provided to the FBI and in 45 minute interview with Tucker Carlson. Did you all watch the interview (all 45 minutes)?

Anyone who watches th einterview and is not alarmed the sitting VP in 2015 is involved personally in a family deal with the Chinese is very biased and does not want the truth. I think it deserves a whole lot of true investigation.

You say no money went to Joe, may be true, but they should look. They should look to insure Hunter and Jim Biden federal and state tax returns ito see if this was reported in 2017 (year deal was finalized). Also, follow the money which appears amy be possibly money laundering by Hunter and the Chinese.

BTW....Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden have not once denounced Tony Bobulinski evidence or his taped conversation with te family business associate begging him to not go forward.

This is not going away, looks like Hunter is under investigation right now. I would not be surprised if Hunter is arrested after the election, they are waiting to not sway the election.

Also, libs people are not stupid, It is Hunter's laptop and no the Russians did not drop it off, sign for it and put the damaging info on it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(10-30-2020, 01:37 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Just one example of the so called Democrats saying no evidence.

Tony Bobulinski had meeting with Joe Biden (twice) according to the testimony he just provided to the FBI and in 45 minute interview with Tucker Carlson. Did you all watch the interview (all 45 minutes)?

Anyone who watches th einterview and is not alarmed the sitting VP in 2015 is involved personally in a family deal with the Chinese is very biased and does not want the truth. I think it deserves a whole lot of true investigation.

You say no money went to Joe, may be true, but they should look. They should look to insure Hunter and Jim Biden federal and state tax returns ito see if this was reported in 2017 (year deal was finalized). Also, follow the money which appears amy be possibly money laundering by Hunter and the Chinese.

BTW....Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden have not once denounced Tony Bobulinski evidence or his taped conversation with te family business associate begging him to not go forward.

This is not going away, looks like Hunter is under investigation right now. I would not be surprised if Hunter is arrested after the election, they are waiting to not sway the election.

Also, libs people are not stupid, It is Hunter's laptop and no the Russians did not drop it off, sign for it and put the damaging info on it.

I heard the McRib is coming back.  Can anyone verify this?  Because there is more truth in THAT than the idea that Biden did anything wrong.

Add to that the idea that someone would want Biden's (all of them) taxes looked into while supporting Donald Trump is a real hoot.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
There is too much bullshit flying around this for me to keep up. So I found this:
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-30-2020, 01:36 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I didn't mean it from a censoring conservative voices slant.  I think it is very dangerous for such a huge platform to be able to flat out block a link to a newspaper story and suspend certain accounts for sharing a link to a newspaper story.  Liberal or conservative.

And then the reasons they used for blocking it was completely unfounded.  Again, either side, doesn't matter.

Twitter dude didn't help himself by showing up to the hearing looking like a stoned homeless guy.  His pupils were about the size of pin.  I caught that immediately.  Either that or he was looking directly into the sun.  lol.

Are you saying it is dangerous to let privately owned organizations do as they wish?
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(10-30-2020, 01:37 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Anyone who watches th einterview and is not alarmed the sitting VP in 2015 is involved personally in a family deal with the Chinese is very biased and does not want the truth. I think it deserves a whole lot of true investigation.

The business in China was in 2017 when Biden was not VP.

Donald Trump and his family members have maintained all sorts of business ties with China during his presidency.  Do you have any problem with that?
(10-30-2020, 01:48 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The business in China was in 2017 when Biden was not VP.

Donald Trump and his family members have maintained all sorts of business ties with China during his presidency.  Do you have any problem with that?

China is the new ISIS but without the awesome buffets. 

Wait, eh screw it I'm keeping this as an endorsement of ISIS buffets. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-29-2020, 04:47 PM)fredtoast Wrote: How can you "be fine" with this but be opposed to American companies moving all their production and jobs over seas to take advantage of lower wages.

Both are legal.  So does that mean you are fine with both?

If the corporate tax rate and regulations are in line with or lower than the rest of the world, corporations will want to come here and move production here.  Meaning jobs will come back to the USA.

When did I say I was opposed to American companies moving overseas.  Does it suck, yes, but it's our own policies, regulations and Chinas entry into the WTO that is causing it.

Make the USA competitive or better than the rest of the world and they will move back.

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