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This is from a student at my university that tested positive for COVID-19:

[Image: 90625351_1061358857562552_84912977689444...e=5E9DFB99]
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-22-2020, 04:22 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This is from a student at my university that tested positive for COVID-19:

[Image: 90625351_1061358857562552_84912977689444...e=5E9DFB99]

I question if everything will get back to normal again. You can’t just lay off tens of millions of people and then come back a few months later and say, “Ok up and at ‘em. Let’s pick up where we left off.”
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(03-22-2020, 04:17 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Dewine just layed off a few million more people saying everyone has to make sacrifices. Still waiting on the sacrifices from all the people making these decisions for us.

Somewhere along the line we went from electing politicians to be servants of the people and started electing them to be the ultra-rich elite who will rule us.  Our ancestors who fought and died to get out from under the thumb of the king should rise from the grave and slap us.
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(03-22-2020, 04:37 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Somewhere along the line we went from electing politicians to be servants of the people and started electing them to be the ultra-rich elite who will rule us.  Our ancestors who fought and died to get out from under the thumb of the king should rise from the grave and slap us.

Yup. I was slow coming to it over my life due to party loyalty and thinking mine are ok and theirs are bad, but I’m pretty much there now.

I can’t swear this is effective or not but I can tell you that this is too much power for one person to have. I do not like being ruled.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-22-2020, 04:40 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Yup. I was slow coming to it over my life due to party loyalty and thinking mine are ok and theirs are bad, but I’m pretty much there now.

I can’t swear this is effective or not but I can tell you that this is too much power for one person to have. I do not like being ruled.

I think the most concerning thing has been this:

Quote:The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the United States.

Documents reviewed by POLITICO detail the department’s requests to lawmakers on a host of topics, including the statute of limitations, asylum and the way court hearings are conducted. POLITICO also reviewed and previously reported on documents seeking the authority to extend deadlines on merger reviews and prosecutions.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-22-2020, 04:52 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I think the most concerning thing has been this:

I’m having a tough time with that site so based on what you posted, I will first say that they hate relinquishing power they obtain. Even a new admin from a different party will say hey we don’t have to use it, but it’s nice to have.

Secondly, you have to give people their day. Find a way. Maybe this is where some of them can show the sacrifice they are all too happy to impose on us
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-22-2020, 05:00 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I’m having a tough time with that site so based on what you posted, I will first say that they hate relinquishing power they obtain. Even a new admin from a different party will say hey we don’t have to use it, but it’s nice to have.

Secondly, you have to give people their day. Find a way. Maybe this is where some of them can show the sacrifice they are all too happy to impose on us

From my perspective as a court worker, the biggest obstacle is the jury trial. Just about all other urgent business can be done in a safe and secure manner with adequate planning and very little sacrifice.

But finding a way to call in the hundreds of people from the public needed to form a jury, and then to have the jury hear the case and deliberate in a way that still guarantees the (alleged) impartiality of the process is a much tougher puzzle to sort out.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-22-2020, 08:21 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: From my perspective as a court worker, the biggest obstacle is the jury trial. Just about all other urgent business can be done in a safe and secure manner with adequate planning and very little sacrifice.

But finding a way to call in the hundreds of people from the public needed to form a jury, and then to have the jury hear the case and deliberate in a way that still guarantees the (alleged) impartiality of the process is a much tougher puzzle to sort out.

I definitely agree, here, just based on my knowledge of judicial workings. Most things could be handled with some extra planning, but I don't know how jury trials could happen.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

Quote:President Donald Trump’s directive for governors to buy their own medical supplies to fight the coronavirus has run into a big problem -- the federal government.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker told Trump during a video conference on Thursday that his state three times lost out to the federal government on purchases of critical supplies, creating an awkward moment during the made-for-TV event at Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters in Washington.

“I’ve got a feeling that if someone has the chance to sell to you and to sell to me, I am going to lose on every one of those,” a sheepish-sounding Baker told Trump, who chuckled at the remark.

The president replied he still wants governors to seek out their own medical equipment, like protective gear for doctors and nurses as well as respirators, but acknowledged the federal government has greater buying power than any state.

“Prices are always a component of that also. And maybe that’s why you lost to the feds, OK, that’s probably why,” Trump said.

