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Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Printable Version

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RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - SunsetBengal - 12-15-2017

(12-15-2017, 06:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Sounds like a good plan to me. Draft an elite interior Olineman every 5 years, get 5 years of service at a bargain, and then let someone else pay the big bucks. We just gotta make sure we hit and we've done pretty good at OG.

Great!  When's that 1st-2nd round Center coming?

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - OB1 - 12-15-2017

No. You draft a player that you expect you will want to keep.

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - bengals67 - 12-15-2017

Can I thank you and offer congratulations on this post.

Why indeed would you waste a first round pick on a guard knowing that as he got better over time you would not re-sign him to a second contract.

It is sheer lunacy.

Why would you waste a 7th pick on a small fast WR who your coach did not like and who would not play in 2017.

Why would you waste a first round pick on an OT who you knew was going to be on IR his first year before you drafted him.

The list of baffling things done by this organization is almost endless.

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - THE PISTONS - 12-15-2017

Yep...especially when you don't sign free agents. That makes it worse to get little value out of 1st Round picks and lose them.

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Socal Bengals fan - 12-16-2017

yep Steinbach, Zeitler n now Nelson. im still in for Nelson though

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - grampahol - 12-16-2017

Can we trade for a team owner who doesn't play footsie with trading a winning season for cash?

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - ah5 - 12-16-2017

(12-15-2017, 04:44 PM)THE PISTONS Wrote: That's the Zeitler scenario though. Then he leaves and you have a bad line.

The whole 'wait MB out' scenario - His kids and others in the organization have worked together for A LONG time. I doubt that they are significantly different than him.

I think Zeitlers scenario is he wanted WAY more money than he is worth.  Letting Whit walk was just plain stupid.  Correct me if I am wrong but im not even sure Zeitler is a top 15 guard. 

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Bilbo Saggins - 12-16-2017

(12-16-2017, 08:33 AM)ah5 Wrote: I think Zeitlers scenario is he wanted WAY more money than he is worth.  Letting Whit walk was just plain stupid.  Correct me if I am wrong but im not even sure Zeitler is a top 15 guard. 

He's easily top 10, though him being the highest paid guard of all time is quite generous.  
Agree with your assessment on Whit.  To not use the tag if they only wanted a 1 year deal was beyond dumb.   

As for the OP question: I think that you should always take the player that you believe would most benefit the team(1-2 year timeframe). If someone winds up paying them more than they're actually worth, there's no way to really control that. In that scenario, at least the player had enough productive years to warrant being overpaid. To "draft scared" based on what you think the ownership may do also seems a bit silly. Steinbach wound up having a pretty short career due to back injury, and Zeitler may well have been overpaid. Perhaps they really would pay a good guard fair money the next time around? If not, I'd still take the elite guard for the duration of the rookie deal as opposed to watching the QB get turned into hamburger behind UDFA quality schlubs. Why pay a QB if you don't protect him?

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - bengal kitten uk - 12-16-2017

(12-16-2017, 08:45 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: him being the highest paid guard of all time is quite generous.  

But the salary cap goes up every year.

Every single year there's a new player at each position with the title "highest paid of all time".  If he's a top 10 guard then in 2-3 years he'll be somewhere in the top 10 for guard salaries.  Other guards will be paid more next year, and the year after, and the year after that.

It's a false economy.

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Nicomo Cosca - 12-16-2017

(12-15-2017, 04:44 PM)THE PISTONS Wrote: That's the Zeitler scenario though. Then he leaves and you have a bad line.

The whole 'wait MB out' scenario - His kids and others in the organization have worked together for A LONG time. I doubt that they are significantly different than him.

And Mike Brown worked with Paul for a LONG time, so what? We have no idea how Katie will be running things until it happens.

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Bengalpool - 12-16-2017

(12-16-2017, 09:29 AM)Nicomo Cosca Wrote: And Mike Brown worked with Paul for a LONG time, so what? We have no idea how Katie will be running things until it happens.
While this is true and I think if everyone had a button they could press to send MB into retirement they would to see what Katie could do, but you never know. I think it makes more sense to people that Katie is no different than MB so they don't get their hopes up for what might possibly be false hope... We just don't know yet. And to be quite honest, I'm not trying to hold onto hope that Katie is any better of an owner for this franchise than MB currently is.

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - jason - 12-16-2017

(12-15-2017, 06:52 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: Now those would be some press conferences.....  I would just love to see what trump would have been tweeting about marvin this year.... 

Maybe we can convience Vince McMahon to buy the bengals...  hahahahaaha. (j/k I'm sure hes blackballed from the NFL after the xFL)

If we are swinging for the fences, and looking for an owner the NFL doesn't want, I want Mark Cuban to buy the team. He'd upgrade the stadium, spend in free agency, go to bat for his team and coaches, argue with opposing fans... What's not to like?

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Bilbo Saggins - 12-16-2017

(12-16-2017, 08:52 AM)bengal kitten uk Wrote: But the salary cap goes up every year.

Every single year there's a new player at each position with the title "highest paid of all time".  If he's a top 10 guard then in 2-3 years he'll be somewhere in the top 10 for guard salaries.  Other guards will be paid more next year, and the year after, and the year after that.

It's a false economy.

It does increase every year, but you'd have to do some math to figure out the pay adjusted for cap inflation to compare the contracts accurately.  You'd probably have to calculate the percentage of the salary vs. total cap at the year of the signing or some such nonsense.  I don't feel like going that hogwild with it, but it "feels" as though a $10 million hike in cap does not justify a $2 million per year difference between Zeitler's contract in 2017 and DeCastro's contract in 2016.  I haven't even touched on guaranteed money(the most important part of the contract for most players/teams - the Bengals may as well guarantee like 90% of the money because they don't cut people to make room for FAs).  This stuff makes my brain itch.

Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - ochocincos - 12-16-2017

If the team was on the cusp of a championship and just needed one critical piece to get over the hump, yes. But ideally, I target potential franchise players in the first round.

As for how I think the draft plays out, I think the team decides to draft either immediate need (OT), need for 2019 (DL), or their favorite BPA position (CB).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Circleville Guy - 12-16-2017

I’d use a first round pick on that guard way before I would on players coming off of injury riddled seasons.

RE: Would you use a 1st Round pick on someone you knew we wouldn't keep? - Hammerstripes - 12-17-2017

Yes, you take him.

You get him for 6 years.

5th year option
6th year tag

Hell, most guys don't make it 6 years in the league.