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RE: Trump investigating Google - bengaloo - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 10:07 PM)Au165 Wrote: I know what block stack is and no it isn't an "internet" browser, Block stack is at best an intranet browser. This is a closed system with little value, hardly the internet killer you want it to be. Again, it's not the internet because it's not accomplishing the basic goal of 90% of internet use and that is simply browsing simple mundane information. These are all apps that have practical uses but not the novelty use that still dominates the internet. It's a fad that will never catch on because the large majority of internet users use it for mundane tasks that require no real special privacy considerations and therefor will not submit to the more difficult on boarding task.

I get it you think you are part of some sort of revolution...but you aren't. You think what your doing is a noble cause...but it's not. Block chain is the 2010's snake oil a cure all that has little value in most applications. It has a place in ownership mechanisms but basic browsing there is none. The whole concept is counter intuitive to what the internet is, it is about openness and exploration not hiding. As I explained the interconnection of devices and services that the block chain evangelicals  want to pretend is a problem is actually the thing most common internet users want. It's a fools errand to believe that people want security, no the majority of people want ease of use. Block chain is not ease of use and therefor it is obsolete before it begins.

Fun Fact: block stack has 113k monthly visits....Google has 3.5 billion searches per day.

Lol, nice post. I dont think I'm part of a revolution, but I do think the people behind the technology could be. I do however recognize that you are not a very friendly person. Have a good day....

RE: Trump investigating Google - Au165 - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 10:18 PM)bengaloo Wrote: Lol, nice post. I dont think I'm part of a revolution, but I do think the people behind the technology could be. I do however recognize that you are not a very friendly person. Have a good day....

I tend to be pleasant, I simply don't do well with people selling snake oil as a cure all. I'm always up for discussing the merits however you have failed to show how it has any ability to scale or be an effective tool for the majority of internet users. As I said 113k visits a month isn't changing the world when Google does 3.5 billion a day. You can't gain market share through simply wishing it to reality. As much as you want to pretend that it's solving a large issue, the general public don't agree with you.

RE: Trump investigating Google - GMDino - 08-31-2018

[Image: 40493966_2284860628273645_89038764720416...e=5BEDCC8D]

RE: Trump investigating Google - bengaloo - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 10:25 PM)Au165 Wrote: I tend to be pleasant, I simply don't do well with people selling snake oil as a cure all. I'm always up for discussing the merits however you have failed to show how it has any ability to scale or be an effective tool for the majority of internet users. As I said 113k visits a month isn't changing the world when Google does 3.5 billion a day. You can't gain market share through simply wishing it to reality. As much as you want to pretend that it's solving a large issue, the general public don't agree with you.

Honestly, in that industry, I'm pretty used to people who have your attitude. Its just very common, and I cant help to see it as a turn off. Anyway, like I said, this is brand new and in its infancy, so doing your little traffic lookups is really not that important to me. I know a lot of this technology and the exchange of ideas and information currently is done through onions anyway, so nothing you lookup is going to really paint a full picture on the scale of it from where you are sitting. But as long as it makes you feel good, that really actually is all that matters. The thing that is most impressive about it to me are the number of people and the scale of some of those businesses who are investing in this company. That doesnt happen on the scale it is for something that is not expected to be big. The stagnant internet we have is insecure and people are starting to become more aware and concerned with their privacy and the actual ownership of their data. This is actually becoming more and more of a mainstream issue all the time, especially with the president making it an even more popular issue, which is sort of what this thread is about. I guess my point is, I dont think Trump can do much, but more importantly I dont think he will have to. I didnt vote. I dont give a rats ass about Trump or Hillary. I would pay to watch them mud wrestle and thats about it for me. But.... Millions of people are already talking about the desire for a more safe and secure internet, and to move away from the big tech companies and the system we have now. Google is too powerful, and although people continue to use it, most people actually agree with that statement, and wish there actually was a better alternative. Well, there will be. Its just as much of a culture shift as a technology advance. This would be fun to revive this thread in 10 years. Google is not going to keep the power they have forever, and the internet is not going to keep working the way it is forever. I think the idea that they are is kind of absurd actually.

Watch the "surveillance state" become a very popular issue coming up here pretty soon. Its going to start being mainstrean. Just watch it and see, dont take my word for it. A culture shift is going to happen to move away from a lot of what has been happening.

