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Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - Printable Version

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RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - Interceptor - 03-26-2021

Can't get a more unbiased place for information than Fox News. Mellow

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - Belsnickel - 03-26-2021

(03-26-2021, 01:11 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Yeah, you ignore facts.  

Typical Dems.  Like people are saying though, even Dems are realizing that he's incapable of leading the country.

No, I ignore media that is hyper-partisan trash that rarely, if ever, presents any facts.

(03-26-2021, 01:11 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: lol

"Hundreds of reasons" and you can't list any.

(I started responding to this in the morning but then went to the gym.)

I can list a lot of them, but you aren't worth the effort.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - BFritz21 - 03-26-2021

(03-26-2021, 04:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You are moving the goalposts so fast I can't keep up.

First you talk about how waiting a long time to have a press conference is proof of senility.  Then I showed you that Trump did the exact same thing.

So you moved the goalpost to Biden not making ANY public appearances.  Then when I threatened to show how ridiculous  that comment was you moved the goalposts again to "doing something".  

So what exactly do you mean by doing something?  Making public comments?  Addressing groups of people?  What exactly are you claiming Trump was doing that Biden has not been doing?

Answering questions to the public.  

Trump did things in the first 100 days that were other than signing things where people told him to sign when he had no clue what he was signing, which is what was and is happening with Biden.

Day 1: signed an order to find ways to ease the burden of Obamacare.

Day 2: Made an appearance at the CIA and expressed his support for them.

Skipping ahead to day 22 on February 10tj, Trump has a joint news conference with the Japanese Prime Minister.  You think Biden's handlers would let him do anything like that?

You may disagree with his Tweets, but at least he was always Tweeting and letting the world know what was going on.

Actually, here's a list of Trump's first 100 days.

How much has Biden even left the White House?

Also, I didn't move the goalposts; you're just trying to play with words like you always do.

Trump didn't do the exact same thing.  Trump was out doing things and would answer questions.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - BFritz21 - 03-26-2021

(03-26-2021, 04:39 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I can list a lot of them, but you aren't worth the effort.

Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - Belsnickel - 03-26-2021

(03-26-2021, 05:21 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious

Can't help it if you have partisan blinders on and are incapable of objective, independent thought.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - CJD - 03-26-2021

People didn't really compare Trump to Hitler so much as they called him a fascist.

All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - fredtoast - 03-26-2021

(03-26-2021, 05:14 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Trump did things in the first 100 days that were other than signing things where people told him to sign when he had no clue what he was signing, which is what was and is happening with Biden.

How much has Biden even left the White House?

1-29  Visits Walter Reed Medical Center speaks with staff and patients.
2-1  Meets with Republican Senators for negotiation on American Rescue Plan
2-3  Meets with Democrat Senators for negotiation on American Rescue Plan
2-4  Meets with Sate Department and Sec of Sate.  Delivers public remarks.
2-5  Delivers public remarks regarding state of economy.  Meets with Democrat House leaders regarding American rescue Plan
2-10 Meets with Sec of Defense at Pentagon.  Delivers public remarks.
2-11 Visits National Institute of Health.  Delivers public remarks.
2-12 Meets with Bipartisan group of governors and mayors.
2-16 Participates in televised Town Hall Meeting in Milwaukee Wisconsin.  Answers multiple questions from the public.
2-17 Visits Georgetown University for Ash Wednesday ceremony.
2-17 Meets with national labor leaders for input on American Rescue Plan
2-19 Delivers remarks at Munich Security Conference
2-19 Travels to Kalamazoo Michigan to deliver remarks at Pfizer manufacturing site
2-23 Meets with Canadian prime Minister Trudeau.  Delivers public statement.
2-24 Meets with Bipartisan group of congressmen re: US supply chains.
2-25 Participates in National Governors Association winter meeting
2-26 Travels to Houston Texas.  Delivers public remarks at FEMA vaccination facility at NRG stadium
3-1  Virtual meeting with President of Mexico.
3-8  Delivers public remarks at Washington Veterans Affairs Medical Center
3-9  PR appearance at small business (WS Jenks and Sons) that benefitted from Paycheck Protection Program
3-10 Hosts even with Presidents of Johnson & Johnson and Merk.
3-11 Gives national address on anniversary of Covid  shutdown.
3-12 Virtual meeting with Prime ministers of Japan, Australia, and India
3-15  Delivers public remarks on American Rescue Plan
3-16  Visits small business owner in Chester Pennsylvania
3-17 Virtual meeting with Prime Minister of Ireland.
3-19 Travels to Atlanta to tour Center for Disease Control and also meet with Asian business leaders.  Delivers public remarks
3-23 Travels to Columbus Ohio to tour James cancer and Research Center. Delivers public remarks
3-24 Hosts event for national Women's Equal Pay Day with US women's soccer

