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RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - BmorePat87 - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:52 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Why not; did he cancel the invitation?

You really think leaders of world powers should be/ are swayed by being called names?

"Barnie, you really need to go the the Philippines and have a talk with their leader"

"Nope, he call me doo doo head"

If you stopped calling him "Barnie", Fred might actually believe that you aren't critical of this solely because Obama is a Democrat. 

Okey doke?

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - bfine32 - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:58 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The logic is: Cops, dictators, and legal gun owners are allowed to shoot people without cause. The Feds, even with cause, are never allowed to shoot someone. 

Man stalks minority child through neighborhood: Can shoot the kid. 
Foreign leader says drugs are bad: Can shoot anyone accused of dealing.
Black man stopped for taillight announces he is legally carrying a weapon: Can shoot. 
Armed domestic terrorists narrowly miss ramming into barricade and run out of their car reaching towards weapon: CANNOT SHOOT!

This is a bunch of strawman. Just let me know if you want me to flip the script about who can and cannot shoot. It wont be hard, just a waste of time

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - bfine32 - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 02:03 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: If you stopped calling him "Barnie", Fred might actually believe that you aren't critical of this solely because Obama is a Democrat. 

Okey doke?

I'm not the only person that calls him Barney; but if you think that is the crux of the discussion I will refer to him a Mr President, so that we may focus on the matter at hand.

That for your officiating. 

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - fredtoast - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:44 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote:
Have you ever been there? Or are you just reading the media and acting like you know what you are talking about?

This is the fun part about the media, they don't always report the whole truth.

You see, he does indeed go after dealers, but evidence is required ahead of time. When they approach a dealer, they are given a chance to surrender, if they refuse and run, well, we know what happens next, they use any force necessary to bring them down.

When he names corrupt officials, same thing. They are given a chance to surrender and submit to a trial. if they resist or run instead, well that's on them.

So what is your source of knowledge other than media?

How many trials have they had so far for any alleged drug dealers or corrupt officials?  Considering how many have been killed I am sure a lot more have gone to trial, correct?

How do you explain these items

The director general of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Ronald dela Rosa, told a Senate hearing on Aug. 22 that 712 people had been killed in police operations in the seven weeks since the crackdown began, and that another 1,067 had died at the hands of vigilantes.

When he was President-elect, Duterte offered medals and cash rewards for citizens that shot dealers dead.

“Do your duty, and if in the process you kill 1,000 persons because you were doing your duty, I will protect you,” he told police officers on July 1, the day after his inauguration. 

“If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful,” he was quoted as saying to another crowd that day.

"I don’t care about human rights, believe me,” he says.“

“There is no due process in my mouth,” the President [/url]said on Aug. 7.  That night, he named 159 judges, public officials, and even police officers, whom he claimed were involved in the country’s narcotics trade. He ordered that the policemen on the list be immediately dismissed, the politicians have their government-assigned security details revoked, and the judges to report to the Supreme Court within 24 hours.  In the manner of a dictator, he chose to do this on live national television, naming one high-profile individual after another without providing any evidence. 
The list itself is also full of mistakes. The country’s Chief Justice, Maria Lourdes Sereno, pointed out [url=]in an open letter to Duterte
 that only four of the seven judges named were still on the bench. One of them was dismissed in 2007, and another died eight years ago. When she instructed that nobody named should surrender unless an appropriate arrest warrant had been issued, Duterte said that she “must be joking,” and threatened to withdraw all executive support from her.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - fredtoast - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:52 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You really think leaders of world powers should be/ are swayed by being called names?

No.. I don't think world leaders are going to waste their time talking to anyone who does not respect them.

Why talk to someone who is not going to listen to anything you say?

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - Mike M (the other one) - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:58 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The logic is: Cops, dictators, and legal gun owners are allowed to shoot people without cause. The Feds, even with cause, are never allowed to shoot someone. 

Man stalks minority child through neighborhood: Can shoot the kid. 
Foreign leader says drugs are bad: Can shoot anyone accused of dealing.
Black man stopped for taillight announces he is legally carrying a weapon: Can shoot. 
Armed domestic terrorists narrowly miss ramming into barricade and run out of their car reaching towards weapon: CANNOT SHOOT!

