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RE: Current Protests - GMDino - 11-11-2016

(11-11-2016, 03:51 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Guess we will never know.  However we do know that Clinton supporters were planted in Trump rallies to start fights, and that they are now rioting.  

Do we?

And if there was an instance of we "know" the same people are rioting?

Interestingly the original theory about all the protesters being "plants" from Clinton and paid my Soros came from...a guy who has been using dirty political tricks since the Nixon administration:

Quote:THREE WEEKS AGO, when Donald Trump called off a rally in Chicago because hundreds of protesters managed to crash the party, a more introspective candidate might have asked himself what he had done to inspire such loathing.
Instead, Trump seized on a more comforting explanation: The young people who refused to let him speak must have been dispatched by his rival insurgent, Bernie Sanders.

Quote:[/url] Follow
[Image: DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg]Donald J. Trump 

Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!
7:48 AM - 13 Mar 2016

One of Trump’s oldest political confidants, the former Nixon aide Roger Stone, developed a far more elaborate conspiracy theory. Stone, who has advised Trump off and on for decades, and has devoted himself to spreading rumor and innuendo about Hillary Clinton for nearly as long, rushed to Twitter to share his big idea: that the protesters must have been covert operatives for the Clinton campaign, paid to both impersonate Sanders supporters and provoke violence from Trump’s fans.
Quote:Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr
@realDonaldTrump rallies being infiltrated by agents provocateurs from the Left. Bogus demonstrators to spark violence. #notYUGE
10:36 PM - 11 Mar 2016

Quote:Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr
Hillary operatives stage protest at @realDonaldTrump rallies using faux Sanders protesters to alienate Sanders ECONOMIC voters from Trump
4:50 PM - 12 Mar 2016

Given that Stone began his own career by going undercover for the notorious Committee for the Re-Election of the President in 1972, it is perhaps not surprising that he thinks he sees dirty tricks wherever he looks. As Jeffrey Toobin explained in the New Yorker:

Quote:He was just nineteen when he played a bit part in the Watergate scandals. He adopted the pseudonym Jason Rainier and made contributions in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance to the campaign of Pete McCloskey, who was challenging Nixon for the Republican nomination in 1972. Stone then sent a receipt to the Manchester Union Leader, to “prove” that Nixon’s adversary was a left-wing stooge. Stone hired another Republican operative, who was given the pseudonym Sedan Chair II, to infiltrate the McGovern campaign.

The day after the canceled Trump rally, Stone found a way to present his Clinton theory to a much wider audience, giving an interview on the subject to Alex Jones, the conspiratorial radio host, that was viewed more than 300,000 times on Facebook.

Quote:Alex Jones 

Breaking: Anti-Trump Protest Funded and Directed by Hillary …
6:57 PM - 12 Mar 2016
[Image: proxy.jpg?t=HBhCaHR0cDovL2h3LmluZm93YXJz...x93FI-0_cI]
Breaking: Anti-Trump Protest Funded and Directed by Hillary » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war...
Political insider reveals latest attempt to bring down Trump.

Jones, a die-hard supporter of Trump who previously helped found the “9/11 Truth” movement, told his viewers that Stone had “sources inside” the covert operation who had confirmed to him that the disruption at the University of Illinois at Chicago was “a false flag.”

“These demonstrators are flying under a false banner: They are not Sanders supporters by and large,” Stone said. “This is an operation directed by supporters of Hillary Clinton, paid for by George Soros and MoveOn.”

Soros, a billionaire, is a favorite target of internet conspiracy theorists across the globe, particularly anti-Semites, since he uses his money to support activists from and other civil society groups in the United States and abroad. Ken Zimmerman, director of U.S. programs for Soros’s Open Society Foundations, told The Intercept that the organization “does not fund people to take to the streets to protest against any individual, Donald Trump or otherwise.”

While Stop Trump-Chicago, a student group that used Facebook to organize the protest, acknowledged that MoveOn did offer to provide signs when it found out about the event, the demonstration “was started by students, organized by students, and led by students.”

