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What is really up with Huma Abedin?
Quote: Do you know anything about Huma Abedin other than her religion?  Did you know she was born in Michigan?

Yeah because Jihadists aren't ever good ol' American born citizens. They only come from those barbaric middle eastern countries. I hope you're not serious.

Quote:You're asking "what is really up" with her and implied she is a jihadist infiltrator intent on over throwing the US government in order to establish a caliphate and institute sharia law.

I didn't realize asking a question was forbidden.

And no, I'm not implying that she is jihadist infiltrator. I'm questioning if she is or not.

Quote:You have suggested multiple intelligence agencies involved with vetting White House staff are incompetent.

Well no actually I haven't. I questioned their level of trust. Acting incompetent and refusing to act are two separate things.

Quote:Now you just suggested a legislative caste system.

Don't worry, most Muslims want to be under Sharia Law anyway, so you don't have to worry about the US government separating them from us non-believers, they already want to be.

Quote:Is that how you will treat Jesus when he comes back?  

Well Jesus wouldn't be coming back from an anti-american war torn land that we get blamed for, so no.

Quote:What is really up with you?

What's up with me? Well I wake up every morning, usually have the same breakfast, go to work, come home and do stuff on my laptop and do it all again the next day with bits of going to do other things like shop, go to church, dates with the wife etc... thrown in. If you'd like to be sure though just have the FBI investigate me. I'll have a higher chance of being thrown in jail.

Quote:How long will you avoid answering how long do you think we have been fighting ISIS?

I wasn't avoiding it. Just trying to slowly progress through our discussion. How long? Hmmm, beats me. They seemed to come to prominence around 2014, but I'm sure they've been around longer than that. I'd say early 2000's is my best guess.
(11-04-2016, 02:06 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Yeah because Jihadists aren't ever good ol' American born citizens. They only come from those barbaric middle eastern countries. I hope you're not serious.

Cool.  So besides discriminating against foreign born Muslims you propose treating Muslim Americans as second class citizens.  Must be that famous Christian tolerance I've heard so much about, but rarely see.

Quote:I didn't realize asking a question was forbidden.

And no, I'm not implying that she is jihadist infiltrator. I'm questioning if she is or not.

1) Commenting on your question doesn't infringe upon your First Amendment right to ask your question.  However, your First Amendment right to ask your question doesn't free you from criticism.  Stop playing the victim card because you aren't being persecuted.  If you didn't want "thoughts" you shouldn't have solicited them.  You asked.  I answered.

2) Are you shitting me?  You posted two articles which suggests links between Huma Adebin to terrorists organizations, ask what is really up with her and write, "I can't help but get an eerie feeling that we really are being infiltrated by an islamic rule slowly but surely. Perhaps Trumps "great Trojan horse" comments aren't that off base. I've always held the belief that the US will never be defeated from the outside, it can only be defeated from the inside, and I still hold on to that belief."

But, you seriously expect me to believe you never implied she is a jihadist infiltrator?

Let me illustrate an example:  "Are you stupid?"  

I'm not implying you're stupid.  I'm questioning if you are stupid or not.  You answer, "No, I'm not stupid."  A reportor picks up the story, publishes story online on, headline reads, "Matt_Crimson Denies He is Stupid!"  The reporter includes one of your quotes, "I'm not implying that she is jihadist infiltrator. I'm questioning if she is or not." I read the headline and your quote and think, "Well, where there is smoke there is fire."  Other people read the story.  Share it with friends.  Post it on facebook.  Pretty soon your intelligence, or implied lackthereof, is trending.  See what I'm sayin', Matt?

Quote:Well no actually I haven't. I questioned their level of trust. Acting incompetent and refusing to act are two separate things.

Failure to perform one's job competently is incompentence.

Quote:Don't worry, most Muslims want to be under Sharia Law anyway, so you don't have to worry about the US government separating them from us non-believers, they already want to be.

Dude, you're a Christian that can't agree with other Christians about how a Christian gets into Heaven.  I doubt you're also an expert on what most Muslims want.  But, I'll hazard a guess most Muslims don't want to be treated like prisoners.  I think that would be especially true among Muslim Americans born in the US like Huma Abedin.

Quote:Well Jesus wouldn't be coming back from an anti-american war torn land that we get blamed for, so no.