RE: Trump investigating Google - Au165 - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 10:47 PM)bengaloo Wrote: Honestly, in that industry, I'm pretty used to people who have your attitude. Its just very common, and I cant help to see it as a turn off. Anyway, like I said, this is brand new and in its infancy, so doing your little traffic lookups is really not that important to me. I know a lot of this technology and the exchange of ideas and information currently is done through onions anyway, so nothing you lookup is going to really paint a full picture on the scale of it from where you are sitting. But as long as it makes you feel good, that really actually is all that matters. The thing that is most impressive about it to me are the number of people and the scale of some of those businesses who are investing in this company. That doesnt happen on the scale it is for something that is not expected to be big. The stagnant internet we have is insecure and people are starting to become more aware and concerned with their privacy and the actual ownership of their data. This is actually becoming more and more of a mainstream issue all the time, especially with the president making it an even more popular issue, which is sort of what this thread is about. I guess my point is, I dont think Trump can do much, but more importantly I dont think he will have to. I didnt vote. I dont give a rats ass about Trump or Hillary. I would pay to watch them mud wrestle and thats about it for me. But.... Millions of people are already talking about the desire for a more safe and secure internet, and to move away from the big tech companies and the system we have now. Google is too powerful, and although people continue to use it, most people actually agree with that statement, and wish there actually was a better alternative. Well, there will be. Its just as much of a culture shift as a technology advance. This would be fun to revive this thread in 10 years. Google is not going to keep the power they have forever, and the internet is not going to keep working the way it is forever. I think the idea that they are is kind of absurd actually.

Watch the "surveillance state" become a very popular issue coming up here pretty soon. Its going to start being mainstrean. Just watch it and see, dont take my word for it. A culture shift is going to happen to move away from a lot of what has been happening.

113k visits per’s nothing. YouTube videos get more traffic. It’s a non factor. People thought Betamax was the next big thing too! You talk about “millions” wanting better security yet only 113k a month even go to Block stack, that is not even a blip in total internet users.

RE: Trump investigating Google - michaelsean - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 10:53 PM)Au165 Wrote: 113k visits per’s nothing. YouTube videos get more traffic. It’s a non factor. People thought Betamax was the next big thing too! You talk about “millions” wanting better security yet only 113k a month even go to Block stack, that is not even a blip in total internet users.

Betamax shoulda been. It was a superior product. (Sorry. I wanted to join the conversation and that’s the only part I understood)

RE: Trump investigating Google - bengaloo - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 10:53 PM)Au165 Wrote: 113k visits per’s nothing. YouTube videos get more traffic. It’s a non factor. People thought Betamax was the next big thing too! You talk about “millions” wanting better security yet only 113k a month even go to Block stack, that is not even a blip in total internet users.

Like I say, whatever makes you feel better is really the most important thing in your life. But I will say, in my mind, the traffic that you can see via their website honestly doesnt really mean anything to me. I mean I know why you would do it, and I know network admins and such used those little tools to gather info. But I assure you, their web address is really meaningless at this point. When I'm learning blockstack and working with the people I learn from, its all through onion addresses anyway, everything has been so far anyway. And I mean everything. I have the browser and have been using it, but I had to google to get their actual web address just to post it here because I didnt get any of my info from their website. Although it can be installed and used, there is not much point in it at this point because there are not many apps yet. But when some of the biggest banks in the world are investing in it. When people like George Gilder and many others get on board with stuff like this, I tend to listen a little more than I would to a knowitall network admin type on a poltics/nfl offense. So back to George Gilder. He recently wrote a book called Life After Google. You should check it out. Everyone should check it out actually. Its really good!

RE: Trump investigating Google - Au165 - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 11:10 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Betamax shoulda been. It was a superior product. (Sorry. I wanted to join the conversation and that’s the only part I understood)

That is actually the point. The best product doesn’t always win, it’s about adoption. If I didn’t know better it would seem you understand!

RE: Trump investigating Google - Au165 - 08-31-2018

(08-31-2018, 11:15 PM)bengaloo Wrote: Like I say, whatever makes you feel better is really the most important thing in your life. But I will say, in my mind, the traffic that you can see via their website honestly doesnt really mean anything to me. I mean I know why you would do it, and I know network admins and such used those little tools to gather info. But I assure you, their web address is really meaningless at this point. When I'm learning blockstack and working with the people I learn from, its all through onion addresses anyway, everything has been so far anyway. And I mean everything. I have the browser and have been using it, but I had to google to get their actual web address just to post it here because I didnt get any of my info from their website. Although it can be installed and used, there is not much point in it at this point because there are not many apps yet. But when some of the biggest banks in the world are investing in it. When people like George Gilder and many others get on board with stuff like this, I tend to listen a little more than I would to a knowitall network admin type on a poltics/nfl offense. So back to George Gilder. He recently wrote a book called Life After Google. You should check it out. Everyone should check it out actually. Its really good! had to google to get their address. Everything you’ve written is now proven pointless with that single statement. Thanks, this was fun haha.