Two days after the canceled rally, Trump fully embraced the meme anyway,telling Fox News that the demonstrators “were real professionals — and they weren’t protesters, they were disrupters. They were professional disrupters.”

Over the course of the following week, the idea that all of the dissent at Trump rallies was coming from “paid protesters” morphed into a common talking point for his supporters on social networks and cable news, even though Fox noted that the campaign produced no evidence to support the claim.

A week after the mass protest in Chicago, when a coalition of mainly Latino activists briefly blocked access to a Trump rally outside Phoenix by chaining themselves to vehicles parked across a highway, the candidate called ABC News to accuse those protesters of being “professional agitators.”

View image on Twitter

[Image: Cd7GysJUEAAJKuZ.jpg]

Quote:Puente Arizona @PuenteAZ
Protesters shutting down street to Trump event! #stoptrump#UnitedAgainstHate
12:14 PM - 19 Mar 2016

[Image: Cd7Q-LYWoAAsrRn.jpg:large]

Quote:Mijente @ConMijente
Protester with neck locked to car on main road to #StopTrump in Arizona #UnitedAgainstHate
12:59 PM - 19 Mar 2016

While Trump again offered absolutely no evidence for the claim, and was not asked for any, his supporters on the website 4chan set out to find some. To that end, they dug into the background of one of the three protesters arrested on the road outside Phoenix, Jacinta Gonzalez.

The Trump supporters discovered what looked to them like a smoking gun: Gonzalez had once received a fellowship from the Open Society Foundations. Apparently unaware that Gonzalez’s tangential connection to Soros — an 18-month stipend to support her work on behalf of day laborers and immigrant families in New Orleans — had ended in 2012, the 4chan group eagerly discussed how to use this information to help their man. “The Trump campaign is aware of Soros scheming,” one of the commenters wrote. “Tweeting this intel to his staff will give them even more ammo.”

It is not clear if any of their efforts to alert the Trump campaign succeeded, but a day later, Dan Scavino, the candidate’s social media director (andformer caddie) triumphantly drew attention to a thinly sourced blog post on Gonzalez that incorrectly identified her as the “lead organizer” of the protest.

Quote:Dan Scavino Jr. 

Organizer that shutdown highway- in an attempt to shutdown@realDonaldTrump's AZ a George Soros fellow. …
10:21 PM - 20 Mar 2016 · The Mar-a-lago Club, United States
[Image: proxy.jpg?t=HBheaHR0cDovLzE2MDA0LXByZXNz...nCMFXXW3Zg]
LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans
Yesterday Far left open border activists SHUT DOWN THE HIGHWAY leading to the Trump rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona for ...

Like the 4chan thread, the blog post Scavino shared also included a number of other factual errors, like identifying Gonzalez as a resident of New Orleans (she now lives in Phoenix), and speculating that she might not be a U.S. citizen (she has been since birth, having been born to an American mother in Mexico).

Two days later, Stone laid out his theory again in a post for the Daily Caller, in which he also claimed to have confirmed it by “infiltrating” a rally against Trump in New York on March 19, and catching the protesters off guard. “Several admitted answering a Craig’s list [sic] ad paying $16 an hour for protesters,” Stone insisted.

This “reporting,” from a political operative who has a long track record of spreading unsourced innuendo about candidates he works against — and claims to confer with Trump at least once a week — was quickly shared on social networks as absolute proof by one of Trump’s biggest fans, Ann Coulter, and his son, Eric Trump.

Quote:Ann Coulter 

"Several [Trump protesters] admitted answering a Craig’s list ad paying $16.00 an hour for protesters." 
8:28 AM - 23 Mar 2016

Quote:Eric Trump 

BREAKING: Anti-Trump Protesters Admit They Were Hired on Craigslist – Being PAID to Protest … via @rightwingnews
2:37 PM - 23 Mar 2016

Stone did not reply to requests for comment from The Intercept.

Later the same week, Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, came across what certainly looked like definitive evidence of Stone’s theory: an article headlined “Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: ‘I Was Paid $3,500 to Protest Trump’s Rally.'”

