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(03-12-2020, 04:55 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: It gives the media something to do to distract from the booming economy.  The topic also has click bait motive.  It makes me sick to see people using pandemic for political and monetary gain.   

Feel exactly the same Psych. Sick 

(03-12-2020, 04:57 PM)Nately120 Wrote: But I think the argument to this is that right now it isn't a "big deal" because we aren't packing thousands of people into tight quarters and making it worse.  Honestly, I haven't paid attention to what is being said about the thing or if experts are lying about it.  I hear word that people are dying of it and steps to avoid spreading it have been suggested and sometimes taken.

The media panic doesn't really apply to this situation, unless we think Rodger Godell saw some expert lying about it on the news and decided to pull the plug on the NFL season on that hunch alone.  

It is a big deal, but as Psych here says the media is using a pandemic for political gain in this situation which is disgusting.

Where did this Virus come from? China, who gains from our economy falling on its face?

Not trying to be a conspiracy theorist here, but people can make viruses in labs and have done it in the past.

Is it a coincidence that this stopped the Hong Kong riots? I don't think so.

But now I am wandering into the damn political spectrum again damn it.
(03-12-2020, 05:11 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Wow.  Talk about spinning to fit an agenda.

Most pro sporting events have made contracts with streamers, tv revenue.  Money is already there.  It is not like the old days where they need fans to make money...
[Image: maXCb2f.jpg]
-Paul Brown
“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

My album "Dragon"

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:07 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: Here are some interesting stats...

Deaths per year:

due to Malaria.......................1 million
due to mosquitoes....................1 million


You do realize Malaria was an epidemic here but we identified and eliminated it through vaccinations and other preventative measures 60 years ago while other countries still have massive issues with it.

Not sure how this supports your point that the spread of a disease is something to be sneezed at, so to speak. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 04:59 PM)fredtoast Wrote: What about the guy who just last week said we only had fifteen cases in the United States and it would quickly drop to zero?

Some people may be spreading blatant lies to create a panic while others are spreading blatant lies to protect their own self interest.

If you want to keep pushing your agenda take it to P&R.

Well obviously he was wrong. I agree, I am stopping now.

Just am hating this virus man, sucks.
Please take any political thoughts on the subject to P&R. 
Philippines' Duterte Announces 'Lockdown' of Manila to Fight Coronavirus
No domestics/international flights and sea travel allowed from March 15 to April 14.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:12 PM)jason Wrote: It won't hurt as bad as it would when my 4 year old gets sick, and spreads it to my elderly father.

You could say the same thing about the flu.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:13 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Feel exactly the same Psych. Sick 

It is a big deal, but as Psych here says the media is using a pandemic for political gain in this situation which is disgusting.

Where did this Virus come from? China, who gains from our economy falling on its face?

Not trying to be a conspiracy theorist here, but people can make viruses in labs and have done it in the past.

Is it a coincidence that this stopped the Hong Kong riots? I don't think so.

But now I am wandering into the damn political spectrum again damn it.

Who in the hell is using this for political gain! Proof please!!! Please take your response to P&R before you and Psych get this thread flushed. Thank You!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:16 PM)Nately120 Wrote: You do realize Malaria was an epidemic here but we identified and eliminated it through vaccinations and other preventative measures 60 years ago while other countries still have massive issues with it.

Not sure how this supports your point that the spread of a disease is something to be sneezed at, so to speak. 

There are still 1,500 cases annually in USA.  I don't recall the media making a big deal out of this...
[Image: maXCb2f.jpg]
-Paul Brown
“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

My album "Dragon"

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:13 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: It is a big deal, but as Psych here says the media is using a pandemic for political gain in this situation which is disgusting.

Again, multiple ultra-rich sporting leagues have elected or been forced to close up shop and lose lots of revenue because of this.  Are they being duped by the media or are they trying to gain politically?

If someone says to me "A tornado is coming" I might say "Maybe, maybe not" and then go on my way without thinking about it.  If I'm at a sporting event and they say a tornado is coming and they take their million dollar investment athletes off the field and stop selling $11 beer then I might actually believe something is up.

Hell, if the NFL said they were cancelling the season and losing billions because were were under attack by space invaders I'd actually take notice.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:20 PM)BrownAssClown Wrote: Who in the hell is using this for political gain! Proof please!!! Please take your response to P&R before you and Psych get this thread flushed. Thank You!

I am done, but if you don't see it you never would, the proof is right in your face on the news everyday.