RE: Trump investigating Google - bengaloo - 09-01-2018

(08-31-2018, 11:19 PM)Au165 Wrote: had to google to get their address. Everything you’ve written is now proven pointless with that single statement. Thanks, this was fun haha.

I think saying what I did in my last post got my post deleted. Let me put it this way. I dont really think you understand very much about how development outside of a company structure works. Like I said, I've been using their browser a while, and playing with apps on it, but today was first time I went to their website. Why would that be?

RE: Trump investigating Google - bengaloo - 09-01-2018

I want to expand on this further because I was saying its culture as much as tech. And obviously this is all opinion but its based on a lot of trends all happening at the same time. Around the world there is sort of a libertarian movement happening. People are getting a little fed up with being used as collateral by their governments, and as advertising data to big tech and corporations, etc. Its really growing fast actually. Of course google is not going to notice a big dip in traffic yet. This is really just becoming a popular topic. Internet security is actually bound to grow into and even more popular topic at a faster rate as time pass. I'm not a hacker, and dont have the desire to learn and never did, but I know people who do that stuff and I know people who have been on the receiving end of it. Its ugly. Not too mention, more people are learning what the fine print really says, and how tracking really works, and its becoming more and more of a turn off to millions. I also think Google, if they are doing what Trump says they are doing, its really going to hurt them and speed the migration to other things up. And its not about Trump, its about the abuse of power. EVen people who dont like Trump have that seed now. They too will have to wonder if it could be them next? Google is fine and dandy and its a great product, but they are also a really massive powerful corporation who is abusing its power and abusing its users more and more. Facebook same thing. These corporations shouldn't be involved in politics either. Back in the day both liberals and conservatives could agree on that. What happened I dont know, but more and more, the people are warming up to these big powerful companies, as long as they are not on the wrong end of it of course. Believe me if Google didnt like Bernie and they were supressing news, the entire left would be protesting outside google. But back to the point, Google will eventually lose a big portion of its power. I predict its going to be block chain based tech and crypocurrencies gaining more ground that helps change everything. So far its the most solid safest anyone have seen. Thats a big deal.

RE: Trump investigating Google - fredtoast - 09-03-2018

(09-01-2018, 12:33 AM)bengaloo Wrote:  These corporations shouldn't be involved in politics either. Back in the day both liberals and conservatives could agree on that.

"Back in the day"?

Seriously?  When was that time?

Business and policitcs have been tied together since the industrial revolution.

RE: Trump investigating Google - bengaloo - 09-03-2018

(09-03-2018, 11:50 AM)fredtoast Wrote: "Back in the day"?

Seriously?  When was that time?

Business and policitcs have been tied together since the industrial revolution.

I totally agree that it started in the industrial revolution. I dont know an exact time really, but I know even when I was younger I can distinctly remember the two sides could find a lot more common ground than they do today on a lot of issues, and I think most of your average Americans agreed that big business corrupts government and vise versa no matter which side they were on. Thats really what I meant. I really do remember a time when there was much more tolerance for people who disagreed politically, and one of the common ground issues were the dangers of big business getting too powerful to the point that they use that power against citizens on any side.

Bill Maher actually nails it here when talking about companies suppressing speech. He obviously doesnt like that Alex Jones guy, but he pretty well went off on his entire audience and his guests for applauding the silencing of Alex Jones. What Bill said was right. You either believe in real freedom of speech or you dont. Period. Google apparently doesnt and they arent the only one. It will be their downfall, as other technologies are coming out with the aim at valuing peoples personal freedom and safety. This is just the random result of a youtube search for bill maher on alex jones.....

My issues with Google and Facebook, etc, however are really not all based on this news stuff tho. Here is just one example of these tech companies showing their evil. They really dont care about people, trust me. Its a rabbit hole that some people may be better off not going down.

Google is not your friend and neither is most of big tech. They would gladly watch you rot if it meant more money for them. They are no different than the big energy companies and the military industrial complex. You mean nothing to them except their bottom dollar.