[Image: IMG_0159-e1459734146703-540x687.jpg]

Lewandowski shared what seemed to be a report from ABC News on Twitter — only to be informed soon by other people who took the time to read the full text, and the description of the website, that it was a hoax — it was not from ABC News at all, but a website with a URL that was similar to it.

[Image: IMG_0150-e1459687196270.jpg]
A screen shot of Corey Lewandowski’s Twitter feed.

Like Ann Coulter, who also shared the hoax report, Lewandowski later deleted his tweet, but not before it had already been shared hundreds of times.

The fake news report was written by a well-known internet prankster, Paul Horner, whose work in that genre has earned him millions of readers, tens of thousands of dollars, and a profile in the Washington Post.

Horner, who actually attended the protest outside Phoenix, took all the essential elements of Stone’s theory and wove them into a fictional news report, even creating this fake Craigslist ad as “evidence.”

[Image: paid-trump-supporters-1024x387.png]
A fake Craigslist ad created by an internet prankster.

Then last week, Scavino drew attention to another Craigslist ad, supposedly offering $15 an hour “to protest the Donald Trump rally in Janesville, Wisconsin.”

View image on Twitter
[Image: CerZwwsW8AA6eNC.jpg:large]

Quote:Dan Scavino Jr. 

SAD. $15/ hour to protest @realDonaldTrump's Janesville, Wisconsin rally tomorrow-- via Craigslist.
9:19 PM - 28 Mar 2016

That ad, which was later removed from Craigslist, looked like a prank too. Asusers on Reddit pointed out, the address listed as the meeting place “for pre-protest instructions and to get your time card,” was 3300 West Tripp Road in Janesville, which is the local wastewater treatment plant, more than 10 miles from the site of Trump’s rally.

Despite the likelihood it was another fake, several conservative websites, including Glenn Beck’s The Blaze and Alex Jones’s InfoWars reported on it as if it were genuine proof of Stone’s theory, based merely on the Trump aide’s tweet.

Stone himself then tweeted a link to one of the reports on the deleted Janesville ad, which also cited his own Daily Caller column as evidence that such things were happening.

Quote:Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr
International criminal George Soros & his boi @davidbrockdcare sooo busted #FauxProtests #Ringers @realDonaldTrump …
10:38 PM - 1 Apr 2016
[Image: proxy.jpg?t=HBg-aHR0cDovL2h3LmluZm93YXJz...7JwSjX829I]
[url=]Craigslist Ad: ‘Get Paid $15 an Hour to Protest at the Trump Rally’
Post promises ‘pre-protest instructions’ and a shuttle bus to the event A pro-Bernie Sanders Craigslist ad invites people in Wisconsin to protest against Donald Trump for $15 dollars an hour.

Ironically, reporters have been able to identify only one instance of actors being paid to attend a campaign rally. That was Trump’s announcement of his own candidacy, for which, the Hollywood Reporter discovered, a casting agency in New York had put out a call for “background actors” willing to “wear T-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement.”

That report, backed up by the full text of an email sent to actors, in turn inspired Simpsons parody of the announcement, in which Homer was hired to be part of the rent-a-crowd.

RE: Current Protests - tigerseye - 11-11-2016

Project Veritas Vol 1, 2 and 3.

Caught on tape.

Then relieved of their positions/fired.

They were caught on tape.

No one said anything about the tapes being faked. They just fired them.

Soros will continue to push for seperation and tension between races and religion. It is how he manipulates the sheep.

Divide and conquer.

RE: Current Protests - GMDino - 11-11-2016

(11-11-2016, 06:20 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Project Veritas Vol 1, 2 and 3.

Caught on tape.

Then relieved of their positions/fired.

They were caught on tape.

No one said anything about the tapes being faked. They just fired them.

Soros will continue to push for seperation and tension between races and religion. It is how he manipulates the sheep.

Divide and conquer.

James O' Keefe is no source of any good information...ever.

And people ahve stepped down due to these kinds of false charges before only to have their names cleared after.

