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RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 05:38 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: I'm not a doctor and I didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn last night.

Most days, I'd put him at about a 7 or 8. Last night, like a 4.

Of course, he also has a small army of handlers and doctors ACTUALLY watching him all the time. I imagine if his mental capacity were to go, one of those doctors or handlers would say something. And don't give me that bullshit about them protecting his image - Biden isn't the kind of person to surround himself with sycophants and yes men, and someone would've leaked something by now.

I honestly gave you more credit than I should have.  As Hollo says below, I can absolutely understand loathing Trump winning, but your admission that you have functioning senses isn't going to affect that one way or another.  There is zero chance a non-partisan thinking person puts Biden in the 7-8 range on most days.  Just zero.

(06-28-2024, 05:52 PM)hollodero Wrote: Oh come on. The alleged agenda consists of mainly stating the obvious. Which, of course, can not be an exact diagnosis of any sort, but Biden is not up to the task and that's just too apparent to ignore any longer. He was never a sharp debater, but he was way sharper four years ago and apparently declined massively. And I defended him longer than many others, but this "agenda" of mine is now unsustainable. How would this guy behave in a crisis, would anyone really feel comfortable with him calling the shots and making quick, consequential decisions?

Not to be misunderstood, I feel quite uncomfortable with Trump as well. It's a whole mess.

Not liking the alternative is completely understandable.  But denying what any person could plainly see last night, and honestly should have for well over a year prior, isn't really credible.  This is why I like your and Arturo's posting here.  You both have your political leanings, but none of these players are on your "team" hence you're able to be more objective (there are other reasons as well to be fair).  Too many people here are blind to anything perceived as damaging their party.  Where you and I differ is I'm of the belief that he's been this way for quite some time, and I am rightfully pissed about the deception.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Luvnit2 - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:03 PM)hollodero Wrote: I mean, they really seemed to be caught off-guard and genuinely distressed. Imho they'd be at least better prepared for the moment if they already knew.

There is a pattern. They were caught off guard when there was no Russian Hoax and depressed. They were caught off guard when CNN slandered a young high school student for being a Trump supporter after the true facts were discovered. They were distressed when Jessee Smollett was found guilty of creating a fake hoax saying a Trump supporter accosted him.

You see the liberal media will say anything bad about Trump and never investigate it. Hunter's laptop was real, one more hoax and lie saying it was not.

They are depressed because they got caught. They got caught using a liberal narrative put out to the liberal media that Joe Biden is great mentally, the big bad GOP is making up fake videos to make him look bad. Well, they were busted last night, that is why they are depressed. They are depressed as very unlikely a Democrat beats Trump in November and simply can't fathom 4 years of Trump.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 05:32 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: Yes.

I worked in a nursing home for several years and after a bit, you can see who is with it, who is faking it (sometimes very well), and who is gone. It is shameful he was trotted out there like that.

Is he so terrible behind the scenes his handlers thought this was him at his best?

The man is being abused and deserves to be treated with more dignity, as we all hope we will be treated if we were similarly enfeebled.

P.S. why does he still have the nuclear football?!?

My sister, who is far more left leaning than I ever was, made the exact same statement last night.  She literally said this was elder abuse.  BTW, I didn't want to watch the damned thing, she made me.  

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - hollodero - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:28 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: There is a pattern. They were caught off guard when there was no Russian Hoax and depressed. They were caught off guard when CNN slandered a young high school student for being a Trump supporter after the true facts were discovered. They were distressed when Jessee Smollett was found guilty of creating a fake hoax saying a Trump supporter accosted him.

Right, there was no Russian hoax, it was real enough for Manafort and Stone to go to jail. Trump's campaign manager was a Russian plant and you call that a hoax? I don't know.

As for the rest, events like Smollett really have little to nothing to do with Trump and Biden and you're kind of all over the place with these episodes.

The Biden performance, imho, came as a shock to his supporters and adversaries alike. They weren't depressed - well probably they also were that, but mainly they were all surprised. At least that is my perception. Not to defend the media too much in general, they are all mainly awful indeed.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - BigPapaKain - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 05:52 PM)hollodero Wrote: Oh come on. The alleged agenda consists of mainly stating the obvious. Which, of course, can not be an exact diagnosis of any sort, but Biden is not up to the task and that's just too apparent to ignore any longer. He was never a sharp debater, but he was way sharper four years ago and apparently declined massively. And I defended him longer than many others, but this "agenda" of mine is now unsustainable. How would this guy behave in a crisis, would anyone really feel comfortable with him calling the shots and making quick, consequential decisions?

Not to be misunderstood, I feel quite uncomfortable with Trump as well. It's a whole mess.

Maybe it wouldn't be so glaring partisan if half the folks saying Biden has dementia would admit that if he has it, Trump has it WAY worse.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - hollodero - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:37 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Maybe it wouldn't be so glaring partisan if half the folks saying Biden has dementia would admit that if he has it, Trump has it WAY worse.

Yeah I was more or less in that camp too, but I honestly can't agree any longer. Trump was his own awful self for sure, and the lists of his blunders and stupidities are of encyclopedial length, but yesterday he looked so much sharper still and it's not to his credit.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - hollodero - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:27 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Not liking the alternative is completely understandable.  But denying what any person could plainly see last night, and honestly should have for well over a year prior, isn't really credible.  This is why I like your and Arturo's posting here.  You both have your political leanings, but none of these players are on your "team" hence you're able to be more objective (there are other reasons as well to be fair).  Too many people here are blind to anything perceived as damaging their party.  Where you and I differ is I'm of the belief that he's been this way for quite some time, and I am rightfully pissed about the deception.

