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RE: Debating the memes - TheLeonardLeap - 07-18-2017

(07-18-2017, 11:39 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I've noticed that, for many, the term "low educated voters" really means "people who didn't vote like me".  Not to say there aren't low educated voters, there certainly are, and they abound on both sides of the spectrum.

(07-18-2017, 12:07 PM)GMDino Wrote: I'm not talking, personally, about people with degrees or even those who graduated.

My ex brother in law graduated high school, was an EMT and still believes Obama was born in Kenya.  That's what "low educated" means to me.  People who refuse to learn anything beyond the headline that reinforces their own opinion.

Yup, SSF got it in one.

"Low educated doesn't mean people aren't educated. It just means if they disagree with what I believe or I don't like what they say."

RE: Debating the memes - GMDino - 07-18-2017

(07-18-2017, 12:11 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Yup, SSF got it in one.

"Low educated doesn't mean people aren't educated. It just means if they disagree with what I believe or I don't like what they say."

And my response was to agree that there are those on both sides.

(07-18-2017, 11:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: I prefer to use it for people who are still passing around bad info, people who voted based on headlines that were false.

I'm sure (and agree with you) there were low educated that voted for Clinton too.  Ignoring the faults and spins from your favorite candidate know no political boundaries...but given what I personally have been told and see regularly both on social media and in real life they did tend to fall on the pro-Trump side of the ledger.

If there is a meme that is false about Trump I'm sure it will get debated here also.

RE: Debating the memes - Dill - 07-19-2017

(07-18-2017, 12:11 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Yup, SSF got it in one.

"Low educated doesn't mean people aren't educated. It just means if they disagree with what I believe or I don't like what they say."

Rush uses the term "low-information voters." 

That refers to people who don't follow politics much.  He usually means people he calls "liberals."

RE: Debating the memes - Vas Deferens - 07-19-2017

Low educated is what the GOP has been trying to produce with their cuts to public education across the last 30 years.


RE: Debating the memes - Vlad - 07-19-2017

(07-18-2017, 09:55 AM)GMDino Wrote: I think the media was trying their absolute best to find a time that Trump told the truth/was accurate while campaigning.

Sadly that meant they had to keep correcting him.  Sad

He said during his campaign that he was going to win.
If that's not good enough for you...

RE: Debating the memes - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-19-2017

(07-19-2017, 12:44 AM)Dill Wrote: Rush uses the term "low-information voters." 

That refers to people who don't follow politics much.  He usually means people he calls "liberals."

You just precisely agreed with the guy who was agreeing with me.

RE: Debating the memes - Dill - 07-20-2017

(07-19-2017, 11:36 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You just precisely agreed with the guy who was agreeing with me.

Well, not "precisely." I offered another example of a common descriptor in today's political discourse which is used the way you say "low educated" is used. Sometimes people apply the term "low educated" to those they disagree with,, as you say. But I separate from your view a bit in that I don't know how commonly people do that. Sometimes when people identify low-educated voters, they really may be taking into account attributes which explain the voters' politics, just as identifying them as farmers or bankers might. Though I agree that if people are arguing, that is much less likely.

As it happens, though, I don't use terms like "low-educated." If you and Leonard don't, then we agree on that.

It's not very clear what that term means when applied to large blocks of often diverse voters, so it's hard to apply it as a useful descriptor, and it's insensitive. And as you and Leonard imply, it may be used more to demean than describe. I don't use "low information" either. for about the same reason.

However, I will occasionally use "low/high disinformation" as a descriptors--but tied to definitional criteria. E.g. a low disinformation voter doesn't believe that Obama was born in Kenya or that Hillary killed Vince Foster.

RE: Debating the memes - Vlad - 07-20-2017

(07-18-2017, 12:11 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Yup, SSF got it in one.

"Low educated doesn't mean people aren't educated. It just means if they disagree with what I believe or I don't like what they say."

I don't think so.
"Low educated" I imagine would be synonomous with "low information"...those not having a clue (or just not giving a damn) regarding the issues, or not knowing basic things like who the VP is, or not being able to name the branches of government know, primarily liberals...those that vote either with their tender hearted emotions, or for the party that offers the most free stuff, and we all know which party that is.
The "misinformed" also prevelant in liberalism could also fall under low information.

I agree there are low info types on both sides but it is far more prevalent and widespread on the left.
That cannot be disputed.

Plain stupidity as well is prevalent on the left and sometimes unimaginable. There is a democrat congressman that thinks islands float, and if too many troops were sent there he feared the island may capsize.

A fantastic video about white misinformed  liberals who think they know so much about black people and their issues with voter ID...then when these thoughts are posed to black people they are sorta shocked.

RE: Debating the memes - ballsofsteel - 07-20-2017

Low IQ, or low information voters are the flag wearing conservatives who get their views of the country from entertainers and pest such Limbaugh, Hannity, Levine, Beck and Joe ****. These morons make millions tricking the conservatives into believing the other side is bad. Don't forget trump news (fox).
This sounds about right.

RE: Debating the memes - TheLeonardLeap - 07-20-2017

Is this cartoon/comic/meme racist?

[Image: 20257962_1615281841817792_32432453609968...e=5A11C0DD]

Every rational person is a minority, every irrational person is white. You, sir, are violating my safe space.