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Ohio Weed Vote - Printable Version

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RE: Ohio Weed Vote - RICHMONDBENGAL_07 - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 03:24 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: When you vaporize it, you aren't burning it, which destroys the plant matter.  Consequently you aren't inhaling smoke and whatever pollutants that would be in it.

Vaporizing heats the pot to a lower level in which the THC is vaporized while leaving the plant intact.  You can even take the spent pot and use it in baked good recipes (there are still probably traces of THC left in it).  Since you aren't destroying it, you can extract more of the active ingredient from a much smaller amount of it.  

As far as the smell, I would say it smells similar to slightly burnt popcorn.  

Vaporizers come in all shapes and sizes and price levels.  Any head shop will probably have them.  I recently bought "The Crafty" unit from Storz and Bickel.  They are like the BMW of vaporizer manufacturers.  I love it.     

Very interesting, I may look into it.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - jmccracky - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 02:51 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: I use a vaporizer.  So efficient an 8th lasts for months.  

Is there a good cheap one, on the market? An 8th lasts me a week, sometimes two. I smoke commercial, but it is good commercial. I am not paying $50 or $60 for the good stuff. Some of it, it just tastes, looks, and smells great. I have had commercial stuff for $25 that is better than the supposedly good weed. Don't get me wrong, there were times in which the $50 was totally worth it. But not enough for me to consistently buy it. And I have paid for the "good shit" from different people, so it ain't just my "dude" that I get if off of. A singer in one of my bands gets medical weed because he lives in Detroit. That stuff is always grade A. :heart:

I started smoking when I was around 30-31 years old, so I am a late bloomer. I also don't smoke socially that much. Usually at night, and once or twice during the day if I am not working. I started smoking on recommendation from a doctor, because it helped my insomnia. After a while, I came to actually like the "side effect" or "high". I discovered the joys of eating and watching horror movies while smoking. Tongue

My doctor didn't say, "Just smoke illegal weed!". She hinted at it, that if it were legal, she thinks it would be perfect for me.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - WhoDeyWho - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 04:19 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: Is there a good cheap one, on the market? An 8th lasts me a week, sometimes two. I smoke commercial, but it is good commercial. I am not paying $50 or $60 for the good stuff. Some of it, it just tastes, looks, and smells great. I have had commercial stuff for $25 that is better than the supposedly good weed. Don't get me wrong, there were times in which the $50 was totally worth it. But not enough for me to consistently buy it. And I have paid for the "good shit" from different people, so it ain't just my "dude" that I get if off of. A singer in one of my bands gets medical weed because he lives in Detroit. That stuff is always grade A. :heart:

I started smoking when I was around 30-31 years old, so I am a late bloomer. I also don't smoke socially that much. Usually at night, and once or twice during the day if I am not working. I started smoking on recommendation from a doctor, because it helped my insomnia. After a while, I came to actually like the "side effect" or "high". I discovered the joys of eating and watching horror movies while smoking. Tongue

My doctor didn't say, "Just smoke illegal weed!". She hinted at it, that if it were legal, she thinks it would be perfect for me.

Until I upgraded, I used a Magic Flight Launch Box:

Not nearly as efficient as "The Crafty", but still a nice little portable vape.  Don't be too scared by the price, it more than pays for itself in the fact that you don't use nearly as much.  

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - jmccracky - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 02:49 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Kinda how I feel about it.  It's way past time to get this legalized.  I've partook in the past and would prefer it over booze.  The bill may not be perfect, but it's a good first step.

It has single handedly help me become a more responsible alcoholic, lol. My drinking was getting so bad when I took a break from smoking. I started back up, and I don't get panic attacks anymore, and I can go long periods of time without drinking. Basically, I drink when I want to, instead of having to drink to feel normal. Today, I am going to get drunk as shit though, because I am on vacation!

Man, you know about my alcoholic past. I used to drink every day, even when I was sick. I would start around 11am, or noon, and not stop until 3am. I never got the shakes or anything like that, if I didn't have a drink. But I would get massive panic attacks until I got a few beers in me. And I am not one of those who can just have a 6 pack.....I would drink until I would pass out. Every morning, I would wake up with a half beer on the counter by my bed.