At Trump’s request, Vice President Mike Pence responded that “we want to facilitate all the states and the health care providers in your states to be able to access that supply chain as it becomes more robust.”

When New Mexico’s governor raised similar concerns later in the call, Trump said he would ask FEMA to ensure there were no conflicts with purchases in the future.

Trump earlier Thursday repeated his belief that the onus should be on the states -- and not the federal government -- to obtain needed equipment to combat the pandemic, saying his administration is not a “shipping clerk” for the supplies that could potentially save lives.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-22-2020, 09:33 PM)GMDino Wrote:

But we needed an outsider to shake things up. Someone who has no ***** clue how government works is exactly what was needed in office.

Bunch of morons that wanted that. It just seems like a fine idea when you don't take into account the complexities of our federalist system and how that works in times of crisis such as these. ***** idiots.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(03-22-2020, 10:16 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: But we needed an outsider to shake things up. Someone who has no ***** clue how government works is exactly what was needed in office.

Bunch of morons that wanted that. It just seems like a fine idea when you don't take into account the complexities of our federalist system and how that works in times of crisis such as these. ***** idiots.

Emails Bels......


It's not like we had another candidate who knew we were unprepared for this sort of thing, who probably wouldn't have disbanded the global health security office.

Nobody could have seen something like this coming. Except for all the people that did. Ninja
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The sad thing is that the conservatives actually think that Republican politicians give a shit about "fixing the border crisis".

Memo to Cult 45:
They have you engaged.

They are preying on your Patriotism.

If they fix the "crisis" at the border . . . they need to find something else to get you re-engaged.

They will ask for the moon, not get it and claim that Democrats don't love America.

The battle for the wall is ten times more important to them than the stupid, outdated wall.
Only users lose drugs.
Just a break from the article in the New York Times.. Lost Sense of Smell May Be Peculiar Clue to Coronavirus Infection..

If you suddenly notice you've lost the ability to smell normally you may be in trouble..

Quote:A mother who was infected with the coronavirus couldn’t smell her baby’s full diaper. Cooks who can usually name every spice in a restaurant dish can’t smell curry or garlic, and food tastes bland. Others say they can’t pick up the sweet scent of shampoo or the foul odor of kitty litter.

Anosmia, the loss of sense of smell, and ageusia, an accompanying diminished sense of taste, have emerged as peculiar telltale signs of Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and possible markers of infection.
On Friday, British ear, nose and throat doctors, citing reports from colleagues around the world, called on adults who lose their senses of smell to isolate themselves for seven days, even if they have no other symptoms, to slow the disease’s spread. The published data is limited, but doctors are concerned enough to raise warnings.
“We really want to raise awareness that this is a sign of infection and that anyone who develops loss of sense of smell should self-isolate,” Prof. Claire Hopkins, president of the British Rhinological Society, wrote in an email. “It could contribute to slowing transmission and save lives.”

She and Nirmal Kumar, president of ENT UK, a group representing ear, nose and throat doctors in Britain, issued a joint statement urging health care workers to use personal protective equipment when treating any patients who have lost their senses of smell, and advised against performing nonessential sinus endoscopy procedures on anyone, because the virus replicates in the nose and the throat and an exam can prompt coughs or sneezes that expose the doctor to a high level of virus.

Two ear, nose and throat specialists in Britain who have been infected with the coronavirus are in critical condition, Dr. Hopkins said. Earlier reports from Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus first emerged, had warned that ear, nose and throat specialists as well as eye doctors were infected and dying in large numbers, Dr. Hopkins said.
The British physicians cited reports from other countries indicating that significant numbers of coronavirus patients experienced anosmia, saying that in South Korea, where testing has been widespread, 30 percent of 2,000 patients who tested positive experienced anosmia as their major presenting symptom (these were mild cases).

The American Academy of Otolaryngology on Sunday posted information on its website saying that mounting anecdotal evidence indicates that lost or reduced sense of smell and loss of taste are significant symptoms associated with Covid-19, and that they have been seen in patients who ultimately tested positive with no other symptoms.

