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Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - Printable Version

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RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - michaelsean - 03-16-2016

(03-16-2016, 03:47 PM)xxlt Wrote: The above statement is true only if you care about improving things for the citizenry. By and large Republicans do not. They like to say, "Government can't do anything," and when they get elected they try to prove it. This makes them the ultimate hypocrites. They decry those who receive any form of assistance as moochers and free loaders who are "lazy" and "get a check for doing nothing." As elected officials, they get much bigger checks for doing nothing, and perversely they are quite proud of it. Fred is right in that they've gotten nothing substantive done, but they don't care and even brag about it. The whole work for welfare thing - it should apply to these politicians, but it doesn't. They literally get paid a handsome salary to do nothing.

How many bills have they passed?

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - Belsnickel - 03-16-2016

(03-16-2016, 05:20 PM)michaelsean Wrote: How many bills have they passed?

This caused me to look this up. Interesting information:

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - michaelsean - 03-16-2016

(03-16-2016, 05:24 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: This caused me to look this up. Interesting information:

Hell they are passing two laws a week.  Down from 8 a week at least.  

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - fredtoast - 03-17-2016

(03-16-2016, 05:19 PM)michaelsean Wrote: The House passed a ton of stuff that sat on Harry Reid's desk.  Or do we only count passing things if it's what Dems like?

So I am sure the backlog was cleared out since he has not been the majority leader for a whille.

Including the 150 bills that repealed the ACA. Rolleyes

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - michaelsean - 03-17-2016

(03-17-2016, 01:05 AM)fredtoast Wrote: So I am sure the backlog was cleared out since he has not been the majority leader for a whille.

Including the 150 bills that repealed the ACA. Rolleyes

There is no backlog.  Bills are dead once there is a new congress.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - fredtoast - 03-17-2016

(03-17-2016, 10:17 AM)michaelsean Wrote: There is no backlog.  Bills are dead once there is a new congress.

But surely all these hard working congressmen have revived all these dead bills, right?

Oh, wait, they haven't?  (except for maybe the couple of dozen "repeal ACA" bills they passed)

I didn't realize the Republican leaders in the House are so clueless that Harry Reid still controls them over a year after he was removed from the majority leader position.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - michaelsean - 03-17-2016

(03-17-2016, 11:10 AM)fredtoast Wrote: But surely all these hard working congressmen have revived all these dead bills, right?

Oh, wait, they haven't?  (except for maybe the couple of dozen "repeal ACA" bills they passed)

I didn't realize the Republican leaders in the House are so clueless that Harry Reid still controls them over a year after he was removed from the majority leader position.

You keep changing the argument.  They passed a lot of bills that sat on Reid's desk.  I don't know why you think I mean more than I say.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - JustWinBaby - 03-18-2016

Would they call it the "FREE Party"?

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - Bilbo Saggins - 03-18-2016

In my guestimation, Bernie will ride off into the sunset once he loses to Clinton. This country really needs a Libertarian Socialist party, but this would mess with the business party and its two factions defining the political paradigm so it probably isn't realistic.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - fredtoast - 03-18-2016

(03-17-2016, 11:19 AM)michaelsean Wrote: You keep changing the argument.

Okay then let's go back to my original point.  They have not accomplished anything.

I don't consider passing a bunch of meaningless bills as accomplishing anything.

i am talking about "solving problems" instead of just meaningless busy work.

If you don't agree with me then tell me what they have accomplished.  Not how many bills they have passed, but what substantive change they have made.  What problem have they fixed?

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - Benton - 03-18-2016

(03-18-2016, 03:59 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: In my guestimation, Bernie will ride off into the sunset once he loses to Clinton.  This country really needs a Libertarian Socialist party, but this would mess with the business party and its two factions defining the political paradigm so it probably isn't realistic.

Could be. But I'm thinking his endorsement will get sought out in the future, like a liberal version of Barry Goldwater.

Younger politicians will seek out his support in running, and some of his better policies (ending lop-sided free trade agreements, reducing government surveillance programs, addressing campaign finance reform and income inequality) will be what the Dems platform on in the future. Right now they don't have a platform outside of "get Hillary elected" and that's going to leave them vulnerable 2020 if the GOP ever goes off the rails and actually comes together.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - fredtoast - 03-18-2016

(03-18-2016, 11:00 AM)Benton Wrote: Could be. But I'm thinking his endorsement will get sought out in the future, like a liberal version of Barry Goldwater.

Younger politicians will seek out his support in running, and some of his better policies (ending lop-sided free trade agreements, reducing government surveillance programs, addressing campaign finance reform and income inequality) will be what the Dems platform on in the future. Right now they don't have a platform outside of "get Hillary elected" and that's going to leave them vulnerable 2020 if the GOP ever goes off the rails and actually comes together.

I thought Elizabet Warren would run this time.  But she is 66 and if she was not interested in running this time she never will.  But someone else will step up.  

The problems Bernie is preaching about are not going away.  As things get worse more people will accept his point of view.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - Benton - 03-18-2016

(03-18-2016, 11:33 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I thought Elizabet Warren would run this time.  But she is 66 and if she was not interested in running this time she never will.  But someone else will step up.  

The problems Bernie is preaching about are not going away.  As things get worse more people will accept his point of view.

Agreed. They're large, long-term problems without easy answers. Unfortunately, for the last decade (or more) both sides have focused on a handful of issues effecting minorities (gay marriage, immigration, abortion). If you listen to most of them talk, everyone in this country is either an illegal alien or strangling babies in the streets on their way to a gay marriage.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - fredtoast - 03-18-2016

(03-18-2016, 11:52 AM)Benton Wrote: Agreed. They're large, long-term problems without easy answers. Unfortunately, for the last decade (or more) both sides have focused on a handful of issues effecting minorities (gay marriage, immigration, abortion). If you listen to most of them talk, everyone in this country is either an illegal alien or strangling babies in the streets on their way to a gay marriage.

And the Confederate flag was by far the biggest problem facing black America.  All of their problems should be going away now that we have addressed that issue.

RE: Will Bernie create a Democrat version of "TEA Party" - Aquapod770 - 03-19-2016

(03-18-2016, 03:59 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: In my guestimation, Bernie will ride off into the sunset once he loses to Clinton.  This country really needs a Libertarian Socialist party, but this would mess with the business party and its two factions defining the political paradigm so it probably isn't realistic.

A bit of an oxymoron there. Lol

(I know it's a real thing)  Ninja