That's where Jesus is from originally, with a lay over.  Do you think all the terrorists are taking direct flights or do you think they might have a lay over in France or Germany?  Revelations 19:11 tells us Jesus "makes war" when he returns.  Sounds like a jihadist to me.

Quote:What's up with me? Well I wake up every morning, usually have the same breakfast, go to work, come home and do stuff on my laptop and do it all again the next day with bits of going to do other things like shop, go to church, dates with the wife etc... thrown in. If you'd like to be sure though just have the FBI investigate me. I'll have a higher chance of being thrown in jail.

Naw.  I mean doesn't the Constitution or what this country is supposed to stand for mean anything to you?  I think it is hilarious how quickly a Christian will persecute others based upon religion.  I also think it is ironic you would abandon the principles upon which this country was founded to protect those very same principles you would abandon.  It's ***** nuts.

Quote:I wasn't avoiding it. Just trying to slowly progress through our discussion. How long? Hmmm, beats me. They seemed to come to prominence around 2014, but I'm sure they've been around longer than that. I'd say early 2000's is my best guess.

I didn't ask when ISIS came to prominence.  I asked how long we have been fighting them.  Because we have been fighting them since 2003.  Thus, there have been many Generals (plural) who though we should take them seriously.  Those many Generals thought that since 2003.  That's why your comment "an American military general" said we need to take ISIS seriously betrays your fundamental lack of knowledge about who and what ISIS is and how long we have been fighting them.

I'm more sick and tired of people who know nothing about ISIS complaining about ISIS than I am Christians who complain about being persecuted while promoting the religious persecution of others.
(11-04-2016, 02:06 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Don't worry, most Muslims want to be under Sharia Law anyway, so you don't have to worry about the US government separating them from us non-believers, they already want to be.

This can't be serious.

I smell a troll.

No one can be this stupid.
(11-04-2016, 04:42 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Cool.  So besides discriminating against foreign born Muslims you propose treating Muslim Americans as second class citizens.  Must be that famous Christian tolerance I've heard so much about, but rarely see.

Well no not exactly (discrimination isn't always a bad thing, it depends on how and why it's being used). Just the foreign ones. Trying to contain all potential terrorists in America is impossible, but the impact can be lessened. And just because I feel worried about Jihadist infilitration and would so like our government to be more cautious does not mean I'm intolerant. Way to stretch the argument. I don't hate Muslims. I don't beat Muslims. I don't harrass Muslims. I don't constantly bash their religion much like you do mine. I just can't help but feel cautious when there are multiple terrorist groups threatening Americans and openly saying they will cut off our own Presidents head if given the chance.

Quote:Commenting on your question doesn't infringe upon your First Amendment right to ask your question.  However, your First Amendment right to ask your question doesn't free you from criticism.  Stop playing the victim card because you aren't being persecuted.  If you didn't want "thoughts" you shouldn't have solicited them.  You asked.  I answered.

Persecuted? When did I ever say anything about me being persecuted? You made light of the fact that I asked "What is really up with Abedin" to which I responded "I didn't know that was forbidden". Yeah, I asked "What is up with Abedin". Is that a crime? I'm just confused as to why you needed to point out a question that I asked.

Quote:2) Are you shitting me?  You posted two articles which suggests links between Huma Adebin to terrorists organizations, ask what is really up with her and write, "I can't help but get an eerie feeling that we really are being infiltrated by an islamic rule slowly but surely. Perhaps Trumps "great Trojan horse" comments aren't that off base. I've always held the belief that the US will never be defeated from the outside, it can only be defeated from the inside, and I still hold on to that belief."

But, you seriously expect me to believe you never implied she is a jihadist infiltrator?

Let me illustrate an example:  "Are you stupid?"  

I'm not implying you're stupid.  I'm questioning if you are stupid or not.  You answer, "No, I'm not stupid."  A reportor picks up the story, publishes story online on, headline reads, "Matt_Crimson Denies He is Stupid!"  The reporter includes one of your quotes, "I'm not implying that she is jihadist infiltrator. I'm questioning if she is or not." I read the headline and your quote and think, "Well, where there is smoke there is fire."  Other people read the story.  Share it with friends.  Post it on facebook.  Pretty soon your intelligence, or implied lackthereof, is trending.  See what I'm sayin', Matt?

