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What is really up with Huma Abedin?
Quote:Hillary's 'surrogate daughter' tied to terrorists, 9/11 funders

For nearly 20 years, Hillary Clinton has had an extremely close working relationship with a young beauty who was raised in Saudi Arabia.

Hillary’s ties to Huma Abedin go so deep, it’s been said that the vice chairwoman of Hillary’s campaign is one of few people who knows where the proverbial Clinton “bodies are buried.” In fact, Abedin, whom Hillary once called her “second daughter,” had direct access to classified national security information stored on Hillary’s unsecured email server. Abedin had served as Hillary’s deputy chief of staff at the State Department. And it’s been widely predicted that Abedin would serve as chief of staff if Hillary wins her race for the White House.

But who is this woman, and why is she privy to some of America’s deepest national security secrets?

The hacktivist group Anonymous released a stunning video laying out the scandalous details of Abedin’s background on Oct. 24. In just one week, the video has gone viral with 1.6 million views. The Anonymous video details many of the stunning revelations WND has reported for years – including eye-opening details of Abedin’s ties to terrorists and funders of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

WND has long reported the hair-raising details of Abedin’s past. Abedin has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood – a group bent on “destroying Western civilization from within” – and other Islamic supremacists. As WND has extensively reported, the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic supremacist connections not only extend to Abedin’s mother and father, who are both deeply tied to al-Qaida fronts, but to Abedin herself.

As WND reported, a manifesto commissioned by the ruling Saudi Arabian monarchy places the work of an institute that employed Abedin at the forefront of a grand plan to mobilize U.S. Muslim minorities to transform America into a Saudi-style Islamic state, according to Arabic-language researcher Walid Shoebat.

Abedin was an assistant editor for a dozen years for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs for the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs. The institute – founded by her late father and currently directed by her mother – is backed by the Muslim World League, an Islamic organization in the Saudi holy city of Mecca that was founded by Muslim Brotherhood leaders and helped fund the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. The 2002 Saudi manifesto shows that “Muslim Minority Affairs” – the mobilizing of Muslim communities in the U.S. to spread Islam instead of assimilating into the population – is a key strategy in an ongoing effort to establish Islamic rule in America and a global Shariah, or Islamic law, “in our modern times.”

WND reported Abedin also was a member of the executive board of the Muslim Student Association, which was identified as a Muslim Brotherhood front group in a 1991 document introduced into evidence during the terror-financing trial of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation. At her father’s Saudi-financed Islamic think tank, WND reported, Abedin worked alongside Abdullah Omar Naseef, who is accused of financing al-Qaida fronts. Naseef is deeply connected to the Abedin family.

WND was first to report Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, was the official representative of Naseef’s terror-stained Muslim World League in the 1990s. Less than one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Newsweek reported that the Muslim World League was used by terror mastermind Osama bin Laden to to finance his operations:

“Two interrelated global charities directly financed by the Saudi government – the International Islamic Relief Organization and the Muslim World League – have been used by bin Laden to finance his operations. The organizations were left off the list of groups sanctioned by the United States last week, U.S. officials hinted to Newsweek, in order to avoid embarrassing the Saudi government.”

Harper’s magazine confirmed the relationship in 2004:

“In other cases, the Bush Administration made a conscious decision not to pursue major Saudi conduits for terrorist funding. The clearest example involves two ostensible charities that are long known to have funneled money to Al Qaeda – the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) and the Muslim World League (MWL). Both are financed directly by the Saudi government. MWL is an evangelical organization that was created to help spread Wahhabism, the Saudi brand of Islamic fundamentalism; IIRO is a humanitarian relief organization that operates primarily in Muslim countries.”

Shoebat previously reported that as one of 63 leaders of the Muslim Sisterhood, the de facto female version of the Muslim Brotherhood, Saleha Abedin served alongside Nagla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Muslim Brotherhood figure Mohammed Morsi, Egypt’s now ousted president.

Saleha Abedin and Morsi’s wife both were members of the Sisterhood’s Guidance Bureau, Shoebat found. WND reported Abedin used emails hosted on Hillary’s private server while she was secretary of state. WND also reported in August that Abedin forwarded classified national security information to one of two personal, unsecured emails she regularly used to transact State Department business.

