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RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - Millhouse - 08-04-2017

Sooner he is brought down, the better. Then it's time for Pence's reign to begin though. Nervous

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 08-05-2017

(08-04-2017, 05:27 PM)Millhouse Wrote: Sooner he is brought down, the better. Then it's time for Pence's reign to begin though.  Nervous

I have mixed emotions on this.  While I despise Trump, I'm equally disturbed with a Pence presidency.  Mainly because he's an experienced politician and could get conservative agendas pushed through with the GOP holding both branches.  I almost hope Trump doesn't get impeached, simply because, that would hand it over to conservatives with experience.  If Trump remains President, I think Dems will regain the upper hand in 2018.  At the same time though we can't just let him have free reign though.

I agree though .... Nervous

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - ballsofsteel - 08-05-2017

(08-05-2017, 03:30 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I have mixed emotions on this.  While I despise Trump, I'm equally disturbed with a Pence presidency.  Mainly because he's an experienced politician and could get conservative agendas pushed through with the GOP holding both branches.  I almost hope Trump doesn't get impeached, simply because, that would hand it over to conservatives with experience.  If Trump remains President, I think Dems will regain the upper hand in 2018.  At the same time though we can't just let him have free reign though.

I agree though .... Nervous

I agree on this. Mike the mannequin Pence is a more scary choice than Drumph. They are complete opposites,  Drumph thinks its fine to grab women crotches while Pence is scared to death of them. Those right wing Evangelical bible thumpers are bat shit crazy and should be kept away from any type of governance. Drumph is destroying the Republican party. The Dems should just sit back and let the Republican Party implode, just like Drumph wants to do with Obama care.
This sounds about right.

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - BmorePat87 - 08-05-2017

(08-05-2017, 03:30 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I have mixed emotions on this.  While I despise Trump, I'm equally disturbed with a Pence presidency.  Mainly because he's an experienced politician and could get conservative agendas pushed through with the GOP holding both branches.  I almost hope Trump doesn't get impeached, simply because, that would hand it over to conservatives with experience.  If Trump remains President, I think Dems will regain the upper hand in 2018.  At the same time though we can't just let him have free reign though.

I agree though .... Nervous

(08-05-2017, 07:21 AM)ballsofsteel Wrote: I agree on this. Mike the mannequin Pence is a more scary choice than Drumph. They are complete opposites,  Drumph thinks its fine to grab women crotches while Pence is scared to death of them. Those right wing Evangelical bible thumpers are bat shit crazy and should be kept away from any type of governance. Drumph is destroying the Republican party. The Dems should just sit back and let the Republican Party implode, just like Drumph wants to do with Obama care.
This sounds about right.

My thought on this is that Trump likely would green light anything Pence wanted to push in terms of a radical Christian agenda, so that won't change if he was President. 

At the same time, the fact that Pence would likely have a fully functioning executive branch, something that Trump doesn't have, and his agenda could actually be executed. 

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 08-06-2017

(08-05-2017, 11:50 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: My thought on this is that Trump likely would green light anything Pence wanted to push in terms of a radical Christian agenda, so that won't change if he was President. 

At the same time, the fact that Pence would likely have a fully functioning executive branch, something that Trump doesn't have, and his agenda could actually be executed. 

Yea that's where the experienced part I mentioned comes in.  With so much confusion and chaos with the Trump administration, I don't see him getting much done or winning a second term (if he even makes it out of his first).  My hope is that we can win back seats in the mid-term.  Dems have taken a page from the Reps in focusing on down ballot elections for 2018.

I do have a question for anyone that would like to answer.  Who do you guys think would be good Dem candidates for the 2020 presidential election? I usually wait to see what my options are in the primaries. 

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - GMDino - 08-06-2017

(08-06-2017, 02:04 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Yea that's where the experienced part I mentioned comes in.  With so much confusion and chaos with the Trump administration, I don't see him getting much done or winning a second term (if he even makes it out of his first).  My hope is that we can win back seats in the mid-term.  Dems have taken a page from the Reps in focusing on down ballot elections for 2018.