Keep digging.

RE: Current Protests - rfaulk34 - 11-11-2016

(11-11-2016, 09:27 PM)GMDino Wrote: James O' Keefe is no source of any good information...ever.

And people ahve stepped down due to these kinds of false charges before only to have their names cleared after.

Keep digging.

You seem to be willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. Admittedly, i don't know anything about O'Keefe and his reputation, and it's been a bit since i've seen the videos. From what i recall, it seems that there was some pretty incriminating comments made by some Clinton supporters/staff, in the claims of payments for disruptive protesters. 

What are your thoughts on the validity of those particular statements and how crooked and possibly criminal(?) are they?

RE: Current Protests - GMDino - 11-12-2016

(11-11-2016, 10:16 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: You seem to be willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. Admittedly, i don't know anything about O'Keefe and his reputation, and it's been a bit since i've seen the videos. From what i recall, it seems that there was some pretty incriminating comments made by some Clinton supporters/staff, in the claims of payments for disruptive protesters. 

What are your thoughts on the validity of those particular statements and how crooked and possibly criminal(?) are they?

If you don't know anything about O'Keefe then you don't know its not worth watching his videos.

Everyone of the "exposes" he's done has been shown to be so heavily edited and (mostly) false that he doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.

I've only seen bits of the video because I know, based on every other video he's done, that there may only be the slightest sliver of truth in them at all.

As I said, others have been caught up in his web and forced to resign only to be vindicated later.  Sometime people fall victim to the people they work for wanting to make the optics of a situation look good rather than to defend the person being attacked.

RE: Current Protests - bfine32 - 11-12-2016

These riots/protests continue as the world watches. The absolutely ironic thing and speaks to the mentality of these rioters is that they are occurring in locations that voted overwhelmingly for Clinton.

I believe it is time for POTUS to address these riots/protests. What exactly are they protesting? That they lost?

RE: Current Protests - tigerseye - 11-12-2016

I think you should take a look at the videos then. Definitely incriminating.

Also there was no denial from the DNC. The individuals were all just terminated basically.

That is all just water under the bridge now.

The current protests are not.

Soros will be funding and working to disstabilize the US Gov.  (It's what he does-DYODD) 

He and his fellow power hungry global elite psychopaths will continue to work to disstabilize our country until they have total control. He has done it before and he is doing it again right now in the good old USA.

He will manipulate groups and divide the country and he will do what ever he can to keep Trump from succeeding.(which is not good for our country)

You have to decide whether you want to be manipulated, bought and paid for and ruled over by the .0000000000001% of the richest in the world (like the Clintons are owned) or do you want to have the freedoms the USA has to offer.

God Bless America

RE: Current Protests - GMDino - 11-12-2016

(11-12-2016, 11:23 AM)tigerseye Wrote: I think you should take a look at the videos then. Definitely incriminating.

Also there was no denial from the DNC. The individuals were all just terminated basically.

That is all just water under the bridge now.

The current protests are not.

Soros will be funding and working to disstabilize the US Gov.  (It's what he does-DYODD) 

He and his fellow power hungry global elite psychopaths will continue to work to disstabilize our country until they have total control. He has done it before and he is doing it again right now in the good old USA.

He will manipulate groups and divide the country and he will do what ever he can to keep Trump from succeeding.(which is not good for our country)

You have to decide whether you want to be manipulated, bought and paid for and ruled over by the .0000000000001% of the richest in the world (like the Clintons are owned) or do you want to have the freedoms the USA has to offer.

God Bless America

RE: Current Protests - tigerseye - 11-13-2016

GMDino you need to start reading something other than the USA Today.

They are feeding you propaganda. Snap out of it.

Tin foil hat wearers were right about Trump. (never going to happen right)

Did you watch Project Veritas (Vol 1,2 and 3) yet or do you only watch what you want to be reality?

I do think its interesting that Hillary (Soros puppet) is not working harder to calm the protesters. After all she wants unity right? She wants whats best for the United States right?  Right?