Yep. I posted those articles for discussion, not as a conclusion. Also, just because Abedin may be considered to have ties with terrorists does not automatically make her a jihadist. If you connected the dots, one could make the argument that the US has "ties" to terrorist groups in the Middle East. Does that mean the US is sympathetic to the Jihadists goal? No it does not. JUst because Abedin may have some sort of "connection" it does not inherently mean she is automatically trying to infiltrate the US government on behalf of terrorists. She could be doing that unknowingly.

Quote:Failure to perform one's job competently is incompentence.

Yep, it is. But again, failing to perform your job, and not performing your job for particular reasons are not the same thing.

Quote:Dude, you're a Christian that can't agree with other Christians about how a Christian gets into Heaven.  I doubt you're also an expert on what most Muslims want.  But, I'll hazard a guess most Muslims don't want to be treated like prisoners.  I think that would be especially true among Muslim Americans born in the US like Huma Abedin.

Did I say I was an expert? I'm going off of what polls have said. It has been reported that more than half of the Muslims in America would rather be under Sharia Law rather than American Law. More than 60-90% of Muslims in other countries have been reported as stating that Sharia Law should be the law of the land.

Quote:That's where Jesus is from originally, with a lay over
Too bad he won't be coming from there or taking any flights.

Quote:Do you think all the terrorists are taking direct flights or do you think they might have a lay over in France or Germany?  Revelations 19:11 tells us Jesus "makes war" when he returns.  Sounds like a jihadist to me.

They could be swimming.

Quote:Naw.  I mean doesn't the Constitution or what this country is supposed to stand for mean anything to you?  I think it is hilarious how quickly a Christian will persecute others based upon religion.  I also think it is ironic you would abandon the principles upon which this country was founded to protect those very same principles you would abandon.  It's ***** nuts.

Persecute? I'm not saying they should be harassed and abused. Good lord.

As far as what this country stands for? That's highly questionable. Too many agendas and back door dealings going on. I stand for freedom, but I also stand for being cautious when it comes to defending our country against those who may have higher chances of causing terrorist acts in our country.

Quote:I didn't ask when ISIS came to prominence.
I know you didn't I was simply making a statement.

Quote:I asked how long we have been fighting them.  Because we have been fighting them since 2003.  Thus, there have been many Generals (plural) who though we should take them seriously.  Those many Generals thought that since 2003.  That's why your comment "an American military general" said we need to take ISIS seriously betrays your fundamental lack of knowledge about who and what ISIS is and how long we have been fighting them.

I said early 2000's. So I was right.

I've never claimed to be an expert on ISIS. Your point is irrelevant to the argument. ISIS isn't the only terrorist group in the world. I said "An American general" because that's what came to mind at the time I was typing. I didn't care to type out some feature length novel explaining who and what ISIS is and everyone that has said something about them. I don't get what your obsession is with this.

Quote:I'm more sick and tired of people who know nothing about ISIS complaining about ISIS than I am Christians who complain about being persecuted while promoting the religious persecution of others.

I have never claimed I'm being persecuted. And yes, I will complain about ISIS when they're executing thousands of people and committing multiple atrocities. You don't have to have an in depth analysis of an individual or groups past to complain about their present actions.
(11-04-2016, 09:52 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Well no not exactly (discrimination isn't always a bad thing, it depends on how and why it's being used). Just the foreign ones. Trying to contain all potential terrorists in America is impossible, but the impact can be lessened. And just because I feel worried about Jihadist infilitration and would so like our government to be more cautious does not mean I'm intolerant. Way to stretch the argument. I don't hate Muslims. I don't beat Muslims. I don't harrass Muslims. I don't constantly bash their religion much like you do mine. I just can't help but feel cautious when there are multiple terrorist groups threatening Americans and openly saying they will cut off our own Presidents head if given the chance.

Well, what's your plan for suspected jihadist infiltrators like Huma Abedin?

Quote:Persecuted? When did I ever say anything about me being persecuted? You made light of the fact that I asked "What is really up with Abedin" to which I responded "I didn't know that was forbidden". Yeah, I asked "What is up with Abedin". Is that a crime? I'm just confused as to why you needed to point out a question that I asked.