Now the FBI and the Justice Department are digging into some 650,000 emails on the computer of Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner. The FBI obtained Weiner’s laptop after the former congressman was accused of sexting an underage girl. Jerome Corsi, a senior staff writer at and author of “Partners in Crime,” first reported in late August that Abedin forwarded work-related emails to her private account. On Tuesday, Corsi predicted the “biggest scandal in U.S. history” is about to be revealed to America.

Corsi told Radio America he believes Hillary and Abedin offloaded emails onto Abedin’s Yahoo account in preparation for a pay-to-play scheme for access to her emails. “This is a crime scheme that stinks,” Corsi said. “I think this WikiLeaks and this cache of 600,000 emails from the State Department, plus the other documentation we’ve gotten over time, I think this is going to be the biggest scandal in U.S. history, and it’s just about to break.”

In addition to this article I found this to be an interesting read.

Quote: Wrote:Huma Abedin’s Muslim Minority Affairs: Not Just a Journal

“Assimilation is a crime against humanity.” So said Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Islamic supremacist who is both prime minister of Turkey and a close chum of President Obama. The asserton ought to be infamous. But this is, after all, Islam we are talking about – meaning, we are not talking about it. You won’t read it in the American media, nor will you hear it from our bipartisan Beltway profiles in courage. Both the Obama Left and the Republican establishment are deeply invested in the fantasy that Erdogan, like Islam itself, is our moderate ally – ironic, given that Erdogan himself is profoundly offended [2] at the very suggestion that there is such a thing as “moderate Islam.” Yup, what you have been told is the plinth on which American Middle East policy rests, is, according to Erdogan, not only a house-of-cards but:… an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and that’s it.

The prime minister is an excitable sort. Waxing metaphoric about his aggressive, ascendant ideology, he has also observed:
The mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the cupolas our helmets, and the faithful our soldiers. But he is inspired to new heights of fury by the admonition that Muslims living in Europe and North America should assimilate into Western societies. He first called that suggestion a “crime against humanity” in 2008, speaking to a throng of Turkish immigrants in Cologne. It was the obligation of Muslims, he elaborated, to cling to the tenets and culture of Islam. Yes, Muslims in places like Germany must integrate, in the sense of becoming politically active, of pressuring Western societies to give Islam a wide berth. But Muslims should never assimilate – they should use that wide berth to establish Islam’s authority.

Two years later, given an opportunity to recant during a joint press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Erdogan doubled down
Assimilation … [is] the permutation of the values of humans. … [It puts] pressure on individuals to leave aside their customs and traditions, and such a behavior happens to be a crime against humanity.

The message could not have been clearer: Muslims are in the West to change the West, not to be changed by it. These sentiments of one of the world’s most influential Islamic leaders – one about whom Obama has said [4]: “We find ourselves in frequent agreement upon a wide range of issues” – came to mind this week when Walid Shoebat dropped a new bombshell [5] in the controversy over Huma Abedin’s ties to Islamic supremacism. 

Ms. Abedin, of course, is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff. When concerns about her Muslim Brotherhood connections were first raised by five conservative House members, there was great gnashing of teeth from both Democrats and the Brotherhood’s growing squad of Republican cheerleaders. Soon, however, it was demonstrated [6] beyond cavil that Abedin herself [7], like other members of her family, has a disturbingly close association with Abdullah Omar Naseef [8] – a wealthy Saudi financier of al-Qaeda and Brotherhood eminence. At that point, most of the craven GOP emirate stuck its head back in the sand with hopes that the issue would just go away, while the Left reverted to its knee-jerk “McCarthyism” shrieks – along with the demeaning characterization of Abedin [9], who is actually a top policy adviser, as a flunky who merely helps Madame Secretary decide which “handbag” goes best with that day’s outfit.

Ms. Abedin’s Naseef connection centers on an entity the al-Qaeda backer established and recruited Abedin’s parents to run: the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Since its founding in the late seventies, the IMMA’s main purpose has been to publish the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Naseef remained closely involved in the JMMA for decades after its founding in the late 1970s – he was removed from the masthead in 2003, right around the time he was named as a defendant in the civil suit brought by victims of the 9/11 atrocities.

