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Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - Printable Version

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RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - fredtoast - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 02:52 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Well if you want to stand behind obama’s Deportations then you obviously have no issue with Trump continuing them.  

Glad to have you on board.

Thanks for showing your level of knowledge concerning the deportation policy under Obama and the one under Trump.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - StLucieBengal - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 03:06 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: All I did was point the fact that he did deport the most people in US history as him not kicking the can down the road. I didn't defend it, but I am ok with common sense deportations. Get rid of criminals not business owners.

Turning people away at the border isn’t actual deportation. At least in the sense that most Americans feel.

The more ICE deports the closer the democrats will get to changing the laws.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - bfine32 - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 02:45 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No that was not his point at all.  You have to be completely brainwashed to think that was his point.  He said nothing about what was actually accomplished.  All he talked about was what the Dems WANTED to do.

"The Dems had all three branches of government back in 2008-2011, and they decided not to do anything about DACA. They only want to use it as a campaign issue."

Let me make this even more simple for you.  Which party wanted to fix DACA more when the Dems had control of congress?  Which party tried to do more to fix DACA when the Dems controlled congress?

Like I said.  Only people who live in an echo chamber think the Democrats never WANTED to fix DACA when they controlled congress or decided to DO NOTHING.  Those claims are laughable.

So either they decided not to accomplish anything or they were unable to do so. Feel free to buy whichever narrative you choose and then ask yourself which is worse. 

Also if I were to join the "what was said, not what was meant club" I would have to ask: Why would anyone want to fix DACA, seems like a poor thing for the Dems to want to do; as all it does it delay deportation. Seems a more noble undertaking would be to scrap DACA and develop a merit-based pathway to citizenship.

But I understand the point you tried to make.  Let's all just hope Congress decides to support POTUS' desire to develop a pathway to citizenship.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - bfine32 - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 10:02 AM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]


As I said he has the support of you and Nati. Two of the most open-minded and moderate posters in the forum 

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - GMDino - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 05:38 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Turning people away at the border isn’t actual deportation. At least in the sense that most Americans feel.  

The more ICE deports the closer the democrats will get to changing the laws.

So your logic is that Trump is deliberately destroying the families of upstanding individuals to force the Democrats to come up with a plan....when they already did that and the GOP rejected it and then did another one under Trump and HE rejected it?

That kind of twisting is olympic level.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - BmorePat87 - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 05:38 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Turning people away at the border isn’t actual deportation. At least in the sense that most Americans feel.  

Well that's good since Obama focused on removals from the country (actual deportations) not turning people away at the border like Clinton and Bush did. he had more than those two combined. Formal deportees are less likely to try to return than those turned away at the border. 

So I guess you would like his policy the most. 

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - GMDino - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 05:58 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As I said he has the support of you and Nati. Two of the most open-minded and moderate posters in the forum 

Oh I don't know.  I think I skew liberal on many issues.  Mellow

All seriousness aside, it seems your president misspoke/was wrong (again) but folks are willing to try and "interpret" what he "meant" (again) while accusing everyone ELSE of trying to misrepresent what he said.

Luckily I speak jive and understood exactly what was written.   Smirk

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - StLucieBengal - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 06:15 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Well that's good since Obama focused on removals from the country (actual deportations) not turning people away at the border like Clinton and Bush did. he had more than those two combined. Formal deportees are less likely to try to return than those turned away at the border. 

So I guess you would like his policy the most. 

I like the policy of ICE sweeping the country arresting illegals and deporting them.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - BmorePat87 - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 06:28 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I like the policy of ICE sweeping the country arresting illegals and deporting them.

Well then you shouldn't have any issue with Obama's results compared to Trump and Bush. His deportation rates were higher than theirs and that was with him being more selective about getting gang members and criminals than those two were. 

Talk about results you can set your watch to. 

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - BmorePat87 - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 05:52 PM)bfine32 Wrote: So either they decided not to accomplish anything or they were unable to do so. Feel free to buy whichever narrative you choose and then ask yourself which is worse. 

Also if I were to join the "what was said, not what was meant club" I would have to ask: Why would anyone want to fix DACA, seems like a poor thing for the Dems to want to do; as all it does it delay deportation. Seems a more noble undertaking would be to scrap DACA and develop a merit-based pathway to citizenship.

But I understand the point you tried to make.  Let's all just hope Congress decides to support POTUS' desire to develop a pathway to citizenship.

By "what was meant" you mean "what Bfine says it actually means despite three sentences that clearly don't say that".

But I understand the point you tried to make.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - StLucieBengal - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 06:34 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Well then you shouldn't have any issue with Obama's results compared to Trump and Bush. His deportation rates were higher than theirs and that was with him being more selective about getting gang members and criminals than those two were. 

Talk about results you can set your watch to. 

It’s not about gang members for me. I want all illegals deported. Gang or no gang affiliation.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - BmorePat87 - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 07:24 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It’s not about gang members for me.   I want all illegals deported.  Gang or no gang affiliation.

Well it looks like Obama is the closest you'll get to your dream. Deporting all illegal immigrants is neither practical nor cost effective. It would destroy the economy. 

It would be an emotional response, not a pragmatic or rational one. 

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - GMDino - 02-13-2018

(02-13-2018, 07:24 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: It’s not about gang members for me.   I want all illegals deported.  Gang or no gang affiliation.

At least you're being mostly honest, finally.

I still wish you better understood the Dreamers and DACA but honesty is the first step.

Now the question is: why?

If they are not committing crimes and they are contributing to society...what is your rush to get rid of them "all"?

