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Whistle-Blower’s Complaint Is Said to Involve Multiple Acts by Trump
(10-10-2019, 09:05 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Helped Rudy investigate Biden. Arrested today as they were making their way to leave the country with one way tickets to Vienna.

Rudy planned on going to Vienna tomorrow with them...
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(10-10-2019, 09:39 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Helped Rudy investigate Biden. Arrested today as they were making their way to leave the country with one way tickets to Vienna.

Rudy planned on going to Vienna tomorrow with them...

I seriously have wondered if any other POTUS has been surrounded by so much corruption/shady business?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Trump brushed aside several photographs of the men with Trump or members of his family. On May 21, 2018, Parnas posted a picture on Facebook of himself with Fruman and Donald Trump Jr. at a breakfast at the Beverly Hills Polo Lounge in California. "Power Breakfast!!!" the caption said. Parnas had previously posted a picture of himself with Trump at the White House on May 1, describing an “incredible dinner and even better conversation.”

[Image: d59039fa-345f-4d6c-98ae-976b2932ccbe-lev...&auto=webp]
This Facebook screen shot provided by The Campaign Legal Center, shows President Donald Trump standing with Lev Parnas, top left photo, at the White House in Washington, posted on May 1, 2018. (Photo: AP)

More: Impeachment: Lawmakers subpoena Giuliani associates Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, hours after their arrests

“Now it's possible I have a picture with them because I have a picture with everybody,” Trump said. "Somebody said there may be a picture or something at a fundraiser, or somewhere, but I have pictures with everybody. 

"I don't know them," Trump continued. "I don't know about them, I don't know what they do...Maybe they were clients of Rudy. You'd have to ask Rudy. I just don't know." 
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-10-2019, 10:58 PM)GMDino Wrote:


cue the Nickleback music video he tweeted 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(10-10-2019, 09:39 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Helped Rudy investigate Biden. Arrested today as they were making their way to leave the country with one way tickets to Vienna.

Rudy planned on going to Vienna tomorrow with them...

The fact they had lunch with Rudy earlier in the day and then they were trying to book it sure does look like he tipped them off. It was almost like he was trying to obstruct the U.S. government from administering justice.
(10-11-2019, 12:39 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: cue the Nickleback music video he tweeted 

Expect a FOX poll showing that 40% of Republicans don't believe that's Trump in the picture.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-11-2019, 09:35 AM)GMDino Wrote:  

It is interesting to me how much this strategy of misinformation has worked, though. I was chatting with a retired politician, yesterday. He's a moderate Republican, has served at the state level of government, and is a friend to such individuals as President G.W. Bush and other very high profile types (including high profile Democrats). This is not someone that I would consider to be out of touch with the news of the day or how things operate. But even he made comments that were based on the propaganda efforts of the Trump administration about Biden and the Ukrainian prosecutor.

It just goes to show how effective this tactic has been that even people who know much more than the average citizen are still unaware of the whole situation. How can we expect the majority of Americans to not fall prey to this?
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-11-2019, 09:45 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: It is interesting to me how much this strategy of misinformation has worked, though. I was chatting with a retired politician, yesterday. He's a moderate Republican, has served at the state level of government, and is a friend to such individuals as President G.W. Bush and other very high profile types (including high profile Democrats). This is not someone that I would consider to be out of touch with the news of the day or how things operate. But even he made comments that were based on the propaganda efforts of the Trump administration about Biden and the Ukrainian prosecutor.

It just goes to show how effective this tactic has been that even people who know much more than the average citizen are still unaware of the whole situation. How can we expect the majority of Americans to not fall prey to this?

We can't.

Trump's lifetime of grifting and conning made him perfect to do it to the "uneducated".  And they will never, , be any smarter about it.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:A career diplomat who served as senior advisor to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has decided to step down, two State Department officials told NBC News on Thursday, just as foreign service officers find themselves caught in the middle of a confrontation between the White House and Democratic lawmakers leading an impeachment inquiry.

P. Michael McKinley, a seasoned foreign service officer who served as ambassador to Afghanistan, Colombia, Brazil and Peru, has told his colleagues he is resigning, the two officials said.

McKinley's resignation was first reported by The Washington Post.

The State Department did not respond to requests for comment.

The move comes amid growing concern among career diplomats over how the administration has handled the impeachment inquiry on Ukraine and how it has treated career civil servants who have been asked to testify before Congress. Earlier this week, Pompeo at the last minute barred the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, from appearing before House lawmakers.