Because the question is ridiculous.  It's so ridiculous I can't tell when you are sarcastic instead of serious.  Abedin was the Chief of Staff for the Secretary of State.  What type of vetting process do you think that involves?

Quote:Yep. I posted those articles for discussion, not as a conclusion. Also, just because Abedin may be considered to have ties with terrorists does not automatically make her a jihadist. If you connected the dots, one could make the argument that the US has "ties" to terrorist groups in the Middle East. Does that mean the US is sympathetic to the Jihadists goal? No it does not. JUst because Abedin may have some sort of "connection" it does not inherently mean she is automatically trying to infiltrate the US government on behalf of terrorists. She could be doing that unknowingly.

I wrote you implied she is a jihadist infiltrator, not that you had concluded she is one.  Now, we are discussing it.

The US undoubtedly has ties to terrorists organizations.  The fight with ISIS is basically a proxy war (with a bunch of other crap mixed in as well) between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran arming, funding, and supporting the jihadists on their respective sides of the Islamic schism.  The US has supported both Sunni and Shiite jihadist to combat the other depending upon the balance of power due to unintended consequences.

Explain how someone "unknowingly" infiltrates the US government on behalf of jihadists to overthrow the US government to establish sharia law.  

Quote:Yep, it is. But again, failing to perform your job, and not performing your job for particular reasons are not the same thing.

Failing to competently perform your job is incompentence regardless of the reason.

Quote:Did I say I was an expert? I'm going off of what polls have said. It has been reported that more than half of the Muslims in America would rather be under Sharia Law rather than American Law. More than 60-90% of Muslims in other countries have been reported as stating that Sharia Law should be the law of the land.

I'd like to see those polls.
Quote:Too bad he won't be coming from there or taking any flights.

They could be swimming.

Remind me what part of the world he was born?  The Middle East?

Quote:Persecute? I'm not saying they should be harassed and abused. Good lord.

No, just treated like prisoners.  In the US, if a company says, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" Christians  complain of a war against Christianity.  Imagine how harrassed and abused they would feel if treated like prisoners like you suggested treating others.

Quote:As far as what this country stands for? That's highly questionable. Too many agendas and back door dealings going on. I stand for freedom, but I also stand for being cautious when it comes to defending our country against those who may have higher chances of causing terrorist acts in our country.

This country is supposed to stand for ideas like life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness-which are human rights, not US rights.  A person's true character is revealed under duress.  We are the defenders of freedom if we aren't actually going to defend freedom when the times comes when our ideas are being tested.  Our ideas are being tested right now.  Not only are your suggestions not in keeping with your faith and the teachings of Jesus, they are un-American.

Quote:I know you didn't I was simply making a statement.

I said early 2000's. So I was right.

I've never claimed to be an expert on ISIS. Your point is irrelevant to the argument. ISIS isn't the only terrorist group in the world. I said "An American general" because that's what came to mind at the time I was typing. I didn't care to type out some feature length novel explaining who and what ISIS is and everyone that has said something about them. I don't get what your obsession is with this.

Again, it is a focus on attention to detail.  Is there any General who didn't think we should take them seriously since we started fighting them in 2003?  Our invasion of Iraq and subsequent post-occupation decisions directly lead to the current ISIS situation.

Quote:I have never claimed I'm being persecuted. And yes, I will complain about ISIS when they're executing thousands of people and committing multiple atrocities. You don't have to have an in depth analysis of an individual or groups past to complain about their present actions.

Who is ISIS executing?  Muslims.  Who is doing the lion's share of the fighting against ISIS?  Muslims.  Why?  Because they don't want to be under the sharia law implemented by ISIS.
(11-03-2016, 09:27 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: So what is your solution to prevent being defeated from the inside by Muslms?  An Inquisition?  What a show!

How long do you think we have been fighting ISIS?

(11-04-2016, 02:06 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Don't worry, most Muslims want to be under Sharia Law anyway, so you don't have to worry about the US government separating them from us non-believers, they already want to be.

Most Christians claim they want to live their lives on the model of Jesus, in accordance with the Bible.  Few infer from
that that Christians, as a group, form a stealth project to take over the US government.