Abedin was assistant editor of the journal for a dozen years – from the time she started interning at the Clinton White House in 1996 until right before she joined the State Department in 2009. During seven of those years, she overlapped with Naseef, who was then on JMMA‘s advisory board.

Walid Shoebat’s latest report grapples with a central question that has been overlooked: Why “Muslim Minority Affairs”? What is the obsession with it? Why have Naseef and the Abedin family been immersed in this issue for so long? Indeed, Naseef not only established JMMA: he served for many years as secretary-general of the Muslim World League, a critical leadership post in the Brotherhood’s Saudi-funded effort to spread Islamic supremacist ideology globally. Quite apart from the terror-funding end of that enterprise, Naseef lavishly underwrote efforts to indoctrinate young Muslims at educational institutions.

Shoebat is a former jihadist who renounced Islamic supremacism and became a Christian nearly twenty years ago. He conducts exhaustive research in an effort to expose the ideology that fuels both terrorism and the broader threat to the West. The latter is what the Muslim Brotherhood calls its “grand jihad [11]” or “civilization jihad” – “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within,” as the Brotherhood’s American operatives put it in a 1991 internal memorandum [12].

In the course of researching the Abedin family’s ties to the Saudi Kingdom and the Brotherhood, Shoebat came across a document he has fittingly described as a “manifesto.” It is a book commissioned by King Abdullah’s predecessor, eponymously titled The Efforts of the Servant of the Two Holy Places, King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, to Support the Muslim Minorities. (The king of Saudi Arabia is deemed custodian of Mecca and Medina, Islam’s “two holy places.”) The book explains that “Muslim Minority Affairs” is not merely an entity; it is shorthand for a long-term, high-priority policy to spread Islam until, finally, it comes to dominate the non-Islamic nations of the world.
Shoebat explains:

[The book] spoke of recruiting Muslims that live in non-Muslim lands and transforming them as a collective unit. It spoke of already established centers, educational programs, mosques and organizations in the United States like [the Islamic Society of North America] and [the Muslim Students Association], all geared towards hindering any Western plan for Muslim assimilation in a non-Muslim host nation. It mentioned “The Muslim Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA), established in the United States in 1962” (p. 65), as key agents to protect Muslims from assimilation. It named the mosques and centers in major United States cities established to carry out the mission. Five decades of efforts were spent with billions to ensure that Muslims will be an unassimilated group which then can infuence the non-Muslim host nation and other nations, regardless of how small the numbers of Muslims, by shifting the demographic scale due to their population growth in favor of this Saudi agenda.

It explained how a gradual change would ensue by [Muslims’] becoming a major revolutionary powerhouse that will tilt the host nation in favor of Muslims due to their increase as a population … 
In short, the plan echoed the Brotherhood’s 1991 memorandum.

[It was designed] to transform a nation from within, where a Minority population can act as a fifth column, incubating in the host nation with the intent of gradually implementing the Wahhabist plans. … Wahhabism is the fundamentalist Islam that is not merely the religion but the law and comprehensive social system of Saudi Arabia.The building blocks of this plan included 29 scholarly works – including Muslim Minorities in the West, written by Huma Abedin’s father Dr. Zyed Abedin (whose name Shoebat transliterates as Sayed Zaynul Abedin). This explains why Ms. Abedin’s parents were entrusted with the pivotal task of overseeing JMMA, supported by the House of Saud and supervised by Naseef and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth – a lavishly bankrolled ideological and jihadist enterprise established by the Kingdom and the Brotherhood in 1972, with the global mission of – as a WAMY pamphlet puts it [13] – ” … arm[ing] the Muslim youth with full confidence in the supremacy of the Islamic system over other systems.”

