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RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 08:33 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I've read the BS that Pat Tillman would be the first to kneel in some media. I hope nobody falls for that stuff. Most veterans respect the right to protest as long as your not disrespecting the flag or their bretheren. Media is spinning a hero, not cool. Nobody can speak for a dead man, but I think many veterans who are living have spoken. Kinda ridiculous TBH. Specially when a man judges a situation on it's merits. I can say I'm pretty confident he wouldn't, but that's only my opinion. If he was alive he would tell us his stance. But he's not, so none of us will know.

This is just another political stunt by a mega company to get the cash out of some pockets and skyrocket free publicity. LOL, and we blame Trump for being the one who divides America? I think there are many hands holding the ladle that stirs that pot because it's profitable. And here's the shocker, they don't care about any of us, only our ability to work and produce.

I can only assume that the left saw this and decided: Hell we really cannot attack the point that Tillman sacrificed more, so let's attack the messengers. They feign outrage yet willingly twist Ms Tillman's words to support their agenda. She clearly said he should not be politicized in a way that divides us. To suggest Tillman is a better candidate that Kaep does not politicize this, If anyone politicized the message it is Nike and those feigning outrage at folks that suggest Tillman is a better choice.

Those that ingenuously partially quote MS Tillman will say you are "going against her wishes by suggesting Tillman would be a better choice for their anniversary campaign fail to mention in the same letter she said:

Quote:"Those that serve fight for the American ideals of freedom, justice and democracy," she wrote. "They and their families know the cost of that fight. I know the very personal costs in a way I feel acutely every day. The very action of self expression and the freedom to speak from one's heart — no matter those views — is what Pat and so many other Americans have given their lives for. Even if they didn't always agree with those views."

It's just the left's feeble attempt at shaming and they don't agree with the message so they attack folks who disagree with their views.

RE: Good Night Irene - fredtoast - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 08:50 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I can only assume that the left saw this and decided: Hell we really cannot attack the point that Tillman sacrificed more, so let's attack the messengers. They feign outrage yet willingly twist Ms Tillman's words to support their agenda.

How is it twisting her words?  

This entire thread is an argument over a divisive political issue and you tried to score points by bringing Tillman into it when you have no idea what Pat would have aid about all of this.

This is really one of your lower points Bfine.  It is a Trump level lie to try and claim that this is not a divisive political issue that you have drug Tillman into, and only Trump followers who have become numb to lies would buy that line of BS.

RE: Good Night Irene - BmorePat87 - 09-05-2018

There are very few people who can put words in a dead man's mouth. The issue of Pat Tillman should be left at "None of us here know what his thoughts on this issue would be so let's just not even discuss his relevance to this issue".

RE: Good Night Irene - GMDino - 09-05-2018

RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 09:51 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: There are very few people who can put words in a dead man's mouth. The issue of Pat Tillman should be left at "None of us here know what his thoughts on this issue would be so let's just not even discuss his relevance to this issue".

This is something I whole-heartedly endorse. Doesn't change the fact that someone cannot point to him as a sportsman that sacrificed everything for something he believed in.

RE: Good Night Irene - BmorePat87 - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 10:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Doesn't change the fact that someone cannot point to him as a sportsman that sacrificed everything for something he believed in.

As long as they're not doing it to subtly attack a political cause, I don't see the issue with acknowledging/honoring his service. 

RE: Good Night Irene - fredtoast - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 10:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  Doesn't change the fact that someone cannot point to him as a sportsman that sacrificed everything for something he believed in.

Doesn't change the fact that you never said any of this until NIKE did their Kap ad and you just brought up Tillman as a way to score points in this politically divisive argument.

I can't remember the last time you mentioned Tillman on these boards before you brought him into this Kaepernick argument to try and score some points.

RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 10:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Doesn't change the fact that you never said any of this until NIKE did their Kap ad and you just brought up Tillman as a way to score points in this politically divisive argument.

I can't remember the last time you mentioned Tillman on these boards before you brought him into this Kaepernick argument to try and score some points.

I'm going to type this real slow and then end the back and forth:

Perhaps, I didn't bring up Tillman before Nike announced the face of their 30th anniversary of their Just do it slogan and they did so with the words "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything", because he wasn't germane to the conversation at hand.