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - ballsofsteel - 02-14-2018

I wish Drumph was as concerned about Russia as he is about some Mexicans sneaking over the border. All of our govt. security heads are telling congress that the Russians are in our business now and it will be worse in the 2018 mid term elections. Drumph ignores these warnings, why? Most of the Drumph lovers who got a buck fifty a week increase in their paycheck still think the Russia investigation is a witch hunt and its all the Dems out to discredit their fearless leader. Why do you think Drumph will not release his tax returns? You know why.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - michaelsean - 02-14-2018

(02-14-2018, 08:03 AM)ballsofsteel Wrote: I wish Drumph was as concerned about Russia as he is about some Mexicans sneaking over the border. All of our govt. security heads are telling congress that the Russians are in our business now and it will be worse in the 2018 mid term elections. Drumph ignores these warnings, why? Most of the Drumph lovers who got a buck fifty a week increase in their paycheck still think the Russia investigation is a witch hunt and its all the Dems out to discredit their fearless leader. Why do you think Drumph will not release his tax returns? You know why.

You dream about him, don't you?

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - StLucieBengal - 02-14-2018

(02-13-2018, 08:06 PM)GMDino Wrote: At least you're being mostly honest, finally.

I still wish you better understood the Dreamers and DACA but honesty is the first step.

Now the question is: why?

If they are not committing crimes and they are contributing to society...what is your rush to get rid of them "all"?

They are committing crimes. They are violating immigration laws. Obviously you do not believe those are real laws..... but in fact they are real.

I wish we could deport all criminals, but we are stuck with our own so why should we be dealing with criminals from another country?

Identity theft is massive and is also a felony. Which these people are committing.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - GMDino - 02-14-2018

(02-14-2018, 11:10 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: They are committing crimes.   They are violating immigration laws.  Obviously you do not believe those are real laws.....  but in fact they are real.    

I wish we could deport all criminals, but we are stuck with our own so why should we be dealing with criminals from another country?  

Identity theft is massive and is also a felony.   Which these people are committing.

Immigration laws are real.

Identity theft is illegal.

Your conflating them is a red herring.

Man lives in the US for 30 years.  Marries, raises a family.  Runs a successful business and contributes to society all while never being arrested for anything.

And you want him gone over a piece of paper misfiled.

That's hate my friend.

And it makes me sad for you.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - hollodero - 02-14-2018

(02-14-2018, 11:06 AM)michaelsean Wrote: You dream about him, don't you?

He's absolutely right though, and this is none of the maybe more petty subjects like affairs with hugely canned porn stars. The Russia situation gets weirder by the day. Every intelligence officer claims again and again that the US is under Russian propaganda attack, that your political discourse is undermined and that they will attack again midterm. Yet there's no order to address that. Russians hacked the DNC and at least indirectly published tons of Clinton mails, yet Trump has nothing to say to that. There's reports of people bragging about Russia getting Trump elected, there's even reports of Russians accessing voter databases, yet Trump doesn't mind. Congress ordered Trump to implement sanctions against Russian oligarchs and officials linked to Russian intelligence as retaliation, yet Trump refuses. He even refuses to put out an obviously existing list of those people. Trump and minions blatantly lied about Russian contacts, Moscow Trump Tower plans or business associates dealing with Russians. Trump and Putin talk all the time and it's the Russians notifying the public, including about secretive Oval office meetings with Lavrov. Trump tells them intelligence secrets, Trump folk met all kinds of Russians debating an end to sanctions, Trump has nothing but praise for the murderous Mafia godfather in the Kreml, including equating the US to these deeds. This all is incredibly odd and I do not wonder why someone is upset with all that. I wonder how somenone is not.

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - Griever - 02-14-2018

(02-14-2018, 11:10 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: They are committing crimes.   They are violating immigration laws.  Obviously you do not believe those are real laws.....  but in fact they are real.    

I wish we could deport all criminals, but we are stuck with our own so why should we be dealing with criminals from another country?  

Identity theft is massive and is also a felony.   Which these people are committing.

can we get rid of ivankas parents? since they came over due to "chain migration"

or is it different because they are white

RE: Trump struggles with the basics on history and civics in DACA tweet - michaelsean - 02-14-2018

(02-14-2018, 02:19 PM)hollodero Wrote: He's absolutely right though, and this is none of the maybe more petty subjects like affairs with hugely canned porn stars. The Russia situation gets weirder by the day. Every intelligence officer claims again and again that the US is under Russian propaganda attack, that your political discourse is undermined and that they will attack again midterm. Yet there's no order to address that. Russians hacked the DNC and at least indirectly published tons of Clinton mails, yet Trump has nothing to say to that. There's reports of people bragging about Russia getting Trump elected, there's even reports of Russians accessing voter databases, yet Trump doesn't mind. Congress ordered Trump to implement sanctions against Russian oligarchs and officials linked to Russian intelligence as retaliation, yet Trump refuses. He even refuses to put out an obviously existing list of those people. Trump and minions blatantly lied about Russian contacts, Moscow Trump Tower plans or business associates dealing with Russians. Trump and Putin talk all the time and it's the Russians notifying the public, including about secretive Oval office meetings with Lavrov. Trump tells them intelligence secrets, Trump folk met all kinds of Russians debating an end to sanctions, Trump has nothing but praise for the murderous Mafia godfather in the Kreml, including equating the US to these deeds. This all is incredibly odd and I do not wonder why someone is upset with all that. I wonder how somenone is not.

Oh I have no idea what he actually wrote.  All I have to see is "Drumph" and some new picture of his obsession in the sig, and I move along.