The more I smoke pot, the more I experience the medical side of it, and how it can help people. If this was the year 2004 "me.".........I was one of those who hated pot, and could not stand those who smoked it. I would walk out of a room. Now, I realize how dumb and childish I was about it.

Anyone that is cool with alcohol, but not a big fat hypocrite. And I don't feel bad telling others that they are, because I used to be one too. Alcohol, while can be lots of fun, is as bad as any drug out there. We have become to accept drunken behavior, accidents, and the like.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - jmccracky - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 04:28 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: Until I upgraded, I used a Magic Flight Launch Box:

Not nearly as efficient as "The Crafty", but still a nice little portable vape.  Don't be too scared by the price, it more than pays for itself in the fact that you don't use nearly as much.  

Thanks man. I will look into it. I won't sweat the price much. I am willing to spend up to about $200 for one.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - WhoDeyWho - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 04:38 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: Thanks man. I will look into it. I won't sweat the price much. I am willing to spend up to about $200 for one.

If that's the case, you might consider this one:

It's a desktop unit.  Not portable, but better than the MFLB.  Has a control dial that lets you control the temperature setting and comes with a limited lifetime guarantee.    

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - jmccracky - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 04:47 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: If that's the case, you might consider this one:

It's a desktop unit.  Not portable, but better than the MFLB.  Has a control dial that lets you control the temperature setting and comes with a limited lifetime guarantee.    

My old bass player had one of those. Unfortunately, he passed away a couple years ago. I think that would be a good Christmas gift for me. I will leave that site up, so my wife can see. Tongue

Don't you want the pot to burn at the lowest setting possible? I thought I read about that.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - WhoDeyWho - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 05:01 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: My old bass player had one of those. Unfortunately, he passed away a couple years ago. I think that would be a good Christmas gift for me. I will leave that site up, so my wife can see. Tongue

Don't you want the pot to burn at the lowest setting possible? I thought I read about that.

My then fiance bought me one a few years back for a birthday present.

You can tweak the temps to your personal preference.  Higher temps will give you a hotter, bigger, and harsher vape cloud.  It's all about what you prefer.  Get it too hot though and you border on burning it.  

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - jmccracky - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 05:06 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: My then fiance bought me one a few years back for a birthday present.

You can tweak the temps to your personal preference.  Higher temps will give you a hotter, bigger, and harsher vape cloud.  It's all about what you prefer.  Get it too hot though and you border on burning it.  

Ah.....gotcha. I have also wanted to cook with the herb. I want to start off easy, and not have to use too much. I have seen some easy recipes online. I want to be totally smoke free by the beginning of this year. I am going to quit smoking cigs too. I quit for over 3 years, but took it back up a year, maybe 2 years, ago. Sad

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - WhoDeyWho - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 05:44 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: Ah.....gotcha. I have also wanted to cook with the herb. I want to start off easy, and not have to use too much. I have seen some easy recipes online. I want to be totally smoke free by the beginning of this year. I am going to quit smoking cigs too. I quit for over 3 years, but took it back up a year, maybe 2 years, ago. Sad

I found cigs very difficult to quit.  Although I quit 9 years ago, I will occasionally bum maybe one or two a year. Nicotine is a *****.  At least there are vape options available now.  

It is easy to cook with.  All you really need to do is make you some butter and then use that in any recipe calling for it. This was another birthday gift from the wifey:

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - XenoMorph - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 02:51 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: I use a vaporizer.  So efficient an 8th lasts for months.  

depends on frequency they are good im waiting for something to use in the cig vapes

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - treee - 10-28-2015

From what I've read, I'll probably be voting no on both 2 and 3. My reasoning is that I don't like that the decision on whether an amendment is a monopoly would be left up to an appointed (not elected) committee (Issue 2). I'll be voting no on 3 for the obvious economic reasons (even though I support legalization). Legalization is an amazing opportunity for Ohians to egnage in entrepreneurial pursuits and the language limits that.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - Benton - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 06:24 PM)treee Wrote: From what I've read, I'll probably be voting no on both 2 and 3. My reasoning is that I don't like that the decision on whether an amendment is a monopoly would be left up to an appointed (not elected) committee (Issue 2). I'll be voting no on 3 for the obvious economic reasons (even though I support legalization). Legalization is an amazing opportunity for Ohians to egnage in entrepreneurial pursuits and the language limits that.

