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RE: Progressive or Conservative - bfine32 - 09-15-2015

(09-15-2015, 01:07 PM)nevergonnachange Wrote: No, most people avoid being classified because they aren't in lockstep with one side or the other.  I'm pretty conservative on a lot of issues but conservatives wouldn't have me because I don't care about abortion, I don't thump the bible and i don't hate the *****.

It's sad that you're trying to make 'open-minded' a bad thing.

...and it's a shame that you consider identifying as conservative or progressive being "in lock step". 

If you pay attention to the threads you will see that 95% of the members on this board are text book liberal or conservative in their views, even those repping "no I'm not" posts. You give me a subject and I can tell you the way every regular on the board will go about 95% of the time. Of course there are issues here and there that everyone may not swing all the way to the left or right. For instance I'm not a big on gun rights as a far Right conservative. But by and large you give me a regular's name here and I will tell you if the are Progressive or Conservative.

No where did I try to make being open-minded a bad thing "nevergonnachange", I simply said many refused to identify because it makes them appear more open-minded; therefore, I referred to being open-minded as a good thing.

WTS, I repped you too. It seemed the thing to do.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 09-15-2015

(09-15-2015, 03:04 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Why are people so obsessed with labels and fitting everyone in a tight little box ?

Who doesn't like a tight little box? Ninja

RE: Progressive or Conservative - StLucieBengal - 09-15-2015

(09-15-2015, 12:33 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I have not seen any definitions of "progressive" that requires a desire to remove personal freedoms.  

Everyone I have seen deals more with the belief that the government should be more active in addressing problems.

Look at progressive policies. They take away freedoms.

And what do you think happens when the government gets more "active" in addressing problems. It means we lose personal freedoms.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - fredtoast - 09-15-2015

(09-15-2015, 03:57 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Look at progressive policies.   They take away freedoms.  

And what do you think happens when the government gets more "active" in addressing problems.    It means we lose personal freedoms.

I have looked at lots of progressive policies that do not take away any freedoms.

And just because the government addresses a problem does not mean we lose personal freedoms.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Rotobeast - 09-15-2015

(09-15-2015, 03:50 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Who doesn't like a tight little box? Ninja

Damn your Vulcan logic !
Bang Head

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Johnny Cupcakes - 09-15-2015

I'm definitely far more liberal than conservative. I have some conservative views, but I always feel ashamed when I see the class of people that I'm agreeing with in those cases.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Nebuchadnezzar - 09-15-2015

I don't know what I am. I don't know how to even classify myself to tell you what I am.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - CKwi88 - 09-15-2015

(09-15-2015, 07:36 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I don't know what I am. I don't know how to even classify myself to tell you what I am.

Just ask Bfine32 apparently, only a 5% error margin. LOL

RE: Progressive or Conservative - CornerBlitz - 09-15-2015

Even though I said I'm progressive, it doesn't mean that I agree with everything 100%. I'm just saying in general I tend to agree with their approach to governing.

Cut spending on defense and be less prone to jump into wars overseas.
Health care for everyone.
Take money out of politics.
Climate change is a high priority issue.
Keep taxes high on the rich.

I suppose I could name a few more but I get the sense you get the hint. That doesn't mean that I agree with everything like I said before. I actually do not believe in gay marriage.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - bfine32 - 09-15-2015

(09-15-2015, 07:17 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: I'm definitely far more liberal than conservative.  I have some conservative views, but I always feel ashamed when I see the class of people that I'm agreeing with in those cases.
I will say when I started thinking about this you were one of the 5% that sort of straddle the line; especially your views on abortion. A couple more that sort of blur the lines are Benton (religion), SSF, and Roto (I have 0 idea) and even you owned being liberal. There is no doubt the vast majority chiming in saying "you can't define me" are too easy to define; they just refuse to own it for some reason

RE: Progressive or Conservative - SunsetBengal - 09-15-2015

Conservative, slightly Libertarian.

