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Americans fed up with Russian probe - Printable Version

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RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - StLucieBengal - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 01:06 AM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Why?

Russia supports our opposition in Syria and Afghanistan. Helps out North Korea. Helped Irans nuclear program. Routinely kills putins political opponents. And just interfered in our democratic process.

Would be nice to get along with Russia. But they give us no reason to. Because their hand picked president who they bailed out said so? Pass.

Do we need to go down the list of countries who we are friends with and he terrible things they do that we turn a blind eye .

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - GMDino - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 01:16 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Do we need to go down the list of countries who we are friends with and he terrible things they do that we turn a blind eye .

No we know who they are...and they weren't on the travel ban list.  

But I digress.  Two wrongs do not make a right.  You cannot simply defend your buddy Putin because you don't like some of the US allies.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Bengalzona - 06-28-2017

"Americans fed up with Russian probe"

I dunno. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I suspect some Americans prefer to be probed by Russians.

Not naming any names. Jus sayin'.


RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - StLucieBengal - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 01:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: No we know who they are...and they weren't on the travel ban list.  

But I digress.  Two wrongs do not make a right.  You cannot simply defend your buddy Putin because you don't like some of the US allies.

the travel ban has nothing to do with the Russians. There is no reason why we can't work with them when we work with China and most of the Middle East.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Griever - 06-28-2017

(06-27-2017, 04:54 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: There is nothing to Russia .   CNN producer even admits its purely for the ratings and there is zero evidence.

are you talking about okeefe, who has been debunked just about everytime he made a video?

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Belsnickel - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 08:49 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: the travel ban has nothing to do with the Russians. There is no reason why we can't work with them when we work with China and most of the Middle East.

He was probably referring to Saudi Arabia.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Belsnickel - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 08:58 AM)Griever Wrote: are you talking about okeefe, who has been debunked just about everytime he made a video?

I don't think it was an O'Keefe video. There was a CNN producer saying there was no proof of the Russian collusion right now and it is really all about ratings.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - GMDino - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 09:54 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: He was probably referring to Saudi Arabia.


Although it's a bit telling that he considers Russia on the list of countries:

Quote: who we are friends with and he terrible things they do that we turn a blind eye 


RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Griever - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 09:55 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I don't think it was an O'Keefe video. There was a CNN producer saying there was no proof of the Russian collusion right now and it is really all about ratings.

it was a project veritas video

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - GMDino - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 09:55 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I don't think it was an O'Keefe video. There was a CNN producer saying there was no proof of the Russian collusion right now and it is really all about ratings.

Well there isn't yet.  And it is about ratings...everything is. So....

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - GMDino - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 10:27 AM)Griever Wrote: it was a project veritas video

Sunset used Veritas as a source in a different thread.

I can't believe LOLKeefe has any credibility left.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Belsnickel - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 10:27 AM)Griever Wrote: it was a project veritas video

I had no idea, I had just heard about it. I mean, what was being claimed he said isn't inaccurate. There is no proof of collusion in the public sphere as of yet, and it is all about ratings.

(06-28-2017, 10:51 AM)GMDino Wrote: Well there isn't yet.  And it is about ratings...everything is. So....

I know, I don't disagree with what he said at all. I disagree with the way people are spinning it by trying to use it as evidence that this is a non-issue, but I would prefer we talk about the wealthcare bill and serious policy issues facing our country.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - GMDino - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 12:00 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I had no idea, I had just heard about it. I mean, what was being claimed he said isn't inaccurate. There is no proof of collusion in the public sphere as of yet, and it is all about ratings.

I know, I don't disagree with what he said at all. I disagree with the way people are spinning it by trying to use it as evidence that this is a non-issue, but I would prefer we talk about the wealthcare bill and serious policy issues facing our country.

Do you think the GOP holdouts will cave or the bill just won't pass?

I don't know if they can make it palatable enough for both sides to get all the GOP votes they need.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Belsnickel - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 12:03 PM)GMDino Wrote: Do you think the GOP holdouts will cave or the bill just won't pass?

I don't know if they can make it palatable enough for both sides to get all the GOP votes they need.

I don't know. I know they are trying to sweeten the deal for them, but they can only lose two. So courting the moderates with money for pet projects and not changing the bill can push conservatives further away. I don't think they will get it to pass. They are up to nine, now, aren't they?

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - GMDino - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 12:42 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I don't know. I know they are trying to sweeten the deal for them, but they can only lose two. So courting the moderates with money for pet projects and not changing the bill can push conservatives further away. I don't think they will get it to pass. They are up to nine, now, aren't they?

I've lost count by not following the news yesterday.

Heller may crack...but he's up for election so that could go either way.

I had read the Collins & Murkowski won't vote for it either....and they held firm on the defunding of PP last time.

This article say 15 have "voiced concern" but I don't think the rest of the 15 would hold out.  Some just like to say they questioned it and stood up for their constituency before the bend over and vote yes anyway.   Smirk

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Belsnickel - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 12:53 PM)GMDino Wrote: I've lost count by not following the news yesterday.

Heller may crack...but he's up for election so that could go either way.

I had read the Collins & Murkowski won't vote for it either....and they held firm on the defunding of PP last time.

This article say 15 have "voiced concern" but I don't think the rest of the 15 would hold out.  Some just like to say they questioned it and stood up for their constituency before the bend over and vote yes anyway.   Smirk

If I recall, yesterday they were up to 9 that wouldn't even vote to start debate on it, let alone vote for the bill itself.

RE: Americans fed up with Russian probe - Dill - 06-28-2017

(06-27-2017, 04:54 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: There is nothing to Russia .   CNN producer even admits its purely for the ratings and there is zero evidence.

CNN is in contol of the Russia probe? Or Congress wants high ratings?

Not sure what you are aying here.

Van Jones caught on video... - Vlad - 06-28-2017

"This Russian thing a big nothingburger"  says Van Jones, along with a couple other CNN staffers admitting to this farce, that it only for ratings.

That's what Trumps been telling you from day one.

RE: Van Jones caught on video... - Belsnickel - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 09:24 PM)Vlad Wrote: "This Russian thing a big nothingburger"  says Van Jones, along with a couple other CNN staffers admitting to this farce, that it only for ratings.

That's what Trumps been telling you from day one.

We've already been discussing this in another thread, somewhere.

RE: Van Jones caught on video... - Vlad - 06-28-2017

(06-28-2017, 09:29 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: We've already been discussing this in another thread, somewhere.

Oh, well...maybe we can discuss real news with real evidence.

We certainly cant be discussing this somewhere right?