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(06-21-2020, 12:00 AM)N_B Wrote: Yes, yes you did. If you’re defending trump at this point, you’re either an idiot, you’re ignorant, or you’re selfish. Pick one. But acting like some moral arbiter on the board and making sure the Trump side HAS to be told in response to each anti-trump post is useless - you have neither the intelligence nor the moral high ground

Warning: directly calling bfine an idiot is against the rules and will get you banned or suspended.

You need to do it passive-agrresively like bfine does to get away with it.

Example: Anyone defending Trump on this is an idiot, ignorant, or selfish.
(06-21-2020, 12:17 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Warning: directly calling bfine an idiot is against the rules and will get you banned or suspended.

You need to do it passive-agrresively like bfine does to get away with it.

Example: Anyone defending Trump on this is an idiot, ignorant, or selfish.

This is perhaps the funniest comment I've read in this forum, Not one person in the history of this board has gotten suspended for calling bfine names. Now bfine telling them to stuff their insults usually leads to suspensions for bfine. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Ye gods, I should have just called Trump an asshole, but after the 17,437th time a person does something like that I just feel compelled to respond in a more creative way.


I assure you the next 15,000 times he does or says something assinine I'll keep my jokes to myself.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-21-2020, 12:23 AM)bfine32 Wrote: This is perhaps the funniest comment I've read in this forum, Not one person in the history of this board has gotten suspended for calling bfine names. Now bfine telling them to stuff their insults usually leads to suspensions for bfine. 

I got suspended for a year for telling you to settle down before you give yourself another heart attack.

So settle down with your BS and poor lil’ ol’ bfine pity party.
(06-21-2020, 12:30 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I got suspended for a year for telling you to settle down before you give yourself another heart attack.

So settle down with your BS and poor lil’ ol’ bfine pity party.

So what name did you call me that got you suspended? 

I never saw the comment that you refer to, but it says a damn lot more about you than it does me. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-21-2020, 12:37 AM)bfine32 Wrote: So what name did you call me that got you suspended? 

I never saw the comment that you refer to, but it says a damn lot more about you than it does me. 

Stress contributes to heart disease. If I had heart disease I wouldn’t spend so much time arguing about stupid shit. But, please don’t believe me ask your medical provider for their advice. Then we’ll see what that says about me.
Meanwhile, Trump demanded less testing so less cases are found.

It is tough not to turn bitter and cynical when facing this kind of argument from a president and leader.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-21-2020, 01:45 AM)hollodero Wrote: Meanwhile, Trump demanded less testing so less cases are found.

It is tough not to turn bitter and cynical when facing this kind of argument from a president and leader.

Trumpet: “I love trump because he tells it like it is”

Trumpet: “He was just joking he didn’t actually mean what he said”

Not the first time we have seen this little mental gymnastics routine. Won’t be the last. At least for a little while longer. Until the old guy hiding in his basement ends up beating his ass.
(06-21-2020, 09:19 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Trumpet: “I love trump because he tells it like it is”

Trumpet: “He was just joking he didn’t actually mean what he said”

Yeah that one never stops puzzling me too. Don't take him literally, but he tells it as it is.

I suppose for many telling it like it is is just being aggressive and pissed off, and from that base on is open to projections of any sort. If the projection happens to be liberals hate America and the forgotten men are suppressed by globalist media elite Soros money, that one works quite fine.

Trump's slogan possibly very well could just be "screw that shit". Doesn't flow like MAGA though.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-21-2020, 09:19 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Trumpet: “I love trump because he tells it like it is”

Trumpet: “He was just joking he didn’t actually mean what he said”

Not the first time we have seen this little mental gymnastics routine. Won’t be the last. At least for a little while longer. Until the old guy hiding in his basement ends up beating his ass.

(06-21-2020, 03:34 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah that one never stops puzzling me too. Don't take him literally, but he tells it as it is.

I suppose for many telling it like it is is just being aggressive and pissed off, and from that base on is open to projections of any sort. If the projection happens to be liberals hate America and the forgotten men are suppressed by globalist media elite Soros money, that one works quite fine.

Trump's slogan possibly very well could just be "screw that shit". Doesn't flow like MAGA though.

This is usually then followed by a Trump supporter asking why we don't question what Biden says more.  Four years of them defending every lie out of Trump's mouth so they can say "now the other side".  But that's only because they lack any kind of moral character and have situational ethics.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
This just in--

China’s Wuhan Tests 11 Million for COVID-19

[Mass testing campaign which began May 14] ended up reporting 206 cases of active COVID-19 infections, all of which were classified as asymptomatic. Over the course of the outbreak, the city has so far reported over 50,000 confirmed cases.

Looks like more testing doesn't always produce more confirmed cases--especially after a month of strictly enforced social distancing.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-21-2020, 09:19 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Trumpet: “I love trump because he tells it like it is”

Trumpet: “He was just joking he didn’t actually mean what he said”

Not the first time we have seen this little mental gymnastics routine. Won’t be the last. At least for a little while longer. Until the old guy hiding in his basement ends up beating his ass.

I guess I could have more interesting talks with my fridge than with any Trumpers.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

The Press Secretary defended defended the term “kung flu”, saying it’s not racist or offensive.

