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RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - BmorePat87 - 02-02-2017

(02-02-2017, 01:53 PM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: Not to be an ass, but I'm basing my opinion on hours of research and absorbed evidence.  You are basing yours on an echo chamber of people on a screen telling you what to believe.  Dig into the primary evidence - all I'm saying.  I'll be back to post some of the weirdest stuff later.

Reality isn't the echo chamber, the pizzagate anonymous board is the echo chamber. This is literally the same thing that happened with birthers. They found "evidence" and connected dots by creating elaborate reasons for how the dots could connect and were certain that it was true. 

Just explain to me why they would hire the actor to shoot the computer and create a huge scene instead of destroying it with a drill?

RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - Dill - 02-02-2017

(02-02-2017, 01:02 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: In the vein of “history rhymes”:
1.  A sworn affidavit from the former head of the Dallas and LA FBI field offices that claims that child trafficking operations are perpetrated by government employees: [url=][/url] (points 4 and 9)

Just want to mention something about one "point" in your pattern.

You are excited about an affidavit from a man who believes a shadow government run by the new world order runs auctions of children to middle easterners and maintains that Satanists peform 4,000 ritual murders a year in NY--a thousand more people than died on 9/11 and 40,000 over ten years!!

I suppose if you string together many such points to get your "pattern," you feel you have done research, and those of us not inclined to pursue the question of child auctions and THOUSANDS of ritual murders in one city are the lazy sort.

But this particular point in your pattern reminds me of those moral panic cases that emerge every few years or so. A child at a day care claims s/he was molested. Police work a group of children into describing satan orgies and sacrifices of children and animals.  Then someone in the community asks--"Wait, has anyone filed a report on missing children, dogs, horses? Where are the victims coming from? Where are the secret tunnels? Why is there no blood, bodies, bones? If children were raped with knives, where are the wounds?" And suddenly the PRIMARY EVIDENCE collapses because it was manipulated testimony or HEARSAY. People are let out of jail. But some accusers never recant. They just believe "the Satanists" have won, manipulated the system, hidden the evidence.

Wikipedia lists about 17 such moral panics in the US and abroad. One could link them altogether into a PATTERN of "primary evidence" claiming the Satanists are everywhere. But each individual point collapses.

The only primary evidence that really emerges is of gullibility--the inability to vet sources, to separate heated imagination from facts.

Fake News lives on this inability to vet, coupled with the ability to add up "proof" into "patterns."  

RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - Bilbo Saggins - 02-02-2017

(02-02-2017, 12:34 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Yea, photos of the owner with his friends and their kids, reviews talking about pizza CAUSE PIZZA MEANS KIDS!!!
This literally has no basis in reality, it's an alt right circle jerk on reddit where they assigned symbolism for everything so that everything seems to fit.

Again, lol, pay an actor to make a huge scene to skillfully destroy a computer when you could easily do it privately and no one would know?

This makes birthers look smart.

Notice how I never said that it was a 100% certainty that they hired this actor to dispose of it, just that it was awfully fishy.  Someone blindly firing into a room where they "believe there may be kids being held captive" and miraculously shooting the computer is odd.  It is very strange, can we agree on that?  Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, if they DID hire this guy and they DID have something to hide, it was a genius move.  The general public who knew nothing of the scandal automatically associated everyone who was raising questions with an apparent lunatic.  A computer that may have(in our hypothetical construction) had something incriminating on it now has a perfectly viable reason for being destroyed.   No law enforcement officer or garbage man or suspicious employee can point to a computer with a hole drilled through it and say, "Now that's suspicious."  Again, not saying that I know for sure what happened, but this is a truly bizarre scenario.  

An interesting wrinkle to note is that people who believe that there may be something there do not point to one singular piece of evidence and say, "Ah-ha!  Gotcha!"  The entirety of the evidence to suggest that there is anything to this case is circumstantial.  What gets people wondering is the totality of the available information.  When you look at the pictures of children in baskets, and with their hands taped down, dolls with price tags on them, regular performers at CPP making jokes about pedophilia, art hanging in people's homes of tied up children with red bottoms and scared faces, a hidden and encrypted download page for a pizza restaurant, the weird terminology in the emails, the circumstances involving Laura Silsby, pictures of people wearing suggestive shirts...I could go on and on.  If nothing else this whole case is really, really bizarre.

RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - BmorePat87 - 02-03-2017

(02-02-2017, 11:50 PM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: Notice how I never said that it was a 100% certainty that they hired this actor to dispose of it, just that it was awfully fishy.  Someone blindly firing into a room where they "believe there may be kids being held captive" and miraculously shooting the computer is odd.  It is very strange, can we agree on that?  Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, if they DID hire this guy and they DID have something to hide, it was a genius move.  The general public who knew nothing of the scandal automatically associated everyone who was raising questions with an apparent lunatic.  A computer that may have(in our hypothetical construction) had something incriminating on it now has a perfectly viable reason for being destroyed.   No law enforcement officer or garbage man or suspicious employee can point to a computer with a hole drilled through it and say, "Now that's suspicious."  Again, not saying that I know for sure what happened, but this is a truly bizarre scenario.  

An interesting wrinkle to note is that people who believe that there may be something there do not point to one singular piece of evidence and say, "Ah-ha!  Gotcha!"  The entirety of the evidence to suggest that there is anything to this case is circumstantial.  What gets people wondering is the totality of the available information.  When you look at the pictures of children in baskets, and with their hands taped down, dolls with price tags on them, regular performers at CPP making jokes about pedophilia, art hanging in people's homes of tied up children with red bottoms and scared faces, a hidden and encrypted download page for a pizza restaurant, the weird terminology in the emails, the circumstances involving Laura Silsby, pictures of people wearing suggestive shirts...I could go on and on.  If nothing else this whole case is really, really bizarre.

