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Where are the Parents
(01-16-2019, 12:17 AM)bfine32 Wrote: You have 0 idea how she got "a few feet from him".  

Who said that? I do know why she was a few feet from him. He walked up to her and whoever else was in that circle. Didn't you watch the video? That's how it started.

Quote:As i said: no one is going to deny you your right to call someone a liar; you don't have to defend it so hard. Let's just go with 3 meetings. 

I appreciate your attempts at being honest. 
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(01-16-2019, 12:19 AM)GMDino Wrote: So the guy has PTSD and brain damage?

And this is still being used to ask "where were the parents".

That's sad man.

It's a sad situation made worse by someone trying to make some kind of "point" about it on a message board.

Lock it up.

It's reported that he does; we don't know yet.

I'm not sure how that correlates to asking where are the parents being a moot point and/or why it's sad. Perhaps you will expound upon it. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(01-16-2019, 12:22 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Who said that? I do know why she was a few feet from him. He walked up to her and whoever else was in that circle. Didn't you watch the video? That's how it started.

I appreciate your attempts at being honest. 

Yes I watched the video and read the commentary.

And i appreciate your propensity to call folks liars. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(01-16-2019, 12:25 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Yes I watched the video and read the commentary.

And i appreciate your propensity to call folks liars. 

Then why did you state that I have zero idea why she was a few feet from him? (I assume you meant it as a question and not a declaration of fact that was completely untrue.)
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(01-16-2019, 12:28 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Then why did you state that I have zero idea why she was a few feet from him? (I assume you meant it as a question and not a declaration of fact that was completely untrue.)

Because you don't. She could have charged and stopped just short. 

However, this has gotten too far away from the point of the thread; so roll with what you want.

They occupied the same space 3 times. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(01-16-2019, 12:31 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Because you don't. She could have charged and stopped just short. 

However, this has gotten too far away from the point of the thread; so roll with what you want.

They occupied the same space 3 times. 

You can actually track her the entire time from when he pushes his way into the circle until he shoves her. At no point during that period did she "charge".

At this point you're theorizing ways that a 51 year old man could be justified in touching an 11 year old girl's chest and shoving her despite video evidence to the contrary. I'm not sure why, but roll with what you want?
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(01-16-2019, 12:38 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You can actually track her the entire time from when he pushes his way into the circle until he shoves her. At no point during that period did she "charge".

At this point you're theorizing ways that a 51 year old man could be justified in touching an 11 year old girl's chest and shoving her despite video evidence to the contrary. I'm not sure why, but roll with what you want?

No where did I say he was justified; a court will decide. I simply didn't condemn him, so I'll roll with it. 

My question remains: Who put the child in harm's way?

You can answer that or look for reasons to call others liars. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(01-16-2019, 12:23 AM)bfine32 Wrote: It's reported that he does; we don't know yet.

I'm not sure how that correlates to asking where are the parents being a moot point and/or why it's sad. Perhaps you will expound upon it. 

It's pretty simple:  You started a thread to ask a "question" and in the end the story is about a man with a brain injury and PTSD who punched an 11 year old girl.

It's a sad story and I have no idea what kind of point you thought you were making with it.

Now it's just a back and forth about how close the two main actors were and the definition of "charge" vs "stepped".

Honestly if just had a cross-dresser  involved I'd have though our old Florida pal started this thread.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-16-2019, 12:44 AM)bfine32 Wrote: No where did I say he was justified; a court will decide. I simply didn't condemn him, so I'll roll with it. 

My question remains: Who put the child in harm's way?

You can answer that or look for reasons to call others liars. 

To the question, do we know the child wasn't there with a parent or some other person (older sibling, etc) nearby?

Also to the question, the old guy with the propensity to punch preteens. 

Also to the question, not sure on laws there. In Kentucky, a child has to be 12 or older before you can leave them alone somewhere. 
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where the *uc* are the zip zies!
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It's kinda hard to consider the parents accountability in this when the guy's actions were pretty flagrantly overboard.