“President Trump is trying to say, 'no, China, I will label this virus for its place of origin.'”

She then said that the media referring to Covid as “wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus” was the same thing as “kung flu”. I shit you not.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-22-2020, 05:40 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The Press Secretary defended defended the term “kung flu”, saying it’s not racist or offensive.

“President Trump is trying to say, 'no, China, I will label this virus for its place of origin.'”

She then said that the media referring to Covid as “wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus” was the same thing as “kung flu”. I shit you not.

At times, I tell myself it is impossible for a President and administration to be so incredibly clueless, tone deaf, lacking empathy and morally bankrupt. Yet, they remind me every single day that it is not only possible, but the unfortunate reality we live in.
(06-22-2020, 05:50 PM)Lucidus Wrote: At times, I tell myself it is impossible for a President and administration to be so incredibly clueless, tone deaf, lacking empathy and morally bankrupt. Yet, they remind me every single day that it is not only possible, but the unfortunate reality we live in.

What I deemed impossible is that 40% or so of people would be just fine with that kind of administration. In that sense, Trump isn't shocking. The ongoing support he gets is.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-22-2020, 08:39 PM)hollodero Wrote: What I deemed impossible is that 40% or so of people would be just fine with that kind of administration. In that sense, Trump isn't shocking. The ongoing support he gets is.

Well stated. The unwavering support is mind boggling to me. The fact that such a percentage of Americans would not only tolerate, but condone, the actions of this President and administration is greatly disappointing.
(06-22-2020, 05:50 PM)Lucidus Wrote: At times, I tell myself it is impossible for a President and administration to be so incredibly clueless, tone deaf, lacking empathy and morally bankrupt. Yet, they remind me every single day that it is not only possible, but the unfortunate reality we live in.

(06-22-2020, 08:39 PM)hollodero Wrote: What I deemed impossible is that 40% or so of people would be just fine with that kind of administration. In that sense, Trump isn't shocking. The ongoing support he gets is.

I think that's a good point. We all expected this from him. The fact that people still make excuses for behavior they admonished before is what's wild 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-22-2020, 05:40 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The Press Secretary defended defended the term “kung flu”, saying it’s not racist or offensive.

“President Trump is trying to say, 'no, China, I will label this virus for its place of origin.'”

She then said that the media referring to Covid as “wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus” was the same thing as “kung flu”. I shit you not.

Just want to add that she said "the President doesn't" say that and then explained why he does.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-21-2020, 12:00 AM)N_B Wrote: Yes, yes you did.  If you’re defending trump at this point, you’re either an idiot, you’re ignorant, or you’re selfish.  Pick one.  But acting like some moral arbiter on the board and making sure the Trump side HAS to be told in response to each anti-trump post is useless - you have neither the intelligence nor the moral high ground

You forgot basket of deplorables, bigots, sexists, racists, tyrants, egotistical, nationalist, narcissist and bully. 

Still not sure why I even bother on here. It's not balanced at all. Bfine, you should just let them pump themselves up and stop wasting your time. Your not going to change their minds and they aren't going to change ours. 

Good deeds such as what Trump blocked a few days back and not one single mention of it from you guys. I applaud the move 100%. Maybe I missed it, because this forum is over saturated with "500 ways I hate Trump" posts. And the problem is it will be another 4 years of this. 
(06-23-2020, 01:34 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You forgot basket of deplorables, bigots, sexists, racists, tyrants, egotistical, nationalist, narcissist and bully. 

Still not sure why I even bother on here. It's not balanced at all. Bfine, you should just let them pump themselves up and stop wasting your time. Your not going to change their minds and they aren't going to change ours. 

Good deeds such as what Trump blocked a few days back and not one single mention of it from you guys. I applaud the move 100%. Maybe I missed it, because this forum is over saturated with "500 ways I hate Trump" posts. And the problem is it will be another 4 years of this. 

This is what people have been discussing above.

Trump has no moral integrity, knows little about government and governing, and is willing to abuse his power in myriad ways, conducting  personal vendettas, privileging friends and family, posing one national security risk after another. He has embarrassed us internationally and dropped morale in the FBI, the military, the DOJ, and certainly the CDC.  His White House has been chaotic from day one, firing what few good people he ever had and picking worse ones to replace them, and then firing them too.

If ethical integrity and competence are standards to which we hold presidents, then there is no reason why Trump opponents should "change their minds" and support someone who demonstrates week in and week out that he lacks these.

What puzzles many about Trump supporters is exactly this--that his absence of integrity and competence doesn't change their minds.

Why don't supporters "hate" Trump for the "500 ways" he has broken norms of civic decency and competent, honest government?
How could this shit show be "balanced"? How could that one "good deed" cancel the weekly parade of embarrassments?

Yet supporters behave as if people call Trump a "misogynist" because they hate him, not because he is a P-grabber who publicly calls women ugly and stupid.  Same for all the other terms driven by Trumps actual behavior--bigot, racist, tyrant, egoist, nationalist, narcissist, and bully. These terms are tagged to public and repeated actions.

If you rob banks then it is hardly unfair and unbalanced to call you a "bank robber."

Why do you exempt Trump from this principle, and then act as if people who don't are the ones who cannot be argued with?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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