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RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

Trump confirms no casualties.

RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

And he's off the rails. Blaming Obama.

Covering for his coward act to talk a strong talk and have no bite. Iran is rolling their eyes. They've got a significant victory thanks to Trump.

RE: Iran Situation - GMDino - 01-08-2020

(01-08-2020, 01:30 PM)jj22 Wrote: Trump confirms no casualties.

And opens his statements by reading one of his tweets...before starting the prepared remarks.  Facepalm

RE: Iran Situation - GMDino - 01-08-2020

As an aside for a guy who is in such great physical shape according to him and his "doctors" he breathes awfully heavy when just standing there reading.

RE: Iran Situation - GMDino - 01-08-2020

Asking our allies to make NEW deal when he promised to do that himself while scrapping the last deal that took so long to create.

What a dope.

RE: Iran Situation - GMDino - 01-08-2020

Man he stumbles over the simplest words.

RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

This was one of the worse press conferences after a bombing of an American site ever.

Trump is just inept. He shouldn't have talked such a tough talk if he couldn't or wouldn't back it up. NK, Russia, China and all of our enemies took note. Iran was the only country to call his bluff and he failed the test in historic and epic fashion.

We have lost all credibility in the world. A sad and significant day today. You don't go from threating to bomb cultural sites to attacking Obama for everything.

RE: Iran Situation - Belsnickel - 01-08-2020

(01-08-2020, 01:41 PM)jj22 Wrote: This was one of the worse press conferences after a bombing of an American site ever.

Trump is just inept. He shouldn't have talked such a tough talk if he couldn't or wouldn't back it up. NK, Russia, China and all of our enemies took note. Iran was the only country to call his bluff and he failed the test in historic and epic fashion.

We have lost all credibility in the world. A sad and significant day today. You don't go from threating to bomb cultural sites to attacking Obama for everything.

This is one of the most hyperbolic posts I've seen.

While I disagree with a lot of what he said during the presser, I'm relieved he did not escalate hostilities. Kudos to him for that.

RE: Iran Situation - GMDino - 01-08-2020

(01-08-2020, 01:48 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This is one of the most hyperbolic posts I've seen.

While I disagree with a lot of what he said during the presser, I'm relieved he did not escalate hostilities. Kudos to him for that.

Agreed.  But he had to "try" and sound "tough", which is sad but also how he has always been.

Was a pretty bad speech both in substance and presentation though.

RE: Iran Situation - Belsnickel - 01-08-2020

(01-08-2020, 01:55 PM)GMDino Wrote: Agreed.  But he had to "try" and sound "tough", which is sad but also how he has always been.

Was a pretty bad speech both in substance and presentation though.

That it was. But that has been a hallmark of Trump's presidency.

RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

(01-08-2020, 01:48 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This is one of the most hyperbolic posts I've seen.

While I disagree with a lot of what he said during the presser, I'm relieved he did not escalate hostilities. Kudos to him for that.

How can you in the grand scheme of things.

You don't go from I'll bomb cultural sites and if you even think of retaliation destruction will come your way to....

It's Obama's fault for giving them money.

When you put your cards on the table as Trump did, you have to stay true to your word.

I don't care for Trump at all but the American President must have credibility or all is lost. Our enemy's were watching. And the message they got was damning.  

When the American Commander in Chief speaks or makes a threat the world should listen in fear. Iran smacked him down, responded and are celebrating in the streets over it.

As an American I'm disgusted.

RE: Iran Situation - masonbengals fan - 01-08-2020

Is the speech delivery more important than the substance of the speech ? I guess if you can't give him credit for the direction we are taking then belittle the way it was delivered.

RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

The substance wasn't good either.

Unless you are tying to blame Obama for all this as he is....

RE: Iran Situation - Millhouse - 01-08-2020

Sounding like the situation is defusing quickly, unless Iran does a big stupid and succeeds in casualties with new attacks. But I doubt it because apparently Iranian state news reported 80 "American Terrorists" were killed in the attacks.

We got the guy that needed to be taken down, they got their fake American deaths in return.

Off topic, but I could see this being like a fictional movie or book where someone in Iran high up wanted this guy taken out, gave us the intel to do it, and in return they would intentionally miss hitting our people in retaliatory strikes. Win win for both sides.

Also that Ukrainian plane. Iran is refusing to turn over the black box. Something is just wrong about this all the way around. They first claimed it was technical issues, yet I saw a phone vid of the plane on fire plummeting back to Earth. And now not giving up the black box. At this point hard not to think they accidentally shot it down out of their ineptness.

RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

Trump better not ever threaten Iran again, if he can't back it up.

The Bully just got shut down for the world to see.

RE: Iran Situation - GMDino - 01-08-2020

(01-08-2020, 02:05 PM)masonbengals fan Wrote: Is the speech delivery more important than the substance of the speech ? I guess if you can't give him credit for the direction we are taking then belittle the way it was delivered.

More important?  Not necessarily.

I was just adding to the comment that he is an awful public speaker. When he has to read things he stumbles a lot.  When he riffs he just falls back on the same old tropes over and over.

Who didn't give him credit for the "direction" we are taking things?

RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

I don't give him credit. It's all then more issues with Trump as Commander in Chief and his Twitter foreign policy of threaten and get his bluff called.

Fine for him to be embarrassed, but not us as America.

This would have never been cool before Trump.

RE: Iran Situation - Millhouse - 01-08-2020

(01-08-2020, 02:11 PM)jj22 Wrote: Trump better not ever threaten Iran again, if he can't back it up.

The Bully just got shut down for the world to see.

No, he didn't get shut down but rather he actually won on this one. Only place in the world that may see this as a win for Iran is in Iran itself because they are straight up lying to their people they killed 80 Americans in response. When in reality they lobbed a few missiles at an Iraqi base where U.S. & Allied troops are stationed, and most likely missed on purpose knowing they would lie about it to save face with their people.

RE: Iran Situation - jj22 - 01-08-2020

He won? This is ridiculous.

2 foreign powers threatened each other not to retaliate and the one that listened won? I disagree.

America told Iran not to retaliate or hell will be paid. They did.

Iran told America not to retaliate and we stood down.

I don't consider that winning. But I don't consider a lot of Trumps actions winning like some people do.

Iran could have used a proxy to respond. They didn't. They themselves took action. That's significant.

RE: Iran Situation - Matt_Crimson - 01-08-2020

And just like that World War 3 is over and Trump still hasn't dropped an atomic bomb. Bad day for the MSM.