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Aqib Talib Eye Poke - CageTheBengal - 11-08-2015

That was absolutely disgusting to watch. He wasn't even involved in the argument and he jogs over casually and jams his two fingers into #83s eyes on the Colts and starts trying to dig. What a piece of human trash! Glad he lost the Broncos the game. Better were a visor if you're playing against this scum.

I'm not sure what was more low Talib's eye poke or Haynesworth's head stomp.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - bfine32 - 11-08-2015

I would need to see a vid of this

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - StLucieBengal - 11-08-2015

It was pretty blatant.

Also you can see the Broncos are undisciplined when they pulled that nonsense at the kneel.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - Awful Llama - 11-08-2015

(11-08-2015, 09:58 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I would need to see a vid of this

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - StLucieBengal - 11-08-2015

Von miller should have been called for a PF that same play.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - coltsfan4ever - 11-08-2015

(11-08-2015, 09:51 PM)ExtraRadiohead Wrote: That was absolutely disgusting to watch. He wasn't even involved in the argument and he jogs over casually and jams his two fingers into #83s eyes on the Colts and starts trying to dig. What a piece of human trash! Glad he lost the Broncos the game. Better were a visor if you're playing against this scum.

I'm not sure what was more low Talib's eye poke or Haynesworth's head stomp.

The dude whose eye he tried to poke out was the Colt's Tight End, Dwayne Allen.

I can't believe he just walked up to the guy and casually just poked his eye. What a piece of crap that guys is!

I like Peyton, but I can do without THAT GUY in the NFL!

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - SunsetBengal - 11-08-2015

(11-08-2015, 10:01 PM)Awful Llama Wrote:

That's going to co$t him..

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - Bengalzona - 11-08-2015

(11-08-2015, 10:01 PM)Awful Llama Wrote:

 That's an eye poke? Between the gloves and the faceguard, I don't think he did a lot of damage.

Be that as it may, it was definitely a blatant attempt. The penalty was deserved. And the fact that it was such a crucial penalty in the outcome of the game means that Aqib will probably have some bad feelings from his teammates too.

It is a shame that Talib chose to do this. He's a good cornerback and was really resurrecting his career this season. I've done some private work for his charity before. Am a bit surprised by this action. That's not normal for him.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - wildcats forever - 11-09-2015

Do these numb nuts not realize the camera is on them? WTF??

If they're that batshit crazy, fining them won't phase them. Sit'em down for a year, and see if that gets their attention. Just damn.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - Tiger Teeth - 11-09-2015


RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - tigerseye - 11-09-2015

You could ruin a guys career doing that. I wouldn't think the other players in the league would want that kind of thing going on. The union should also come down on Talib for doing that. Total bush league. Get even with guys within the frame work of the rules. I mean your allowed to knock the crap out of each other.

I always thought he was a quality player. He just changed his reputation in about 3 seconds. Who knows maybe he has always been jerk.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - cinci4life - 11-09-2015

Talib saying Allen was milking it. He really has the guts to say that after the replay shows how intentional it was? What an idiot.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - cinci4life - 11-09-2015

Talib suspended 1 game without pay and he will appeal per Adam Schefter on ESPN's NFL Insiders tv show.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - grampahol - 11-09-2015

Human trash? I don't think so. It was a very costly mistake and uncalled for, but if we're going to label every player who loses his cool every time human trash and so on then you might as well just stop watching football altogether. Football is a very violent game where a defender or offensive player for that matter can slam hard into another player and snap their spine and crippled them for life quite unintentionally and yet be considered a pillar of the community, but hey.. Feel free to consider a single poor choice and action as the way you'll forever see the guy.
I'm not disagreeing about the need for discipline, but people lose their cool once in awhile.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - cinci4life - 11-09-2015

(11-09-2015, 09:22 PM)grampahol Wrote: Human trash?  I don't think so.  It was a very costly mistake and uncalled for, but if we're going to label every player who loses his cool every time human trash and so on then you might as well just stop watching football altogether.  Football is a very violent game where a defender or offensive player for that matter can slam hard into another player and snap their spine and crippled them for life quite unintentionally and yet be considered a pillar of the community, but hey.. Feel free to consider a single poor choice and action as the way you'll forever see the guy.
I'm not disagreeing about the need for discipline, but people lose their cool once in awhile.

This was blatantly intentional though and that's the issue. He was lucky he didn't cause any eyesight issues by doing that. It was nothing but dirty and can't be argued otherwise.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - CKwi88 - 11-09-2015

There was certainly some selling by the TE, but who can blame him?

It's not the worst thing to be done during a game when emotions run high, but still deserving of the one game ban.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - tigerseye - 11-09-2015

Losing your cool is one thing but sticking your fingers into somebodies eye ball is a whole other level.

I know its physical and violent and all but he's still a low life for doing it. Frankly what he did isn't defendable in my opinion or excusible regardless of how violent the sport. And if people form an opinion of him for this one action he has no one to blame but himself. Its called being accountable for your own actions. We have seemed to have gotten away from that these days.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - CageTheBengal - 11-10-2015

(11-09-2015, 09:22 PM)grampahol Wrote: Human trash?  I don't think so.  It was a very costly mistake and uncalled for, but if we're going to label every player who loses his cool every time human trash and so on then you might as well just stop watching football altogether.  Football is a very violent game where a defender or offensive player for that matter can slam hard into another player and snap their spine and crippled them for life quite unintentionally and yet be considered a pillar of the community, but hey.. Feel free to consider a single poor choice and action as the way you'll forever see the guy.
I'm not disagreeing about the need for discipline, but people lose their cool once in awhile.

Players lose their cool by shoving another player (like what was initially going on without Talib.) or butting heads not by shoving your fingers in another person's eye and trying to claw them. There's a line between losing your cool and having an intention to harm someone Allen could've had a serious loss of vision and Talib wasn't even in the mix he forced himself into it looking for trouble. The fact that they slam each other during the game is totally irrelevant because it happens during the game in a controlled environment. A player isn't expected to defend himself in between plays from eye pokers.  Rolleyes

Btw Talib wasn't a saint before all this either so calling him human trash doesn't come from one lone incident. Although I would still consider labeling him as such for the eye poking incident.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - Nately120 - 11-10-2015

(11-09-2015, 09:22 PM)grampahol Wrote: Human trash?  I don't think so.  It was a very costly mistake and uncalled for, but if we're going to label every player who loses his cool every time human trash and so on then you might as well just stop watching football altogether.  Football is a very violent game where a defender or offensive player for that matter can slam hard into another player and snap their spine and crippled them for life quite unintentionally and yet be considered a pillar of the community, but hey.. Feel free to consider a single poor choice and action as the way you'll forever see the guy.
I'm not disagreeing about the need for discipline, but people lose their cool once in awhile.

I'm not saying it's exactly the same, but weren't we all beaming with pride at the swagger Adam Jones was showing when he removed Amari Cooper's helmet and slammed his head into it after the whistle?  Did Cooper just have it coming more than this guy?  Are the eyes forbidden targets?  Are we just being biased?  I'm ok with that, I'm just curious.

RE: Aqib Talib Eye Poke - tigerseye - 11-10-2015

What Adam Jones did on that play was over the line also. In my opinion and I think he would probably admit that also. ML talks all the time about keeping their composure.

If A Jones pulled the guys helmet off and then pulled the guys eye ball out and wouldn't give it back. I'd have a problem with it even though I'm a Bengals fan.