Foreign service officers have come away disheartened by revelations in the Ukraine case, including the recall of Marie Yovanovitch as ambassador to Ukraine months ahead of schedule, after she came under attack from right-wing media. Yovanovitch has been asked to appear before House committees as well but it remains unclear if the State Department will allow her to testify.

In text messages released last week, the top diplomat in Kyiv, who succeeded Yovanovitch, William Taylor, expressed alarm that the Trump administration appeared ready to withhold military aid to Ukraine if the government did not agree to conduct investigations to benefit the president’s personal political agenda.
Former diplomats have blasted the Trump administration over plummeting morale at the State Department and accused the White House of sidelining career civil servants while pushing them to take sides in its political clashes.

The American Foreign Service Association, which represents the State Department workforce, recently issued an unusual statement warning against attempts to inject politics into the non-partisan diplomatic corps.

“Our members have taken an oath to the U.S., and do their utmost to support the foreign policy of the United States under the leadership of the elected leaders of our democracy,” it said.

“We urge that their service, which at times is under the most serious hardship conditions and security risks, not be politicized and that they not be dragged into partisan political battles.”

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

"Donald Trump Jr? Never heard of the guy.  Lot's of people have my name.  It's a very popular name.  Great name, many people tell me."  Ninja
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-11-2019, 09:45 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: It is interesting to me how much this strategy of misinformation has worked, though. I was chatting with a retired politician, yesterday. He's a moderate Republican, has served at the state level of government, and is a friend to such individuals as President G.W. Bush and other very high profile types (including high profile Democrats). This is not someone that I would consider to be out of touch with the news of the day or how things operate. But even he made comments that were based on the propaganda efforts of the Trump administration about Biden and the Ukrainian prosecutor.

It just goes to show how effective this tactic has been that even people who know much more than the average citizen are still unaware of the whole situation. How can we expect the majority of Americans to not fall prey to this?

I actually don't expect the majority of Americans to fall prey to this; were he running against Hillary to day he would certainly lose the popular vote by a much larger margin.

Fox News plus House redistricting insures that an angry and disinformed 38% of the voting public can control the Exec and Congress, and long enough to get their people on the Supreme Court. (Not going to include the Senate, since I agree with equal representation of states there. Changing that will create a far more serious divide in the nation than any experienced since the Civil War.)

Add another  5-10% of "independents" who don't identify as Trump supporters but think critiques of his public vulgarity, incompetence, venality and petty vindictiveness are simply "partisan butthurt." In their eyes, his behavior, including belief in Fox conspiracy theories, doesn't render him unfit to be the U.S.' face to the world, with ultimate responsibility for U.S. foreign policy. I.e., unfit RIGHT NOW. Today. No real long term damage to existing institutions or foreign relations.   Still better than competent Hillary.
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So while DJT and his minions are out trying to get ahead of the story (and failing bigly) they are saying what they "know" about the whistleblower.

The lawyer for the person issued a statement denying everything.


Not that we didn't know Trump would lie about everything.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-11-2019, 10:37 AM)GMDino Wrote:  

"Donald Trump Jr? Never heard of the guy.  Lot's of people have my name.  It's a very popular name.  Great name, many people tell me."  Ninja

Better call Saul.
(10-10-2019, 01:59 PM)hollodero Wrote: I'd rather say I disagree with the premise here. Or say with the applicability of the example you gave.
"The Dems" did not cry for impeachment constantly.

What??  Sean, Tucker, Laura and Mark--not to mention Trump himself--have been telling us otherwise for the last year.  Maybe you are getting your information from the wrong source! Wink
(10-10-2019, 01:59 PM)hollodero Wrote: Survive, sure. But I do think Trump does irreparable damage to the US. Globally by tearing up deals and betraying allies that effectively defeated ISIS for him (which he bragged about), making it all that more difficult to forge alliances in the future. Who would possibly ever trust something the US says ever again - especially when the electorate deems what Trump does just fine and reelects him? I sure would not, and I was a big fan, even after Bush. But heck, it is not unthinkable anymore that Trump's deeds will indeed lead to the destruction of NATO and to strengthened authoritarian nations all over the world. Which comes with a toll, a political one, a humanitarian one, an economic one, pick your poison.

I first read this yesterday.  Then I woke up this morning and nothing major had changed in my life. I'm betting this is true for a large number of Trump supporters/defenders as well, who are today learning that Obama is responsible for linking the US to the Kurds and to identify them with the PKK--a TERROROST group.  

