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All Things Not Islamaphobia/Terrorism/open borders/Anything French - Printable Version

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RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - bfine32 - 12-05-2015

(12-05-2015, 10:45 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Does it just make you more comfortable to try to make an equivalency. You know black people murder a lot of people.  How come you never say black people?  

Cause if he said Black People he would be a racist.

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - GMDino - 12-05-2015

(12-05-2015, 10:45 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Does it just make you more comfortable to try to make an equivalency. You know black people murder a lot of people.  How come you never say black people?  
There is no Christian equivalent to al qeada or ISIS or Hamas or Hezbollah or the Talibam to name a few.  I'm sorry.  But don't despair.  Maybe some day there will be.  

My response was a direct response to another thread from Lucy about a Muslim comitting a crime.  So I posted the opposite.  Talking about white guys.

Lucy wants "these people" to stay on their own continent.  Meanwhile we have Europeans here committing crimes every day.

See?  No?

Its not about equivalency...its about one guy who thinks if someone commits a crime it means his entire religion and race is a bunch of savages.  So its nice to point out that it is a big world where we say a crazy white guy has no affiliation to anything but a Muslim must be trying to force Sharia law...or whatever the talking point of the day is.

(12-05-2015, 10:51 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Cause if he said Black People he would be a racist.

Well, enough about me.

See above.  

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - Nately120 - 12-05-2015

(12-05-2015, 10:45 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Does it just make you more comfortable to try to make an equivalency. You know black people murder a lot of people.  How come you never say black people?  
There is no Christian equivalent to al qeada or ISIS or Hamas or Hezbollah or the Talibam to name a few.  I'm sorry.  But don't despair.  Maybe some day there will be.  

Is there an Atheist equivalent to " al qeada or ISIS or Hamas or Hezbollah or the Talibam [sic]" or is this about believing in god and what not?

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - michaelsean - 12-05-2015

(12-05-2015, 11:42 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Is there an Atheist equivalent to " al qeada or ISIS or Hamas or Hezbollah or the Talibam [sic]" or is this about believing in god and what not?

Certainly atheist mass murderers on epic scales, but not because of atheism.

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - Nately120 - 12-05-2015

(12-05-2015, 11:49 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Certainly atheist mass murderers on epic scales, but not because of atheism.

Well maybe they should.  It's high time we all start killing each other over who doesn't believe in god the best and/or the right way.

RE: the cost of open borders - BmorePat87 - 12-06-2015

(12-05-2015, 11:18 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: The majority of the mask laws were put in place to stop the KKK from protecting their identities. 
Some even forbid the gathering of men in "white hats".
I think there would be a surge in klan membership,  were they allowed to protect their identity again. 
I'm sure they'd also claim the head covering to be a religious garb.

It's not illegal to be a member of the KKK. If they're going to commit violence, anti mask laws won't prevent them from wearing masks as they commit the crime. Same with gun laws...

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - michaelsean - 12-06-2015

(12-05-2015, 11:51 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Well maybe they should.  It's high time we all start killing each other over who doesn't believe in god the best and/or the right way.

Well they've murdered tens of millions if it makes you feel any better    

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - BmorePat87 - 12-06-2015

Don't feed the trolls

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - michaelsean - 12-06-2015

You gonna take that, Nately?

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - Nately120 - 12-06-2015

(12-06-2015, 12:12 AM)michaelsean Wrote: You gonna take that, Nately?

Despite being an American, I just can't find the energy to go ballistic over such an attack upon my viewpoint.  I was born without a spine,  I guess.

Plus the dude who called me a troll has that dancing kicker in his signature.  Can't get mad when you see that.

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - StLucieBengal - 12-06-2015

(12-05-2015, 11:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: My response was a direct response to another thread from Lucy about a Muslim comitting a crime.  So I posted the opposite.  Talking about white guys.

Lucy wants "these people" to stay on their own continent.  Meanwhile we have Europeans here committing crimes every day.

See?  No?

Its not about equivalency...its about one guy who thinks if someone commits a crime it means his entire religion and race is a bunch of savages.  So its nice to point out that it is a big world where we say a crazy white guy has no affiliation to anything but a Muslim must be trying to force Sharia law...or whatever the talking point of the day is.

Well, enough about me.

See above.  

So would it not be easier for them to assimilate in Asia? I am quite sure you could assimilate a heck of a lot easier in north amercia than In Asia.

This isn't about race or color . It's about where will they assimilate easier. With less drastic changes to their lives .

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - GMDino - 12-06-2015

(12-06-2015, 01:41 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So would it not be easier for them to assimilate in Asia?   I am quite sure you could assimilate a heck of a lot easier in north amercia than In Asia.  

