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Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - Printable Version

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RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 09-10-2020

(09-10-2020, 03:46 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: So you answered your own question, and the answer is "plenty of other ways"? Feel like you could have saved yourself some time and just posted "it wouldn't change much".

Okay, the answer is by instilling nationalism.  Better?  And I never suggested there was only one way to do that.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - PhilHos - 09-10-2020

(09-10-2020, 04:00 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Okay, the answer is by instilling nationalism.  Better?  And I never suggested there was only one way to do that.

You're right. You suggested only 2 ways. 

Me: I don't see why we have the anthem at sporting events.
You: How are you going to convince men to join the military? Besides suppressing wages.

You're saying there's 2 ways to get men to enlist: the national anthem at sporting events and suppressing wages.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 09-10-2020

(09-10-2020, 06:11 PM)PhilHos Wrote: You're right. You suggested only 2 ways. 

Me: I don't see why we have the anthem at sporting events.
You: How are you going to convince men to join the military? Besides suppressing wages.

You're saying there's 2 ways to get men to enlist: the national anthem at sporting events and suppressing wages.

Damn, I wished you guys held the president to this standard when he’s being serious as you do me when I’m being facetious. The only reason why I said that is because of Lindsey Graham. Ask Tucker Carlson. He’s got an anonymous source who knows.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - bfine32 - 09-10-2020

No civilian should ever be made to stand for the Anthem

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - jason - 09-10-2020

(09-10-2020, 01:02 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: How are you going to convince young men to join the military and risk their lives?

Besides suppressing wages, of course.

Free college.... Conscription works pretty well in a lot of places.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - Von Cichlid - 09-10-2020

(09-10-2020, 07:20 PM)bfine32 Wrote: No civilian should ever be made to stand for the Anthem

As far as I'm aware, no civilian ever really is.  At the games I go to, they say "Please rise for the national anthem," but it's not like you get an article 15 for not doing it.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - fredtoast - 09-10-2020

(09-10-2020, 08:54 PM)Von Cichlid Wrote: As far as I'm aware, no civilian ever really is.  At the games I go to, they say "Please rise for the national anthem," but it's not like you get an article 15 for not doing it.

It cost Kaepernick his job.  He got a multi-mliion dollar settlement from the NFL for it, but it did not give him his career back,

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - bfine32 - 09-10-2020

(09-10-2020, 11:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: It cost Kaepernick his job.  He got a multi-mliion dollar settlement from the NFL for it, but it did not give him his career back,

Who made him stand? 

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - Von Cichlid - 09-11-2020

(09-10-2020, 11:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: It cost Kaepernick his job.  He got a multi-mliion dollar settlement from the NFL for it, but it did not give him his career back,

No, he lost his job because he sucked.

He was 2-6 as a starter in 2015 and benched for Blaine Gabbert.

New coach Chip Kelly named Gabbert the starter at the beginning of 2016.  It was only then that Kaepernick started his protest.  When he resumed as starter, he went 1-10.  

He has not played since, and kneeling was not the deciding factor.

Sherman, Lynch, and Reid were similarly disliked by many for the same reason as Kaepernick.  Yet, they still played because they added value at their positions.  

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - fredtoast - 09-11-2020

(09-11-2020, 12:44 AM)Von Cichlid Wrote: No, he lost his job because he sucked.

No he didn't.

In his final season THE TEAM went 1-10, but Kap posted a 90+ passer rating with the worst receiving corps in the league.

This issue has already been decided and Kaepernick got a multi-million dollar settlement from the league over it.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - fredtoast - 09-11-2020

(09-10-2020, 11:41 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Who made him stand? 

The people who took away his career for not standing.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - bfine32 - 09-11-2020

(09-11-2020, 11:45 AM)fredtoast Wrote: The people who took away his career for not standing.
No one has made him stand.

He made a choice, they made a choice.

What do you have against choice?

And my comment to your OP remains unchanged: No civilian should be made to stand.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - fredtoast - 09-11-2020

(09-11-2020, 11:51 AM)bfine32 Wrote: No one has made him stand.

