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RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - XenoMorph - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 12:00 PM)hollodero Wrote: This is always a bit subjective possibly. I would say that you got an infrastructure bill and a covid relief bill, your unemployment rate is really low (which might not be all Biden's doing, but Trump always used that metric too); and also (maybe that don't mean much) Biden is a bit more measured and a tad less cringy in the eyes of the world. I would very much add that your country is now not in immediate danger to descend into an autocracy, but that fear is probably not shared universally.

biden is the ultimate cringe.... And spending trillions to line democrats pockets isnt helping america at all.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Belsnickel - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 12:03 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I have to say that I try to cynically laugh everything off, but right now the amount of anger and "fight fight fight gun gun gun tyranny!" the right wing is sending at schools is unnerving. But I'm onto a general rant here.

Don't worry, I'm right there with you. We have a new GOP governor whose second EO was to contravene a law from the legislature ordering schools to follow CDC guidelines causing a dividing topic across the state and putting school boards in tough positions and essentially telling them "they'll get theirs" for following the law and crossing him. Then he set up a hotline for people to contact his office to report any teachers teaching "divisive topics."

For someone who ran on putting education in the hands of the parents he sure is taking control of education at the state level and removing it from local.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Millhouse - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 11:22 AM)hollodero Wrote: Sure it's not the same thing. For one, Biden did not intend to be heard, while Trump very much wanted his words to be broadcasted.

But sure. You'd never taken any issue with Trump insulting tons of people, because if Trump does it, they all had it coming and deserved it. Scarborough deserved to be called out for murder, his wife deserved to be called bleeding badly from a face-lift, Megyn Kelly totally deserved the remark that she's bleeding out of her whatever, Ted Cruz' wife sooo deserved to be called ugly, the Miss Universe fully deserved to have Donald Trump call her disgusting and have his followers check out her non-existent sex tape because she had the audacity of not rooting for him, Rex Tillerson fully deserved to be called dumb as a rock, ambassador Yovanovich totally deserved to be smeared by Rudy Giuliani, being blamed for the Somali war and have her career destroyed, Amorosa so much deserved to be called a dog, Meghan McCain deserved to be called a lowlife, and her father sure also deserved everything Trump said about him, and yeah Kaep sure totally deserves to be called a SOB, because you disagree with his actions and they all committed the eternal sin of being critical of Trump. Which apparently equals deserving not an ounce of basic respect any longer, because you never made a thread about any of these instances and hundreds more.

But then you catch Biden on a hot mic using some foul language and you use that to belittle everyone that did not vote for the insulter in chief instead. It's plain ridiculous really.

Great post.

Trumplicans have an uncanny knack of forgetting about all of this and then some, or only watched Fox News and other right wing outlets that barely, if ever, covered any of it. Except the the John McCain being captured thing before Trump was elected. For some reason he was defended and cheered for saying that by the ever military loving right. But if Obama said the same thing, he would have been deemed worse than Satan, and hated forever by the same military loving right.

That being said, similar thing can be said by about the liberal left, only watching and paying attention to liberal news.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - GMDino - 01-25-2022

Should do things like that as POTUS but humans make mistakes.  And I say one or two times vs virtually every time is a mistake and not a character flaw.

Biden also reached out to Doocy to clear the air.

Class act.

Quote:Fox News Peter Doocy revealed that President Biden called his cellphone following a hostile exchange the two of them had at the White House earlier in the day. 

During an event on Monday evening, Doocy attempted to ask Biden a question about inflation, to which the president responded by calling him a "stupid son of a b----." 

Appearing on "Hannity," Doocy said the president reached out to him "within about an hour of that exchange."

"He said ‘It’s nothing personal, pal,'" Doocy said. "And we went back and forth, and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and I made sure to tell him that I'm always gonna try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking. And he said, ‘You got to.’ And that's a quote from the president, so I'll keep doing it."


When Fox News' Sean Hannity asked if Biden apologized, Doocy responded, "He cleared the air and I appreciate it."

"We had a nice call," Doocy said.

"That's not an answer," Hannity chuckled. "That doesn't sound like an apology."

"He said 'It's nothing personal, pal.' And I told him that I appreciate him reaching out," Doocy replied, adding, "Hey Sean, the world is on the brink of, like, World War III right now with all of this stuff going on. I appreciate that the president took a couple of minutes out this evening while he was still at this desk to give me a call and clear the air."

"I don't need anybody to apologize to me. He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking!" Doocy added. "I think that's enough. That's enough. So we can move on. We can now move forward. There will be years- three to seven years of opportunities to ask him about different stuff."

[Image: DOOCY.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]
Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy

Biden met with the Competition Council and members of his Cabinet Monday to discuss ways to lower prices for American families. 