This isn't about race or color .  It's about where will they assimilate easier.   With less drastic changes to their lives .

Would it not have been easier for your wife to stay in Russia?  I mean she had to try and assimilate to a lifestyle where she was forced to raise "proper" children by your rules for example.

People should stay where they are born and marry their own kind.  Just easier for everyone.   Smirk

RE: Islamic Terrorist - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 12-06-2015

(12-04-2015, 07:24 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Islamic Terrorist
Muslim Extremist

At least the Nation of Islam gets to remain separate from the ones who commit these acts. Christians on the other hand are not afforded this separate distinction. No, when a "Christian" commits murder, they are called "Christian" as to say that all Christians are dangerous.

I put "Christian" in quotes when they commit murder because no Christian would commit such an act.

It's just a play on the words that I don't like. Why not just lump all the bastards together and call them all terrorist and murderers? Why vilify a religion when it's not the religion but the people?

Huh?  I don't understand your point.  A Muslim is someone who practices the religion of Islam.  I don't understand the distinction you're trying to make.

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - StLucieBengal - 12-06-2015

(12-06-2015, 10:53 AM)GMDino Wrote: Would it not have been easier for your wife to stay in Russia?  I mean she had to try and assimilate to a lifestyle where she was forced to raise "proper" children by your rules for example.

People should stay where they are born and marry their own kind.  Just easier for everyone.   Smirk

Russians and Americans are very close culturally. A lot more than you probably think. Big difference between them and middle easterners. For them assimilation is almost seamless.. And obviously that goes for almost all of the former soviet states.

RE: Islamic Terrorist - fredtoast - 12-06-2015

(12-05-2015, 02:45 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: - Tons of packages from foreign countries.  

- Working all night long in the garage

- And having loads of people going in and out of the house at all hours of the night.  

Add on top of it they are from Pakistan.    

Yup.   I am calling someone .  Or at the very least I will ask them what is going on.

I thought you were afreaid of iving the government too much power.  now it seems that you want to give them the right to invade your privacy even when you have done nothing wrong.

So which is it?  Should police have the authority to search your home, computer, and private records even though you have done nothing wrong?

RE: Muslim stabs multiple people in London tunnel: Yells .... This is for Syria - Nately120 - 12-06-2015

(12-06-2015, 02:36 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Russians and Americans are very close culturally.   A lot more than you probably think.  Big difference between them and middle easterners.     For them assimilation is almost seamless..   And obviously that goes for almost all of the former soviet states.

So you can move to Russia and drool over sexy Vlady in his karate outfit in person!  OOOOOh he's so maaaanly!

Git owt!

‘You Ain’t No Muslim, Bruv’: Response to London Attack Inspires Hashtag - GMDino - 12-06-2015

Quote:A knife attack that injured three people on Saturday in a London subway station was being investigated as a “terrorist incident,” the police said. But the words of a bystander who shouted at the suspect as officers held him down are what have captured public attention.

“You ain’t no Muslim, bruv,” a man can be heard calling out to the suspect on videos of the arrest posted on YouTube. “You’re no Muslim, bruv. You ain’t no Muslim.” “Bruv” is London slang, similar to “bro” in the United States.

Officers had used a Taser to subdue the suspect, a 29-year-old man, in Leytonstone Station in East London.

In the hours after the attack, the episode was widely discussed on social media, with the hashtag #YouAintNoMuslimBruv trending worldwide on Twitter, and many Muslims retweeting the sentiment with approval.

Some were critical of the hashtag, noting that Islam, like many faiths, teaches forgiveness of sinners. But most commentary about the unknown bystander — presumed by many to be a Muslim himself — was laudatory.

RE: ‘You Ain’t No Muslim, Bruv’: Response to London Attack Inspires Hashtag - JustWinBaby - 12-06-2015

Were they criticizing him for using a knife and only injuring, not killing, 3?

RE: ‘You Ain’t No Muslim, Bruv’: Response to London Attack Inspires Hashtag - StLucieBengal - 12-06-2015

Yeah that's how we are gonna end Islamic terrorism .... By using a hashtag ..... Sounds like an Obama solution.

RE: Islamic Terrorist - StLucieBengal - 12-06-2015

(12-06-2015, 02:37 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I thought you were afreaid of iving the government too much power.  now it seems that you want to give them the right to invade your privacy even when you have done nothing wrong.

So which is it?  Should police have the authority to search your home, computer, and private records even though you have done nothing wrong?

They already grab our information.

And me calling about suspicious activity isn't putting them in that persons house. They would need a warrant