Thanks for reminding me about that case. The misconduct of the FBI case is up before a Grand Jury right now and currently the Government is trying to file memo's under seal and not allow LaVoy's attorney to have access to it. Good thing the Judge is not allowing it.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - bfine32 - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 02:20 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No.. I don't think world leaders are going to waste their time talking to anyone who does not respect them.

Why talk to someone who is not going to listen to anything you say?

Well, I'm of the opinion that talking never hurt and you really don't know the outcome of such a talk until it happens. Obviously you and others think world leaders should lead through assumptions. 

Do you think everybody that you call a name should no longer to converse with you?

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - Mike M (the other one) - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:49 PM)fredtoast Wrote: But no world leader would meet with him if he just thumbed his nose at them and called them "sons of whores".

And he apologized for that.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - Vas Deferens - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:58 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The logic is: Cops, dictators, and legal gun owners are allowed to shoot people without cause. The Feds, even with cause, are never allowed to shoot someone. 

Man stalks minority child through neighborhood: Can shoot the kid. 
Foreign leader says drugs are bad: Can shoot anyone accused of dealing.
Black man stopped for taillight announces he is legally carrying a weapon: Can shoot. 
Armed domestic WHITE MALE terrorists narrowly miss ramming into barricade and run out of their car reaching towards weapon: CANNOT SHOOT!


RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - Millhouse - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 01:41 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: To be fair, when you colonize a place, it's courteous to defend it against invasions. 

Then again, they'd have no way of fending off the Japanese without us.

Oh I was just being cheekd and tongued about it. 

Personally I dont blame Obama for not going there and dont really care. But I do care about the amount of money we send them and have sent them in aid in years past, and their leader disrespected ours like that. Maybe he realized that since he has apologized, otherwise we could use that money elsewhere or here at home.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - fredtoast - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 02:23 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Thanks for reminding me about that case. The misconduct of the FBI case is up before a Grand Jury right now and currently the Government is trying to file memo's under seal and not allow LaVoy's attorney to have access to it. Good thing the Judge is not allowing it.

LaVoy does not have a lawyer in this case.  The GOVERNMENT is investigating allegations and possible prosecution of the FBI agents.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - fredtoast - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 02:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well, I'm of the opinion that talking never hurt and you really don't know the outcome of such a talk until it happens. Obviously you and others think world leaders should lead through assumptions. 

Do you think everybody that you call a name should no longer to converse with you?

Don't know what you are talking about.  The US government will continue to communicate with the Philippines, they will just not honor them with the public affair of a face-to-face meeting.

If someone insults me then I will continue to communicate with him, but I won't go to dinner with him.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - GMDino - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 02:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well, I'm of the opinion that talking never hurt and you really don't know the outcome of such a talk until it happens. Obviously you and others think world leaders should lead through assumptions. 

Do you think everybody that you call a name should no longer to converse with you?


[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - bfine32 - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 02:55 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Don't know what you are talking about.  The US government will continue to communicate with the Philippines, they will just not honor them with the public affair of a face-to-face meeting.

If someone insults me then I will continue to communicate with him, but I won't go to dinner with him.

This is so not what you said. Please go back and read what you said so we can move forward. 

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - TheLeonardLeap - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 11:32 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Rep.

I wonder what he would say about Obama if he suddenly started having hundreds of U.S. citizens killed just because he claimed they were drug dealers.  Something tells me Mike M would not be pleased with this type behavior.

-Instead he just orders drone strikes on US citizens because he claimed they were terrorists. Or just didn't know they were there. (No trials there. Not saying that they were all good people, but wasn't your point that it didn't matter? They needed trials to prove guilt in a court.)

-Or he just loses track of large quantities of weapons that land in the hands of Mexican Cartels who use them to murder civilians.

-Or distributing child pornography in order to catch pedophiles.

Not even touching on how many people have died/become homeless/become refugees due to the US intervening in Syria.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm not saying I fully agree with the current ongoings in the Philippines (that President is probably F'ing insane), but there is the whole saying about throwing stones in a glass house. We're not exactly killing it over here in the US, and if some other country's leader said he was going to come over and give us a stern talking to in order for us to change our ways, we'd probably tell them to go F themselves, too. Let alone if that leader was also the perpetrator of some pretty terrible things themselves.