Following his prepared remarks, near the eight-minute mark of the livestream, members of the press began shouting questions, hoping for the president to take a few before they were shown the door by White House staff. 

Biden knocked the first reporter, who asked about the administration's call with European leaders as tensions between Russia and Ukraine rise. 


"The only reason I don't like doing this is because you never report on why I've called a meeting, and this is important," Biden said. "I had a very, very, very good meeting. Totally unanimity with all the European leaders. We'll talk about it later. Thank you."

"Will you take questions on inflation then?" Doocy then asked. "Do you think inflation will be a political liability ahead of the midterms?"

As Doocy and the other reporters were being shooed away, Biden took a swipe at the Fox News correspondent. 

"No, it's a great asset, more inflation. What a stupid son of a b----," Biden said to his Cabinet. 

Last week, Biden similarly lashed out at Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich for attempting to press him following his controversial remarks at his press conference about the escalating Russia-Ukraine conflict. 

"Why are you waiting on Putin to make the first move, sir?" Heinrich asked. 

Biden chuckled, softly replying, "What a stupid question."

The White House later walked back Biden's comment. 
[Image: joe-biden-white-house.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]
President Biden speaks during a meeting with the White House Competition Council in the East Room of the White House Jan. 24, 2022, in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Early in his administration, Biden warned his staff to show colleagues and members of the press with respect. 

"I’m not joking when I say this: If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect or talk down to someone, I promise you, I will fire you on the spot — on the spot. No ifs ands or buts," Biden said. "Everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity."

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 12:34 PM)GMDino Wrote: Should do things like that as POTUS but humans make mistakes.  And I say one or two times vs virtually every time is a mistake and not a character flaw.

Biden also reached out to Doocy to clear the air.

Class act.

Biden is soft on SOBs.  That's weak.  Biden actually telling Trump to shut up and that he was a lousy president helped him win the white house and now he won't even call a Fox News troll out.  Lame-o.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - hollodero - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 12:07 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: biden is the ultimate cringe.... And spending trillions to line democrats pockets isnt helping america at all.

Ah well, this is hard to objectify. I am sure not blind to Biden's cringe factor, it is there and vivid. But then again, the guy he compares to is Trump. A president that drew false hurricane paths on an official map with a sharpie, left the Kurds and justified it with them not having helped in Normandy, declared he fell in love with the mass murdering dictator of North Korea, fiddled on Macron's suit and openly lusted after his wife, wanted to build a see-through wall so people don't get killed by heavy bags of drugs being thrown over, called Puerto Rico an island surrounded by water, lots of water, ocean water, called himself a very stable genius, claimed that China has respect for Trumps very very large a-brain, is on record musing about grabbing women by the p, found Putin's idea to help with Russia investigations in exchange for opening US citizens up for his investigators "an incredible offer" and claimed to believe him over his own intelligence, had his press secretary lie about crowd sizes, shoved another country's leader out of the way to be on a picture, mused about non-existent terror attacks in Sweden, reposted fake videos forged by European extremists, called in at FOX for hours touting incredible conspiracy theories about servers in Ukraine and whatnot, betrayed his pregnant wife with a porn starlet, wanted to buy Greenland, said that what he has in common with his daughter is sex, said that clean coal means they literally clean coal, accuses women of bleeding from faceliffts or out of their whatever, blamed South Korea for having their capital at the wrong place, called state secretaries to get them to find some votes for him, mused about injecting bleach to fight Corona, ran an asinine twitter account and so on and so on.
So you might understand why as someone from outside, I can not possibly see Biden as the ultimate cringe, for he followed all that. That is not me defending Biden at all, but misspeaking, having hot mic moments or shortly confusing wife and daughter (and then some, I am aware that this list is incomplete too) imho does not come close to any of those instances on this very very incomplete Trump cringe list.

As for the trillions, I don't know if all that money was well targeted, possibly it was not. I will say though that I find it hard to critizise Biden over that from a GOP perspective when shortly before Trump spent trillions on a tax cut (according to every analysis I saw) mainly benefitting the super rich, in a time when there was no pandemic-like or otherwise economic crisis that prompted such a move.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Matt_Crimson - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 12:00 PM)hollodero Wrote: I don't see how this gaffe shows he's lying or crooked. It shows he uses foul language.
I am not the biggest Biden fan for sure, but the one thing I feeel he got going for him is that he appears to be genuinely sympathetic to people's fates and sufferings. Maybe it's an act, sure. But I don't really think it is, I think he has some earnest compassion for other people.

I dunno about that one.

The dude literally knocked on wood while saying no one was dying in Afghanistan.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 02:44 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: I dunno about that one.

