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RE: War with Iran? - Dill - 06-22-2019

Mystery solved.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has reportedly been privately urging Trump against a war with Iran

And according to the Times, Tucker told Trump that if he goes to war with Iran, he could kiss re-election good bye.

150 casualties? Not proportional! Call it off! Hilarious

RE: War with Iran? - hollodero - 06-22-2019

(06-21-2019, 08:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Your, bent mind aside: I didn't assert simpletons; I asserted hypocrites. 

Fair enough.

(06-21-2019, 08:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm not even saying a retaliatory strike was a bad idea or not to strike was a good idea. I'm simply saying his announcement to cancel the strike was a stupid thing to do. I'm not one of those bitching when he was going to strike and now bitching that he didn't strike, but anyone who is doing so fits the bill of hypocrite. 

Yeah, but your hypocricy-asserting lines can go both ways too. It also appears that if Trump's faced with a binary option and chooses option A, you will be critical of those opposed to it; and if he chooses option B, you also will be critical of those opposed to it. And maybe as a mere sideeffect, he can do no wrong.

By that, I do not so much say you "defend" Trump at any turn as that you often seem to have a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" dynamic regarding him.

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 06-22-2019

[Image: 20637888-664352203768092-8243977271883832280-n.jpg]

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 06-22-2019

I'm starting to wonder if DJT really stopped the strikes because someone told him that John MCcain once said he wanted to bomb Iran?  Cool

RE: War with Iran? - bfine32 - 06-22-2019

(06-22-2019, 05:56 AM)hollodero Wrote: Fair enough.

Yeah, but your hypocricy-asserting lines can go both ways too. It also appears that if Trump's faced with a binary option and chooses option A, you will be critical of those opposed to it; and if he chooses option B, you also will be critical of those opposed to it. And maybe as a mere sideeffect, he can do no wrong.

By that, I do not so much say you "defend" Trump at any turn as that you often seem to have a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" dynamic regarding him.
I may have differed in opinion with those that wanted to avoid retaliation at all costs, but I recognized their stance was genuine. but when you then complain that he resisted retaliation you might be just a little hard to please.

i get it looks like I often defend Trump and there are times that I do merely due to his station as POTUS, likewise there are times i condemn his words/actions merely due to his station as POTUS. But my biggest joy is watching the Left's reactions.

RE: War with Iran? - hollodero - 06-22-2019

(06-22-2019, 10:14 AM)GMDino Wrote: I'm starting to wonder if DJT really stopped the strikes because someone told him that John MCcain once said he wanted to bomb Iran?  Cool

(06-17-2019, 01:19 PM)hollodero Wrote: Someone should tell Trump that a war with Iran is what McCain would have wanted. Just in case.

You took my job.... err, jokes!  Wink

RE: War with Iran? - hollodero - 06-22-2019

(06-22-2019, 10:51 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I may have differed in opinion with those that wanted to avoid retaliation at all costs, but I recognized their stance was genuine. but when you then complain that he resisted retaliation you might be just a little hard to please.

Granted. I do not doubt there are never Trumpers out there whose opinion is set in stone - whatever he does, it's bad. Some overdo it. But then again, in many instances they have good points that often get too easily dismissed. After all, Trump says and does, particularly says, many awful things.
As mentioned, instances where I see you as particularly biased are those where you seem to argue Trump in all honesty needs to get the benefit of the doubt and the best possible assumptions and predictions at all times - while granting others/liberals none of those benefits.

(06-22-2019, 10:51 AM)bfine32 Wrote: i get it looks like I often defend Trump and there are times that I do merely due to his station as POTUS, likewise there are times i condemn his words/actions merely due to his station as POTUS. But my biggest joy is watching the Left's reactions.

Yeah, I figured that last one. I get it (doesn't mean share it) to a point.
There are instances though where I fail to see that the left's reaction to Trump's more awful words and deeds is more important than Trump's awful words and deeds.
Sometimes I feel the general trend of enjoying leftist's heads explode is a bit dangerous. As a wildly exaggerated example purely for shock value, I figure some would be happy to see him nuke someone just because leftists would go nuts. By that I am not saying you're one of those imaginary people, it's just a virtual extreme of a strange and existing pattern.

RE: War with Iran? - Dill - 06-24-2019

(06-21-2019, 08:49 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Your, bent mind aside: I didn't assert simpletons; I asserted hypocrites. 