But who am I to argue with FoxNews when they say that Biden has been hiding and not making any public appearances or answering any questions.  If Hannity says it then it must be true, right? Rolleyes

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - TheUberHuber - 03-26-2021

(03-26-2021, 06:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1-29  Visits Walter Reed Medical Center speaks with staff and patients.
2-1  Meets with Republican Senators for negotiation on American Rescue Plan
2-3  Meets with Democrat Senators for negotiation on American Rescue Plan
2-4  Meets with Sate Department and Sec of Sate.  Delivers public remarks.
2-5  Delivers public remarks regarding state of economy.  Meets with Democrat House leaders regarding American rescue Plan
2-10 Meets with Sec of Defense at Pentagon.  Delivers public remarks.
2-11 Visits National Institute of Health.  Delivers public remarks.
2-12 Meets with Bipartisan group of governors and mayors.
2-16 Participates in televised Town Hall Meeting in Milwaukee Wisconsin.  Answers multiple questions from the public.
2-17 Visits Georgetown University for Ash Wednesday ceremony.
2-17 Meets with national labor leaders for input on American Rescue Plan
2-19 Delivers remarks at Munich Security Conference
2-19 Travels to Kalamazoo Michigan to deliver remarks at Pfizer manufacturing site
2-23 Meets with Canadian prime Minister Trudeau.  Delivers public statement.
2-24 Meets with Bipartisan group of congressmen re: US supply chains.
2-25 Participates in National Governors Association winter meeting
2-26 Travels to Houston Texas.  Delivers public remarks at FEMA vaccination facility at NRG stadium
3-1  Virtual meeting with President of Mexico.
3-8  Delivers public remarks at Washington Veterans Affairs Medical Center
3-9  PR appearance at small business (WS Jenks and Sons) that benefitted from Paycheck Protection Program
3-10 Hosts even with Presidents of Johnson & Johnson and Merk.
3-11 Gives national address on anniversary of Covid  shutdown.
3-12 Virtual meeting with Prime ministers of Japan, Australia, and India
3-15  Delivers public remarks on American Rescue Plan
3-16  Visits small business owner in Chester Pennsylvania
3-17 Virtual meeting with Prime Minister of Ireland.
3-19 Travels to Atlanta to tour Center for Disease Control and also meet with Asian business leaders.  Delivers public remarks
3-23 Travels to Columbus Ohio to tour James cancer and Research Center. Delivers public remarks
3-24 Hosts event for national Women's Equal Pay Day with US women's soccer

But who am I to argue with FoxNews when they say that Biden has been hiding and not making any public appearances or answering any questions.  If Hannity says it then it must be true, right? Rolleyes

Fox didn't cover any of that. I wonder if there is a connection here...

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - Nately120 - 03-26-2021

Man, it's like fox news is full of crap or something. Well they did call AZ for Biden way early, so ehh.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - jason - 03-26-2021

(03-26-2021, 05:07 AM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: Maybe a slight breast reduction? But otherwise fit as a fiddle.
[Image: 180116170459-02-trump-fitness-super-169.jpg]

Quite frankly... When he's standing he has the posture of a guy trying to piss in the toilet with morning wood.

We've all been there.

But yeah... Biden's old as hell too, but these are the two options we get.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - jason - 03-27-2021

(03-26-2021, 06:04 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: People didn't really compare Trump to Hitler so much as they called him a fascist.

All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis.

Hitler also served his country in combat, and was a self made man. Trump; not so much.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - Benton - 03-27-2021

(03-26-2021, 05:14 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Answering questions to the public.  

Trump did things in the first 100 days that were other than signing things where people told him to sign when he had no clue what he was signing, which is what was and is happening with Biden.

Day 1: signed an order to find ways to ease the burden of Obamacare.

Day 2: Made an appearance at the CIA and expressed his support for them.

Skipping ahead to day 22 on February 10tj, Trump has a joint news conference with the Japanese Prime Minister.  You think Biden's handlers would let him do anything like that?

You may disagree with his Tweets, but at least he was always Tweeting and letting the world know what was going on.

Actually, here's a list of Trump's first 100 days.

How much has Biden even left the White House?

Also, I didn't move the goalposts; you're just trying to play with words like you always do.

Trump didn't do the exact same thing.  Trump was out doing things and would answer questions.

Day 1: ended some obamacare restrictions. Like getting rid of junk policies and adding work requirements.