The dude literally knocked on wood while saying no one was dying in Afghanistan.

Definitely another one of those all-too-common low bar moments.  No one who isn't a loser is dying in Afghanistan!

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - CJD - 01-25-2022

"Biden was rude to a reporter this one time. That means we should have elected the guy whose entire identity is based around being rude to reporters (and basically everyone that doesn't support his every decision and action)."

-Brad, probably.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 03:43 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: "Biden was rude to a reporter this one time. That means we should have elected the guy whose entire identity is based around being rude to reporters (and basically everyone that doesn't support his every decision and action)."

-Brad, probably.

I've said this before, but if he just said "Look at Biden being an ass" or "Look at Biden being an old idiot" it would be one thing.  But he's got to say "Look at Biden being a dumbass...aren't you all ready to admit voting for someone other than Donald Trump was stupid and that you are emotional dunces for doing so?"

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - SunsetBengal - 01-25-2022

Newsweek magazine is calling Biden "Woke and Weak"

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - CJD - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 04:42 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I've said this before, but if he just said "Look at Biden being an ass" or "Look at Biden being an old idiot" it would be one thing.  But he's got to say "Look at Biden being a dumbass...aren't you all ready to admit voting for someone other than Donald Trump was stupid and that you are emotional dunces for doing so?"

The funny thing is that, if he just said the first part, the vast majority of liberals/progressives/leftists on this message board would agree with him 90% of the time at least.

But then he adds the Trump part, which then makes everyone left of him say "" and then he can respond "Oh My GoD, wHy ArE YoU aLl DeFeNdInG bIdEn?!?!"

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Arturo Bandini - 01-25-2022

BTW guys. Is Trump and Biden the best you have ?

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - BFritz21 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 11:45 AM)masonbengals fan Wrote: He will go down as one of the worst presidents ever.


Even left wing outlets like CNN are turning on him, and his approval ratings continue to tank at 39%, and, of those that DO approve, less than half say they "strongly" support the president, while most only "somewhat" back him.

But I'm the one that's wrong and biased here?

I guess 61% of Americans are also stupid.


RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - BFritz21 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 03:43 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: "Biden was rude to a reporter this one time. That means we should have elected the guy whose entire identity is based around being rude to reporters (and basically everyone that doesn't support his every decision and action)."

-Brad, probably.

"I'll keep making stupid personal attacks because I have nothing of any substance to counter the fact that Biden's doing a shitty job and is unfit to be POS. It doesn't matter that a majority of Americans see it, too, because Brad believes it, so it must be wrong."

-Crazy, very, very likely.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 06:03 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Yep. 

Even left wing outlets like CNN are turning on him, and his approval ratings continue to tank at 39%, and, of those that DO approve, less than half say they "strongly" support the president, while most only "somewhat" back him.

But I'm the one that's wrong and biased here?

I guess 61% of Americans are also stupid.


The thing you are missing or refuse to acknowledge is that none of this means that people miss Trump or wish Trump were president.  This thread here seems to be you and people who don't like Biden and don't particularly approve of him but still find him preferable to Trump.

Let's put it into sports terms.  Most Browns fans are pretty disappointed with Baker Mayfield and don't think he's all that great.  By your logic, people who disapprove of Baker Mayfield should miss Johnny Manziel and wish he were still the QB.  It's possible to not like option A but still prefer it to option B.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - jason - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 06:14 PM)Nately120 Wrote: The thing you are missing or refuse to acknowledge is that none of this means that people miss Trump or wish Trump were president.  This thread here seems to be you and people who don't like Biden and don't particularly approve of him but still find him preferable to Trump.

Let's put it into sports terms.  Most Browns fans are pretty disappointed with Baker Mayfield and don't think he's all that great.  By your logic, people who disapprove of Baker Mayfield should miss Johnny Manziel and wish he were still the QB.  It's possible to not like option A but still prefer it to option B.

America was better off when Johnny Football was still around.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Nately120 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 06:16 PM)jason Wrote: America was better off when Johnny Football was still around.

Trump is Johnny Manziel
Biden is Baker Mayfield

Sadly, I don't see Joe Burrow's political equivalent showing up any time soon.

Actually, Biden is more like Josh McCown...he's nothing special and he's been around forever but he's not Johnny Manziel so take what you can get.

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - NATI BENGALS - 01-25-2022

Is he not Steve Doocy's son?

RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Goalpost - 01-25-2022

Most all the economic indexes were weaker last year.

PPI Producer Price Index at a 10 year high.
Consumer Price Index, inflation, at a 40 year high.
Crude Oil at an 8 year high.
Consumer Sentiment at a weak 68.8 number.
Employment has rebounded but we have a labor shortage.