It's also hard to imagine what it's like over there. Would we treat our laws/justice different if our entire country was just one big Chicago? If the Heroin epidemic that's sweeping Ohio and Kentucky was throughout our entire country? Probably. A legal recourse to fixing things only works if the government isn't run by the criminals/the criminals' money.

Ask Mexico (and their 100-ish dead elected officials and 100,000+ dead or missing civilians) how that's worked out for them in the last decade.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - GMDino - 09-07-2016

Quote:Trump says he would have left G-20 summit in China over Obama staircase flap

Donald Trump said Monday that he would have left the G-20 summit in China over a logistical flap that left President Barack Obama disembarking Air Force One onto a plain metal staircase.

The president's subdued arrival on Saturday afternoon, from a secondary exit on the presidential plane, stood in contrast to other world leaders who departed their planes onto red-carpeted stairs - and some, including Trump, perceived it as a snub by Chinese officials.

"They won't even give him stairs, proper stairs to get out of the airplane. You see that? They have pictures of other leaders who are . . . coming down with a beautiful red carpet. And Obama is coming down a metal staircase," Trump said Monday at the beginning of a roundtable with labor leaders in Brook Park, Ohio.

"I've got to tell you, if that were me, I would say, 'You know what, folks, I respect you a lot but close the doors, let's get out of here,'" he added. "It's a sign of such disrespect."

[Image: 750x422]

U.S. President Barack Obama arrives on Air Force One at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport in Hangzhou in eastern China's Zhejiang province on Sept. 3, 2016.
 (Carolyn Kaster / AP)

The Clinton campaign quickly seized on the comments and criticized Trump's temperament. "Temperament Update: Trump would leave G-20 mtg b/c the staircase offended him and he was wrong abt the staircase," tweeted Clinton spokesperson Jesse Ferguson.

Trump has regularly accused Obama of failing to show strength against foreign leaders and has pointed specifically to Air Force One arrivals to make his point. He made similar claims that Obama had provoked a national embarrassment when Obama visited Cuba and Saudi Arabia earlier this year, calling decisions by the heads of state not to greet Obama at the airport "unprecedented."

"The truth is they [other countries] don't respect us. When President Obama landed in Cuba on Air Force One, no leader was there, nobody, to greet him. Perhaps an incident without precedent in the long and prestigious history of Air Force One. Then, amazingly, the same thing happened in Saudi Arabia. It's called no respect," Trump said in April.

The Washington Post's Fact Checker rated that comment false, and noting that heads of state have opted not to greet American presidents on airport tarmacs in the past.

Trump, talking about the staircase, added that he "guaranteed it was built in China, it wasn't built here, okay?" The stairs in question, which folded out from the center of the plane, were part of Air Force One.


RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - Vas Deferens - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 04:49 PM)GMDino Wrote:


this should be good.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 09-07-2016

(09-06-2016, 11:20 AM)bfine32 Wrote: So you don't agree with him cancelling his visit with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte?

(09-07-2016, 01:45 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If that happened I would home the leader of a world power would want to talk with him.

How about you? 

(09-07-2016, 01:52 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Why not; did he cancel the invitation?

You really think leaders of world powers should be/ are swayed by being called names?

"Barnie, you really need to go the the Philippines and have a talk with their leader"

"Nope, he call me doo doo head"

(09-07-2016, 02:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well, I'm of the opinion that talking never hurt and you really don't know the outcome of such a talk until it happens. Obviously you and others think world leaders should lead through assumptions. 

Do you think everybody that you call a name should no longer to converse with you?

The great philosopher, bfine32, once wrote . . .

(08-12-2016, 02:52 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I can see this is taking the familar trend of you just asking questions.

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - PhilHos - 09-07-2016

So Obama cancels a meeting with a foreign leader because said leader called him a name? Isn't that what some people on here claimed they were afraid would happen if Trump became president? Glad to see that it's okay when a Democrat does it, but ...

RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - bfine32 - 09-07-2016

(09-07-2016, 08:06 PM)PhilHos Wrote: So Obama cancels a meeting with a foreign leader because said leader called him a name? Isn't that what some people on here claimed they were afraid would happen if Trump became president? Glad to see that it's okay when a Democrat does it, but ...

Not to mention if the leader hurts his feelings enough he can just push the big red button he carries around and launch all the Nukes.