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RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 03:57 PM)Bengalzona Wrote: I suspect this is the "post-Bolton" Trump. Perhaps truer to his real sentiments. For as much as I criticize him, I can respect this answer a bit more than some of his past responses to world events.

Like the one he made about this particular incident?


"locked a loaded"

Tough talked, with no spine.

That his supporters fall for it isn't too surprising (I know you aren't one) and give him "credit" for not being a "warmonger".

RE: War with Iran? - Bengalzona - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 05:22 PM)GMDino Wrote: Like the one he made about this particular incident?


"locked a loaded"

Tough talked, with no spine.

That his supporters fall for it isn't too surprising (I know you aren't one) and give him "credit" for not being a "warmonger".

I think he was trying to impress Bolton. It wasn't until this morning that he finally realized he had fired Bolton a week ago. Wink

RE: War with Iran? - Benton - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 02:08 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'm no fan of Saudi Arabia, but they were the nation that was attacked.  If they choose not to respond we should honor that.

Suppose it is proven that Iran did deliberately attack SA, what do you think the response should be?

Ours? A strongly worded letter condemning the attack. Maybe some sanctions.

Sa's? Not telling the POTUS he needs to go fight their fight with us troops.

RE: War with Iran? - Bengalzona - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 08:53 AM)GMDino Wrote: Let's ask the President what we should do!



I wonder if the Prez thinks that if the Saudis send cash, he may get away without reporting it to the IRS? Ninja

RE: War with Iran? - bfine32 - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 07:40 PM)Benton Wrote: Ours? A strongly worded letter condemning the attack. Maybe some sanctions.

So: "Talk loudly and carry a small stick"

RE: War with Iran? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 09-17-2019

(09-17-2019, 07:40 PM)Benton Wrote: Ours? A strongly worded letter condemning the attack. Maybe some sanctions.

Sa's? Not telling the POTUS he needs to go fight their fight with us troops.

Soooo, nothing?

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 09-17-2019

Mom and dad are fighting again!


RE: War with Iran? - Benton - 09-18-2019

(09-17-2019, 07:51 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So: "Talk loudly and carry a small stick"

(09-17-2019, 10:47 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Soooo, nothing?

Well, I'm not a Saudi... soooo, yeah. Nothing.

I get the Saudis spend a lot of money on our politicians. And I get Trump has private interests (or has tried to have) in SA. And they have a large impact on gas prices.

None of those are causes for us to get into our ... hell, I'm losing count, fourth?... warfront using US soldiers and resources. And tax dollars. I agreed with Trump five years ago when he said SA should fight their own wars. I still agree with that. Someone we don't like bombing a resource of someone we shouldn't like is no reason to spend billions fighting the former. Or the latter. 

But, hey, if it was me, I'd have done what we've said we were going to do for 15(ish) years and bug out of the ME. Stop wasting tax dollars and maybe strengthen the economy so the next time we need to fight a war, we can effectively.

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 09-18-2019

So which is is (non) Trump supporters?  Are you giving him "credit" for not being a "warmonger" or do you want him to back up his big words and get into ANOTHER war in the ME?

RE: War with Iran? - bfine32 - 09-18-2019

(09-18-2019, 08:50 AM)GMDino Wrote: So which is is (non) Trump supporters?  Are you giving him "credit" for not being a "warmonger" or do you want him to back up his big words and get into ANOTHER war in the ME?

If only those "non-Trump Supporters" could be as unbiased in their assessment of what Trump says as you constantly have shown to be; this forum would be much more of an unbiased place to discuss issues.

As for me I've never said which I prefer. I simply observed his comments were more reserved than in the past. This triggered someone to post a video of a duck. Personally I like the talk softly and carry a big stick approach.  I've said all along; any actions should be part of a coalition. 

RE: War with Iran? - TheLeonardLeap - 09-18-2019

(09-18-2019, 12:36 AM)Benton Wrote: Well, I'm not a Saudi... soooo, yeah. Nothing.

But, hey, if it was me, I'd have done what we've said we were going to do for 15(ish) years and bug out of the ME. Stop wasting tax dollars and maybe strengthen the economy so the next time we need to fight a war, we can effectively.

[Image: tumblr_nkwv21UbqS1u9kkmzo1_400.gif]

Preach it Benton! 

Really the only reason to be in the Middle East right now in any form or fashion is the Navy protecting shipping lanes from pirates, because that directly affects our country if we can't safely import and export goods. Outside of that, F it.

RE: War with Iran? - jj22 - 09-18-2019

I'm not for leaving the middle east. The Republican in me has struggled with the Democrat in me on this subject.

You leave and who fills that vacuum? Putin? ISIS? Al-Q? Whoever it is won't be good for America and western Democracy.

I don't want to police the world, but we have to keep our enemy's close. We can't be ho hum twiddling our thumbs watching MLB while another Hitler/Bin Laden comes to power right under our nose.

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 09-18-2019

(09-18-2019, 02:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If only those "non-Trump Supporters" could be as unbiased in their assessment of what Trump says as you constantly have shown to be; this forum would be much more of an unbiased place to discuss issues.