You call is "scoring points" because you're most likely insecure and have to keep a tally for verification; I simply call it making a point.

RE: Good Night Irene - fredtoast - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 10:45 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You call is "scoring points" because you're most likely insecure and have to keep a tally for verification; I simply call it making a point.

I doubt the Tillman family will be thrilled to hear that you just used Pat to "make a point" in a divisive political argument instead of "scoring a point".  They don't seem like the kind of people impressed with lame sematic BS arguments.

RE: Good Night Irene - Nately120 - 09-06-2018

(09-05-2018, 08:50 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I can only assume that the left saw this and decided: Hell we really cannot attack the point that Tillman sacrificed more, so let's attack the messengers. They feign outrage yet willingly twist Ms Tillman's words to support their agenda. She clearly said he should not be politicized in a way that divides us. To suggest Tillman is a better candidate that Kaep does not politicize this, If anyone politicized the message it is Nike and those feigning outrage at folks that suggest Tillman is a better choice.  

Those that ingenuously partially quote MS Tillman will say you are "going against her wishes by suggesting Tillman would be a better choice for their anniversary campaign fail to mention in the same letter she said:

It's just the left's feeble attempt at shaming and they don't agree with the message so they attack folks who disagree with their views.

How is a man who died in service of this country a fitting choice to sell Nike crap?  This whole premise is based upon the notion that Nike, as a brand or a product, says they represent sacrifice (how?) and then the public gets all butt-hurt fighting over which person best fits this false narrative presented to us.  This is some bizarre stuff. Nike just has to say they are the most heroic brand and watch the masses scramble to attach the most heroic person they can think of to this suddenly resplendent brand. Astounding. We are absolute slaves to marketing.

People are arguing who is best deserving of the "honor" of having his face plastered on the latest completely-full-of-crap advertisement for a brand that, to my knowledge, has nothing to do with sacrifice nor struggle of any kind save the people who manufacture the products.  If open a strip club and call it "Nately's Strip Club for Heroes and Patriots" would people be demanding that Pat Tillman be the face of it?  It's all about patriotism and Pat Tillman fits the bill! God forbid anyone who gave less to this country be the face of this STD-soaked smut house.

And blah blah blah.  Like I said before, people feeling that a dead veteran is NOT being used to shill merchandise is disrespectful to his sacrifice is the most cynical thing I can think of.  Should athletes be on Wheaties boxes?  Shouldn't each box have a dead veteran on the front?  Who are the REAL champions of bran flakes?!

RE: Good Night Irene - BmorePat87 - 09-06-2018

It's actually a really good ad

RE: Good Night Irene - Benton - 09-06-2018

(09-06-2018, 10:46 AM)Nately120 Wrote: How is a man who died in service of this country a fitting choice to sell Nike crap?  This whole premise is based upon the notion that Nike, as a brand or a product, says they represent sacrifice (how?) and then the public gets all butt-hurt fighting over which person best fits this false narrative presented to us.  This is some bizarre stuff.  Nike just has to say they are the most heroic brand and watch the masses scramble to attach the most heroic person they can think of to this suddenly resplendent brand.  Astounding.  We are absolute slaves to marketing.

People are arguing who is best deserving of the "honor" of having his face plastered on the latest completely-full-of-crap advertisement for a brand that, to my knowledge, has nothing to do with sacrifice nor struggle of any kind save the people who manufacture the products.  If open a strip club and call it "Nately's Strip Club for Heroes and Patriots" would people be demanding that Pat Tillman be the face of it?  It's all about patriotism and Pat Tillman fits the bill!  God forbid anyone who gave less to this country be the face of this STD-soaked smut house.

And blah blah blah.  Like I said before, people feeling that a dead veteran is NOT being used to shill merchandise is disrespectful to his sacrifice is the most cynical thing I can think of.  Should athletes be on Wheaties boxes?  Shouldn't each box have a dead veteran on the front?  Who are the REAL champions of bran flakes?!

To the bold, agreed. They could have come out with a red, white and blue shoe, and nobody would've said anything. Or, they could've named a plain shoe as "The Most Patriotic Shoe Ever" and people would've blown a gasket over them not being made in America, not being endorsed by the POTUS, not having been worn by George Washington, etc.