Personally, I wouldn't let my 11 year old run around the mall with just his friends like that. Too young. He's a great kid and has a good moral instincts. I'd be more concerned with what others might try to do to him.

Do I think it should be a punishable offense for the parents? Not necessarily. I'd need more details. Do they let the kid do this all of the time? Do they live in walking distance from the mall? Is there a history of bad things at this mall? Does the kid have a history of getting into trouble? What about the kids friends? Etc. A bunch of things that could color the incident in a bunch of ways.

I'll add this, though. If they care anything about their kid, they have already been punished just by this situation happening.

I have no problem judging an adult male who sucker punches an unarmed 11 year old girl. That's illegal just about everywhere in the U.S., and for good reason. Plenty of other options.

Anyway, I guess he will get plenty of opportunities to practice his "stand your ground" skills in the showers at the penitentiary.
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(01-16-2019, 12:44 AM)bfine32 Wrote: No where did I say he was justified; a court will decide. I simply didn't condemn him, so I'll roll with it. 

My question remains: Who put the child in harm's way?

You can answer that or look for reasons to call others liars. 

You're not saying he's justified... as you propose scenarios where this child could be the aggressor? It's one of those, own your words situations. If you don't want to admit that you've spent a day describing this child as an aggressor and the man as a victim defending himself, that's fine, the rest of us see it.

The man who pushed his way into a circle of kids, approached one and shoved her, and then punched that kid in the face put that child in harm's way. 
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Legit, this coward's lawyer claims that the coward felt threatened by the children and that they surrounded the him.

So this coward is claiming that, even though he's the one who pushed his way into a circle of children, the children surrounded him...

btw, he was charged with assault for pushing two other kids.
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My interest in this incident, and Bfine's question, is still about the meaning of the whole situation.

When I was 11, no adult needed "training" to break up a fight. And no way would I have ever rushed an angry grown man with my fists up.

If it is true that these girls were harassing an older woman, then bystanders should step in. At the very least someone should call mall security.

And just to re-affirm my earlier point--an 11 year old GIRL who rushes at a full grown man with her dukes up to fight--who here would be ok if his daughter did that? I am not defending her attacker when I ask: how is that girl in the classroom, and with other students, especially weaker or "uncool" ones?

We are not doing well if we look at this CLUSTER of problems and see only a bad man who may have had PTSD. I don't have all the facts yet. But even if the guy doesn't have PTSD and the girls weren't harassing an older woman, we need to go a little slower before determining who the victims and aggressors are. A single person can be both.

I haven't heard anyone say this yet--perhaps there is a connection between the fact that now it is presumed that a mall altercation involving children must be handled by professionals, and the fact that it occurred. The close monitoring of children by adults, once the job of the village, is now only for parents and accredited specialists. This puts more responsibility on the parents, who in some cases may not be accepting that responsibility. And the children learn this early.
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(01-16-2019, 09:46 AM)Dill Wrote: I haven't heard anyone say this yet--perhaps there is a connection between the fact that now it is presumed that a mall altercation involving children must be handled by  professionals, and the fact that it occurred.  The close monitoring of children by adults, once the job of the village, is now only for parents and accredited specialists. This puts more responsibility on the parents, who in some cases may not be accepting that responsibility.  And the children learn this early.

I don't think only trained individuals can break up a fight. I think most people have enough sense to not think the proper way to break up a fight is to join in and start shoving and punching, child or no child involved.  
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(01-16-2019, 09:53 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I don't think only trained individuals can break up a fight. I think most people have enough sense to not think the proper way to break up a fight is to join in and start shoving and punching, child or no child involved.  

