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RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - Luvnit2 - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 01:55 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: Kneeling silently on the sidelines vs. starting fires and berating soldiers?

These actions aren't remotely comparable in my opinion. 

I agree as long as it is peaceful well within their rights. But once one hate group is confronted by another (far ends of the spectrum) the violence begins and my experience is both ends are wrong and at fault.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - jason - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 01:52 PM)McC Wrote: They're against freedom?  They're kneeling to fight freedom?

Exercing their right to be rude as far as I can tell. Just don't see the point of playing the anthem in that environment. I stand for it. I also don't care who doesn't... Or why for that matter.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - bfine32 - 08-22-2017

2 things.

1)This thread is about to get moved to that forum where fans of other teams get to rule

2) It is their right, but I'll admit I would/do think less of anyone that does it. Of course my background has perhaps jaded me.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - rfaulk34 - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 01:14 PM)Marlon23 Wrote: How will you feel if Bengal Players start kneeling during the Anthem?  

(Sorry if this has been posted)

I don't care. Service men and women fought for freedom.

One of those freedoms is expressing yourself. 

There is no, 'the anthem is above all'. Freedom is freedom.

Matter of fact, we'd probably all be a little better off if we tried listening to the message instead of getting into an uproar about "disrespecting the flag". The message can be a bit muddled by idiots, but there is still a message there if you're willing to take the time and look. 

P.S. How long before this gets moved to PnR?  :evil grin:

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - Speedy Thomas - 08-22-2017

Someone please explain to me why we play the national anthem before sporting events. Is it disrespectful that we don't play it in our homes when we wake up? Or before church?

Then tell me how kneeling for the anthem is less respectful than standing.

Finally, when did U.S. citizens lose their Constitutional right to free speech?

To answer the OP, no, it wouldn't bother me.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - BMK - 08-22-2017

I personally don't care. It's a football game. It's just a symbolic gesture. Let them stand on their head if they want, it doesn't affect me.

While I personally wouldn't do it, I thank heaven we live in a country where they can if they want to. Nobody's disrespecting the flag, or breaking any laws. The way I understand it, the purpose is not to disrespect the brave servicemen and women in any way, just trying to call attention to the perceived inequalities they'll face when they get back. Seems to me there would be much better and more effective ways to get their message out, but, I'm not them.

As I stated in another thread, in one way or another, half the fans in the stadium are being disrespectful while the anthem is playing. At least the players are quiet about it.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - Hoofhearted - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 02:51 PM)Speedy Thomas Wrote: Someone please explain to me why we play the national anthem before sporting events.  Is it disrespectful that we don't play it in our homes when we wake up?  Or before church?  

Then tell me how kneeling for the anthem is less respectful than standing.  

Finally, when did U.S. citizens lose their Constitutional right to free speech?

To answer the OP, no, it wouldn't bother me.

To show pride in your country.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - rfaulk34 - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 01:28 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: It is their right. It is our right to chastise them for making entertainment we pay for a political statement without consequence. I see so much hatred and violence daily in places like Chicago and other cities. I see no athlete or entertainer protest this black on black crime. Why? Why do they tolerate and turn a blind eye to these issues? My point is there are many issues we face and there is a way to address them all and disrespecting the anthem and the flag do nothing but incite more hate and violence by sparking the emotions of Patriots who flat out hate anyone disrespecting the flag ans those who fought to insure we can peacefully protest.

Find another way to be heard, this is just making it worse in my opinion.

For me, personally, this is the biggest issue with the kneeling thing. There are real problems out in this world. If a player wants to make a real difference, get your ass out in the community, or get involved with the community you grew up in...or if neither apply, pick a place where there are problems and see what  you can do to make a difference. 

Kneeling on the sideline, while i've stated is their right, is a lame-ass lazy way out of doing anything meaningful. 

'Solidarity' is the weakest form for change if it doesn't have feet to go make a real difference.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - wolfkaosaun - 08-22-2017

If that's what they feel the need to do, then do it. I see no one hurt. I see veteran supporting (and opposing).

I just find it ironic that some people are more accepting of certain players that are domestic abusers; but freak out that guys are kneeling during the anthem.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - McC - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 02:56 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: For me, personally, this is the biggest issue with the kneeling thing. There are real problems out in this world. If a player wants to make a real difference, get your ass out in the community, or get involved with the community you grew up in...or if neither apply, pick a place where there are problems and see what  you can do to make a difference. 

Kneeling on the sideline, while i've stated is their right, is a lame-ass lazy way out of doing anything meaningful. 

'Solidarity' is the weakest form for change if it doesn't have feet to go make a real difference.

It really is just a bare minimum, I don't really want to put myself out gesture.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - Hoofhearted - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 02:50 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: I don't care. Service men and women fought for freedom.

One of those freedoms is expressing yourself. 

There is no, 'the anthem is above all'. Freedom is freedom.

Matter of fact, we'd probably all be a little better off if we tried listening to the message instead of getting into an uproar about "disrespecting the flag". The message can be a bit muddled by idiots, but there is still a message there if you're willing to take the time and look. 

P.S. How long before this gets moved to PnR?  :evil grin:

Does this mean I can say anything I want to any person I want? 

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - rfaulk34 - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 03:00 PM)Hoofhearted Wrote: Does this mean I can say anything I want to any person I want? 

Words aren't against the law, last time i checked. Of course, if you say, "i'm going to kill the president", i would expect a knock on your door. 

It's actions that follow words that get to be a problem.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - jason - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 03:00 PM)Hoofhearted Wrote: Does this mean I can say anything I want to any person I want? 

Yep... But there may be consequences.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - bfine32 - 08-22-2017

Mods are giving some leeway here so let's respect that. Please post how you would feel and do not point to anyone else's "feelings" on the matter being "wrong".

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - J24 - 08-22-2017

I don't like it but it is what it is. I am not going to let it ruin something I love .Also hope that people stop hating everyone they disagree with.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - wolfkaosaun - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 03:00 PM)Hoofhearted Wrote: Does this mean I can say anything I want to any person I want? 

As long as it doesn't go against the 1st Amendment. Because, you know, not all speech is free speech.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - jason - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 02:51 PM)Speedy Thomas Wrote: Someone please explain to me why we play the national anthem before sporting events. Is it disrespectful that we don't play it in our homes when we wake up? Or before church?

Then tell me how kneeling for the anthem is less respectful than standing.

Finally, when did U.S. citizens lose their Constitutional right to free speech?

To answer the OP, no, it wouldn't bother me.

I do believe it's a hold over from WW II.

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - Hoofhearted - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 03:04 PM)jason Wrote: Yep... But there may be consequences.

Yep, that's my point. You can certainly kneel, sit, play pokemon.... whatever. but lets not get pissed off when others get pissed off

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - wolfkaosaun - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 03:04 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Mods are giving some leeway here so let's respect that. Please post how you would feel and do not point to anyone else's "feelings" on the matter being "wrong".

It's going to go downhill soon.

I have no problem discussing things like this, however, I've noticed this is one of those things that no matter what you say that personal insults will come about

RE: Anthem Protest Bengals - bfine32 - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 03:06 PM)jason Wrote: I do believe it's a hold over from WW II.

You might want to go back 1 WW