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Why does John Manziel still have a job? - Printable Version

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RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - Nately120 - 10-30-2015

(10-30-2015, 06:03 AM)Se ky bengal Wrote: Has no balls? Where you been last 16 -17 years. That place will cut a qb faster than blink of an eye. Tebow is better, right. I mean clearly he's better. Couldn't win the 3rd string on Iggles.  Yawn

I seriously have to wonder how long Tebow is going to have to go without actually having any impact on the NFL before he no longer gets mentioned as being a solution within the first 3 comments of any topic involving QB getting injured, cut, or throwing an INT.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - Bengal Dude - 10-30-2015

(10-30-2015, 04:24 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I seriously have to wonder how long Tebow is going to have to go without actually having any impact on the NFL before he no longer gets mentioned as being a solution within the first 3 comments of any topic involving QB getting injured, cut, or throwing an INT.

It'll be a while. I mean the whole "sign/contact" Favre is finally coming to an end. The big problem is that "shock" sports personalities like a Skip Bayless will bring Tebow up and get people talking about him again.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - BengalsRocker - 10-30-2015

(10-29-2015, 02:18 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Because according to the OP no grown man who is successful goes by the informal version of his name.  

Jimmy Page
Eddie Van Halen
Billy Gibbons

Yeah and these guys are all childish no talent losers.

[Image: th?id=OIP.M7bc39a6fe25777d72d1f159006969...=300&h=300]

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - JSR18 - 11-04-2015

(10-27-2015, 05:07 AM)ZeGerman Wrote: Why does Manziel have a job?


Because Cleveland is where QB's careers go to die... 

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - reuben.ahmed - 11-10-2015

His career is dead with that Pettine idiotic coach.

"Josh McCown started the season as our No. 1 quarterback," Pettine said. "He's been out due to injury and potentially is coming back. I get the call for, 'Hey, why not [Manziel]? We're tasked as coaches to put the roster out there that gives us the best hope to win."

Whenever Pettine opens his mouth he sounds like an idiot. I hate to be judgemental (not really), but he looks like one too. He's protecting his own ass, instead of the team's. Your job as a 2-7 team is not to win, it's to prepare for the future. Grooming a 36 year old QB does shit, his name is not Brady or Dalton.

Pettine needs to be fired immediately.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - rfaulk34 - 11-10-2015

(11-10-2015, 03:01 PM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: His career is dead with that Pettine idiotic coach.

"Josh McCown started the season as our No. 1 quarterback," Pettine said. "He's been out due to injury and potentially is coming back. I get the call for, 'Hey, why not [Manziel]? We're tasked as coaches to put the roster out there that gives us the best hope to win."

Whenever Pettine opens his mouth he sounds like an idiot. I hate to be judgemental (not really), but he looks like one too. He's protecting his own ass, instead of the team's. Your job as a 2-7 team is not to win, it's to prepare for the future. Grooming a 36 year old QB does shit, his name is not Brady or Dalton.

Pettine needs to be fired immediately.

I like that he used the word hope instead of chance. 

He gets it.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - Wyche'sWarrior - 11-11-2015

So.....the name of the thread is "Why Does John Manziel Still Have a Job?".....then blast the coach for not playing the dumbass. It's pretty simple, they can't trust him, and all you have to do is contain the runt to the pocket and he's totally neutralized.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - reuben.ahmed - 11-11-2015

(10-30-2015, 06:08 AM)Se ky bengal Wrote: Especially considering the source. This guy declared geno, was used up in game day thread. 

Huh? Don't put words in my mouth mother *****.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - reuben.ahmed - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 01:00 AM)Wyche Wrote: So.....the name of the thread is "Why Does John Manziel Still Have a Job?".....then blast the coach for not playing the dumbass.  It's pretty simple, they can't trust him, and all you have to do is contain the runt to the pocket and he's totally neutralized.

I don't know, you tell me, after Manziel's performance in our game, does he deserve to be in the league or not?
One thing is for sure, he doesn't deserve to play for an idiot like Pettine. The Browns are worthless. Start a 36 year old QB on a 2-7 team, OK then. I live in Cleveland, I'm guessing you don't. The guy is as dumb as he looks.

And yeah, John Manziel would do better to change his name, he's a kid and his perception is he always will be one. Hell, he's immature, beating up his g/f and getting away with it. That's what kids do.

I turned my tune after seeing Manziel in the 1st half. The Bengals are a superior team to teh Browns. But with McCown, they're going nowhere. I'm sure Manziel is learning a lot being John CLipboard. They're 2-7, what the hell are they thinking?

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - Se ky bengal - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 02:35 AM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: Huh? Don't put words in my mouth mother *****.

Disappointed ? He's having a pro bowl season.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - Wyche'sWarrior - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 02:36 AM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: I don't know, you tell me, after Manziel's performance in our game, does he deserve to be in the league or not?
One thing is for sure, he doesn't deserve to play for an idiot like Pettine. The Browns are worthless. Start a 36 year old QB on a 2-7 team, OK then. I live in Cleveland, I'm guessing you don't. The guy is as dumb as he looks.