Under the supervision of current editor Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin (Huma’s mother and JMMA‘s editor since her husband’s death in 1993), JMMA abets the Muslim Minority Affairs mission to this day. In fact, the current edition features essays that champion what Andrew Bostom describes [14] as: The global hegemonic aspirations of major 20th Century Muslim Brotherhood jihadist ideologues …[and] the more expansive application of Sharia within Muslim minority communities residing in the West, with the goal of replacing these non-Muslim governing systems …

As Shoebat summarizes:

“The Muslim Minority Affairs” program – according to the manifesto – can arrange “Muslim Minority activism” to advance the goal through the building of mosques, schools and Islamic centers where minorities exist (pp. 8-13, 17) in order to “establish a global Sharia in our modern times.” (p. 9-10) The measure also aims to “prevent the ‘hurdle’ Muslims encounter from ‘assimilation and melting’ in non-Muslim societies”. (p. 24)

The program surmounts this hurdle in two ways. One is the sharia jurisprudence (or fiqh) of Muslim Minority Affairs. This jurisprudence incorporates the concept of muruna, which permits Muslims living in non-Muslim lands to deviate from the dictates of classical sharia as long as, in so doing, they are advancing the ultimate mission of implementing and advancing sharia. Thus, for example, Muslims in the West might align with influential non-Muslims, which Islamic doctrine ordinarily forbids, if so doing helps them persuade governments and institutions to accommodate sharia strictures rather than pressure Muslims to assimilate. The other method of staving off assimilation is the construction of an Islamist infrastructure in the West. This enables Muslims to create enclaves – in the physical community, on campus, and in major social institutions, including government – in which sharia is honored as basic law and Muslims are given safe haven to refrain from pressures to assimilate.

In the United States, the foundation of this infrastructure is the Muslim Students Association, which has hundreds of chapters on campuses across the United States and Canada. Interestingly, in the late mid-to-late-nineties, while she was an intern at the Clinton White House and an assistant editor at JMMA, Ms. Abedin was a member of the executive board of the MSA at George Washington University, heading its “Social Committee.” That MSA chapter has an intriguing history. In 2001, its spiritual guide was … Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda operative who was then ministering to some of the eventual 9/11 suicide-hijackers. Awlaki himself had led the MSA chapter at Colorado State University in the early nineties. As Patrick Poole has demonstrated, Awlaki is far from the only jihadist to hone his supremacist ideology in the MSA’s friendly confines. In the eighties, Wael Jalaidan ran the MSA at the University of Arizona. He would soon go on to help Osama bin Laden found al-Qaeda; he also partnered with the Abedins’ patron, Abdullah Omar Naseef, to establish the Rabita Trust – formally designated as a terrorist organization under U.S. law due to its funding of al-Qaeda.
The MSA gave birth to the Islamic Society of North America. 

The two organizations consider themselves as one, and ISNA is now the largest, most consequential Islamist organization in the United States – a go-to consultant for the Obama administration, despite its having been a key cog in the Brotherhood’s Hamas financing network, as the Justice Department proved in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism prosecution. ISNA’s business side is the North American Islamic Trust, anotherHoly Land Foundation co-conspirator and the vehicle by which the Saudis and the Brotherhood buy real estate and establish hundreds of mosques and Islamic centers throughout the U.S. These groups are fortified by the International Institute of Islamic Thought, a Brotherhood think-tank whose express mission is the “Islamization of knowledge” – developing an epistemological framework by which Muslims can fit current events and world history into an Islamic supremacist narrative. The infrastructure’s public face is organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), which combine public relations spin with sharia policy activism.

This is not a random proliferation of fraternities, the sort of cultural solidarity exhibition routinely seen throughout the American melting pot. The Saudi-constructed, Brotherhood-conducted Islamist infrastructure in the West is on a mission – the “Muslim Minority Affairs” mission. It seeks to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists, who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West. Its goal is incrementally to infiltrate sharia principles in our law, our institutions, and our public policy. That means the mission takes direct aim at our liberties, particularly free expression, because it enables examination and negative criticism of Islamist ideology. It takes aim at our alliance with Israel, because Jews are regarded as enemies and all of “Palestine” as Islamic territory. And it takes aim at our economic system, because sharia regards capitalism as a bane of human existence – there is a reason why the Brotherhood’s American operatives make common cause with the Left on everything from socialized medicine to finance regulation to gun control to surveillance law.

The media and the Obama Left will continue ridiculing the notion of Brotherhood influence on our government and attacking the five conservative House members who have raised concerns. The Republican establishment will lay cravenly low and pray that the controversy blows over – except for the stray useful idiot who calculates that there’s good press to be had in parroting the Democrats’ “McCarthyism” canard. Nevertheless, to perceive no correlation between the Islamists’ fervid anti-assimilation program and the United States government’s stunning accommodation of the Brotherhood and its agenda is to be willfully blind.