It also opened the way for legislation for preexisting conditions and other issues, like work conditions. Of Republicans are successful, people on medicare will still have to have a job. It doesn't matter if you've got some preexisting condition, like, say, hypothetically, being paralyzed from a wreck. You'll still have to grind out that 40.

Day 2: wtf cares considering how he treated them for the next 3.99 years?

'hey, cia, you're doing great. But... All your info is fake and dumb and you're all morons.'

As far as meeting with foreign leaders, it was A YEAR AND A HALF before trump met with a foreign leader. And he sooooooo @#_&ed that up. It was a real estate deal and he just bent right over the table. Like, 'take me now, just let my kids sell you overpriced amenities!'

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - Dill - 03-27-2021

(03-25-2021, 03:56 PM)Bengalholic Wrote: FFS...can we stop comparing politicians to Hitler? I really wish people on all sides would stop doing this ignorant shit. 

A note on that, B. There is certainly an ignorant and pointless way of making such comparisons.

Children temporarily housed in cages, be they Democrat or Republican cages, are still some distance from train loads of families gassed in showers.

So far, neither Trump nor Biden, nor even Obama, has settled an internal disagreement by killing 85+ members of his own party. 

In one night.

It is an incapacity to grasp this scale of difference between the 3rd Reich and the U.S. today that leads to easy comparisons, made more for shock than the insight they afford.

That said, I think it a much bigger problem that so many Americans today have such difficulty recognizing authoritarian politics when they emerge in the U.S.  People often think of Hitler as a unique monster, one-of-a-kind, rather than a type encountered rather frequently, even today. That is also one reason for the "ignorant shit" you want to flag, why "Hitler" gets so easily thrown in every direction.  People often use the word "Hitler" to call someone a "bad person" or a "monster," absent any analysis. 

Too bad, as there are important differences between Trump and Biden which could be illuminated by reference to authoritarian politics--e.g., picking yes men as advisors, firing/punishing people who tell the truth, hostility to a free press, contempt for rule of law, gaslighting, breaching of norms regarding racial rhetoric, and misogyny. Perhaps most importantly, the type of followers and party apparatus needed to sustain him (definitely NOT people like Georgia Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger).  

As someone who has spent some time in this forum explaining, very specifically, why it is inaccurate to call Trump a "fascist," I would hate to see political analogies between U.S. leaders and well known authoritarians of any stripe blown up or sabotaged before we can see where they might legitimately go, just because people are nervous about where they could go.  I'm invoking here a principle of free inquiry (distinct from a right to free speech) which obligates people to know what they are talking about should they venture into such dangerous territory. 

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - BFritz21 - 03-27-2021

(03-26-2021, 06:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1-29  Visits Walter Reed Medical Center speaks with staff and patients.
2-1  Meets with Republican Senators for negotiation on American Rescue Plan
2-3  Meets with Democrat Senators for negotiation on American Rescue Plan
2-4  Meets with Sate Department and Sec of Sate.  Delivers public remarks.
2-5  Delivers public remarks regarding state of economy.  Meets with Democrat House leaders regarding American rescue Plan
2-10 Meets with Sec of Defense at Pentagon.  Delivers public remarks.
2-11 Visits National Institute of Health.  Delivers public remarks.
2-12 Meets with Bipartisan group of governors and mayors.
2-16 Participates in televised Town Hall Meeting in Milwaukee Wisconsin.  Answers multiple questions from the public.
2-17 Visits Georgetown University for Ash Wednesday ceremony.
2-17 Meets with national labor leaders for input on American Rescue Plan
2-19 Delivers remarks at Munich Security Conference
2-19 Travels to Kalamazoo Michigan to deliver remarks at Pfizer manufacturing site
2-23 Meets with Canadian prime Minister Trudeau.  Delivers public statement.
2-24 Meets with Bipartisan group of congressmen re: US supply chains.
2-25 Participates in National Governors Association winter meeting
2-26 Travels to Houston Texas.  Delivers public remarks at FEMA vaccination facility at NRG stadium
3-1  Virtual meeting with President of Mexico.
3-8  Delivers public remarks at Washington Veterans Affairs Medical Center
3-9  PR appearance at small business (WS Jenks and Sons) that benefitted from Paycheck Protection Program
3-10 Hosts even with Presidents of Johnson & Johnson and Merk.
3-11 Gives national address on anniversary of Covid  shutdown.
3-12 Virtual meeting with Prime ministers of Japan, Australia, and India
3-15  Delivers public remarks on American Rescue Plan
3-16  Visits small business owner in Chester Pennsylvania
3-17 Virtual meeting with Prime Minister of Ireland.
3-19 Travels to Atlanta to tour Center for Disease Control and also meet with Asian business leaders.  Delivers public remarks
3-23 Travels to Columbus Ohio to tour James cancer and Research Center. Delivers public remarks
3-24 Hosts event for national Women's Equal Pay Day with US women's soccer

But who am I to argue with FoxNews when they say that Biden has been hiding and not making any public appearances or answering any questions.  If Hannity says it then it must be true, right? Rolleyes

2 out of the 1st three happened at the White House and I stopped reading after that because it's pointless to go through when obviously there's probably a lot more like that.