Why?  Because the great depression showed that when faced with huge loss, working people bounce back.  Let the market dictate the economy, government inflating it only prolongs the inevitable.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Johnny Cupcakes - 09-16-2015

(09-15-2015, 11:13 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I will say when I started thinking about this you were one of the 5% that sort of straddle the line; especially your views on abortion. A couple more that sort of blur the lines are Benton (religion), SSF, and Roto (I have 0 idea) and even you owned being liberal. There is no doubt the vast majority chiming in saying "you can't define me" are too easy to define; they just refuse to own it for some reason

Abortion is probably the topic in which I fall the most on the conservative side, but I also find myself straddling the moderate line on other hot topic issues such as the second amendment/gun control, social systems/welfare, and drug legalization.

I have too many liberal views to consider myself a true "moderate" though. My opinions on gay rights and equality, immigration, education, religion in government, the environment, and overall government spending make me a clear liberal, IMO.

I will say that I legitimately try to make up my mind on individual issues rather than automatically siding one way.  I also reserve the right to change my mind at any time based on the current state of the nation, and a lot of people won't admit that they can be swayed.  

RE: Progressive or Conservative - WhoDeyWho - 09-16-2015

Social libertarian, fiscal conservative.

Find Democrats patronizing and social cons annoying.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Rotobeast - 09-16-2015

(09-15-2015, 11:13 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I will say when I started thinking about this you were one of the 5% that sort of straddle the line; especially your views on abortion. A couple more that sort of blur the lines are Benton (religion), SSF, and Roto (I have 0 idea) and even you owned being liberal. There is no doubt the vast majority chiming in saying "you can't define me" are too easy to define; they just refuse to own it for some reason

I identify as a deity, if that helps you any.
I know I'm a weirdo.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - fredtoast - 09-16-2015

(09-15-2015, 11:31 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Conservative, slightly Libertarian.

Why?  Because the great depression showed that when faced with huge loss, working people bounce back.  Let the market dictate the economy, government inflating it only prolongs the inevitable.

This is like being pro-terrorist because the American people worked together well after the 9-11 attacks.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - michaelsean - 09-16-2015

(09-15-2015, 01:07 PM)nevergonnachange Wrote: No, most people avoid being classified because they aren't in lockstep with one side or the other.  I'm pretty conservative on a lot of issues but conservatives wouldn't have me because I don't care about abortion, I don't thump the bible and i don't hate the *****.

It's sad that you're trying to make 'open-minded' a bad thing.

OK then.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Blutarsky - 09-16-2015

(09-15-2015, 07:17 PM)Johnny Cupcakes Wrote: I'm definitely far more liberal than conservative.  I have some conservative views, but I always feel ashamed when I see the class of people that I'm agreeing with in those cases.

You don't feel ashamed that you have the likes of Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, etc.,  gay perverts, liberal college students,etc. on your side?
That makes sense, the only time you should feel embarrassed is if youre a conservative or agree with one.

One of your kind crapping on the American flag. 

[Image: crap.png]

 I'll spare the pictures of naked gay parade marchers fornicating on the street.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 09-16-2015

(09-16-2015, 10:35 AM)Blutarsky Wrote: You don't feel ashamed that you have the likes of Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, etc.,  gay perverts, liberal college students,etc. on your side?
That makes sense, the only time you should feel embarrassed is if youre a conservative or agree with one.

One of your kind crapping on the American flag. 

[Image: crap.png]

 I'll spare the pictures of naked gay parade marchers fornicating on the street.

I don't think anyone wants to be lumped in with Al, Mike, and Rosie.  Though I thought it was interesting that you refer to gay people as "perverts" and college students as "liberals".  It's annoying that people still think like you.

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Benton - 09-16-2015

(09-16-2015, 10:35 AM)Blutarsky Wrote: You don't feel ashamed that you have the likes of Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, etc.,  gay perverts, liberal college students,etc. on your side?
That makes sense, the only time you should feel embarrassed is if youre a conservative or agree with one.
Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Aaron Shock, Charlie Crist, McCrery, Schrock, Glen Murphy, Phil Hinkle, Robert Bauman, etc.

Those guys? Oh...

RE: Progressive or Conservative - Rotobeast - 09-16-2015

(09-16-2015, 11:57 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I don't think anyone wants to be lumped in with Al, Mike, and Rosie.  Though I thought it was interesting that you refer to gay people as "perverts" and college students as "liberals".  It's annoying that people still think like you.

He's apparently ok with all other perverts.
Isn't "liberal college student" redundant ?
