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Which prophet was correct?
(09-20-2015, 09:14 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: I think a mod should force Arturo to give me his dealer's phone number.


I'm a Christian, but what he says actually lines up pretty well with what I think. I believe there's a higher power that's tried to communicate with us over the years. I don't think he's a bearded guy in the sky, but an actual living, conscious energy. I think Jesus was a physical attempt for him to try and guide us and his final. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-20-2015, 09:07 PM)Beaker Wrote: Very much like I believe. I would love it if you would re-relate that details of that experience.

I'll try but it depends of what you want to know.

The answers you get are very personnal and most of them were only significant for myself but there were some teachings.

There is no good, there is no bad, there is only what is accomplished and what is not. It just depends of your level of evolution.

You have things to do and you will do it. Whatever it costs.

It's like in this "Total Recall' Movie, everything is written and you accepted the deal. For some reasons I don't know, we choosed not to remember. 

There is no time, there is just a now. This world is an illusion, a school and we're trying to walk.

(09-20-2015, 09:14 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: I think a mod should force Arturo to give me his dealer's phone number.

I'm used to it. 

No problem for a laugh but it lacks originality. 90% of people say that Big Grin Big Grin 

BTW, if you find his phone, I'm interested too.

(09-20-2015, 09:20 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Mohammed definitely. Jesus 99% given his following and historical records decades after his death. The historical Buddha I'm not too familiar with, but the consensus seems to be that Siddhartha Gautama was a real person. 

No sir, he's a legend. He's some mix of Moses and Jesus but with big balls and much testosterone. His supposed life has been written 200 years after his supposed death.

The person who wrote the Quran just didn't know the real meaning of Jesus's death and few people know. 

It has nothing to do with sins or repentance, it's a division by zero and it is abundancy.
The whole life is about transmuting our dark energies in light. But for that, you have to consider the darker part of you. It is a dark and light tale and experiment what you are truly are.

If you don't consider them, you'll suffer an illness and at the end transmute them whatever.

Dying is losing your shadow, losing your dark part.

The other huge thing to know is that life is a mirror.

It's like you have a carbon element. It can be coke ( dark ) or crystal it is the same element. One is absolutely occulting light and the other let the light flow without resistance ( that's the meaning of Christ -> the one who let the light flow through himself and so he's like the Light ). You don't see things the same way through a lense of dark or a lense of light. You can't change the world, you only can change yourself.

You have two sides of yourself, the male part and the female part ( Adam & Eve symbol ). To understand that you have to take a look at the Sephiroth Tree.

And when you succeed to let the male part of you and the female part equally there's a "Son" of yourself to be born.

It's about your inner child and the Light within.
L. Ron Hubbard
(09-20-2015, 08:33 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: The main thing to know is that we are parts of a gigantic being like cells for us.

Interesting how the atom is depicted resembling a solar system. The sun as the nucleus and the planets the electrons. Need protons though. 

You sit and ponder about why we, or anything even exists, but trying to imagine nothingness is an impossibility because even by imagining darkness you are imagining something.
We take it for granted everyone can write. That wasn't always the case. The lack of a written account does not therefore mean someone didn't exist or do certain things.

We take it for granted written accounts are factual. (I read it on the internet so it must be true!) Now, you may think you don't, but at some level you do. Consider this perspective I heard the other day: all history is fiction.

If all history is fiction than you have no more reason to believe with certitude what you learned about, say the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, or WWII in high school or college history classes than you have to believe histories written by a Greek, Roman, or African many hundred years ago. It is all fiction, so accounts of Jesus are no more fictional than accounts of A. Hitler or G. Washington.

Last but not least, there is nothing to suggest the Bible is a history book. It is not even a book, really. It is more accurately a collection of stories, small "books" if you want to call them that, letters, folklore, tall tales, etc. Most have been edited and/or redacted severely, parts have been added, parts have been lost, plus it has been translated and transliterated so much that saying, "I know what the Bible says," is a rather specious claim. So there is that.

But all that aside and on to the original question, which prophet was correct? The OP only named a few prophets. There are many more in just the Bible, so many they are classified as "major prophets" and "minor prophets." When I was a seminary student our basketball team was called "The Minor Prophets." And of course many other prophets have lived in many other traditions. They were all right about many things.

It is funny I, the agnostic, will now sing the praises of prophets and prophecy. One of my favorites was always Jeremiah (from the Old Testament). Prophets do what McLovin does on the DP show. They go (cue the music) "against the grain." They speak truths that a culture denies or ignores. We even have prophetic voices among us today. They often belong to artists, but sometimes to politicians, service workers, and even every day people. Pete Seeger was a prophet. Dr. King was a prophet. Tom Doyle is a prophet. They are simply truth tellers but ones who take risks by speaking the truths others dare not. A prophet is, as Jeremiah described himself, "a voice crying out in the wilderness." Prophets rock.