This seems concerning to me given the election and all the conspiracy surrounding Clinton's emails. Thoughts? I can't help but get an eerie feeling that we really are being infiltrated by an islamic rule slowly but surely. Perhaps Trumps "great Trojan horse" comments aren't that off base. I've always held the belief that the US will never be defeated from the outside, it can only be defeated from the inside, and I still hold on to that belief.
Counter point.

Quote:“Why aren’t we talking about Huma [Abedin] and her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? Why aren’t we talking about the fact that she was an editor for a Sharia newspaper?”

— Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), interview on CNN, Aug. 23, 2016

Huma Abedin is a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, having worked for her when Clinton was first lady, a senator and secretary of state. Abedin is now vice chair of the Clinton campaign. She is married to former representative Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who resigned in disgrace over sex-tinged social media posts.

But Abedin has also been the subject of suspicion on the right, given that she grew up in Saudi Arabia (after being born in Kalamazoo, Mich.) before attending George Washington University.

Roger Stone, a top adviser to GOP nominee Donald Trump, described Abedin on Aug. 23 as a “Saudi asset.” Her name popped in the news again after the New York Post published an article  Aug. 21 titled, “Huma Abedin worked at a radical Muslim journal for a dozen years” what Duffy was referring to when he said she was “an editor for a Sharia newspaper.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Sunni Islamic movement that is a force in Middle Eastern politics — and labeled by some countries as a terrorist organization.

Duffy made this statement as he decried what he considered the media’s obsession with controversies around Trump, while ignoring issues involving Clinton. Let’s explore whether Duffy’s assertions about Abedin hold water.

The Facts
First of all, Abedin was not associated with a newspaper but a staid academic journal called theJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. The journal is edited by Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, who is a dean of a Saudi woman’s college in Jiddah that Clinton visited when she was secretary of state.

The peer-reviewed journal had been founded by Abedin’s late father, Syed, who died in 1993. Circulation figures are not available, but the online resource WorldCat says it can be found in fewer than 600 libraries around the world. (Generally, academic journals are mostly sold to libraries, at high cost.)


The fact that Huma Abedin 
was listed as an assistant editor between 1996 and 2008 is not news, as that had previously been reported in 2012. The Clinton campaign says Abedin played no role in editing articles; her brother and sister are also listed as staff members.

The New York Post described the journal as “a radical Muslim publication” but that’s ridiculous, according to experts on Islam and members of the advisory board. The New York Post report cherry-picked quotes and mischaracterized articles published over the years, including by Saleha Abedin, according to a review of the articles by the Fact Checker.

“I wouldn’t consider it ‘radical.’ Quite the contrary,” said Noah Feldman, director of the Julis-Rabinowitz Program on Jewish and Israeli Law at Harvard Law School. “That doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of articles expressing conservative viewpoints, of course. But I’ve never seen anything in any way radical.”

Dale F. Eickelman
 of Dartmouth College, who is a member of the journal’s advisory board, described it as a “fairly innocuous journal.” He said it was “anything but radical, within the golden mean of what academic journals do.” He said most of the articles are written by emerging scholars who are relatively early in their academic careers. “The authors can vary in quality, as is the case with most academic journals,” he said. “Some are more edgy than others, but you can learn some fresh things.” He added that no one works on the journal full time.

Ali Asani
, another advisory board member who directs the Islamic Studies program at Harvard University, said that Abedin’s father was especially interested in issues concerning Muslims who live as minorities in countries, as well as Muslim sects that are minorities in Muslim communities. That interest continues to be demonstrated in the recent issue, with five articles on Muslim life in Australia.

Asani described Syed Abedin as a model of a “moderate Muslim” (though he dislikes the term), who was educated at Aligarh Muslim University in India, founded as a forward-thinking, even liberal institution. Syed later received a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. Asani said that he attended a conference organized by Syed that featured a speech by Bernard Lewis, the Princeton University scholar whose advice was sought by neoconservatives before the 2003 Iraq invasion. (Lewis at one time also was an advisory board member of the journal.)