not arguing with your stance (as I've said, I'm not in the area and hagent followed it) but how would it limit the economic opportunities? People can still open regulated dispensaries (I assume with regulation similar to that of liquor stores) and head shops and the like. It would prohibit them from being large scale growers, but the people who can afford to do that and have the knowledge and desire aren't exactly common. You've got to have a good chunk of land, farming knowledge and at least a minimum amount of security.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - jmccracky - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 06:11 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: I found cigs very difficult to quit.  Although I quit 9 years ago, I will occasionally bum maybe one or two a year. Nicotine is a *****.  At least there are vape options available now.  

It is easy to cook with.  All you really need to do is make you some butter and then use that in any recipe calling for it. This was another birthday gift from the wifey:

Nice! Again, thanks for the advice man. With my job, I can't be open about my smoking. It's funny though, I have found out that there are many guys like me, who smoke, but no one can tell. The little hippy dudes are the ones that are loud and proud about it, lol. People who don't smoke, automatically assume that those who do are- no job having, video game playing, still living with mom, and burned out and stupid. lol

When cooking, is there a minimum amount I could go with? I don't wanna waste too much, in case I fail, lol.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - treee - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 06:39 PM)Benton Wrote: not arguing with your stance (as I've said, I'm not in the area and hagent followed it) but how would it limit the economic opportunities? People can still open regulated dispensaries (I assume with regulation similar to that of liquor stores) and head shops and the like. It would prohibit them from being large scale growers, but the people who can afford to do that and have the knowledge and desire aren't exactly common. You've got to have a good chunk of land, farming knowledge and at least a minimum amount of security.

There are plenty of farmers in Ohio that could take advantage of legalization. Limiting it to 10 grow sites will almost certainly artificially increase the demands and give only 10 companies the chance to make massive profits off of those 10 sites. 

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - Benton - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 07:57 PM)treee Wrote: There are plenty of farmers in Ohio that could take advantage of legalization. Limiting it to 10 grow sites will almost certainly artificially increase the demands and give only 10 companies the chance to make massive profits off of those 10 sites. 

Understood.  ThumbsUp

I did some stories on the hemp legalization effort here in Kentucky. That was one of the concerns, but it was generally weighed against "well, if everybody gets to grow it, you open it up to harder to regulate and more of a black market."

I can see both sides of it.

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - WhoDeyWho - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 07:57 PM)treee Wrote: There are plenty of farmers in Ohio that could take advantage of legalization. Limiting it to 10 grow sites will almost certainly artificially increase the demands and give only 10 companies the chance to make massive profits off of those 10 sites. 

Isn't it being "artificially increased" by the fact that it is illegal?  Now the only people that benefit economically are drug dealers and police departments who confiscate their assets.  

Seems there is a lot more economic opportunity for the state and entrepreneurs if this were to pass rather than the status quo. 

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - WhoDeyWho - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 07:57 PM)treee Wrote: There are plenty of farmers in Ohio that could take advantage of legalization. Limiting it to 10 grow sites will almost certainly artificially increase the demands and give only 10 companies the chance to make massive profits off of those 10 sites. 

Makes you wonder why the farming lobby hasn't tried to get legislation passed to legalize pot prior to this effort. 

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - StLucieBengal - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 08:22 PM)WhoDeyWho Wrote: Makes you wonder why the farming lobby hasn't tried to get legislation passed to legalize pot prior to this effort. 

If they cut the welfare then they probably would have ....

RE: Ohio Weed Vote - jmccracky - 10-28-2015

(10-28-2015, 08:33 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If they cut the welfare then they probably would have ....

What welfare? And why is welfare for those who make tons of money, Ok? Rock On

This is how I view it, so I mean no disrespect brotha!