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Republicans abandoning Trump? - Printable Version

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RE: Republicans abandoning Trump? - Bengalzona - 10-13-2016

(10-13-2016, 09:44 AM)michaelsean Wrote: Because like it or not, the Supreme Court is political.  So if you have six justices appointed by Democrats, they will overturn things they do not like.  and same the other way although not so much as while you sometimes see Republican appointed justices vote with the liberal side, that really doesn't happen the other way.  At least not in the big cases.  On the obamacare vote, nobody was wondeting which way Kagan or Ginsberg were going to vote.

But SCOTUS can't overturn laws. That is not their purpose. If Congress and the POTUS have created and signed a law, the Justice Dept. has to enforce it. They can interpret them in ways that may be different than Congress has intended, but they cannot overturn them. If Congress creates a bill and the POTUS signs it and it turns out to be a bad law (and this has happened in the past), then Congress alone must fix it. 

Frankly, fear that SCOTUS might interpret a law differently than it was intended probably reflects more on insecurity on those creating the law to communicate its intent.

RE: Republicans abandoning Trump? - Bengalzona - 10-13-2016

(10-13-2016, 12:51 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You don't think the Libs feel "stacking the deck" at the SCOTUS is necessary? The next selection will turn the Majority, that is if you consider Roberts conservative.

I'm not hearing many liberals saying that they need to get Hillary elected due to potential SCOTUS vacancies. Some say it, I'm sure. But I am hearing it all of the time from Trump supporters, primarily targeted at GOP registered voters they think might be hedging.