I do have a question for anyone that would like to answer.  Who do you guys think would be good Dem candidates for the 2020 presidential election? I usually wait to see what my options are in the primaries. 

I think Al Franken would be a good candidate for the Democrats.

He can be serious.  He knows the issues.  And he has the ability to not only come off well on television but also knows how to get under someone's skin enough to make them look foolish while actually telling the truth.

In a debate Trump would look like MORE of a fool against him.

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - Benton - 08-06-2017

(08-06-2017, 02:04 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Yea that's where the experienced part I mentioned comes in.  With so much confusion and chaos with the Trump administration, I don't see him getting much done or winning a second term (if he even makes it out of his first).  My hope is that we can win back seats in the mid-term.  Dems have taken a page from the Reps in focusing on down ballot elections for 2018.

I do have a question for anyone that would like to answer.  Who do you guys think would be good Dem candidates for the 2020 presidential election? I usually wait to see what my options are in the primaries. 

Little off topic, but I think they have to push Biden into it.

He's knowledgeable, likable and isnt a minority. White guy with a sense of humor and relatable gaffes? Bam! Election wrapped up.

I think their concern will be if they want to push another polarizing candidate because they think trumps miserably bad job makes for an easy race. Trying to statement by running someone with clintons baggage (or clintons gender) will end up with them on the outside again.

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - CKwi88 - 08-06-2017

(08-06-2017, 11:24 AM)Benton Wrote: Little off topic, but I think they have to push Biden into it.

He's knowledgeable, likable and isnt a minority. White guy with a sense of humor and relatable gaffes? Bam! Election wrapped up.

I think their concern will be if they want to push another polarizing candidate because they think trumps miserably bad job makes for an easy race. Trying to statement by running someone with clintons baggage (or clintons gender) will end up with them on the outside again.

I dunno. I think that the Dems need a younger more energetic candidate that will appeal to their growing younger base that is rejecting the neoliberal platform they are pushing at the moment. The voters are there, the Democrats have won what? 6 out of the last 7 popular votes?

I agree that they need a candidate that has Biden-esque charisma. 

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - jason - 08-06-2017

(08-06-2017, 08:44 AM)GMDino Wrote: I think Al Franken would be a good candidate for the Democrats.

He can be serious.  He knows the issues.  And he has the ability to not only come off well on television but also knows how to get under someone's skin enough to make them look foolish while actually telling the truth.

In a debate Trump would look like MORE of a fool against him.

I don't claim to be a fan if Hillary Clinton, but she made Trump look foolish several times during the debates... Especially during the first one. It didn't matter. The man makes himself look foolish on a daily basis. It doesn't seem to matter.

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - ballsofsteel - 08-06-2017

Someone close to Drumph that he trust is back stabbing him leaking all this info making him look bad. I say its a faction
trying to get Pence in as the Potus. Don, watch your back!

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - GMDino - 08-06-2017

(08-06-2017, 11:24 AM)Benton Wrote: Little off topic, but I think they have to push Biden into it.

He's knowledgeable, likable and isnt a minority. White guy with a sense of humor and relatable gaffes? Bam! Election wrapped up.

I think their concern will be if they want to push another polarizing candidate because they think trumps miserably bad job makes for an easy race. Trying to statement by running someone with clintons baggage (or clintons gender) will end up with them on the outside again.

A non-drinker, good back story.  

I'd vote for Uncle Joe.

RE: The deep state leaks Trump conversations with foreign leaders - Benton - 08-07-2017

(08-06-2017, 11:38 AM)CKwi88 Wrote: I dunno. I think that the Dems need a younger more energetic candidate that will appeal to their growing younger base that is rejecting the neoliberal platform they are pushing at the moment. The voters are there, the Democrats have won what? 6 out of the last 7 popular votes?

I agree that they need a candidate that has Biden-esque charisma. 

I think the party would prefer someone younger, but the neoliberal aspect is where they run into problems. It's a very short list of working class straight white guys without some baggage still considered young.