Sure, a number of our former allies, the Kurds, woke up to find their lives had changed greatly this morning. But when I cut my finger, do you bleed? 

Can't dispute that Trump has broken things which cannot be fixed. And the current pressure on him increases the likelihood he will break more. Mostly things Obama made. But imagining future problems requires some understanding of past problems, how the US economy is embedded in a world economy with attendant legal norms and responsibilities created in part to insure that 60 million people would not have to die again for ignoring the problem of proliferating authoritarian regimes.  Until that historical framework is acquired, talk of "strengthened authoritarian nations all over the world" has few implications, short or long term, for "America first."

Thus Trump is the symptom. The real problem is the high degree of toleration for his behavior on the part of, not a majority, but enough Americans. That inability to see all that much wrong with a P-grabber in charge of the nation, breaking diplomatic accomplishments decades in the making and creating shadow diplomats to insure his re-election foreign help. What is its cause?  Why are Hillary and AOC still "the real threat"? 
What has destroyed the "normal" which prevailed among voters of both political parties until the late 90s? That ability of Americans to recognize crime and just bad behavior when they saw it? And to say "no!"?  Has modern communications technology enhanced magical thinking and so concentrated it in political groups, at once impermeable to logic and evidence but easily hijacked by opportunistic outsiders? "Better Russian than a liberal?"   

This expanded commentary on your views is meant to agree with and applaud them.  But not the following.

(10-10-2019, 01:59 PM)hollodero Wrote: I really do wonder how you as a Californian resident can be fine with you getting two senators and the Dakotas getting four, but that's another point. But that is so blatantly unfair to me, as is the whole EC; but granted, although my tiny country is federalistic as well I am used to having my vote counted for the party or person I voted for, no matter where I lived. And I cannot shake the feeling that the century-old US approach is undemocratic, as it weighs votes differently. That is discrimination based on residence. But ok, I get it :) that's just me.

Two senators per state = EQUALITY OF STATES in a federal system with a bicameral legislature.  This makes sense in a REAL federal system where states have their own courts and control over their schools and especially over corporate law.

Are you referring to the European Council?  That's unfair if every EU member has one representative? More fair if representation there is proportional--nine Germans to one Austrian? I know some Germans who might agree. But color me puzzled. (unless I have misunderstood you.)
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(10-11-2019, 02:35 PM)Dill Wrote: Two senators per state = EQUALITY OF STATES in a federal system with a bicameral legislature.  This makes sense in a REAL federal system where states have their own courts and control over their schools and especially over corporate law.

States rights have nothing to with it. This is about the federal government, which should represent all Americans equally. And it does not. And that is just weird.
On a sidenote, it certainly overrepresents Republicans. Which is why I get that conservatives are fine with that. But especially now, aren't you seriously questioning how a senate could block any presidential impeachment, no matter how severe the accusations, just because a certain political group is grossly overrepresented there?
And I'm trying not to argue that one as an anti-Trump point - this is just weird in a principled sense.

I do get the sense though that while everyone despises the status quo, to question how anything is done is still quite unthinkable.

(10-11-2019, 02:35 PM)Dill Wrote: Are you referring to the European Council?

No, I'm referring to thought I consider sound and fair. Also, I would never refer to the current EU as a role model for democracy.

(10-11-2019, 02:35 PM)Dill Wrote: That's unfair if every EU member has one representative? More fair if representation there is proportional--nine Germans to one Austrian? I know some Germans who might agree. But color me puzzled. (unless I have misunderstood you.) an United Europe's parliament with actual legislative power, sure only the number of citizens should determine the number of representatives per country in it. As for a possible second federalistic chamber (our senate), I can get why one would prefer overrepresenting the smaller countries in such a chamber. But I sure would find it ridiculous if Malta had just as big of a say in it as Germany or France. That would lead to overrepresenting fisher's problems.
But that wouldn't mean cutting into Malta's souvereignty as defined in some kind of European constitution. They can have their taxes, their local laws, independent school systems, court systems and whatnot. Just on matters regarding the whole United States of Europe, I don't feel the need to overrepresent Maltesian citizens. Or Austrian citizens for that matter.

And if we were to elect a common president (which I'd hope we are not, but whatever), then I also would very much be in favor of a big European box where every citizen throws an equally counted ballot in. No electors, no weighting, just counting all the votes.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
It's hard for these elected idiots when someone asks a real question.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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