See, unlike you, I look into things when people post them.

This was in response to your reply to my quote 

(03-26-2021, 05:14 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: How much has Biden even left the White House?

Just in case you try to edit your post.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - NATI BENGALS - 03-27-2021

(03-27-2021, 07:46 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: 2 out of the 1st three happened at the White House and I stopped reading after that because it's pointless to go through when obviously there's probably a lot more like that.

See, unlike you, I look into things when people post them.

This was in response to your reply to my quote 

Just in case you try to edit your post.

Isn’t the White House where the president works? And isn’t the capital of our country DC? So a president working in the capital is a problem. Hmm. Weird

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - BigPapaKain - 03-27-2021

(03-27-2021, 07:46 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: 2 out of the 1st three happened at the White House and I stopped reading after that because it's pointless to go through when obviously there's probably a lot more like that.

See, unlike you, I look into things when people post them.

This was in response to your reply to my quote 

Just in case you try to edit your post.

How can you say you quit reading his list AND that you look into what people post?

More likely you read the first couple of lines, get a rage bone, and resume posting ill informed nonsense.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - KillerGoose - 03-27-2021

(03-27-2021, 07:46 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: 2 out of the 1st three happened at the White House and I stopped reading after that because it's pointless to go through when obviously there's probably a lot more like that.

See, unlike you, I look into things when people post them.

This was in response to your reply to my quote 

Just in case you try to edit your post.

“Unlike you, I look into things when people post them”.

“I stopped reading after the first three lines”.


RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - KillerGoose - 03-27-2021

This is a really tough situation, and I don’t truly know the resolution to it. I don’t believe that throwing more money at it is going to fix the problem and turning people away will not fix the problem, either. They will come back and keep trying. These numbers are only going to grow larger.

I’ve been to South/Central America several times and while there are beautiful places, there are places where the living conditions will bewilder you. When I was in Bogota, Colombia I was on a bus that rode through a poor neighborhood. The buildings were dilapidated and the streets were filled with trash, the trash being knee high on the sides of the road. People lived there in these conditions. Completely hopeless.

In Mexico, some parts of the country are a literal warzone. You will drive to work and headless bodies will be hanging from an overpass. On multiple occasions, the cartels have hi-jacked buses and killed the men onboard, raped and killed the women onboard and taken the infants and thrown them into barrels of acid. On one occasion, they made the men fight to the death for entertainment while they raped the women. Look up the San Fernando Massacre.

I don’t like the way it is being handled, but I also don’t know how to improve it. I am by no means for illegal immigration, but these people are trying escape, and they want to do it right now. COVID is making their economic situations even worse, just like ours, but many were already poor as dirt before COVID. Don’t even get me started on Venezuela.

The logical side of me understands we have processes for immigration and they need to be followed. That is how this works. The moral side of me says that we need to find ways to help these people. Ideally, the solution would include revamping the governmental economies but many are so rampant with corruption.

Just providing my thoughts. It’s a very difficult situation.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - fredtoast - 03-27-2021

(03-26-2021, 04:39 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I can list a lot of them, but you aren't worth the effort.

You were smarter than me.  I posted a list with over a dozen examples of Biden leaving the white house and how does Brad respond?

(03-27-2021, 07:46 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: 2 out of the 1st three happened at the White House and I stopped reading after that because it's pointless to go through when obviously there's probably a lot more like that.

Love the way he used "obviously" and "probably" in his explanation for why he refuses to address the truth.

You blow up his lame argument and he just refuses to acknowledge it.  He does not need facts when he has the right-wing media to tell him what to believe.

RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - BFritz21 - 03-27-2021

(03-27-2021, 09:29 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: How can you say you quit reading his list AND that you look into what people post?

More likely you read the first couple of lines, get a rage bone, and resume posting ill informed nonsense.

(03-27-2021, 09:46 AM)KillerGoose Wrote: “Unlike you, I look into things when people post them”.

“I stopped reading after the first three lines”.


If he's lying about two of the first three, why would I assume that any of the rest have any truth to them?

It's called logic: Fred wouldn't take 30 seconds to click the link to my website to see that it included all of the things he said it needed, so why would I continue to follow his links when he lied about two of the first three?

Please answer me that.