He made a choice, they made a choice.

What do you have against choice?

The problem I have with "choice" is the same problem that led to the NFL having to pay Kap millions of dollars because of the choice they made.

You are not seriously saying that there is nothing wrong with any choices any person makes. are you?

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - bfine32 - 09-11-2020

(09-11-2020, 12:00 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The problem I have with "choice" is the same problem that led to the NFL having to pay Kap millions of dollars because of the choice they made.

You are not seriously saying that there is nothing wrong with any choices any person makes. are you?

I'm going to use a Fredisim here.

I don't understand what you are saying.

Folks make wrong choices all the time.

So if I understand your point: The problem you have against choice is sometimes people make the wrong one?

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - Devils Advocate - 09-12-2020

Sorry if it’s been mentioned; I’ve heard that in other countries, you don’t really see displays of nationalism ie people don’t generally hang German flags or the British jack in or around their home like you see in America.

On a broader scale and to say hi to you Fred, you’ve got to see that propaganda is at play here.

What interest does the nfl have in bringing America to Americans? It makes no sense- for any practical purpose for the nfl to propagate America- because it has diverse issues that can be used as a wedge. What could possibly be appealing about this to the NFL if as they’ve said, their mission is to grow/unite. It’s counter intuitive from the NFL’s perspective, but not from the governments § probably (and I’m spit balling here) because (the gov) has offerEd them a sweet anti trust deal or some shit that’s above my limited sense of reality, really.
The entertainments version of a quid pro quo with the govt, if you will § probably most definitely not the only one... by a long shot.

Yes buddy, I’m saying it’s a conspiracy!!!

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - fredtoast - 09-13-2020

bfine Wrote:I'm going to use a Fredisim here.

I don't understand what you are saying.

Folks make wrong choices all the time.

So if I understand your point: The problem you have against choice is sometimes people make the wrong one?

I don't see how you can turn every debate into a discussion on choise. If we start talking about bank robbery are you going to start talking about someone "just making a choice" to rob a bank and then condemn me for being against freedom of choice?

The NFL made the wrong choice and they had to pay for it in a multi-million dollar settlement to Kaepernick. It is that simple.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - fredtoast - 09-13-2020

(09-12-2020, 08:25 AM)Devils Advocate Wrote: What interest does the nfl have in bringing America to Americans? It makes no sense- 

Thye are doing it for profit.  They pick the side of social justice and awareness because theat is currently the most popular position.

Profit is the same reason they blackballed kaepernick a few years ago.  Back then they thought that was the most popular position.

Who do you thinnk is behind this conspiracy theory?  Surely not the Trump administration.  They are on the other side.  So who do you think is paying the NFL toforce them to go with the current most popular position?

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - bfine32 - 09-13-2020

(09-13-2020, 10:53 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I don't see how you can turn every debate into a discussion on choise.  If we start talking about bank robbery are you going to start talking about someone "just making a choice" to rob a bank and then condemn me for being against freedom of choice?

The NFL made the wrong choice and they had to pay for it in a multi-million dollar settlement to Kaepernick.  It is that simple.

You have no idea if it was the wrong choice. You don't know how much they would have lost in revenue if they embraced kneeling back then. 

You stated folks were made to stand, you were wrong. It is that simple. 

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - Yojimbo - 09-13-2020

Let’s get rid of the pledge of allegiance in school as well. Any adult that wants to do that is fine with me, but kids don’t know what’s being done to them when they are forced into citing a pledge of allegiance to something they barely understand yet.

I think the anthem should be preserved for national and international events.

RE: Displays of patriotism at public entertainment. - bfine32 - 09-13-2020

(09-13-2020, 12:04 PM)Yojimbo Wrote: Let’s get rid of the pledge of allegiance in school as well. Any adult that wants to do that is fine with me, but kids don’t know what’s being done to them when they are forced into citing a pledge of allegiance to something they barely understand yet.

I think the anthem should be preserved for national and international events.

I thought this was no longer a thing and it had more to do with "God" than patriotisim