I wonder if bought and paid for Soros puppets are mixed in with the rioters or protesters? Is this just a Tin foil hat wearers thought?


RE: Current Protests - GMDino - 11-13-2016

(11-13-2016, 05:21 AM)tigerseye Wrote: GMDino you need to start reading something other than the USA Today.

They are feeding you propaganda. Snap out of it.

Tin foil hat wearers were right about Trump. (never going to happen right)

Did you watch Project Veritas (Vol 1,2 and 3) yet or do you only watch what you want to be reality?

I do think its interesting that Hillary (Soros puppet) is not working harder to calm the protesters. After all she wants unity right? She wants whats best for the United States right?  Right?

I wonder if bought and paid for Soros puppets are mixed in with the rioters or protesters? Is this just a Tin foil hat wearers thought?


I won't watch anything James O'Keefe puts out unless it is the raw, unedited video.  Because every time he releases that he is shown to be a fraud.

RE: Current Protests - JustWinBaby - 11-13-2016

(11-11-2016, 04:17 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Main Stream Propaganda Outlet zombies.

Wonder how many are being paid by Soros to incite.

Probably mixed in with the peaceful protestors.

They did it at Trump rallies. They will do it now.

People need to open their eyes to the propaganda and Soros. He has a track record of doing these things in other countries.

I don't actually know if Soros is paying people or not.

But I do believe these protests are somewhat spontaneous and "legitimate" don't need to pay anyone to incite a riot, these sort of events have been attracting those types for at least 6-8 years or more.  Peaceful protest "mobs" create cover and opportunity for these types.  You get a few hundred people, and it only takes 1-2 to start this and at least a few others are predisposed to follow and join-in on that chaos.

RE: Current Protests - Aquapod770 - 11-13-2016

They're literally protesting free elections. I'm sure North Korea is nice this time of the year Mellow

RE: Current Protests - michaelsean - 11-13-2016

(11-13-2016, 10:02 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: They're literally protesting free elections. I'm sure North Korea is nice this time of the year  Mellow

They thought they were going to go undefeated in their lifetimes.  If I count this year as a tie, I am 3-4-1 . I've yet to cry or protest, and I have the same record as the Bengals.

RE: Current Protests - bfine32 - 11-13-2016

(11-13-2016, 10:02 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: They're literally protesting free elections. I'm sure North Korea is nice this time of the year  Mellow

This was my question a few pages back: What are they protesting? That they lost?

RE: Current Protests - GMDino - 11-13-2016

(11-13-2016, 10:02 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: They're literally protesting free elections. I'm sure North Korea is nice this time of the year  Mellow

(11-13-2016, 10:50 PM)bfine32 Wrote: This was my question a few pages back: What are they protesting? That they lost?

From what I have read many are protesting Trump.  Not Trump winning but what Trump has said and done and the fear that it will carry over to his policies.  

Much like people marching with guns to protest President Obama trying to take away said guns.

I'm sure some are protesting the results.  That's dumber.  I'm sure some are using the protests as cover to be violent and destroy things.  That's the dumbest.

RE: Current Protests - samhain - 11-14-2016

(11-13-2016, 10:54 PM)GMDino Wrote: From what I have read many are protesting Trump.  Not Trump winning but what Trump has said and done and the fear that it will carry over to his policies.  

Much like people marching with guns to protest President Obama trying to take away said guns.

I'm sure some are protesting the results.  That's dumber.  I'm sure some are using the protests as cover to be violent and destroy things.  That's the dumbest.

I think some people are legitimately in fear of losing their civil rights and personal safety.  I'm not sure if these are the ones comprising the protests, but given the campaign rhetoric, it's understandable.  

That said, I think you're gravitating toward third-world mentality when you just go batshit crazy and take to the streets hurling insults at opponents after losing an election fair and square.  It's downright toxic, and threatens to intensify every time power changes hands among parities.  The cycle has to be broken if this country is going to get well again.  People need to grow up.  

