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climate denier in charge of EPA transition
(11-10-2016, 07:14 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Well, part of what prompted my curt response was an article that I recently read, where they were attempting to blame rising sea levels in Miami on polar ice melting.

In among the many things I learned about in Surveying School, one of the things that was addressed were Earth's geothermal patterns.  There is this elevation reference that is commonly used in land surveying, called the geoid.  It is updated from time to time, to reflect shrinking and swelling in the Earth's crust.  The land plates on the surface of the Earth not only move horizontally, but they also move inward and outward..  Just seems odd that some of these "Climate Scientists" haven't ran across that bit of common knowledge..

I blame it on Liberal Tears.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-10-2016, 07:14 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Well, part of what prompted my curt response was an article that I recently read, where they were attempting to blame rising sea levels in Miami on polar ice melting.

In among the many things I learned about in Surveying School, one of the things that was addressed were Earth's geothermal patterns.  There is this elevation reference that is commonly used in land surveying, called the geoid.  It is updated from time to time, to reflect shrinking and swelling in the Earth's crust.  The land plates on the surface of the Earth not only move horizontally, but they also move inward and outward..  Just seems odd that some of these "Climate Scientists" haven't ran across that bit of common knowledge..

They have?


(11-16-2016, 08:40 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I blame it on Liberal Tears.

Well liberals do tend to care about things more....   Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-16-2016, 08:51 PM)GMDino Wrote: They have?


Well liberals do tend to care about things more....   Mellow

And cry a river when you don't get your way.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2016, 09:02 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: And cry a river when you don't get your way.

Well we could ***** on Twitter but that's for winners....
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-16-2016, 08:51 PM)GMDino Wrote: They have?


Well liberals do tend to care about things more....   Mellow

Liberals destroy pretty much everything they get involved in. It tends to happen to over-emotional people who claim they are smarter than everyone else. What they need is counseling more than anything.....
(11-16-2016, 09:21 PM)djam Wrote: Liberals destroy pretty much everything they get involved in. It tends to happen to over-emotional people who claim they are smarter than everyone else. What they need is counseling more than anything.....


(11-16-2016, 02:11 AM)djam Wrote: I used to be an environmental activist, seriously when I was younger and in college. I studied the sciences for a good while. I have phd's in earth sciences in my family as well and grew up watching stars from a telescope as big as most peoples cars. Do I believe global warming? No way. Its not even warming anyway, its cooling now, and some of them know this so they changed it to climate change. Besides global warming got old with people.

I do sometimes wish I would've stayed in it, but not to fix global warming because its not real. Most of my friends who got really involved in the global warming push made themselves very wealthy people, for doing little, and most of them know its a hoax. It's a frigging trillion dollar industry, and the folks behind it will do whatever they can to keep it going. It is definitely the biggest single scam pulled on mankind. Which is why when Obama gave billions to all those green energy companies, they all went out of business like really fast lol. Just more cronyism. But anyway, having people scared to death about something they cannot possibly understand is a GREAT way to extort money and impose pretty much whatever 'regulations'  -if you can call it that --that you want. Or I should say impose regulations your donors want? Thats more like it. They have people living in such fear, it should be criminal. Its like mind control or something. We have plenty of things to do to take care of our planet, but this whole idea that we are causing global warming and its going to kill us all is childish. So what if the world raises a degree? Are we all going to die then? Get real. More people would actually survive lol.

Is the climate changing? Always has, always will. Can people destroy the planet? Did the astroids which have pounded this planet for thousands of years destroy it? Nope its alive and well. I think its safe from our cars and cow farts lol.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-16-2016, 09:24 PM)GMDino Wrote: Mellow


I would bet you any amount of money that I know more about global warming than you. I would bet you any amount of money that I have spent more time volunteering my personal time to clean up our planet than you have ever dreamed of. I have been told to outright lie on reports, many many times, for a number of organizations, and even an environmental group I worked for based out of Cincy. I was there when global warming didnt seem to be catching on with normal people. So they decided to amp up the rhetoric to put more fear in people. I heard with my own ears and watched with my own eyes when big wig activists said this is what is to be pushed --fear. They needed to be extreme just so they could get a little nugget of attention I was told to lie on reports so they could get more tax dollars even when they didnt need it or deserve it. I watched people change data and outright lie. I watched it as lobbiests turned it all into a political movement. I watched as they began getting more younger people who were more emotional and willing to do almost anything to push their narrative. This all began for me in 1991. I walked away once it got too bad for me to stand. Once it became obvious that this was politics and money, and not a real grassroots movement anymore.