Bro, do you realize how much of this "evidence" is fake? Do you even know the history behind the conspiracy? It was just a fake tweet by a white supremacist that eventually was picked up by other alt right people before being spread to Godlike Productions and 4chan where they began to "find" evidence, which just means they went to lengths to associate random things with the conspiracy.

"Cheese pizza" must mean CP because it has the same initials!!!! Or a ***** pizza restaurant makes ***** cheese pizza.  

The Podesta brothers are always talking about food, that must be code!!!! Or they have long been known for their Italian cooking and big dinner fundraisers, often cooked by them and their mom.

The owner is wearing a shirt about how he loves kids!!!! No, just shut the **** up, that's not even him and "l'Enfant" is a ***** cafe named after the guy who designed DC.

There's a picture of a kid in a basket!!!!! It's a kid standing in a tiny little wire basket holding the orange that was presumably in it, just being a kid. My buddy has a photo of his kid getting inside the dog crate, OMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG SEX RING!!

It's being run out of their basement!!! There is no ***** basement. 

RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - Dill - 02-04-2017

(02-03-2017, 09:17 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: My buddy has a photo of his kid getting inside the dog crate, OMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG SEX RING!!

It's being run out of their basement!!! There is no ***** basement. 

YOU say there is no basement, Pat. But have law enforcement authorities really checked, and by that I mean more than just a walk around and "ok no basement door Let's go"?

If you are not going to report this, I will!!

RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - Bilbo Saggins - 02-06-2017

Except most of the serious researchers do not claim that there is a basement, or that any abuse actually happens at CPP. Nor do the serious researchers claim to know that all of the people involved are Satanists. Screaming that something is fake over and over again does not change the immutable facts, nor does one singular piece of circumstantial evidence being shaky discount every single item of evidence to suggest that there may be something going on. You can just as easily equate PG or Franklin to Satanic Panic as I can to the systemic abuse of the Catholic Church that was buried for decades. I'm not a professional investigator, I have no law enforcement/legal authority, and am well aware that what I type out isn't going to change anything, but a spade is a spade and some of this stuff is extremely bizarre:

Does anyone really believe that these stratfor employees are talking about real pizza after reading this email? 
Does anyone really believe that these employees at an intelligence company got their pizza cutter out and thinly sliced a singular piece of cold pizza?

Majestic Ape is a regular performer at CPP,  this is not disputed and can be verified by looking up old posters.
I, and most people, don't really find Jared Fogle or his "preferences" to be all that funny, but these people think that it's just hilarious.

Oh and I'm glad that you brought up Andrew Breitbart's tweet from 2/4/11.
It's not at all odd that he died less than a year later of heart failure at the age of 43. Nothing to see here. 

RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - BmorePat87 - 02-07-2017

(02-06-2017, 04:38 AM)Bilbo Saggins Wrote: Except most of the serious researchers do not claim that there is a basement, or that any abuse actually happens at CPP. Nor do the serious researchers claim to know that all of the people involved are Satanists. Screaming that something is fake over and over again does not change the immutable facts, nor does one singular piece of circumstantial evidence being shaky discount every single item of evidence to suggest that there may be something going on. You can just as easily equate PG or Franklin to Satanic Panic as I can to the systemic abuse of the Catholic Church that was buried for decades. I'm not a professional investigator, I have no law enforcement/legal authority, and am well aware that what I type out isn't going to change anything, but a spade is a spade and some of this stuff is extremely bizarre:

Does anyone really believe that these stratfor employees are talking about real pizza after reading this email? 
Does anyone really believe that these employees at an intelligence company got their pizza cutter out and thinly sliced a singular piece of cold pizza?

I am going to be honest, after reading that email, I realized I didn't need to look at another piece of evidence, because that was so blatantly making fun of corporate culture that I do not know what could be construed as code for sexual assault of minors. 

Quote:Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We 

> only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...
> Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and 
> appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire.

"Oh, ok, they're joking about how they're going to feed them but all they have is one slice of old pizza, so they have to share. Then a little joke all of these silly unnecessary things you often do in an office (file, color code, make multiple copies). "

Quote:Does the pizza offer include those of us who can't make the meeting because

we're out here editing? 'Cos if so, count me in.

This e-mail is color-coded in black and white and will combust in 30

"Oh, lol, man, what about those of us who can't come, can't we get any of this fictitious pizza? Insert joke about color coding the email and it exploding when read."

Quote:Are you sure this might not be a Jim Jones Kool-Aid event? Teekell, pls eat

my slice. 

"lol, don't drink the koolaid, man"

but, hey, let's look at the other evidence:
-Whoa, a punk rocker is making fun of people? Must be a sex ring.
-Andrew Breitbart, an overweigth man with a history of heart problems who looked 15 years older than he was died of heart failure over a year after he tweeted about Podesta? Scandal!

You actually believe this?

RE: Ben Swann on "Fake News" - Rotobeast - 02-07-2017

We're not injecting Epstein and his island further into this ?
I mean, the majority of the trafficked children are from there and are clones of political figures.
They are just making sure they enjoy pleasures of the flesh, before sacrificing them and harvesting their organs.

I made that all up, but it sounds like something we'd all want to believe of the people who hold power.

It could be true though, for all I know.

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