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If Nobody Knows Your Iran Policy, Does It Even Exist? - Printable Version

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RE: If Nobody Knows Your Iran Policy, Does It Even Exist? - Dill - 05-16-2019

War with Iran--would have very serious consequences.

Anyone else following this?

Iraq deja vu: The current pretext is apparently sabotaged oil tankers. My impression, neo con (and Iraq war booster) Bolton wants war, but Trump may be dragging his feet, despite the bluster.

'They're not going to be happy.' Trump threatens Iran over reports of sabotaged oil tankers

Trump escalates Iran conflict as world frets
President Trump defended his aggressive Iran policy Wednesday, claiming his expanding pressure campaign will force Tehran into direct talks, even as critics and supporters alike on Capitol Hill demanded explanations and American allies overseas expressed concerns about another war in the Middle East.
Mr. Trump lashed out at news outlets for suggesting disagreements are rife within in his administration over the policy and that Washington is being led into dangerous brinkmanship by hawkish National Security Adviser John R. Bolton, a longtime advocate of regime change in Tehran.

But apparently, the intel agencies of our allies have not registered the rising Iranian "aggression."

Skeptical U.S. Allies Resist Trump’s New Claims of Threats From Iran
WASHINGTON — As the Trump administration draws up war plans against Iran over what it says are threats to American troops and interests, a senior British military official told reporters at the Pentagon on Tuesday that he saw no increased risk from Iran or allied militias in Iraq or Syria.

A few hours later, the United States Central Command issued an unusual rebuke: The remarks from the British official — Maj. Gen. Chris Ghika, who is also the deputy commander of the American-led coalition fighting the Islamic State — run “counter to the identified credible threats available to intelligence from U.S. and allies regarding Iranian-backed forces in the region.”

Senators demand answers from Trump administration on Iran threat
Democrats accuse the Trump administration of taking reckless steps that could lead to war with Iran.

Our NATO ally, Spain, sent a ship along with the carrier group, but pulled out due to a "technicality" in their original agreement to sail with the US fleet--namely the deviation from course to threaten Iran.

Spain defends decision to pull frigate from US combat group headed for Gulf
Acting Defense Minister Margarita Robles insists the move is technical, not political, and that the ship will rejoin the fleet once it reaches the Indian Ocean
Spain wants to avoid being involuntarily dragged into any kind of conflict with Iran amid rising tensions between Washington and Tehran. The fleet has already crossed the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which joins the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and is headed to the Strait of Hormuz where it will enter the Persian Gulf. It will be doing so, however, without the Spanish vessel.

Fox News reports some support.

Trump's Iran stance is the right one amid increasing tensions: Rick Scott
Scott, R-Fla., made the remarks backing the president during an appearance on "Outnumbered Overtime" Thursday, before telling Tehran to "come to their senses."
Scott, who reminded host Harris Faulkner of his Navy service, said that few want to "throw people into a conflict we don't have to."
"I know we've got the most lethal military in the world. American assets will do better than any other military in the world," he said, warning Iran "not [to] pick a fight with Americans."
"The Iraninans have got to come to their senses," he said. "Be part of a civilized world."