I'm not even saying a retaliatory strike was a bad idea or not to strike was a good idea. I'm simply saying his announcement to cancel the strike was a stupid thing to do. I'm not one of those bitching when he was going to strike and now bitching that he didn't strike, but anyone who is doing so fits the bill of hypocrite. 

I am saying a retaliatory strike was a bad idea.  I can tell bad ideas from good.

What is hypocritical about saying Trump was wrong to trash the Iran Deal and then increase US assets in the Gulf to bring us to the brink of war,

AND ALSO that he was wrong to then order a a disproportional strike and publicly offer a BS explanation for calling it off?

I "fit the bill of a hypocrite" unless I agree that ONE of these many examples of bad judgement was good?

RE: War with Iran? - bfine32 - 06-24-2019

(06-24-2019, 01:01 PM)Dill Wrote: I am saying a retaliatory strike was a bad idea.  I can tell bad ideas from good.

What is hypocritical about saying Trump was wrong to trash the Iran Deal and then increase US assets in the Gulf to bring us to the brink of war,

AND ALSO that he was wrong to then order a a disproportional strike and publicly offer a BS explanation for calling it off?

I "fit the bill of a hypocrite" unless I agree that ONE of these many examples of bad judgement was good?

Sure you can answer one simple question with a simple answer to show your non-hypocritical reasoning.

Was it wise of Trump to call off the attack? 

RE: War with Iran? - Dill - 06-24-2019

(06-24-2019, 01:37 PM)bfine32 Wrote:
Sure you can answer one simple question with a simple answer to show your non-hypocritical reasoning.

Was it wise of Trump to call off the attack? 

I probably cannot over simplify this case to meet your criteria.

I can say without hesitation that it was a good thing, for the US and the world, that Trump called off the attack.

I cannot say HE was "wise" to do so unless wise means he was right to worry about how a war might hurt his election chances--AFTER he had already ordered deadly airstrikes without strategically assessing the consequences ahead of time.

He was neither "wise" to back himself and the US military into this kind of corner nor wise to order a strike nor to publicly discuss a recall, nor to signal Iran that his hands may be tied by his re-election plans. (They have a lot of Hollo types over there in Iran, who grasp the dynamics of US politics better than US voters.)

So this is still about knowing the difference between good and bad judgment.

You aren't going to "duly note" my hypocrisy now, are you? Maybe just let folks "decide for themselves"? LOL

RE: War with Iran? - Dill - 06-24-2019

(06-22-2019, 11:11 AM)hollodero Wrote: There are instances though where I fail to see that the left's reaction to Trump's more awful words and deeds is more important than Trump's awful words and deeds.

That is a concise expression of the paradox and the problem of US politics right now.

How does criticism of president who was elected with some 17 women accusing him of sexual assault, promising to disrupt US foreign policy and ban Muslims, become excessive at the moment he brings the US to the brink of a terrible, unnecessary and economy-crushing war after with Iran after tearing up a treaty involving five other nations--while at the same time ramping up a trade war with China, fielding yet another rape accusation, and obstructing an investigation into his obstruction of an FBI investigation of Russian interference in our election?

The only sensible criticism of "the left" is that some elements don't prioritize.  Paying off porn stars with fixers should be disturbing--even if he was cheating on his 3rd wife "before he ran for office." But it should take back seat to the appt. of Barr and continuing obstruction of justice.  It is very disturbing that Trump pronounced the FBI director "wrong" in stating that US officials running for office should not field offers of help from foreign governments, but publicly, and repeatedly, dismissing his own intel services assessment of Russian attacks on the US elections in favor of the attacker's own word, is PROFOUNDLY disturbing--or should be if wasn't so funny how upset "leftists" get about the risk to national security.

Publicly backing, and lying for, a head of state who murdered a journalist for a US News organization is simply beyond the pale for an American president, but it is still a level below allowing a "personal advisor" to engineer an embargo of a gulf ally which hosts the largest US base in the region. Our friends on the Right respond to the daily chaos as if it were just stuff "said about" Trump, not what Trump has actually done--and very publicly.

Well, I'm getting a little off topic here.  We are on the brink of war, and that is the subject of this thread. There is no danger Iran can beat our Air Force and Marines. "Leftists" are the only ones who think something could go wrong, but they criticize Trump for everything--even pulling back from an air strike after ordering it in an unnecessary war. 