Oddly, the New York Post described the journal as a “Saudi propaganda organ”  even though the Saudi government has banned the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Presumably one cannot be both a Saudi propagandist and a Muslim Brotherhood operative at the same time.

This brings us to Huma Abedin’s supposed “ties” to the Muslim Brotherhood. Bear with us, as it’s really a case of six degrees of separation.

Syed Abedin in 1978 founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, a think tank which began publishing the journal a year later, with the support of Abdullah Omar Naseef, at the time president of King Abdulaziz University. Later, between 1983 and 1993, Naseef was secretary-general of the Muslim World League, a pan-Islamic nongovernmental organization. (Interestingly, in 1983, Naseef was also awarded the [url=]Bronze Wolf, bestowed by the World Scout Committee for “outstanding service to the World Scout Movement.”)

Naseef thus was secretary-general when the Muslim World League, after heated debate, in 1990endorsed Saudi Arabia’s decision to call in U.S. troops to help defend the kingdom after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Naseef’s name also appeared on the advisory board of the journal until 2004, though members say their duties are limited to reviewing an occasional article before publication.

In 1988, during his tenure at the Muslim World League, Naseef authorized a Pakistani charity called the Rabita Trust at a time when the United States and its allies funded the mujahideen fighting the Soviet troops occupying Afghanistan. Years later, the fund became associated with al-Qaeda (which, after all, emerged from the mujahideen) and was frozen in 2002 by the Treasury Department after the 9/11 attacks. But that distant connection, a quarter-century later, is now used to tar Abedin.

Meanwhile, Abedin’s mother founded an aid organization in the 1990s called the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child, which at one point was said to be affiliated with International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief. IICDR was banned in Israel years later for allegedly supporting Hamas, a Palestinian offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, under the auspices of yet another group, the Union of Good. The Union of Good was designated by Treasury in 2008 for aiding a terrorist organization.

James Piscatori, an Islamic scholar at Durham University in England who said he was involved with the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs from its earliest days, described both parents as “pioneers” in the studies of Muslim minorities who edited a serious academic publication. “Associational blame ignores the nuance and contextualisation that individuals bring to their analysis, and seeks to delegitimise them by an unreflective linkage to ‘radicalism,’” he said.

Indeed, the connections are so tenuous as to be obscure. Harvard’s Asani said the alleged connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are “crazy” when you consider the stated purpose of the journal. “The Muslim Brotherhood was the last organization interested in this issue” of the rights of minority Muslims, he said. “Syed Abedin was far from the Muslim Brotherhood. It makes absolutely no sense.”

The Pinocchio Test

Duffy asked why the alleged Muslim Brotherhood connections to Huma Abedin are not being talked about. Perhaps it’s because they are bogus. Abedin has lived in the United States for 23 years, working in the White House, the Senate and the State Department. Vague suggestions of suspicious-sounding connections to her parents don’t pass the laugh test, even at the flimsiest standard of guilt by association.

The journal edited by her mother, meanwhile, is not “sharia newspaper” but a sober academic journal with a range of viewpoints on Muslim life around the world.

Four Pinocchios
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-02-2016, 10:17 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: This seems concerning to me given the election and all the conspiracy surrounding Clinton's emails. Thoughts? I can't help but get an eerie feeling that we really are being infiltrated by an islamic rule slowly but surely. Perhaps Trumps "great Trojan horse" comments aren't that off base. I've always held the belief that the US will never be defeated from the outside, it can only be defeated from the inside, and I still hold on to that belief.

....seriously? Islamic rule? Come on man.
(11-02-2016, 11:01 AM)Au165 Wrote: ....seriously? Islamic rule? Come on man.

What is that offensive or something? Would rather me say middle eastern rule?
(11-02-2016, 11:08 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: What is that offensive or something? Would rather me say middle eastern rule?

More likely he means there is slim to no chance that could ever happen.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-02-2016, 11:08 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: What is that offensive or something? Would rather me say middle eastern rule?

No, I am saying there is as good of a chance as an alien take over of the world.
U.S. ties from both political parties and the Saudis go back to the late 40s. Politicians have benefited from them personally (and they've manipulated oil prices to help politicians favorable to them). When you're dumping billions into someone's pockets, you're going to get their attention.

