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SCOUTS to take up transgender issue - Printable Version

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RE: SCOUTS to take up transgender issue - Belsnickel - 11-02-2016

(11-01-2016, 09:38 PM)mallorian69 Wrote: I think it ends in a 4-4 tie which would keep the ruling of the lower court in place.

Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't transgenders and their liberal allies said for years that sex and gender are two seperate things? If that is true then why do they cite Title IX as to why they should get their way? 

No where in Title IX is gender mentioned. So either sex and gender are seperate, which is what the left has been parroting for years, and Title IX as written does not apply or they are in fact one in the same and it does apply.

We brought this up before when this argument was hashed out, that the justification is that being trans is about your gender and sex not matching. If you identify as a gender, but you are not treated as that gender because of your sex, then it is sex based discrimination.

I'm not going to get into the debate of this being valid again as we went round and round on this already. I am just presenting the logic.

RE: SCOUTS to take up transgender issue - Nately120 - 11-02-2016

(11-02-2016, 12:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This sounds like one of those non-productive T-Shirt answers. Nobody is advocating that anyone repress their feelings; not sure how you inferred that.

I was under the impression your solution was to oppress "feelings."  If I'm a 14 year old male who identifies as female I'm to keep it to myself until I am 18 years of age...right?  Of course, stuff like this is where we get the notion that people turn 18 and go off to college and become gay trans-gendered liberals overnight because it's in fashion.

RE: SCOUTS to take up transgender issue - GMDino - 11-02-2016

(11-02-2016, 04:55 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I was under the impression your solution was to oppress "feelings."  If I'm a 14 year old male who identifies as female I'm to keep it to myself until I am 18 years of age...right?  Of course, stuff like this is where we get the notion that people turn 18 and go off to college and become gay trans-gendered liberals overnight because it's in fashion.

No you can have "feelings" just not in public where it might upset people who get upset when other people claim to be upset about things.   Mellow

RE: SCOUTS to take up transgender issue - bfine32 - 11-02-2016

(11-02-2016, 04:55 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I was under the impression your solution was to oppress "feelings."  If I'm a 14 year old male who identifies as female I'm to keep it to myself until I am 18 years of age...right?  Of course, stuff like this is where we get the notion that people turn 18 and go off to college and become gay trans-gendered liberals overnight because it's in fashion.

I have zero idea what gave you that impression. The T-Shirts slogans don't always work.