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RE: Number 22 - Dill - 06-27-2019

(06-27-2019, 06:51 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: Then, like Monica if there is any of his defective DNA on that dress, wouldn't that be enough to do him in assuming there is no statue of limitations?
Or would he change his story and say it was consensual  and deny that he ever said he didn't know her?

The "alleged" victim says she is not going to press charges though. She is still very afraid of Trump.

And according to Lawyer Mya Wylie, there is no statute of limitations on rape in this case.

Looks like a woman whose psychic life is still suffering, decades later.

RE: Number 22 - Nately120 - 06-27-2019

(06-27-2019, 06:51 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: Then, like Monica if there is any of his defective DNA on that dress, wouldn't that be enough to do him in assuming there is no statue of limitations?
Or would he change his story and say it was consensual  and deny that he ever said he didn't know her?

I assume Trump would just say that the DNA is fake and was planted by his enemies and his followers would use the "fact" that people would try to frame him to further prove that he is awesome and not guilty.  Then audio of Trump admitting to doing it would surface and that would be brushed off as regular ol' locker room talk.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to meet up with my friends and we are going to brag about which one of us is the biggest sex offender.

RE: Number 22 - Dill - 06-27-2019

(06-27-2019, 11:37 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I assume Trump would just say that the DNA is fake and was planted by his enemies and his followers would use the "fact" that people would try to frame him to further prove that he is awesome and not guilty.  Then audio of Trump admitting to doing it would surface and that would be brushed off as regular ol' locker room talk.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to meet up with my friends and we are going to brag about which one of us is the biggest sex offender.

Trump could rape someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave. and his base would stick with him.

RE: Number 22 - BakertheBeast - 06-28-2019

A bunch of Congressmen and Senators keep saying that no one is above the law even the President. This doesn't appear to be true with Trump.

RE: Number 22 - Dill - 06-28-2019

(06-28-2019, 06:43 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: A bunch of Congressmen and Senators keep saying that no one is above the law even the President. This doesn't appear to be true with Trump.

So long as his supporters keep him in power, it will not be true of him.

Rule of law is for immigrants and the US border.

RE: Number 22 - bfine32 - 07-01-2019

(06-25-2019, 09:41 AM)jj22 Wrote: Biden puts his hand on a women's shoulder and Americans and the media end his POTUS hopes.

Musts be nice to be a Republican.

But a Democrat did more to end his POTUS hopes that any Republican. " I do not believe you are a racist, but......." 

Must be nice to play the race card. 

RE: Number 22 - Dill - 07-01-2019

(07-01-2019, 03:55 PM)bfine32 Wrote: But a Democrat did more to end his POTUS hopes that any Republican. " I do not believe you are a racist, but......." 

Must be nice to play the race card. 


RE: Number 22 - Aquapod770 - 07-02-2019

I wonder why this thread fizzled out so quickly.


RE: Number 22 - Dill - 07-02-2019

(07-02-2019, 04:59 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: I wonder why this thread fizzled out so quickly.


When #23 appears, it won't last long either. He'll deny it because she was too ugly and Trump supporters will find question the accuser's integrity.

Accusations of rape are a SERIOUS issue, especially against the POTUS,

but Trump's fight to obstruct Congress, his legitimation of NK and MBS, and the Iran crisis collectively use up all the oxygen in the public sphere.


RE: Number 22 - Mike M (the other one) - 07-02-2019

(06-26-2019, 11:45 AM)Dill Wrote: Well, she does say that she saved the clothes. She kept them in a closet all these years and would not touch them--another indicator of trauma.

This is a he said/22 women said type of stalemate. And the "he" is our Liar-and-P-grabber-in-chief.

Then by all means test them! She's making the claim, she has the evidence so go for it! Only way to bring Trump to his knees is to have the evidence.  Possible indicator. How does she react when she sees a picture of Trump? hears his voice etc?

What I think happened, Trump is a man of power, and women love men with power, once Trump gets what he wants with them and is done with them, they feel used and regret what happened. There is nothing worse than a scorned woman. She will wait years to get her revenge. Did Trump go to far with some? Most Likely he did, but in his eyes it was consensual. So with out evidence, it's he said/she said and doesn't end well for the woman.

RE: Number 22 - Dill - 07-02-2019

(07-02-2019, 06:36 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Then by all means test them! She's making the claim, she has the evidence so go for it! Only way to bring Trump to his knees is to have the evidence.  Possible indicator. How does she react when she sees a picture of Trump? hears his voice etc?

What I think happened, Trump is a man of power, and women love men with power, once Trump gets what he wants with them and is done with them, they feel used and regret what happened. There is nothing worse than a scorned woman. She will wait years to get her revenge. Did Trump go to far with some? Most Likely he did, but in his eyes it was consensual. So with out evidence, it's he said/she said and doesn't end well for the woman.

. . . doesn't end well for the womEn--22 of them now.

Weinstein and Cosby were also men of power, but it did not end well for them. People cared how sexual assualt looked in the victim's eyes.

So what's different in this case? This is not really about how rape looks in Trump's eyes, but in the eyes of his supporters.

They don't care what "men of power" do to women, at least not enough to hold them accountable, and find his version of events more trustworthy.


And so he remains in power.