(Cue my walk off music: "Against the Grain." Virtual high-five to Andrew Perloff.)
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(09-21-2015, 05:07 AM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: I'll try but it depends of what you want to know.

The answers you get are very personnal and most of them were only significant for myself but there were some teachings.

There is no good, there is no bad, there is only what is accomplished and what is not. It just depends of your level of evolution.

You have things to do and you will do it. Whatever it costs.

It's like in this "Total Recall' Movie, everything is written and you accepted the deal. For some reasons I don't know, we choosed not to remember. 

There is no time, there is just a now. This world is an illusion, a school and we're trying to walk.

I'm used to it. 

No problem for a laugh but it lacks originality. 90% of people say that Big Grin Big Grin 

BTW, if you find his phone, I'm interested too.

No sir, he's a legend. He's some mix of Moses and Jesus but with big balls and much testosterone. His supposed life has been written 200 years after his supposed death.

The person who wrote the Quran just didn't know the real meaning of Jesus's death and few people know. 

It has nothing to do with sins or repentance, it's a division by zero and it is abundancy.

Sounds exactly how one of my friends (Pat Beers) explained it to me.
I have to let go of aggression and grudges before I can ever obtain any enlightenment.
(09-21-2015, 12:00 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Sounds exactly how one of my friends (Pat Beers) explained it to me.
I have to let go of aggression and grudges before I can ever obtain any enlightenment.

And believe me we don't know each other.
(09-21-2015, 12:21 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: And believe me we don't know each other.

Oh, I wasn't insinuating anything.
Even though she travels a lot, I was only suggesting you were both tapped into the same energies.
(09-21-2015, 12:32 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Oh, I wasn't insinuating anything.
Even though she travels a lot, I was only suggesting you were both tapped into the same energies.

That is what I was saying.

One interesting thing and people always laugh at me when I say that but the world is always speaking to us. 

I take the example of that movie who's gonna be released in december and the title is : The Force awakens.

Everybody's gonna take that thing for a movie but the Force is really awakening and it's gonna be in major letters in barely everywhere in the world. But noone will see it ( not the movie, the message )

I remember that I was somehow really surprised when the Force told me : There is no prophet Muhammad but when I read this news I was somehow stunned by the message within.

Well, it is written in full letters too and nobody noticed it.

Mohamed Islam is a liar. 

It's just like somewhere in the world : A dude named Jesus Christo was a con or a pedophile. It would be disturbing.
(09-21-2015, 12:42 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: That is what I was saying.

One interesting thing and people always laugh at me when I say that but the world is always speaking to us. 

I take the example of that movie who's gonna be released in december and the title is : The Force awakens.

Everybody's gonna take that thing for a movie but the Force is really awakening and it's gonna be in major letters in barely everywhere in the world. But noone will see it ( not the movie, the message )

I remember that I was somehow really surprised when the Force told me : There is no prophet Muhammad but when I read this news I was somehow stunned by the message within.

Well, it is written in full letters too and nobody noticed it.

Mohamed Islam is a liar. 

It's just like somewhere in the world : A dude named Jesus Christo was a con or a pedophile. It would be disturbing.

I'm primarily a Christian, but I have an open mi n d and listen to when people explain their faith and experiences with me.
I've listened to the story of the veil and it becoming thinner.
I truly believe we are all more interconnected than we'd like to admit.
I also listen to the world around me.
I don't follow the Red Path, but it influences me.
Above all, do not fret those who may mock you.
The negativity bred will compound, blurring your vision and that of others.
Be that conductor of light.
(09-20-2015, 05:40 PM)Beaker Wrote: Jesus?



any of the others?

All religions insist their prophet was correct, and that you must follow their teachings or risk eternal damnation. What makes one right and the other wrong? Who shuld someone looking for eternal salvation believe? If you make the wrong choice....

How do you know?

Good question, Beaker. 

First off, I don't think Buddha is considered a prophet.

Secondly, as a Christian, I'm obligated to say Jesus.

Lastly, through my own research and personal experiences, I'd still have to say Jesus.

I will say this, though, aren't there a LOT of similarities between some of the things these guys taught? Like being kind to your fellow man kind of thing?

(09-21-2015, 09:59 AM)xxlt Wrote: Last but not least, there is nothing to suggest the Bible is a history book. 