As far as Abedin, I don't think she's worse than the Saudis that currently have the ears of Washington.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-02-2016, 10:17 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: This seems concerning to me given the election and all the conspiracy surrounding Clinton's emails. Thoughts? I can't help but get an eerie feeling that we really are being infiltrated by an islamic rule slowly but surely. Perhaps Trumps "great Trojan horse" comments aren't that off base. I've always held the belief that the US will never be defeated from the outside, it can only be defeated from the inside, and I still hold on to that belief.

I'm pretty sure the Native Americans thought the same thing about Christian rule. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. If I were you, I'd be afraid. Very, very afraid. Mu ha ha ha ha!
(11-02-2016, 11:44 AM)GMDino Wrote: More likely he means there is slim to no chance that could ever happen.

(11-02-2016, 11:57 AM)Au165 Wrote: No, I am saying there is as good of a chance as an alien take over of the world.

Well we don't know if aliens really exist, so there's a higher chance.

No but whether we'll be "taken over" is another argument. My problem is that we have obviously let a lot of people into this country that want an Islamic rule not only in America but the world as a whole. I feel that we are setting ourselves up for much more internal conflict.

People want to sit back in their lawn chairs calling Islamic Terrorists barbarians as if that means the terrorists are stupid. Islamic terrorists are getting smarter everyday and taking what they learn in America back to their barbarian caves.

Every time these terrorists fail, it gives them a better blueprint of how to succeed. ISIS, while now being defeated is one of the most successful terrorist groups to date, and their failure is only serving as a reminder of what not to do next time. Their military power was not only surprising but also sophisticated and even made an American military general say we should be taking them seriously.

Even the ISIS propaganda machine was at a level never seen before. Their beheading videos were of extremely high quality and nothing close to the low quality home videos that Al Qaeda or the Taliban made.
(11-02-2016, 02:15 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Well we don't know if aliens really exist, so there's a higher chance.

No but whether we'll be "taken over" is another argument. My problem is that we have obviously let a lot of people into this country that want an Islamic rule not only in America but the world as a whole. I feel that we are setting ourselves up for much more internal conflict.

People want to sit back in their lawn chairs calling Islamic Terrorists barbarians as if that means the terrorists are stupid. Islamic terrorists are getting smarter everyday and taking what they learn in America back to their barbarian caves.

Every time these terrorists fail, it gives them a better blueprint of how to succeed. ISIS, while now being defeated is one of the most successful terrorist groups to date, and their failure is only serving as a reminder of what not to do next time. Their military power was not only surprising but also sophisticated and even made an American military general say we should be taking them seriously.

Even the ISIS propaganda machine was at a level never seen before. Their beheading videos were of extremely high quality and nothing close to the low quality home videos that Al Qaeda or the Taliban made.

Simply no, this country is too ingrained in Christianity (I am not religious FYI) to be taken over from within by such a counter intuitive religion. As far as by force, well that is even more laughable. Because of the countries geographical location, it would require a group with much more advanced air and naval assets to threaten us.
(11-02-2016, 02:38 PM)Au165 Wrote: Simply no, this country is too ingrained in Christianity (I am not religious FYI) to be taken over from within by such a counter intuitive religion. As far as by force, well that is even more laughable. Because of the countries geographical location, it would require a group with much more advanced air and naval assets to threaten us.

Not to mention, you know, there is this thing called the Constitution that would prevent an Islamic rule of law and an overwhelming majority that would not allow that to be changed, especially in that direction.

Anyway, this is a non-story. If this person legitimately had any ties like the OP claims, then the DHS would have been all over that shit.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(11-02-2016, 02:50 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Not to mention, you know, there is this thing called the Constitution that would prevent an Islamic rule of law and an overwhelming majority that would not allow that to be changed, especially in that direction.

Anyway, this is a non-story. If this person legitimately had any ties like the OP claims, then the DHS would have been all over that shit.

well that was too easy an answer, figured there was already a reason that wouldn't work haha.
(11-02-2016, 02:50 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Not to mention, you know, there is this thing called the Constitution that would prevent an Islamic rule of law and an overwhelming majority that would not allow that to be changed, especially in that direction.

Anyway, this is a non-story. If this person legitimately had any ties like the OP claims, then the DHS would have been all over that shit.

