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RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - BengalsRocker - 06-10-2016

(06-10-2016, 02:20 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I don 't understand any of this.

I don't understand why anyone would get a scholarship for trying on a mask and laughing like a maniac.  She did not even do anything creative or funny.

And I don't understand what it has to do with white privilege.

I am completely lost on this one.

Because piggy-backing on someone's huge instant fame by getting mentioned worldwide is more effective than a billboard or a park bench sign.

Who would've thunk it?


Apparently logic fails...  we have to create stories to validate being irked by another race.

Garbage reporting and stirring the pot with tainted thoughts.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - BigPapaKain - 06-10-2016

(06-10-2016, 10:26 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Let's also not forget where they park things like planned parenthood.   The poorest areas and the areas mostly populated by blacks and Latinos.   That's not a conservative notion.   

Only because Planned Parenthood does prenatal care for cheaper than scumbag doctors and Republicans don't get to charge them more money than they'll see in a decade for each visit.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - HarleyDog - 06-10-2016

Chewbacca is cool! I'll give her a dollar.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Beaker - 06-11-2016

There's no such thing as white privilege.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - StLucieBengal - 06-11-2016

(06-11-2016, 06:09 PM)Beaker Wrote: There's no such thing as white privilege.

Or safe spaces, trigger warnings, and micro aggressions.   

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - BigPapaKain - 06-11-2016

(06-11-2016, 06:09 PM)Beaker Wrote: There's no such thing as white privilege.

I could use personal anecdotes to prove how false white privilege is. And I will.

I worked a job along side a black woman. We were hired in at the same time, trained together, and worked the exact same shifts. Hell we got promoted at the same time.

Me - a white male in America - made less money for the same job as a black lesbian. There's your white and male privilege in action.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Nately120 - 06-11-2016

(06-11-2016, 06:09 PM)Beaker Wrote: There's no such thing as white privilege.

Hell, I 'm not even sure is such a thing as white people.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Aquapod770 - 06-11-2016

(06-11-2016, 06:09 PM)Beaker Wrote: There's no such thing as white privilege.

White privilege is the ultimate cop out. Even better that it promotes generalizing people entirely based on the color of their skin. Cuz you know that's a great thing.  Mellow

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - GMDino - 06-11-2016

(06-11-2016, 06:51 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Or safe spaces, trigger warnings, and micro aggressions.   

Or verbal tics and the latest talking points.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - StLucieBengal - 06-12-2016

(06-11-2016, 07:33 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: I could use personal anecdotes to prove how false white privilege is. And I will.

I worked a job along side a black woman. We were hired in at the same time, trained together, and worked the exact same shifts. Hell we got promoted at the same time.

Me - a white male in America - made less money for the same job as a black lesbian. There's your white and male privilege in action.

Lucky for you she wasn't handicapped as well.   

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - GMDino - 06-12-2016

(06-11-2016, 07:33 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: I could use personal anecdotes to prove how false white privilege is. And I will.

I worked a job along side a black woman. We were hired in at the same time, trained together, and worked the exact same shifts. Hell we got promoted at the same time.

Me - a white male in America - made less money for the same job as a black lesbian. There's your white and male privilege in action.

What was the reason given for that?

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - BigPapaKain - 06-12-2016

(06-12-2016, 11:12 AM)GMDino Wrote: What was the reason given for that?

I never asked. It wasn't a big enough gap for me to care and I didn't know until after I'd left the company.

I do still throw it in her face whenever she or her friends brings up white privilege, however.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Nately120 - 06-13-2016

(06-12-2016, 01:20 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Lucky for you she wasn't handicapped as well.   

Oh lordy, if only you had been born a black, lesbian, transgendered, female(?) quadriplegic named Latoya Jenkins in the slums of Detroit I shudder to think how successful you'd be right now.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - StLucieBengal - 06-13-2016

(06-13-2016, 02:02 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Oh lordy, if only you had been born a black, lesbian, transgendered, female(?) quadriplegic named Latoya Jenkins in the slums of Detroit I shudder to think how successful you'd be right now.

Actually right now I am identifying as that exactly.   

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Nately120 - 06-13-2016

(06-13-2016, 02:13 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Actually right now I am identifying as that exactly.   

Nice.  Be sure to send me a postcard from your new mansion!

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - fredtoast - 06-13-2016

(06-11-2016, 06:09 PM)Beaker Wrote: There's no such thing as white privilege.

Sure there is.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Rotobeast - 06-13-2016

(06-13-2016, 11:12 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Sure there is.


It's just not as rampant as many like to believe.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Beaker - 06-13-2016

The concept of white privilege as just another way to give people an excuse.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Nately120 - 06-13-2016

(06-13-2016, 09:16 PM)Beaker Wrote: The concept of white privilege as just another way to give people an excuse.

It sure gives a lot of people an excuse to act all butthurt and jealous of people who have been legitimately oppressed.

RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - Beaker - 06-14-2016

(06-13-2016, 11:49 PM)Nately120 Wrote: It sure gives a lot of people an excuse to act all butthurt and jealous of people who have been legitimately oppressed.

Because its always better to tell them they'll never get ahead because somebody else is holding them back instead of teaching them they can do whatever they set their mind to?