The war threat will go away if Iran will only sign an agreement not to produce nuclear weapons, LOL. "Leftists" can find a little joy in irony.


RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 06-25-2019

[Image: 64723074-10214562235825749-4674358924239962112-n.jpg]

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 06-25-2019



This is why he needs a script for actual, important things.  He. Is. Not. Smart.

RE: War with Iran? - hollodero - 06-25-2019

(06-24-2019, 03:30 PM)Dill Wrote: Well, I'm getting a little off topic here.

Doesn't matter. You're right. And the devastating thing is that one could expand your statement to a million words. Trump did/said so many awful things I used do think no patriotic American could possibly stomach.

But sure, poor T'rump gets too little credit for calling off the things he called in the first place. Nobel! Nobel! Nobel!
- I really have to try that out. I wiill go to the supermarked and tell them I thought hard about shoplifting, but decided against it last minute. And then I'll demand credit for me being so righteous.

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 06-25-2019

Whoops!  Hold on to your hats kids!

DJT has changed his mind...again.

Quote:Donald Trump threatens 'overwhelming force' against Iran if it attacks 'anything American'

President Donald Trump threatened Tuesday to use "overwhelming force" against Iranif it attacks U.S. assets or personnel.

"Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration," Trump wrote on Twitter.

The threat came less than a week after Trump called off a planned U.S. missile strike on Iran that the military prepared in retaliation for the shooting down of an American drone by Tehran. 

His remarks marked a sharp pivot from the softer tone the president used in recent days toward Iran, in which he urged negotiations over military action and boasted that he was being seen as a "dove" after canceling the strike last week.

The Islamic republic's leaders mocked new U.S. sanctions and said they prevented negotiations. 

“The fruitless sanctions on Iran’s leadership and the chief of Iranian diplomacy mean the permanent closure of the road of diplomacy with the frustrated U.S. administration,” said Abbas Mousavi, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani blasted the sanctions against Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as “outrageous and idiotic,” noting the 80-year-old Shiite cleric has no plans to ever travel to the USA. In remarks broadcast on Iranian state television, Rouhani said the White House suffers from "mental retardation."

Trump called those statements "very ignorant and insulting."

Trump's threat to obliterate Iran may be met with skepticism. Some foreign policy experts criticized his decision last week to pull back on a retaliatory military strike against Iran, saying the president looked like a "Twitter tiger" and the move was part of a broader pattern of bellicose rhetoric followed by minimal action, resulting in confusion. 

"This is part of a pattern with Trump, who roars like a tiger but usually acts like a scaredy-cat," Max Boot, a senior fellow for national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote Monday in a column for The Washington Post.

He noted that Trump once vowed to rain "fire and fury" on North Korea, only to sit down with that country's repressive ruler, Kim Jong Un, and declare the two had fallen "in love." This year, he threatened to close the U.S. border with Mexico over illegal immigration but never did. 

"Trump is a Twitter tiger whose threats cannot be taken seriously," Boot wrote.

Still, lawmakers in Congress raised alarms about the Trump administration's increasingly aggressive military posture. The Pentagon has dispatched additional troops and B-52 bombers, among other assets, to the Middle East. 

Tuesday, Reps. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., and Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., introduced an amendment to the annual defense authorization bill that would bar any federal funds from being used for military force against Iran without congressional authorization. A similar proposal may come up in the Senate as early as this week.

"One of the best ways to avoid bumbling into war, a war that nobody wants, is to have a robust open debate and for Congress to have a real say," Schumer said last week after a briefing on Iran at the White House. 

Trump announced what he called "hard-hitting" new sanctions on Iran at the White House on Monday. He said the measures would deny Iran's leaders access to financial instruments. The penalties target Khamenei, his office and other top Iranian officials. 

The measures will block transactions involving any property and other assets Iran's leaders hold in the USA.

Experts such as Ariane Tabatabai at the RAND Corp. said they would have little practical effect.

Trump unveiled the sanctions as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to the Middle East to meet with U.S. allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Tuesday, Pompeo headed to an undisclosed location, according to a State Department pool report. 

Tensions between the United States and Iran have been rising for more than a year, beginning when Trump unilaterally withdrew from a multilateral deal with Iran aimed at limiting its nuclear program. Under that agreement, the United States and other countries lifted crippling sanctions on Iran in exchange for caps on its ability to enrich uranium and other restrictions. 