RE: Good Night Irene - Millhouse - 09-06-2018

Maybe Nike should've used the slogan with Kaep's face: 'Believe in something, even if it means being worth $20 million'.

RE: Good Night Irene - GMDino - 09-07-2018

RE: Good Night Irene - Nately120 - 09-07-2018

(09-07-2018, 05:24 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Is anyone accusing that woman of being a liberal in disguise trying to make Trump's gallery look bad?

RE: Good Night Irene - GMDino - 09-07-2018

(09-07-2018, 06:19 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Is anyone accusing that woman of being a liberal in disguise trying to make Trump's gallery look bad?

I don't think they removed her.

RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 09-07-2018

(09-07-2018, 05:24 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Nately120 Wrote:Is anyone accusing that woman of being a liberal in disguise trying to make Trump's gallery look bad?

The whataboutism is strong in this one.

I've said numerous times that the difference is knowingly (making a conscious effort) to disrespect the flag.

It appears that young lady is proud of here country, so much so that she chose to bring a flag to a political rally to show her support.

Leave it to a bunch of spiteful middle-aged men to try to make her an object of their ridicule.

RE: Good Night Irene - bfine32 - 09-07-2018

(08-15-2018, 07:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: First of all Green Berets are not in the Marines. (EDIT: should have read Zona; didn't mean to double tap)

Secondly, is that the guy that said he disappointed that Kap chose the sit and looks forward to the day he will stand for the Anthem again?

Finally, let's say Nate loves the fact that Nate and others sit during the Anthem (of course he doesn't, but let's go with it to help your scenario). 

I think it's disrespectful. Whose opinion are you gonna roll with: a guy that served 6 years or a guy that has served over 30 and is still serving? 

Kneeling during the National Anthem is disrespectful, it is why they do it, to draw attention. Regardless of the hoops folks try to jump through to assert it is not. 

It's almost like I know what I'm talking about:

Quote:“It’s dangerous territory to suggest something like that, just because for me, when I hear ‘sacrifice everything,’ the last thing I think about is money,” Boyer told Seattle’s KIRO Radio. “We’ve been taught since we were children that money isn’t everything, and if it’s a matter of sacrificing money or your brand, that’s far different than sacrificing your life. So, when I see that word everything, that’s what strikes me to be a little bit off-putting for a lot of people not only in the veteran community, but people in general.”........

“It’s an important distinction to understand. Personally, I do not endorse Kaepernick’s method of protest but I absolutely support his right to do so. That is an unpopular place to stand these days, in the radical middle, defending someone you somewhat disagree with.

So kinda like exactly what I said:

He supports Kaep's and other's right to kneel, because they're intent is not disrespect, but this dude understand it is.

He thinks Nike using Kaep cheapens the term sacrifice.

The Left might have to find a new favorite Soldier. There's still Bergdahl.

RE: Good Night Irene - GMDino - 09-07-2018

(09-07-2018, 07:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The whataboutism is strong in this one.

I've said numerous times that the difference is knowingly (making a conscious effort) to disrespect the flag.

It appears that young lady is proud of here country, so much so that she chose to bring a flag to a political rally to show her support.

Leave it to a bunch of spiteful middle-aged men to try to make her an object of their ridicule.

You're not even trying anymore.  Sad

RE: Good Night Irene - GMDino - 09-07-2018

(09-07-2018, 08:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: It's almost like I know what I'm talking about:

So kinda like exactly what I said:

He supports Kaep's and other's right to kneel, because they're intent is not disrespect, but this dude understand it is.

He thinks Nike using Kaep cheapens the term sacrifice.

The Left might have to find a new favorite Soldier. There's still Bergdahl.

You venom toward you fellow military men is insulting.

You will do anything to "prove" that none of the agree with Kaepernick/his cause.

I'd like to think you feel some shame about it but I know better.

I wonder when the ther moral guide of the board will around to discuss your disdain for people you disagree with?

Edit: Because this really disturbs me that you will use Tillman in one post and disparage others in another. Then accuse "the left' of picking and choosing their favorite soldiers. Given how much you love your service and expect total respect for it I find it appalling that you would speak like that simply because you disagree politically.

It's a big wide world with lots of people. Not everyone is like you (thank jebus). You should show the same respect you demand from others.

Rock On