Good point.

It's taken corporations a century to get enough lawmakers in their pocket to have things swinging in their favor. As long as they keep those lobbyist dollars and campaign contributions flowing, Congress isn't going to turn this into a place where some guy with a prayer mat is going to effect their stock price.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-02-2016, 10:17 AM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: This seems concerning to me given the election and all the conspiracy surrounding Clinton's emails. Thoughts? I can't help but get an eerie feeling that we really are being infiltrated by an islamic rule slowly but surely. Perhaps Trumps "great Trojan horse" comments aren't that off base. I've always held the belief that the US will never be defeated from the outside, it can only be defeated from the inside, and I still hold on to that belief.

They are everywhere. Oklahoma has blocked Sharia law in their state, but PA and OH are still defenseless.

If Hillary's emails detail her and Huma's alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood that would be a very good reason to delete them, wouldn't it?

She was one of those who spoke out most loudly against the Muslim ban too.  Why was she going to so much trouble
upholding the Constitution just for Muslims?

So long as the World Net Daily keeps us abreast of unfolding events, I feel like we have a fighting chance.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-02-2016, 11:57 AM)Au165 Wrote: No, I am saying there is as good of a chance as an alien take over of the world.

Her name is Hillary, and she controls The Doomsday Machine!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(11-02-2016, 02:50 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Anyway, this is a non-story. If this person legitimately had any ties like the OP claims, then the DHS would have been all over that shit.

Do you have reasoning for that or just blind faith?

Just to remind everyone, Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter that killed 49 people at a gay nightclub was not only investigated by the FBI twice, but also worked as a contractor for the DHS.

In addition to this, a former Homeland Security employee confessed that he was investigating the San Bernardino shooters way before the attack ever took place but was told to shut down his investigation. He's been quoted stating....

Quote:"DHS shut down the investigation at the request of the Department of State and DHS’ own Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Division. They claimed that since the Islamist groups in question were not Specially Designated Terrorist Organizations (SDTOs) tracking individuals related to these groups was a violation of the travelers’ civil liberties. These were almost exclusively foreign nationals: When were they granted the civil rights and liberties of American citizens!"

I see little reason to believe the DHS would "be all over that shit".
(11-02-2016, 05:13 PM)xxlt Wrote: Her name is Hillary, and she controls The Doomsday Machine!

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-02-2016, 02:50 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Not to mention, you know, there is this thing called the Constitution that would prevent an Islamic rule of law and an overwhelming majority that would not allow that to be changed, especially in that direction.

Anyway, this is a non-story. If this person legitimately had any ties like the OP claims, then the DHS would have been all over that shit.

That is until Hillary wins the White House and Democrats take over the Senate and they put far left activist judges on the Supreme Court to interpret law, the Constitution and Bill of Rights however they see fit. Ninja
(11-02-2016, 05:14 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Do you have reasoning for that or just blind faith?

Just to remind everyone, Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter that killed 49 people at a gay nightclub was not only investigated by the FBI twice, but also worked as a contractor for the DHS.

In addition to this, a former Homeland Security employee confessed that he was investigating the San Bernardino shooters way before the attack ever took place but was told to shut down his investigation. He's been quoted stating....

I see little reason to believe the DHS would "be all over that shit".

I see false equivalence there. Ties like the ones being claimed to exist would be investigated thoroughly when someone is a part of the inner circle to the FLOTUS (because that is how far back her time with Clinton goes). The Secret Service, FBI, and CIA would have investigated all of this back then before she would have gotten in the door of the White House. I get that the DHS and the agencies under that umbrella aren't perfect, but the level of scrutiny is much different for that situation than it is for the other things mentioned.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(11-02-2016, 08:57 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I see false equivalence there. Ties like the ones being claimed to exist would be investigated thoroughly when someone is a part of the inner circle to the FLOTUS (because that is how far back her time with Clinton goes). The Secret Service, FBI, and CIA would have investigated all of this back then before she would have gotten in the door of the White House. I get that the DHS and the agencies under that umbrella aren't perfect, but the level of scrutiny is much different for that situation than it is for the other things mentioned.

False equivalence? This isn't about who would be investigated "more". It's about proper actions not being taken even after these individuals have been investigated.

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