I broke up a fight between kids once and didn't even need to knock anyone out. The secret is to not try to immediately body an already pissed off individual when you get involved. Interestingly enough, this works well for breaking up fights between adults as well. 
Little surprised in all of this the child part has overridden the fact it was a girl as well. Normally, when a guy knocks out a girl the "never hit a girl" crowd comes out to tell you that there is really no excuse for hitting a girl ever. I'm not saying this is my stance on it, but just odd that hasn't really been a line of discussion yet.
(01-16-2019, 09:46 AM)Dill Wrote: My interest in this incident, and Bfine's question, is still about the meaning of the whole situation.

When I was 11, no adult needed "training" to break up a fight. And no way would I have ever rushed an angry grown man with my fists up.

If it is true that these girls were harassing an older woman, then bystanders should step in. At the very least someone should call mall security.

And just to re-affirm my earlier point--an 11 year old GIRL who rushes at a full grown man with her dukes up to fight--who here would be ok if his daughter did that? I am not defending her attacker when I ask: how is that girl in the classroom, and with other students, especially weaker or "uncool" ones?

We are not doing well if we look at this CLUSTER of problems and see only a bad man who may have had PTSD.  I don't have all the facts yet. But even if the guy doesn't have PTSD and the girls weren't harassing an older woman, we need to go a little slower before determining who the victims and aggressors are.  A single person can be both.

I haven't heard anyone say this yet--perhaps there is a connection between the fact that now it is presumed that a mall altercation involving children must be handled by  professionals, and the fact that it occurred.  The close monitoring of children by adults, once the job of the village, is now only for parents and accredited specialists. This puts more responsibility on the parents, who in some cases may not be accepting that responsibility.  And the children learn this early.

I get what you're saying.  A bunch of shitty little kids being pricks at the mall doesn't make news.  Its just a product of the times.  Only answer to that problem going forward is population control.  We have too many people already and unfortunately the wrong ones are screwing one another.  Its the only solution.

In the interim, saying this grown ass man could POSSIBLY be the victim after cold clocking a little girl...  is pathetic.

Don't like all the kids running around being pieces of shit because their parents are out working multiple jobs or just plain shouldn't have had kids in the first place?  Invest in after school programs, make family planning and birth control a priority, or start mass castrations.  I would suggest a combination of all three.
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(01-16-2019, 11:51 AM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I get what you're saying.  A bunch of shitty little kids being pricks at the mall doesn't make news.  Its just a product of the times.  Only answer to that problem going forward is population control.  We have too many people already and unfortunately the wrong ones are screwing once another.  Its the only solution.

In the interim, saying this grown ass man could POSSIBLY be the victim after cold clocking a little girl...  is pathetic.

Don't like all the kids running around being pieces of shit because their parents are out working multiple jobs or just plain shouldn't have had kids in the first place?  Invest in after school programs, make family planning and birth control a priority, or start mass castrations.  I would suggest a combination of all three.

That's where I disagree.  There's nothing new about that.  Just how we focus our attention on it.

Each generation thinks the next one is dumber and less respectful and the next generation thinks the older one just doesn't get it. (Generalizations)

Do any kind of reading of papers from 10-30-70 years ago and eventually you'll find the same problems over and over.

Edit to add: There ARE bad parents...and there ARE programs to help keep kids out of trouble...but people have to want to use them and some people think they are doing a good job when in reality they are releasing little bombs into society. That price of free will and and freedom in general.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-16-2019, 10:15 AM)Au165 Wrote: Little surprised in all of this the child part has overridden the fact it was a girl as well. Normally, when a guy knocks out a girl the "never hit a girl" crowd comes out to tell you that there is really no excuse for hitting a girl ever. I'm not saying this is my stance on it, but just odd that hasn't really been a line of discussion yet.

Yeah. I seem to recall the topic came up before in another thread and the statements were predominantly "Never hit a girl!". Not sure who chimed in at that time.

But I'm not sure I agree with that ideology, anyway. If a grown woman punches me, it is more than likely I will respond in kind. That doesn't extend to kids, however. Male or female. And there are other options.
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