Most of the Muslims I have known want to live their lives in accordance with the Qu'ran.  But many Christians infer from that
that they do have a stealth project to take over the US government. They don't seem to want to separate from non-
believers any more than Christians do.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-04-2016, 04:42 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I'm more sick and tired of people who know nothing about ISIS complaining about ISIS than I am Christians who complain about being persecuted while promoting the religious persecution of others.

Finally! Progress!! Ninja

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."
I got this frend who knowed this girl whose aunt's cousins housekeeper shared a cab with this moslem guy once, and she said he told her that Humid Ablinking IS A TERRORIST FOR REAL - but that ain't the worser part. She said he tole her he seen a bat crawl down her leg once and she was wearing a short skirt so he knowed it come from her vee jay jay, if you know what I meen. And you know what that terrorist ***** did? She picked that bat up, bit its head off, and said well that's what happins when they don't stay in the bat cave when they are opposed to. And then she said beesides her lipstick needed a touchup and she smeared the batblood all over her lips and laughed. I'd do her though. She's hot. She ain't Sara Pailin hot, but for a terrorist she aint bad. Just don't kiss her on that badblood mouth and make sure she aint waring no pipebombs and then its on.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(11-05-2016, 04:59 PM)?Dill Wrote: Most Christians claim they want to live their lives on the model of Jesus, in accordance with the Bible.  Few infer from
that that Christians, as a group, form a stealth project to take over the US government.

Most of the Muslims I have known want to live their lives in accordance with the Qu'ran.  But many Christians infer from that
that they do have a stealth project to take over the US government. They don't seem to want to separate from non-
believers any more than Christians do.

Kepe tawkin like that college boy, and they'll put you on another watch list. I know you already got 2 B on sum. Who let this moslem lover in here anyways?
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
Quote:Well, what's your plan for suspected jihadist infiltrators like Huma Abedin?

I don't know let me think about it.

Quote:Because the question is ridiculous.  It's so ridiculous I can't tell when you are sarcastic instead of serious.  Abedin was the Chief of Staff for the Secretary of State.  What type of vetting process do you think that involves?

There was nothing ridiculous about the question. All it was, was an attention grabbing headline. Media does it all the time. Get over it.

Quote:Explain how someone "unknowingly" infiltrates the US government on behalf of jihadists to overthrow the US government to establish sharia law.
The careless handling of information can help.

Quote:Failing to competently perform your job is incompentence regardless of the reason.

Well yes, failing to competently perform your job is incompetence because it implies you obviously did it incompetently. But perceived failure does not amount to obvious incompetence.

Quote:I'd like to see those polls.

Quote:Remind me what part of the world he was born?  The Middle East?

I don't remember the bible saying Jesus will be coming from the Middle East when he returns.

Quote:No, just treated like prisoners.  In the US, if a company says, "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" Christians  complain of a war against Christianity.  Imagine how harrassed and abused they would feel if treated like prisoners like you suggested treating others.

I wasn't being literal about treating them like actual prisoners. Second of all, what percentage of Christians are saying there's a war against Christianity when someone says Happy Holidays? I personally don't believe in Christmas as a "Christian" holiday. Guess I'm not a Christian.

Quote:This country is supposed to stand for ideas like life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness-which are human rights, not US rights.  A person's true character is revealed under duress.  We are the defenders of freedom if we aren't actually going to defend freedom when the times comes when our ideas are being tested.  Our ideas are being tested right now.  Not only are your suggestions not in keeping with your faith and the teachings of Jesus, they are un-American.

I don't remember Jesus saying you can't put people under certain legislation out of caution. And I'm Un-American? I love when people say that. Most American's are "un-American" in their own right. It just takes the right situation to present itself because "being American" is subjective. I'm not gonna sit here and act like I'm Jesus or that I'm a perfect good ol' American of the USA. But apparently you're just the most Jesusy American alive that doesn't seem to believe in Jesus. You're trying to ridicule me for not "keeping with my faith". How interesting. Someone who doesn't seem to believe in Jesus or listen to the bible trying to tell a Christian that they're not keeping with their faith.

And apparently you don't see the contradiction in "being American" while also trying to "be faithful to Jesus" because the truth is you can't be completely American while being completely faithful to Christ.  As a matter of fact, Jesus warns us against trying to "serve two masters". But honestly, that's beside the point because the whole "Un-American" idea is nothing more than a phrase used by Americans to demonize those that don't adhere to the values that they consider to be objectively "American". It's a shock tactic. Oh my! Look at him! He's un-american! Yeah, because "being American" means you're the most holiest of holy saints.