Understandable, there are some folks that must have known and kept their trap shut or lied about it. 

And I can not really differ from your claim that it was visible any more, it probably was. To defend myself a little, I was quite sceptical of Biden recently already, eg. for his cannibal story and then some, I did say two awful candidates a lot. But nope I could not have imagined that several days of intense preparation could have resulted in this debate performance. You sure knew better than me.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - FormerlyBengalRugby - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:29 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: My sister, who is far more left leaning than I ever was, made the exact same statement last night.  She literally said this was elder abuse.  BTW, I didn't want to watch the damned thing, she made me.  

It was terrible. DJT was a C-, but looked like a B because of how inept Biden was.  My wife broke out some bourbon and we laughed at the train wreck of Joe Biden, then realized more how sad and manipulative it was in the light of morning.

No one should be paraded around like that and have their dignity removed.

It's been going on for a long time, and they finally got caught red handed, but nothing will be done.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - BigPapaKain - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:27 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I honestly gave you more credit than I should have.  As Hollo says below, I can absolutely understand loathing Trump winning, but your admission that you have functioning senses isn't going to affect that one way or another.  There is zero chance a non-partisan thinking person puts Biden in the 7-8 range on most days.  

You asked my opinion, now you're saying it's partisan thinking.

More like grading on a curve. Of course your guy is just a stable genius, amiright?

Anyways, miss me with your faux superiority.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - FormerlyBengalRugby - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:55 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: You asked my opinion, now you're saying it's partisan thinking.

More like grading on a curve. Of course your guy is just a stable genius, amiright?

Anyways, miss me with your faux superiority.

I think you are missing that the majority opinion isn't that DJT is great or a "genius," only that he is the better of two bad options.


RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - FormerlyBengalRugby - 06-28-2024

I forgot to ask.

Where is the outrage on the left for this blatant, ongoing, elder abuse, and who needs to be held accountable?

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:55 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: You asked my opinion, now you're saying it's partisan thinking.

Yes, it appears that way to me.  It's an odd thing for you to complain about seeing as how you recently accused me in this very thread of using anecdotal evidence to "further an agenda."

Quote:More like grading on a curve. Of course your guy is just a stable genius, amiright?

Trump isn't "my guy."  I appreciate your need for binary thinking, but it doesn't apply here.

Quote:Anyways, miss me with your faux superiority.

Again, I'm confused as to how you're permitted to voice your opinion of my perception but I am not able to reciprocate.  Or maybe this is a deflection tactic?  At this point I'm anxious to speculate for fear of further rebuke.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - BigPapaKain - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:59 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I think you are missing that the majority opinion isn't that DJT is great or a "genius," only that he is the better of two bad options.


All evidence to the contrary.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - BigPapaKain - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 07:06 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yes, it appears that way to me.  It's an odd thing for you to complain about seeing as how you recently accused me in this very thread of using anecdotal evidence to "further an agenda."

No one asked for you anecdotes, but you asked for mine.

Quote:Trump isn't "my guy."  I appreciate your need for binary thinking, but it doesn't apply here. 

All evidence to the contrary.

Quote:Again, I'm confused as to how you're permitted to voice your opinion of my perception but I am not able to reciprocate.  Or maybe this is a deflection tactic?  At this point I'm anxious to speculate for fear of further rebuke.

See above.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - BigPapaKain - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 06:40 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah I was more or less in that camp too, but I honestly can't agree any longer. Trump was his own awful self for sure, and the lists of his blunders and stupidities are of encyclopedial length, but yesterday he looked so much sharper still and it's not to his credit.

So all it took was one night for you to flip?

Yeah, slamming X to doubt.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - JustWinBaby - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 07:01 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I forgot to ask.

Where is the outrage on the left for this blatant, ongoing, elder abuse, and who needs to be held accountable?

Where are all the calls to invoke the 25th?  Or are they saving that for Jan 22nd?

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - FormerlyBengalRugby - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 07:08 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: All evidence to the contrary.

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 07:09 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: No one asked for you anecdotes, but you asked for mine.

That doesn't really seem relevant given the discussion.

Quote:All evidence to the contrary.

Yeah, you guys on the left keep attempting this accusation.  I understand that for a hyper partisan it's difficult, nigh impossible to imagine someone being otherwise.  But we're more the majority at he end of the day.

Quote:See above.

Above what?  If you mean your previous accusation that doesn't really work here.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-28-2024

(06-28-2024, 07:10 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: So all it took was one night for you to flip?

Yeah, slamming X to doubt.

You attacking Hollo is both amusing and disturbing.  He's likely to the left of most of you Dem supporters, but he's capable of divorcing himself form partisan bias.  I don't think there's a better, or more rational, poster on this board than Hollo or Bel.  Your attack seems wildly inappropriate.

RE: Biden vs. Trump debate - NATI BENGALS - 06-28-2024

The elder abuse claim is stupid.

The guy is a stubborn old man. And last night we got to see what kind of pep in his step a sick 81 year old has. And it ain’t much.

The DNC is repeating the same mistake they made in 2016. Sticking with a majorly flawed candidate who is too selfish to realize their limitations and do the right thing and get out of the way.