Just hope they can get this under control and this goes away. I don't like politics, never have BTW. This is why I watch sports
to get away from it. Sucks this is cancelling March Madness, just hope it doesn't cancel anything football related.

Has the XFL said anything about this yet is my question?
(03-12-2020, 05:21 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: There are still 1,500 cases annually in USA.  I don't recall the media making a big deal out of this...

The big deal is that people get Malaria and bring it back to the USA when they don't get their proper vaccinations before going to countries that don't control or prevent Malaria.  This country has been making quite a stink about people electing to not get vaccinations and put others at risk.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:21 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Again, multiple ultra-rich sporting leagues have elected or been forced to close up shop and lose lots of revenue because of this.  Are they being duped by the media or are they trying to gain politically?

If someone says to me "A tornado is coming" I might say "Maybe, maybe not" and then go on my way without thinking about it.  If I'm at a sporting event and they say a tornado is coming and they take their million dollar investment athletes off the field and stop selling $11 beer then I might actually believe something is up.

Hell, if the NFL said they were cancelling the season and losing billions because were were under attack by space invaders I'd actually take notice.

I think sporting events have to follow the norm or they will be open to lawsuits.  
[Image: maXCb2f.jpg]
-Paul Brown
“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

My album "Dragon"

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:24 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Has the XFL said anything about this yet is my question?

Vince McMahon doesn't exactly have a reputation for giving a toss about the health and lifespans of his employees so I'd wager the government is going to have to shut him down.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:24 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: I am done, but if you don't see it you never would, the proof is right in your face on the news everyday.

Just hope they can get this under control and this goes away. I don't like politics, never have BTW. This is why I watch sports
to get away from it. Sucks this is cancelling March Madness, just hope it doesn't cancel anything football related.

Has the XFL said anything about this yet is my question?

I think XFL is closing attendance....
[Image: maXCb2f.jpg]
-Paul Brown
“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

My album "Dragon"

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:25 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: I think sporting events have to follow the norm or they will be open to lawsuits.  

A lawsuit for what?  People not getting sick because the media is lying?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:21 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Again, multiple ultra-rich sporting leagues have elected or been forced to close up shop and lose lots of revenue because of this.  Are they being duped by the media or are they trying to gain politically?

If someone says to me "A tornado is coming" I might say "Maybe, maybe not" and then go on my way without thinking about it.  If I'm at a sporting event and they say a tornado is coming and they take their million dollar investment athletes off the field and stop selling $11 beer then I might actually believe something is up.

Hell, if the NFL said they were cancelling the season and losing billions because were were under attack by space invaders I'd actually take notice.

I think the ultra-rich are being duped a bit by the media, this is overblown looking at the data presented.
(03-12-2020, 05:26 PM)Nately120 Wrote: A lawsuit for what?  People not getting sick because the media is lying?

Organizations have to follow the norm or they are vulnerable for lawsuits for any reason.  Anyone can sue for any reason.  
[Image: maXCb2f.jpg]
-Paul Brown
“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

My album "Dragon"

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 05:26 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: I think XFL is closing attendance....

At least play the games please, need something to watch.

Was sad to hear March Madness getting canceled. Thought it would be weird watching with no fans but didn't think the players 
would be in any danger as far as the data shows. Young healthy people it doesn't seem to affect much.
(03-12-2020, 05:07 PM)psychdoctor Wrote: Here are some interesting stats...

Deaths per year:

due to auto-erotic asphyxiation...1,000
due to vending machines...13
due to falling TVs..............40
due to hot air balloons........70
due to obesity.....................3 million world-wide
due to carbon monoxide .......430 in USA
due to heat exposure............658
due to ETOH poison...............2,011
due to running stop signs leading to vehicle deaths...13,627
due to Malaria.......................1 million
due to mosquitoes....................1 million


I get your point and agree that there is too much panic given the mortality rate.  But most of the things you listed you can't catch just by existing and being around people that have experienced the same. For example you are not at risk of morbid obesity just by going to a crowded area where others are obese. You can't catch a case of alcohol poisoning by going to China.  Malaria is a big one that kills millions but it has been mostly wiped out in most of the developed world and is preventable with medication if you visit an area where it is an issue.  According to the CDC:

Quote:The U.S. was once a malaria-endemic country, but in 1951, malaria was declared eliminated here. Now approximately 1,500 malaria cases and five deaths are reported in the United States annually, mostly in returned travelers.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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