Quote:Again, it is a focus on attention to detail.  Is there any General who didn't think we should take them seriously since we started fighting them in 2003?  Our invasion of Iraq and subsequent post-occupation decisions directly lead to the current ISIS situation.

Who is ISIS executing?  Muslims.  Who is doing the lion's share of the fighting against ISIS?  Muslims.  Why?  Because they don't want to be under the sharia law implemented by ISIS.

Of course ISIS is executing Muslims.They're operating in predominantly Muslim dominated areas and they're killing Muslims....... is that supposed to be shocking? Muslims have been killing each other for years. They're not killing each other because they're Muslim. They're killing each other because they don't believe what the others believe. It's a common fallacy to say "ISIS is killing Muslims". Well yes and no. They're killing people that American's perceive to be Muslims, but in the eyes of ISIS they're not Muslims, they're infidels/heretics just like the rest of us. Why do you think Shiites and Sunnis have been killing each other for years? I'll give you a hint. It's not because they're Muslim.
(11-05-2016, 04:59 PM)Dill Wrote: Most Christians claim they want to live their lives on the model of Jesus, in accordance with the Bible.  Few infer from
that that Christians, as a group, form a stealth project to take over the US government.

Most of the Muslims I have known want to live their lives in accordance with the Qu'ran.  But many Christians infer from that
that they do have a stealth project to take over the US government. They don't seem to want to separate from non-
believers any more than Christians do.

Why would Christians want to take over a nation that is already considerd Christian?
(11-06-2016, 01:19 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Why would Christians want to take over a nation that is already considerd Christian?

Because they don't like the separation of church and state, or the tolerance of other religions.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-06-2016, 01:19 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Why would Christians want to take over a nation that is already considerd Christian?

Take a class in European history then tell us why a Christian nation tried to take over a Christian country repeatedly.
(11-06-2016, 03:50 AM)Dill Wrote: Because they don't like the separation of church and state, or the tolerance of other religions.

Okay. And where are all these dangerous Christians that are blowing up people or beheading them in the name of their belief?

Nevermind don't answer that question. People always like to start talking about "radical christianity" whenever someone starts complaining about radical islam. But here's the thing. Just because someone is complaining about radical islam does not mean they are supportive of radical Christian groups or groups like Westboro. "Radical christianity" while something I'm against is nowhere near as prevelant as radical Islam.

Bill Maher who is one of the most vocal critics of Christianity even admitted it's laughable to compare christianity to islam and said that people who use the term "Islamophobia" are only enabling radical Islam. Richard Dawkins, a devout atheist and also an extremely vocal critic of Christianity said that the decline of Christianity actually worries him because he feels that although christianity is a fairy tale, he believes christianity is the best defense the world has against more dangerous religions like Islam. But all the PC people can keep sitting their acting like Christians are the ones who need to be stopped.
(11-06-2016, 11:35 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Take a class in European history then tell us why a Christian nation tried to take over a Christian country repeatedly.

What are you referring to?
(11-06-2016, 11:48 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Okay. And where are all these dangerous Christians that are blowing up people or beheading them in the name of their belief?

They were in Northern Ireland when I was growing up.

They were in Birmingham Alabama in the '60's.

They are in Central Africa right now.
(11-06-2016, 11:48 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote:  But all the PC people can keep sitting their acting like Christians are the ones who need to be stopped.

PC?  Really?  Wanting equal protection under the law for all citizens instead of just heterosexuals makes me "PC"?

Then I am proud to be "PC" and you should be ashamed not to be.
(11-06-2016, 12:23 PM)fredtoast Wrote: They were in Northern Ireland when I was growing up.

They were in Birmingham Alabama in the '60's.

They are in Central Africa right now.

Yeah and police officers are slaughtering Americans. Better get ready for that marshal law I guess.
(11-06-2016, 12:26 PM)fredtoast Wrote: PC?  Really?  Wanting equal protection under the law for all citizens instead of just heterosexuals makes me "PC"?

Then I am proud to be "PC" and you should be ashamed not to be.

Good job at stretching the argument Fred. That is not what I was insinuating.

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