The symptoms, in the absence of allergies or sinusitis, should alert doctors to screen patients for the virus and “warrant serious consideration for self isolation and testing of these individuals,” the academy said. The organization has reminded its members that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has urged all clinicians to prioritize urgent and emergency visits for the next several weeks and to reschedule elective and routine procedures.

This can be very important. It doesn't absolutely mean you have the infection, but it's certainly a starting point of clues. My former mother in law lost all her sense of smell long before corona virus so it's not unheard of, but this one is rather peculiar ..
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-23-2020, 01:25 AM)Forever Spinning Vinyl Wrote: The sad thing is that the conservatives actually think that Republican politicians give a shit about "fixing the border crisis".

Memo to Cult 45:
They have you engaged.

They are preying on your Patriotism.

If they fix the "crisis" at the border . . .  they need to find something else to get you re-engaged.

They will ask for the moon, not get it and claim that Democrats don't love America.

The battle for the wall is ten times more important to them than the stupid, outdated wall.

It's not only the wall, but other issues as well. Abortion has always been a republican bugaboo, an issue they've never wanted to end completely. If abortion were banned entirely around the nation they would lose that argument once and for all. It's my belief and several others as well that the staunch anti abortion crowd ONLY cares about babies before being born. Once born they don't give one shit if the cat drags it away to eat. It's always about stiring up the rabid base. Take away women's rights to chose what they feel right about their own bodies...unless they're rich and can just fly elsewhere to have abortions performed where it's legal;.
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Well y'all have hit on a major flaw in our system. If politicians actually resolved the issues they run on, they won't have those issues to run on next election.
If you think this is limited to one side or the other, well, I just don't know what to say to you.
Go Benton Panthers!!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Anyone get the feeling that a lot of people don't understand how gloves work to prevent the spread of disease?
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-22-2020, 10:16 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: But we needed an outsider to shake things up. Someone who has no ***** clue how government works is exactly what was needed in office.

Bunch of morons that wanted that. It just seems like a fine idea when you don't take into account the complexities of our federalist system and how that works in times of crisis such as these. ***** idiots.

They still want that Matt.  They are still flooding social media with Trump2020 and the Democrats are blocking bills to help.

Anyway, I post the other day about my daughter.  She seemed to be okay all weekend but woke up this morning with trouble breathing.  She is going to a test site if she can't get a script from her doctor (she called in this morning).

She was a preemie (3 months early) and while minimal to say the least she had lung problems then that comes with that.  She has mild asthma and has had bronchitis and pneumonia in the past.  Also she can be a bit of a it is best she get tested obviously.

Because of that *I* am least for today.  I told my boss that I was with her the first day she got sick (she didn't have a fever that day...doesn't seem to have one now either) and I feel fine but we both thought it best to give it a day at least and see.

But this cascades:  My wife works at a foodbank.  She helps take care of her 74 year stepdad with stage 4 cancer.  My daughter lives above her step grandfather with her husband who is in the National Guard.  So many people can be affected by ONE person.

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And here is the bigger issue: even if they let us all go back to work in a month this virus will still be out there with no cure and no vaccine. Anyone of us can get it at anytime until they get the vaccine in a year or more.

Time to close the entire country for two weeks or a month, limit the spread and deal with it from there.

It's a once in a century event. No one is prepared. We're going to have to suffer and hope that when the history books are written they are kind to us for how we handled it.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

It must drive Trump MAD that someone else is getting headline and that the people trust him.  We may see less of Fauci at upcoming "updates" as DJT tries to maintain his place in the spotlight.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
He actually took the time to tweet this.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-23-2020, 05:27 AM)grampahol Wrote: Just a break from the article in the New York Times.. Lost Sense of Smell May Be Peculiar Clue to Coronavirus Infection..

If you suddenly notice you've lost the ability to smell normally you may be in trouble..

This can be very important. It doesn't absolutely mean you have the infection, but it's certainly a starting point of clues. My former mother in law lost all her sense of smell long before corona virus so it's not unheard of, but this one is rather peculiar ..

According to Fox News Commentator Geraldo Rivera, one easy test is to hold your breath for 10 seconds.

If you can, then you definitely do not have the virus.

Some good news in al this: Ainsley Earhardt says "Now is the safest time to fly." So few people in airports . . . .
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