And yeah, John Manziel would do better to change his name, he's a kid and his perception is he always will be one. Hell, he's immature, beating up his g/f and getting away with it. That's what kids do.

I turned my tune after seeing Manziel in the 1st half. The Bengals are a superior team to teh Browns. But with McCown, they're going nowhere. I'm sure Manziel is learning a lot being John CLipboard. They're 2-7, what the hell are they thinking?

You tell good did the little turd look after our DEs decided to hold contain instead of rushing the passer, and the DTs stayed in their lanes in the second half?  Would you say he is an NFL caliber pocket passer?  If you would, I've got some ocean front in Fargo I'd like to sell you....sight unseen, of course.

The second thing you're not considering.....who goes into a NFL football game, with all that's at stake, not knowing if their starting QB is going to be in jail or not from week to week?  Think about that for a moment.  Also, it really doesn't appear that his teammates are too fond of the little shit either.  

There's more to it than just running around until coverage breaks down and throwing it up for grabs every play in this league.  I'm afraid little Johnny isn't in College Station anymore.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - rfaulk34 - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 10:10 AM)Wyche Wrote: You tell good did the little turd look after our DEs decided to hold contain instead of rushing the passer, and the DTs stayed in their lanes in the second half?  Would you say he is an NFL caliber pocket passer?  If you would, I've got some ocean front in Fargo I'd like to sell you....sight unseen, of course.

The second thing you're not considering.....who goes into a NFL football game, with all that's at stake, not knowing if their starting QB is going to be in jail or not from week to week?  Think about that for a moment.  Also, it really doesn't appear that his teammates are too fond of the little shit either.  

There's more to it than just running around until coverage breaks down and throwing it up for grabs every play in this league.  I'm afraid little Johnny isn't in College Station anymore.


I own all the ocean-front in Fargo.  Cool

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - SteelCitySouth - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 10:10 AM)Wyche Wrote: You tell good did the little turd look after our DEs decided to hold contain instead of rushing the passer, and the DTs stayed in their lanes in the second half?  Would you say he is an NFL caliber pocket passer?  If you would, I've got some ocean front in Fargo I'd like to sell you....sight unseen, of course.

The second thing you're not considering.....who goes into a NFL football game, with all that's at stake, not knowing if their starting QB is going to be in jail or not from week to week?  Think about that for a moment.  Also, it really doesn't appear that his teammates are too fond of the little shit either.  

There's more to it than just running around until coverage breaks down and throwing it up for grabs every play in this league.  I'm afraid little Johnny isn't in College Station anymore.

Spot on....John is not football.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - reuben.ahmed - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 07:07 AM)Se ky bengal Wrote: Disappointed ? He's having a pro bowl season.

You sure know how to twist words then, huh? Like I said, don't put words in my mouth mother *****.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - Nately120 - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 06:30 PM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: You sure know how to twist words then, huh? Like I said, don't put words in my mouth mother *****.

You suck and you keep giving me negative rep and I really hope you get banned.  You are an exceedingly unpleasant person with no sense of humor.


Don't make me start a petition.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - reuben.ahmed - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 08:15 PM)Nately120 Wrote: You suck and you keep giving me negative rep and I really hope you get banned.  You are an exceedingly unpleasant person with no sense of humor.


Don't make me start a petition.

Start a petition. Just so everyone knows, I gave you a -7 rep and you responded with -130 rep (how sad) and say I'm exceedingly unpleasant. Really "funny", lol. I love when people tell me I don't have a sense of humor, you really have no idea who you're talking to, lol.

Don't talk to me again, thanks bruh.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - 6andcounting - 11-11-2015

I will be stealing "sack of dicks" and using it at appropriate times.

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - rfaulk34 - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 10:11 PM)6andcounting Wrote: I will be stealing "sack of dicks" and using it at appropriate times.

Box of dicks is good. Bag of dicks is ok. Since there's already a sack right under the dick, sack of dicks just doesn't really work as well. 

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - 6andcounting - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 11:11 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: Box of dicks is good. Bag of dicks is ok. Since there's already a sack right under the dick, sack of dicks just doesn't really work as well. 

The fact that it isn't quite the smoothest way to say it is what made it appeal to me. It's definitely awkward and nonsensical, but that's what makes it so perfect."You sack of dicks" gave me a similar feeling to the first time I heard "cuntballs".

RE: Why does John Manziel still have a job? - rfaulk34 - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 11:20 PM)6andcounting Wrote: The fact that it isn't quite the smoothest way to say it is what made it appeal to me. It's definitely awkward and nonsensical, but that's what makes it so perfect."You sack of dicks" gave me a  similar feeling to the first time I heard "cuntballs".

Hey, you're the one that's going to look like a n00b, not me. Go for it!