See, you think that that is somehow a burn but I have never claimed my views on Trump are unbiased. I don't like him. As President or a person. haven't for years. And I willing admit that I post things he does that are dumb/misguided/wrong to prove that he is dumb/misguided/wrong.

Others? Well they have a hard time admitting their biases.

But if I ever have lied about Trump or posted an untruth I'd say you had a point.

(09-18-2019, 02:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As for me I've never said which I prefer.

Of course not. Then you would have to defend a position rather than float the "I never said that" defense.

(09-18-2019, 02:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I simply observed his comments were more reserved than in the past. This triggered someone to post a video of a duck. Personally I like the talk softly and carry a big stick approach.  I've said all along; any actions should be part of a coalition. 

So you do have a preference then? How hard was that?

Spin, parry, thrust. Hilarious

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 09-18-2019

[Image: 70292546_2580303218699522_75955316501596...e=5DFD037C]

RE: War with Iran? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 09-19-2019

(09-18-2019, 12:36 AM)Benton Wrote: Well, I'm not a Saudi... soooo, yeah. Nothing.

I get the Saudis spend a lot of money on our politicians. And I get Trump has private interests (or has tried to have) in SA. And they have a large impact on gas prices.

None of those are causes for us to get into our ... hell, I'm losing count, fourth?... warfront using US soldiers and resources. And tax dollars. I agreed with Trump five years ago when he said SA should fight their own wars. I still agree with that. Someone we don't like bombing a resource of someone we shouldn't like is no reason to spend billions fighting the former. Or the latter. 

But, hey, if it was me, I'd have done what we've said we were going to do for 15(ish) years and bug out of the ME. Stop wasting tax dollars and maybe strengthen the economy so the next time we need to fight a war, we can effectively.

You misunderstand.  I'm all for minimal to zero US interventionism.  I'd pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq tomorrow, in full, given my choice.  That doesn't mean I'm not ok with us bloodying the nose of a disgusting theocratic state sponsor of terrorism and piracy given sufficient provocation.

RE: War with Iran? - Benton - 09-19-2019

(09-19-2019, 12:43 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You misunderstand.  I'm all for minimal to zero US interventionism.  I'd pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq tomorrow, in full, given my choice.  That doesn't mean I'm not ok with us bloodying the nose of a disgusting theocratic state sponsor of terrorism and piracy given sufficient provocation.

But... Is it?

Unless there's something more to it, we've lost $0 tax and 0 troops in this bombing. To me, that's 0 interest. 

Iran sucks arse. There's about 85 other countries that suck arse. Maybe more. as no us citizens are in danger and there's significant threat to a loss of life for another country (no Nazis marching or African genocides) then, to me, we've got 0 reason to get involved. 

Hell, if we're just going to go after every crappy country, drop a bomb big enough to hit Iran and sa*.

* For those unsure, I'm not advocating bombing either. The point is neither one is better than the other.

RE: War with Iran? - GMDino - 09-19-2019

[Image: 70974655_390096228355280_806639373806836...e=5DFFD85B]

RE: War with Iran? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 09-19-2019

(09-19-2019, 01:19 AM)Benton Wrote: But... Is it?

Unless there's something more to it, we've lost $0 tax and 0 troops in this bombing. To me, that's 0 interest. 

Iran sucks arse. There's about 85 other countries that suck arse. Maybe more. as no us citizens are in danger and there's significant threat to a loss of life for another country (no Nazis marching or African genocides) then, to me, we've got 0 reason to get involved. 

Hell, if we're just going to go after every crappy country, drop a bomb big enough to hit Iran and sa*.

* For those unsure, I'm not advocating bombing either. The point is neither one is better than the other.

I get it, I don't entirely disagree either.  I would say that Iran is in the top 5 of the world's worst countries.  I wouldn't agree with direct military action, but I have no issue with us providing support for a SA action against Iran.

RE: War with Iran? - bfine32 - 09-19-2019

(09-18-2019, 03:00 PM)jj22 Wrote: I'm not for leaving the middle east. The Republican in me has struggled with the Democrat in me on this subject.

You leave and who fills that vacuum? Putin? ISIS? Al-Q? Whoever it is won't be good for America and western Democracy.

I don't want to police the world, but we have to keep our enemy's close. We can't be ho hum twiddling our thumbs watching MLB while another Hitler/Bin Laden comes to power right under our nose.

This is where I've been. We need a more stable presence in the ME. the EU doesn't like us anymore, let's pull all of assets out of there and the unequal amount of money we spend on NATO and find some countries in the ME that want to be our friends and take our resources. 

RE: War with Iran? - Benton - 09-19-2019

(09-19-2019, 11:46 AM)bfine32 Wrote: This is where I've been. We need a more stable presence in the ME. the EU doesn't like us anymore, let's pull all of assets out of there and the unequal amount of money we spend on NATO and find some countries in the ME that want to be our friends and take our resources. 

Four of the top 10 world economies are in the EU. One ME country (SA) is in the top 20 (#19). Several of those are significant trade partners. I'm all for closing bases and reducing our NATO footprint, but not really a fan of shifting that money to a region constantly at war with not a lot of trading potential.