PS this woman is apparently too frightened to take Trump to the courts. Not uncommon for raped women to retain fear of their attackers.

RE: Number 22 - Mike M (the other one) - 07-02-2019

(07-02-2019, 06:56 PM)Dill Wrote: . . . doesn't end well for the womEn--22 of them now.

Weinstein and Cosby were also men of power, but it did not end well for them. People cared how sexual assualt looked in the victim's eyes.

So what's different in this case? This is not really about how rape looks in Trump's eyes, but in the eyes of his supporters.

They don't care what "men of power" do to women, at least not enough to hold them accountable, and find his version of events more trustworthy.


And so he remains in power.

PS this woman is apparently too frightened to take Trump to the courts. Not uncommon for raped women to retain fear of their attackers.

Not always true. Many want Justice so that their shame is redeemed.
But it's a double edged sword about not taking him to courts, as she could also just be seen coming off as an attention seeker or a political attack. Where's Gloria Reed? She should be all over this.

RE: Number 22 - Dill - 07-02-2019

(07-02-2019, 07:32 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Not always true. Many want Justice so that their shame is redeemed.
But it's a double edged sword about not taking him to courts, as she could also just be seen coming off as an attention seeker or a political attack. Where's Gloria Reed? She should be all over this.

Have you listened to her? She seems a bit to frightened to be an attention seeker.  

RE: Number 22 - Aquapod770 - 07-03-2019

(07-02-2019, 09:26 PM)Dill Wrote: Have you listened to her? She seems a bit to frightened to be an attention seeker.  

Did you watch the CNN clip?  :mellow:

RE: Number 22 - Mike M (the other one) - 07-03-2019

(07-02-2019, 09:26 PM)Dill Wrote: Have you listened to her? She seems a bit to frightened to be an attention seeker.  

OK but did you read where she said she wasn't Traumatized by the event? So it makes no sense.

RE: Number 22 - GMDino - 07-03-2019

Don't y'all see?

Everybody is lying...except Donald Trump. 

He is the most honest man ever.   Mellow


RE: Number 22 - Mike M (the other one) - 07-03-2019

(07-03-2019, 10:32 AM)GMDino Wrote: Don't y'all see?

Everybody is lying...except Donald Trump. 

He is the most honest man ever.   Mellow


No one ever said that once.

Just you wasting space again.

Cosby used drugs, so his isn't the same as this one.
Weinstein had some seriously powerful women come forward against him, so still no the same.
Both of these guys were accused of Rape.

However, the only one that said she has sex with DJT was the latest one, E Jean Carroll.
Not saying Sexual misconduct is ok, but it's not in the same category as RAPE that the media is making it out to be.
So what, he kissed a girl, grabbed a butt, saw a few contestants naked. It just all reeks of being overblown and the timing of many of them are viewed as a political attack.

RE: Number 22 - GMDino - 07-03-2019

(07-03-2019, 02:56 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: No one ever said that once.

Just you wasting space again.

Cosby used drugs, so his isn't the same as this one.
Weinstein had some seriously powerful women come forward against him, so still no the same.
Both of these guys were accused of Rape.

However, the only one that said she has sex with DJT was the latest one, E Jean Carroll.
Not saying Sexual misconduct is ok, but it's not in the same category as RAPE that the media is making it out to be.
So what, he kissed a girl, grabbed a butt, saw a few contestants naked. It just all reeks of being overblown and the timing of many of them are viewed as a political attack.

"so what"

That explains to me where you are with sexual "misconduct".  So no further discussion is necessary.

Did you listen to the victim and her two friends in in the podcast I linked?  Until then thanks for nothing.

RE: Number 22 - Mike M (the other one) - 07-03-2019

(07-03-2019, 03:02 PM)GMDino Wrote: "so what"

That explains to me where you are with sexual "misconduct".  So no further discussion is necessary.

Did you listen to the victim and her two friends in in the podcast I linked?  Until then thanks for nothing.

Yep, "so what" on a lot of that stuff that qualifies as Sexual Misconduct, if there is no real harm, other than pride, move on.

Rape does more than just damage pride, it hits a person's self esteem and damages them for quite a while going forward with another intimate partner by not being able to trust again. Takes time and therapy to do so.

One thing I have a hard time with, it that Carroll claims she's been with several hideous men and didn't report any of them. After 1 or maybe 2 experiences, she wouldn't even be able to be near a man afterwards or allow herself to be put in a position where she's alone with a man, that FLEE factor would be kicking hard and she would need some counseling, does she have records of that?

RE: Number 22 - GMDino - 07-03-2019

(07-03-2019, 03:24 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Yep, "so what" on a lot of that stuff that qualifies as Sexual Misconduct, if there is no real harm, other than pride, move on.

Rape does more than just damage pride, it hits a person's self esteem and damages them for quite a while going forward with another intimate partner by not being able to trust again. Takes time and therapy to do so.

One thing I have a hard time with, it that Carroll claims she's been with several hideous men and didn't report any of them. After 1 or maybe 2 experiences, she wouldn't even be able to be near a man afterwards or allow herself to be put in a position where she's alone with a man, that FLEE factor would be kicking hard and she would need some counseling, does she have records of that?

So does a lot of stuff that you say "so what" about.

I hope you don't have anyone in your life that has a "so what" in there life.