The Trump administration reimposed those sanctions, aiming to cut Iran's oil exports to zero and force the regime to negotiate a broader agreement that would curb Iran's ballistic missile program and its support for regional terrorist groups.

Iran and other parties to the agreement have tried to salvage it, but that effort has faltered, particularly as the U.S. sanctions started to crush Iran's economy. In recent weeks, the friction between the United States and Iran sharply escalated as Trump administration officials blamed Iran for a series of attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. 

Iran denied sabotaging those ships, but last week, Iranian officials said they shot down a U.S. drone that crossed into its airspace. The Pentagon said the unmanned surveillance aircraft was in international airspace. 

Trump said the new sanctions were in part a retaliation for the drone strike. 

Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate with Iran, but Iran has rejected his entreaties. Tehran said he is not a reliable negotiator after he withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal.

RE: War with Iran? - Dill - 06-25-2019

(06-25-2019, 03:08 PM)GMDino Wrote: Whoops!  Hold on to your hats kids!

“The fruitless sanctions on Iran’s leadership and the chief of Iranian diplomacy mean the permanent closure of the road of diplomacy with the frustrated U.S. administration,” said Abbas Mousavi, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency

Any day could bring the next provocation which, this time, Trump will "wisely" respond to. 

Shumer is right. Congress really needs to assert control of its war making powers. It is that bad.

On a side note, my super secret sources tell me that at the moment Al Udeid is like a ghost town, with few personnel.  Used to be one could see as many as 22 B-1 bombers lined up on their run way.  Now just a few. For sure the bulk of the personnel have been withdrawn or dispersed.

Pretty sure Trump or Bolton read my post # 236 above about US bases being fixed, easy to reach targets for Iran's thousands of missiles.

RE: War with Iran? - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 06-25-2019

(06-24-2019, 02:06 PM)Dill Wrote: I probably cannot over simplify this case to meet your criteria.

I can say without hesitation that it was a good thing, for the US and the world, that Trump called off the attack.

I cannot say HE was "wise" to do so unless wise means he was right to worry about how a war might hurt his election chances--AFTER he had already ordered deadly airstrikes with strategically assessing the consequences ahead of time.

He was neither "wise" to back himself and the US military into this kind of corner nor wise to order a strike nor to publicly discuss a recall, nor to signal Iran that his hands may be tied by his re-election plans. (They have a lot of Hollo types over there in Iran, who grasp the dynamics of US politics better than US voters.)

So this is still about knowing the difference between good and bad judgment.

You aren't going to "duly note" my hypocrisy now, are you? Maybe just let folks "decide for themselves"? LOL

I can over simplify it for you.

It's like finding a hornet's nest. Then smacking said hornet's nest with a stick. Then not sticking your dick in the hornet's nest after you smacked it with a stick. And everyone would agree not sticking your dick in a hornet's nest after you smacked it with a stick is a very wise decision.

RE: War with Iran? - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 06-25-2019

(06-25-2019, 03:08 PM)GMDino Wrote: Whoops!  Hold on to your hats kids!

DJT has changed his mind...again.

Some might call it the mother of all wars.

RE: War with Iran? - Dill - 06-26-2019

(06-25-2019, 09:20 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I can over simplify it for you.

It's like finding a hornet's nest. Then smacking said hornet's nest with a stick. Then not sticking your dick in the hornet's nest after you smacked it with a stick. And everyone would agree not sticking your dick in a hornet's nest after you smacked it with a stick is a very wise decision.

Because you didn't want any hornets to die! LMAO

RE: War with Iran? - BakertheBeast - 06-26-2019

(06-21-2019, 04:42 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Where you get that from?

Everything I have read is they flew in the international airspace of the Gulf of Oman, except of course the Iranians claiming it was in their airspace. But of course you're going to believe them over our intel, anything to make Trump and co look worse. amirite?

Seriously, didn't Iran fire missles on another one of our drones that was investigating the oil tankers that were attacked? which was in international waters?

I'm confused. So Trump NOW is listening to our Intel agencies? People have short memories. Two years ago Trump said 17 of our "Intel Agencies" were wrong about Russia and told the American public not to believe them. Whatever fits his lying narrative.