Actually, there is A LOT to suggest that big portions of the Bible are historical. There are doubts to the veracity of said history, sure, but they're still historical.
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(09-21-2015, 05:01 PM)PhilHos Wrote: I will say this, though, aren't there a LOT of similarities between some of the things these guys taught? Like being kind to your fellow man kind of thing?

Absolutely there are. Honestly, Buddha and Jesus share many similarities in their teachings when you account for the eastern/western philosophy divide. I deleted your part about Buddha being a prophet, but I agree to an extent. That being said, I would say all three of those were spiritual reformers (because honestly, how could you say God is a prophet for himself).
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(09-21-2015, 05:10 PM)Belsnickel Wrote:  (because honestly, how could you say God is a prophet for himself).

In the Bible, prophets were literally the "mouthpieces of God" or they literally spoke the "words of God." In that sense, you could just say that God was speaking for Himself. Smirk
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(09-20-2015, 05:40 PM)Beaker Wrote: Jesus?



any of the others?

All religions insist their prophet was correct, and that you must follow their teachings or risk eternal damnation. What makes one right and the other wrong? Who shuld someone looking for eternal salvation believe? If you make the wrong choice....

How do you know?

Gee Beaker, I'd like to answer but I can't due to the inconsistency between the question in the title and the body of the post.

You say "which prophet" but Buddha wasn't a prophet.  If indeed the three examples you gave are truly relevant to the information you want people to divulge you need to replace the word prophet.  If you did mean the word "prophet" there are missing options that should be obvious.
From my teaching, the prophets' stories are not about themselves but about ourselves.

There is a Moses in each of us, a Jeremiah, a Esaie, a David etc ...

It's not a book of History, it's a book of stories.

And you have to apply thoses stories to yourself. There's a inner Egypt, a inner Jericho, a inner Jerusalem.

I would like to add that wasn't a part of my mystic experience but the lessons I understood later.

Annick de Souzenelle has some brilliant analysis of that but I don't find any book of her in English. Sorry.
(09-21-2015, 05:36 PM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: From my teaching, the prophets' stories are not about themselves but about ourselves.

There is a Moses in each of us, a Jeremiah, a Esaie, a David etc ...

It's not a book of History, it's a book of stories.

And you have to apply thoses stories to yourself.  There's a inner Egypt, a inner Jericho, a inner Jerusalem.

I would like to add that wasn't a part of my mystic experience but the lessons I understood later.

I can't help but be reminded of the Three Amigos.

In a way, all of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also happens to be *the actual* El Guapo!
[Image: giphy.gif]
The answer is not outside, it is inside.

There is this book but it's not easy reading.
This thread reminds me of the time that I did DMT in the Great Basin and listed to some random hippie chick talk about the meaning of life.

[Image: oyb7yuz66nd81.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-21-2015, 09:59 AM)xxlt Wrote: We take it for granted everyone can write. That wasn't always the case. The lack of a written account does not therefore mean someone didn't exist or do certain things.

We take it for granted written accounts are factual. (I read it on the internet so it must be true!) Now, you may think you don't, but at some level you do. Consider this perspective I heard the other day: all history is fiction.

If all history is fiction than you have no more reason to believe with certitude what you learned about, say the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, or WWII in high school or college history classes than you have to believe histories written by a Greek, Roman, or African many hundred years ago. It is all fiction, so accounts of Jesus are no more fictional than accounts of A. Hitler or G. Washington.

Last but not least, there is nothing to suggest the Bible is a history book. It is not even a book, really. It is more accurately a collection of stories, small "books" if you want to call them that, letters, folklore, tall tales, etc. Most have been edited and/or redacted severely, parts have been added, parts have been lost, plus it has been translated and transliterated so much that saying, "I know what the Bible says," is a rather specious claim. So there is that.

But all that aside and on to the original question, which prophet was correct? The OP only named a few prophets. There are many more in just the Bible, so many they are classified as "major prophets" and "minor prophets." When I was a seminary student our basketball team was called "The Minor Prophets." And of course many other prophets have lived in many other traditions. They were all right about many things.

It is funny I, the agnostic, will now sing the praises of prophets and prophecy. One of my favorites was always Jeremiah (from the Old Testament). Prophets do what McLovin does on the DP show. They go (cue the music) "against the grain." They speak truths that a culture denies or ignores. We even have prophetic voices among us today. They often belong to artists, but sometimes to politicians, service workers, and even every day people. Pete Seeger was a prophet. Dr. King was a prophet. Tom Doyle is a prophet. They are simply truth tellers but ones who take risks by speaking the truths others dare not. A prophet is, as Jeremiah described himself, "a voice crying out in the wilderness." Prophets rock.

(Cue my walk off music: "Against the Grain." Virtual high-five to Andrew Perloff.)
my pleasure.....
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021

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