Now, if the Trump administration does indeed start repealing constitutional rights, intimidating journalists, and encouraging supporters to treat his opponents like something less than human, then I fully support responding in force, and even violently if necessary.  Until then, it's time to organize, prepare and repair the Democratic Party.  The reactionary shit gets us nowhere.

RE: Current Protests - JustWinBaby - 11-14-2016

(11-14-2016, 01:50 AM)samhain Wrote: Now, if the Trump administration does indeed start repealing constitutional rights

He can't do that.   You may want to brush-up on what is involved in repealing a constitutional amendment.

(11-14-2016, 01:50 AM)samhain Wrote: intimidating journalists

Oh, you mean as opposed to giving preferential access and openly mocking and calling out specific organizations

(11-14-2016, 01:50 AM)samhain Wrote: and encouraging supporters to treat his opponents like something less than human

God forbid Trump would call Hillary supporters deplorables and label them as racist, misogynst xenophobes.

RE: Current Protests - McC - 11-14-2016

This is the losing side showing the utter hypocrisy of all their campaign propaganda. Stronger together? What a giant lie that's turned out to be. Is this their idea of moving forward? What about all the peace loving? Lies. Wanting what is best for the country? Right.

These are the same people who crept into people's front yards to steal Trump signs, whose campaign was entirely built on fear and hate mongering, whose candidate bullied and cheated her way into her own party's nomination, who used every dirty trick in the book during the campaign, who had two branches of the government working for her and still couldn't win. This just shows what a shattered, empty and corrupt entity the Democratic party really is.

Who is spewing the hate now?

RE: Current Protests - samhain - 11-14-2016

(11-14-2016, 03:29 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: He can't do that.   You may want to brush-up on what is involved in repealing a constitutional amendment.

Oh, you mean as opposed to giving preferential access and openly mocking and calling out specific organizations

God forbid Trump would call Hillary supporters deplorables and label them as racist, misogynst xenophobes.

1.  He can issue executive orders.  The 4th Amendment certainly does seem like something that will be under fire during his term.  It's not easy, but it can happen.  

2.  He will do both of the things you mention.  Breitbart will basically become state-run media in his term.  And no, I'm referring to his amping up of supporters and scapegoating the media every time something doesn't go his way.  Presidents take shit.  It's part of the job.  Suck it up or do something else for a living.

3.  She should never have done that.  It was dumb and offensive.  To be fair though, there is an element of racism/xenophobia in his base.  It probably/ hopefully isn't present in the majority, but it's there. It's the rise of the term "*****" and the alt-right anonymous internet troll. It happened, just not in mainstream formats and it's still very much out there.

RE: Current Protests - Mike M (the other one) - 11-14-2016

(11-11-2016, 02:12 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: No problem with protests, heck, protests are great... but when they start burning things, destroying things, and shoving dumpsters onto train tracks to stop trains? It's obviously no longer okay.

Also, I feel like anyone who intentionally plans to block traffic on highways, bridges, or extremely busy roads, have a special place in hell reserved for them. Honestly, blocking roads/bridges like that is exactly the opposite of getting people to empathize with your message. You could be protesting against cloning a new Hitler, but if you're making people late for work or keeping them from being able to get home, your message no longer matters. All people know is you're detaining them, and they now hate you. It hurts your cause.

Also... I know it's legal, but I just can't get behind flag burning.

Kinda like when trying to reason with people and they keep calling you a racist, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe etc.
After a while, I am no listening to anything you have to say anymore whether it's true or not, because you've already pissed me off to the point where I have shut you out. This is exactly what this past election was about and why there was a silent majority.

We've seen this time and time again right here on the boards when people argue about different issues. There is no rationalizing with them.

With that said, I read that Trump has stated that he's not going to roll back the gains that the LGBT community has made.
It was decided by the SCOTUS and that's final as far as he's concerned. I tried to tell people he is not going to take the gains of the social issues away, fear/rhetoric on the Left.
He's also going to keep parts of the ACA, duh, there is some good things in it.
And I'm pretty happy about him wanted a Nationwide CC law so that no matter what state you are in, you're covered. I don't even care much for guns, but I know this is a serious pain for people that travel.