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SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - Printable Version

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RE: SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - Belsnickel - 04-26-2021

(04-26-2021, 08:06 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: While I tend to agree, I find it amazing that Fred can still try and make arguments that have already been debunked with facts and sources in this very thread.  I just wish people like him were honest and just flat out stated they wanted to repeal the second amendment.  The endless parroting of debunked talking points is the very definition of banality.

I just wish all these liberals would get on board with the actual left as far as gun control.

RE: SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-26-2021

(04-26-2021, 08:15 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I just wish all these liberals would get on board with the actual left as far as gun control.

That would require many people who consider themselves liberals in the current environment to realize that they are easily as illiberal as the most hard core conservative.  I'm totally fine with a person who commits a violent felony losing their right to own a firearm.  If you conduct yourself in a manner that endangers your fellow citizens then having your rights curtailed is a natural consequence (e.g. incarceration).  Outside of that, and people adjudged mentally ill, I'm not ok with restrictions on what type of firearm a person can own and who can own them.  Law abiding people, which is the vast majority of people, aren't going to commit a crime with a firearm regardless of what they own.

RE: SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - fredtoast - 04-26-2021

(04-26-2021, 08:06 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: While I tend to agree, I find it amazing that Fred can still try and make arguments that have already been debunked with facts and sources in this very thread.  I just wish people like him were honest and just flat out stated they wanted to repeal the second amendment.  The endless parroting of debunked talking points is the very definition of banality.

SSF has heard my position on gun control many times and he knows that I have no desire the repeal the second amendment.

He is the perfect example of how gun nuts let paranoia control their thoughts and deny reality.  The NRA has them completely brianwashed.  you can't even have a conversation based in reality with them because they refuse to listen to logic.

All I want is gun licensing and registration.  i have said this a thousand time here and SSF has heard it every time.  Yet he has fallen so hard for the NRA propaganda that it is impossible to have any reasonable discussion with him.  When it come to the second amendment he is worse than the Q-anon nut jobs.

RE: SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - Nately120 - 04-26-2021

Guns and gun control are just an area that really hits my bizarre fascination with the oddness of our society.

RE: SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - fredtoast - 04-26-2021

(04-26-2021, 08:24 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:   Law abiding people, which is the vast majority of people, aren't going to commit a crime with a firearm regardless of what they own.

That is why all i want is gun licensing and registration.

With no registration there is no way to hold gun owners responsible for their weapons.  That is why kids who want to shoot up schools and pretty much any criminal can get a gun whenever he wants.  It is the same reason we require every car to be registered to an owner.  it is a huge public safety issue and it is just common sense to have every gun registered to a specific owner.

Registration also makes it much easier for police to enforce the current laws against criminals possessing weapons.

and Licensing is another public safety issue.  Guns are extremely dangerous and many "law abiding citizens" end up shooting either themselves or other "law abiding citizens" with their guns.

There is no reasonable argument against gun registration.  the only argument against it is extreme paranoia.  It is comical how badly some people ahve been brainwashed,  For example i have shown SSF multiple public opinion polls which prove that democrats are not in favor of outlawing all guns.  But because a Democratic Presidential candidate who had about a 1% support said he wanted to take away one specific type of gun SSF insists that all other polls involving thousands of Democrats are all "fake news" or just "lies".  He has really gone over the edge on this issue.

Just look at this thread where he claims he has debunked my claims with facts (which he hasn't) but when I actually do debunk his arguments with facts like public opinion polls he insists that none of it is real.

RE: SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - yang - 05-03-2021

(04-26-2021, 03:49 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Very true.  Although, and I know the Roe v. Wade affirmed it as one in a roundabout way, the second amendment is much more clear about the constitutional right to own firearms.  It was so important to the Framers that they made an amendment specific to it.

I do agree with your general point though.

But the reality is the 2nd amendment being a right to unregulated ownership of a gun is laughable joke as detailed in Breyer's scathing dissent of Heller, which is widely accepted as one of the most well written and fact based dissents in history.  Scalia's opinion made claims that were outright lies and easily disproved.   No one in history even believed the 2nd was a claim to unregulated gun ownership until the NRA morphed into a gun rights club in the 70's.  

It's scary the SC took up the case as NY has already rescinded the law.  This SC is a joke and moving us toward a theocratic authoritarian rule that seems to have Roberts a little worried and he's very far right. 

RE: SCOTUS takes up major 2A case - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 05-03-2021

(05-03-2021, 01:08 PM)yang Wrote: But the reality is the 2nd amendment being a right to unregulated ownership of a gun is laughable joke as detailed in Breyer's scathing dissent of Heller, which is widely accepted as one of the most well written and fact based dissents in history.  Scalia's opinion made claims that were outright lies and easily disproved.   No one in history even believed the 2nd was a claim to unregulated gun ownership until the NRA morphed into a gun rights club in the 70's.

I suggest you actually read the opinion as well as the dissent, as Heller absolutely does not make a case for unregulated gun ownership.  In fact it very specifically states otherwise.  

Quote:It's scary the SC took up the case as NY has already rescinded the law.  This SC is a joke and moving us toward a theocratic authoritarian rule that seems to have Roberts a little worried and he's very far right. 

You're now talking about the case they heard last year that was rendered moot.  This thread is not about that case.  Maybe do a little research before responding?