I must have felt the same way Patrick Moore felt --the founder of Green Peace, and the only real scientist they had lol. After they ran him out for wanting to be honest. This movement is about money, period. There is hardly any real science left. How many times have they been caught fudging the data? I dont expect your MSNBC would ever say this, but the data has been altered many times to fit a narrative. The narrative is pushed to the extreme. Why? What are they hiding? To some of us its pretty, power, control. Keep on being a sucker and playing in the hands of people like putty. Keep on trusting everything your told with no checking into it for yourself. If you really wanted to know, the info is out there, but its too painful to most liberals to even deal with. They dont want to deal with the emotional pain that the raw truth often brings. They just want to make themselves feel good by doing a bunch of useless crap in the name of feelings. What liberals needs to do, is not to ask if it feels good, but ask if it 'does' good. A lot would change if that were to happen, but sadly for the lefties, they just want to make themselves feel good lol. Many of their policies have been destructive and even devastating, but they turn a blind eye because it may cause them emotional pain. So sad. You guys created Trump. I hope you realize that. Your extremism and willingness to turn a blind eye to facts for far too long are what caused his rise. All those little butterflies whining and protesting around the country need to look in the mirror to see the reason why Donald Trump became the next president. They were the reason, and their political hero's. People have had enough. They spoke the day of the election. I personally wanted Trump to win so I owe you all a huge thank you!


(11-16-2016, 09:21 PM)djam Wrote: Liberals destroy pretty much everything they get involved in. It tends to happen to over-emotional people who claim they are smarter than everyone else. What they need is counseling more than anything.....

(11-16-2016, 09:46 PM)djam Wrote: I would bet you any amount of money that I know more about global warming than you. I would bet you any amount of money that I have spent more time volunteering my personal time to clean up our planet than you have ever dreamed of. I have been told to outright lie on reports, many many times, for a number of organizations, and even an environmental group I worked for based out of Cincy. I was there when global warming didnt seem to be catching on with normal people. So they decided to amp up the rhetoric to put more fear in people. I heard with my own ears and watched with my own eyes when big wig activists said this is what is to be pushed --fear. They needed to be extreme just so they could get a little nugget of attention I was told to lie on reports so they could get more tax dollars even when they didnt need it or deserve it. I watched people change data and outright lie. I watched it as lobbiests turned it all into a political movement. I watched as they began getting more younger people who were more emotional and willing to do almost anything to push their narrative. This all began for me in 1991. I walked away once it got too bad for me to stand. Once it became obvious that this was politics and money, and not a real grassroots movement anymore.

I must have felt the same way Patrick Moore felt --the founder of Green Peace, and the only real scientist they had lol. After they ran him out for wanting to be honest. This movement is about money, period. There is hardly any real science left. How many times have they been caught fudging the data? I dont expect your MSNBC would ever say this, but the data has been altered many times to fit a narrative. The narrative is pushed to the extreme. Why? What are they hiding? To some of us its pretty, power, control. Keep on being a sucker and playing in the hands of people like putty. Keep on trusting everything your told with no checking into it for yourself. If you really wanted to know, the info is out there, but its too painful to most liberals to even deal with. They dont want to deal with the emotional pain that the raw truth often brings. They just want to make themselves feel good by doing a bunch of useless crap in the name of feelings. What liberals needs to do, is not to ask if it feels good, but ask if it 'does' good. A lot would change if that were to happen, but sadly for the lefties, they just want to make themselves feel good lol. Many of their policies have been destructive and even devastating, but they turn a blind eye because it may cause them emotional pain. So sad. You guys created Trump. I hope you realize that. Your extremism and willingness to turn a blind eye to facts for far too long are what caused his rise. All those little butterflies whining and protesting around the country need to look in the mirror to see the reason why Donald Trump became the next president. They were the reason, and their political hero's. People have had enough. They spoke the day of the election. I personally wanted Trump to win so I owe you all a huge thank you!
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-16-2016, 10:02 PM)GMDino Wrote: Mellow

I am not at all shocked by your awesome response. Need a kleenex or something? Its true. I dont know if you liked him or hated him. But I will say this. All of this drama caused his rise. Period.
(11-16-2016, 10:05 PM)djam Wrote: I am not at all shocked by your awesome response. Need a kleenex or something? Its true. I dont know if you liked him or hated him. But I will say this. All of this drama caused his rise. Period.

How can I respond when you:

Quote:...would bet you any amount of money that I know more about global warming than you. I would bet you any amount of money that I have spent more time volunteering my personal time to clean up our planet than you have ever dreamed of.

Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-16-2016, 10:10 PM)GMDino Wrote: How can I respond when you:

Rock On

I wouldnt say that if it werent true lol. I invested a lot of my life into helping our environment. Took a personal interest in it when the prestine brook trout stream on my grandpa's property got hit with acid mine drainage and killed all life in the stream --not even algae could survive. I was just a kid but I remember the stream flowing bright orange and the impact it had on me. I didnt need a scientist to tell me something wasnt right with that lol. I jumped on the global warming bandwagon in college tho. Realized I was duped a few years after. Sucks but I'm glad man made global warming isnt going to kill us all lol. I'm more worried about nukes and things. Asteroids are pretty scary too if you think about it. Global warming doesnt scare me at all tho. Not after what I was a part of. Its only gotten 100x worse since then too --the narrative and fear mongering that is. I used to feel bad for folks but not really now. The info is out there and you'd be surprised at where you mat find it. All folks have to do is open their mind and do their homework. The opening of the mind part is what so many folks seem stuck on though.
(11-16-2016, 10:19 PM)djam Wrote: I wouldnt say that if it werent true lol. I invested a lot of my life into helping our environment. Took a personal interest in it when the prestine brook trout stream on my grandpa's property got hit with acid mine drainage and killed all life in the stream --not even algae could survive. I was just a kid but I remember the stream flowing bright orange and the impact it had on me. I didnt need a scientist to tell me something wasnt right with that lol. I jumped on the global warming bandwagon in college tho. Realized I was duped a few years after. Sucks but I'm glad man made global warming isnt going to kill us all lol. I'm more worried about nukes and things. Asteroids are pretty scary too if you think about it. Global warming doesnt scare me at all tho. Not after what I was a part of. Its only gotten 100x worse since then too --the narrative and fear mongering that is. I used to feel bad for folks but not really now. The info is out there and you'd be surprised at where you mat find it. All folks have to do is open their mind and do their homework. The opening of the mind part is what so many folks seem stuck on though.


(11-16-2016, 09:21 PM)djam Wrote: Liberals destroy pretty much everything they get involved in. It tends to happen to over-emotional people who claim they are smarter than everyone else. What they need is counseling more than anything.....

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Maybe it's just a coincidence that all of the climate change deniers that I've met in my life didn't exactly give they impression that they were intelligent.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-17-2016, 12:09 AM)treee Wrote: Maybe it's just a coincidence that all of the climate change deniers that I've met in my life didn't exactly give they impression that they were intelligent.

That's just because it would hurt you too bad emotionally to recognize that climate change isn't real, reality is just a scam and that they are the happy few who get it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-16-2016, 10:19 PM)djam Wrote: I wouldnt say that if it werent true lol. I invested a lot of my life into helping our environment. Took a personal interest in it when the prestine brook trout stream on my grandpa's property got hit with acid mine drainage and killed all life in the stream --not even algae could survive. I was just a kid but I remember the stream flowing bright orange and the impact it had on me. I didnt need a scientist to tell me something wasnt right with that lol. I jumped on the global warming bandwagon in college tho. Realized I was duped a few years after. Sucks but I'm glad man made global warming isnt going to kill us all lol. I'm more worried about nukes and things. Asteroids are pretty scary too if you think about it. Global warming doesnt scare me at all tho. Not after what I was a part of. Its only gotten 100x worse since then too --the narrative and fear mongering that is. I used to feel bad for folks but not really now. The info is out there and you'd be surprised at where you mat find it. All folks have to do is open their mind and do their homework. The opening of the mind part is what so many folks seem stuck on though.

An acid mine?

Those damn liberals and their ******' acid mines.
(11-17-2016, 02:18 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: An acid mine?

Those damn liberals and their ******' acid mines.

Um, no it wasn't an acid mine lol. I dont even know if there is a such thing as an acid mine in that area or anywhere for that matter lol. It was acid mine drainage from an old coal mine. Thankfully by now its been cleaned up and as of 2 years ago they reintroduced trout. 

It doesnt surprise me that you called it an acid mine haha. Liberal ignorance as usual. A lack of understanding yet a willingness to open the mouth is pretty common place amongst liberals lol. An acid mine, goodness thats funny....
(11-17-2016, 08:34 AM)djam Wrote: Um, no it wasn't an acid mine lol. I dont even know if there is a such thing as an acid mine in that area or anywhere for that matter lol. It was acid mine drainage from an old coal mine. Thankfully by now its been cleaned up and as of 2 years ago they reintroduced trout. 

It doesnt surprise me that you called it an acid mine haha. Liberal ignorance as usual. A lack of understanding yet a willingness to open the mouth is pretty common place amongst liberals lol. An acid mine, goodness thats funny....

So you're telling me mines of LSD are liberal MSM myths?  Figures. 
(11-16-2016, 09:46 PM)djam Wrote: I would bet you any amount of money that I know more about global warming than you.

I'll bet you $100.

And I'm still waiting for that link that shows the planet is actually cooling right now.
(11-17-2016, 02:35 PM)fredtoast Wrote: And I'm still waiting for that link that shows the planet is actually cooling right now.

That would be interesting. I have been hearing each month for several months that it's been the hottest month on record. I mean, even with the argument that recorded temperatures are an insignificant measure when taken into account against the entire geological history of the earth, consecutively record breaking hottest months seems to indicate at least a temporary warming trend.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(11-16-2016, 10:19 PM)djam Wrote:  All folks have to do is open their mind and do their homework. The opening of the mind part is what so many folks seem stuck on though.

So I have done some homework and here is what I have found.  CO2 is a greenhouse gas and humans have pumped billions of tons of extra CO2 into the atmosphere over the last century.

But I have not been able to find out how this could NOT affect the global temperature.  So what am i missing?

And you owe me either $100 or a link that shows that the planet is actually cooling.  Which is it going to be?

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